Is It Obama's Fault The White House Security Failed So Badly?

A truly stupid thread.

The President does not organize or direct the actions of the secret service. They are there to protect him, not the other way around.
Everyone needs to quit picking on the SS. They're doing a good job. You can't predict if somebody is going to jump a fence. What do you want, a 10 mile green zone around obama at all times?

Leave the Secret Service alone!

Do you think they might have locked the front door?
Overkill. Unnecessary security. It was unlocked in previous administrations. The SS is blameless. Leave them alone.
A truly stupid thread.

The President does not organize or direct the actions of the secret service. They are there to protect him, not the other way around.

Koch rimmers in action......

Here is some actual history

The 7 Weirdest White House Security Breaches -- NYMag

Isn't that interesting. With all the talk of the increased threats to Obama none of the 7 have occurred during his presidency. Mac was saying that the SS should learn from this incident as if it were the first, it isn't. My thoughts are that the increase in threats has more to do with the INTERNET then actual legitimate threats.

Still it isn't Obama's fault and he should be fuming and firing the head of the SS, but I suspect he won't do anything. So the next time will be all on him, if he does nothing. I guess there is a problem with locking doors but I find it ironic, open borders equals open doors.
A truly stupid thread.

The President does not organize or direct the actions of the secret service. They are there to protect him, not the other way around.
Everyone needs to quit picking on the SS. They're doing a good job. You can't predict if somebody is going to jump a fence. What do you want, a 10 mile green zone around obama at all times?

Leave the Secret Service alone!

Do you think they might have locked the front door?
Overkill. Unnecessary security. It was unlocked in previous administrations. The SS is blameless. Leave them alone.

The real problem is not that he was able to get into the WH. The problem obviously is that there are SOME on the right who think this is Obama's fault.
It's making the news that the man who jumped the fence made it much further into the White House than anyone initially said or realized.

Considering how Obama has placed political Correctness to the fore front of everything he does and is responsible for, including the Security of the Country, is it really a stretch to think that perhaps he has done the same to the Secret Service and some people were placed on the details that really shouldn't have been simply because of either what their skin color is, what's between their legs, who they sleep with, etc?

Could it have been Obama's own fault?

I wouldn't be surprised to find out that that is true.

once they got placed under the DHS

it has gone downhill ever since
Barry's off the hook on this one IMO.

But someone's ass ought to be in a sling over the incident and, if new reports are true, the original coverup of the severity of the security breach. Non-low information folks realize there's a huge difference between stopping a would-be intruder at the front door of the White House as originally reported, and finally being able to subdue the actual intruder deep inside the large East Room, nowhere near the front door.

Also read some alarms inside the WH has been muted because they were considered an annoyance by some of the staff when they actually went off as designed. That's important because the article also stated at the first sign of an intruder on the grounds security people would immediately sound those alarms to alert all staff of a problem and to immediately LOCK THE FRONT DOOR! Wonder who the security genius is who originally signed off on a WH Security Plan that called for leaving the front door unlocked until knowing for sure a potential terrorist might be lurking about?

So, does someone get canned over this or will it just turn out the Secret Service is underfunded and not able to adequately protect the president and first family unless we spend more money?

according to the hearing yesterday

they are not "under funded"
A truly stupid thread.

The President does not organize or direct the actions of the secret service. They are there to protect him, not the other way around.
Everyone needs to quit picking on the SS. They're doing a good job. You can't predict if somebody is going to jump a fence. What do you want, a 10 mile green zone around obama at all times?

Leave the Secret Service alone!

Do you think they might have locked the front door?
Overkill. Unnecessary security. It was unlocked in previous administrations. The SS is blameless. Leave them alone.

The real problem is not that he was able to get into the WH. The problem obviously is that there are SOME on the right who think this is Obama's fault.
Obama has spent 788 hours golfing and 770 hours in security meetings. I think we know who's the blame for security breaches at the White House.
A truly stupid thread.

The President does not organize or direct the actions of the secret service. They are there to protect him, not the other way around.

The President did do this:

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Tuesday chose veteran agent Julia Pierson as Secret Service director, the first woman to lead the male-dominated agency, a year after its reputation was tarnished by a scandal involving agents and prostitutes in Colombia.

Did he pick her because of her management qualifications or because she was a woman? (as Reuters seems to think.)

