Is it ok not to vote...

dude, I know lots don't. that wasn't the question. You were looking for forgiveness for not voting. You won't ever get it from me. You allow evil to enter DC.

Any dumb fk thinking they're ever gonna get a candidate that believes exactly with them is fking nutz. Doh!!!!
So, what's the point of critical thinking if you have to vote for someone who is clueless? Would you want someone who is less informed than you are representing you? Also, as a Christian I believe my vote is a courtesy that I don't really have a moral obligation to extend, 'party spirit' and all that.

My city is blessed with beautiful lakes and a dozen city beaches. However, the liberal Common Council has removed all of the piers and diving boards because it is mostly white boys that use them, and if black people use them, they will surely drown, and if girls use them those white boys will ogle them. That's the politics that I'm used to where I live.
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So, what the point of critical thinking if you have to vote for someone who is clueless?
so the guy who's bought doesn't gain access to the keys to the car. To be honest, that's my number one thing I vote against. The one's who are bought. And every dem is bought. Not every republican is yet.
So, what the point of critical thinking if you have to vote for someone who is clueless? Would you want someone who is less informed than you are representing you?
BTW, so if you have critical thinking, and you vote for noone, how does that help you?

sounds like a self defeating attitude.
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...if no candidate represents your point of view on most of the important issues?

It is said that if you don't vote you have no right to complain. I think not voting is your complaint.

Sure, no law that says you have to vote. Yes, you can complain. For instance, you can say I'm not voting for the senile traitor or the lying conman. Let's say only 5% of America voted and it was all dems. The rest of the voting public abstained. What would that say about the election and the legitimacy of the candidate? Sure, it would hurt, but we are on the edge of destruction and no going back. It is not like you got a 50% chance of getting it right. You have a 100 % chance of getting it matter who you vote for.

Of course it’s ok. As for those who’ll try to bully you into thinking otherwise, fuck em.
why would anyone bully someone for not voting? That's stupid. not voting is merely a self-defeatist attitude because one can't negotiate.
Sure, no law that says you have to vote. Yes, you can complain. For instance, you can say I'm not voting for the senile traitor or the lying conman. Let's say only 5% of America voted and it was all dems. The rest of the voting public abstained. What would that say about the election and the legitimacy of the candidate? Sure, it would hurt, but we are on the edge of destruction and no going back. It is not like you got a 50% chance of getting it right. You have a 100 % chance of getting it matter who you vote for.

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so when the cops come to your house and take you away because marxists invaded the country and got in without you voting, it's on you! You self destructed.
...if no candidate represents your point of view on most of the important issues?

It is said that if you don't vote you have no right to complain. I think not voting is your complaint.

Well you can abstain or you can just undervote (i.e. check in, vote for nobody, and record your vote) so your registration stays current for when there is someone you could support running or there is a ballot initiative you are interested in.
so the guy who's bought doesn't gain access to the keys to the car. To be honest, that's my number one thing I vote against. The one's who are bought. And every dem is bought. Not every republican is yet.
All are misled.
why would anyone bully someone for not voting? That's stupid. not voting is merely a self-defeatist attitude because one can't negotiate.
Negotiation leads to compromise, which leads to some sort of action. Sadly, our leaders can't even do that. Many if not most problems require immediate action, also something Congress is unable to do.

My reelection is my first priority.
My party is my second priority.
My country, state, or city is a distant third.

-Politician speaking honestly.
After the Republicans doubled the federal debt on Bush's watch, I skipped voting on the federal level from 2006 to 2016. At first, I would leave those blank, but then a Republican poll worker was found to have filled in blanks with Republican candidates for several elections, so I started writing in Snoopy and Pat Paulsen.

Pat Paulsen. I'm dating myself. :lol:

In 2016, I wrote in Ted Cruz on behalf of my recently deceased mother who was a supporter of Cruz.

I am ever so grateful she did not live to see Cruz become yet another spineless Trump lickspittle. Both my parents hated Trump.

I went back to writing Snoopy and Paulsen in subsequent elections.

I do vote on local measures. Otherwise I would not bother voting at all.

This voting for "the lesser of two EVILS" means you are still voting for EVIL. And how's that been working out for America?

Frank Zappa is my go-to.
Negotiation leads to compromise, which leads to some sort of action. Sadly, our leaders can't even do that. Many if not most problems require immediate action, also something Congress is unable to do.

My reelection is my first priority.
My party is my second priority.
My country, state, or city is a distant third.

-Politician speaking honestly.
You should get more involved
Better to vote for Trump 2024

Make it hard for the DemonRats to steal that election. :)
If a person does not vote then they are abdicating their responsibility for self-government. We've all heard the bromide: all it takes for evil men to succeed is for good men to do nothing, something like that. Well, there you go, are you going to do nothing?
A "Democratic Republic" Is a Contradiction in Terms

The apathy indicates that we, the people, want to be given the right to vote on the issues. This form of government was designed to alienate us, so it is illegal. You're begging the question by assuming that we are empowered by letting pre-owned candidates make all our political decisions for us.

The legislators should be no more than law clerks writing bills that only are voted on in referendums. And they can't override our veto. We must go from the people being NPCs to the politicians being NPCs. Under the ruling class's Constitution, politics has been a spectator sport. Unless we are players, we will inevitably get played.

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