Of course he did that. But she leads the day to day operations.

Oh, and your attack on women is duly noted. Her gender should play absolutely no role in this.

And then Righties turn around, scratch their heads and wonder why they are always getting clobbered in the women's vote.... well, DUH!

I quoted Reuters, a left wing group, that "attacked" women you ignorant Obama tool. And, she was picked BECAUSE of her gender, but apparently her lack of management skills are not up to the task of leading the day to day operations

Do you think she has done a good job of managing the Secret Service? A lot of lefties as well as righties think she should resign. Of course Obama can't fire her since that might cause the Democrats to lose a few of the women voters.
In their zeal to pin things on Obama this could come back and bite Reagan, after all Reagan got himself shot and pretended it was his fault. Should we make a responsibility chart of the things the president is responsible for like the White House security and getting one'self shot. And suppose Obama had listened to the NRA and had his gun handy would that have happened?
Lol. ...

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You have one of those?

I want one !!!

All I have is this Continuum Transfunctioner
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I prefer the Q32 model that features the extra junk in the trunk with beer chasers. It's a little older but I'm into antiques.
Yes it's obama's fault. He is a negligent sloppy leader. Therefore everyone under him will be negligent and sloppy too.
So, everything bad that happens under Obama is his fault. Where are the calls for personal responsibility for the director of the Secret Service?

They're out there.

BTW, how did Abu Ghraib become Bush's fault?
Obama goes to the Grocery store and personally smashes all your potato chips...*angrily shakes fist*
I wish he would hit the Doritos section. I can't get a whole chip in my mouth. I prefer crushed Doritos.
It's making the news that the man who jumped the fence made it much further into the White House than anyone initially said or realized.

Considering how Obama has placed political Correctness to the fore front of everything he does and is responsible for, including the Security of the Country, is it really a stretch to think that perhaps he has done the same to the Secret Service and some people were placed on the details that really shouldn't have been simply because of either what their skin color is, what's between their legs, who they sleep with, etc?

Could it have been Obama's own fault?

I wouldn't be surprised to find out that that is true.

A fish rots from the head down, and this administration is one rotten fish all the way down to the tail by now. A culture of irresponsibility and failure has permeated the entire thing. It should come as no surprise when it manifests anywhere and everywhere.

Now we find out just a few weeks ago the President was on an elevator with an armed man who had a record of violent crime. The woman in charge of the Secret Service needs to resign, and someone has to be brought in who can clean house before something terrible happens.
A truly stupid thread.

The President does not organize or direct the actions of the secret service. They are there to protect him, not the other way around.

Culture of incompetence permeates this White house...

Armed contractor with criminal record was on elevator with Obama in Atlanta

A security contractor with a gun and three convictions for assault and battery was allowed on an elevator with President Obama during a Sept. 16 trip to Atlanta, violating Secret Service protocols, according to three people familiar with the incident.
Obama was not told about the lapse in his security, these people said. The Secret Service director, Julia Pierson, asked a top agency manager to look into the matter but did not refer it to an investigative unit that was created to review violations of protocol and standards, according to two people familiar with the handling of the case who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Armed contractor with criminal record was on elevator with Obama in Atlanta - The Washington Post
Yes it's obama's fault. He is a negligent sloppy leader. Therefore everyone under him will be negligent and sloppy too.
So, everything bad that happens under Obama is his fault. Where are the calls for personal responsibility for the director of the Secret Service?

They're out there.

BTW, how did Abu Ghraib become Bush's fault?
A culture of abuse by American service members vs. inattentive Secret Service members = apples and oranges. Not that I believe that Bush was personally responsible for Abu Ghraib. I'll leave that type of naive criticism to the partisan hacks from both sides of the aisle.
Is It Obama's Fault The White House Security Failed So Badly?
He put a fat ass creepy bull dyke in charge of the SS, so yes its is Obama's fault.
After the secret service disaster in Colombia where secret service agents had cocaine and booze parties with invited whores, then refused to pay the whores, the presidunce was on notice that something was very wrong with his personal security detail. The second he let them get away with it, this kind of laxity was going to happen. Everyone connected with that debacle should have been personally fired by a real president. Not suspended, not transferred, fired and fired personally by a real president. Since nothing happened, the message as sent and received. Poor performance is acceptable.

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