Is it ok not to vote...

If you really want to fix this nation Trump is the only one who can do it.... the rest are bought and paid for....

He didn't FIX anything in his 4 years. Why TF do you think he can fix it now? Because he says he can? He said he could in 2016, and didn't.

He didn't fix the economy. We did that.
He didn't fix oil productions. The oil companies did that, along with our help.
Trump would be taking credit every day for the Dow, for the record low unemployment, for the record energy independence, for the housing market, for boat sales, for house sales, for low foreclosures.

And all the Trumptards would be crowing and crowing about how great we're doing.

Every one of you knows this is a fact.

It just pisses you off to the bottoms of your black souls that America isn't failing or in a depression.

Unless the oilfields in the middle east start getting destroyed, by the starting now and for the next two years, the economy and fuel prices are going to get batter.
But this isn't because of anything Biden has done. These are things that we did, and the oil companies are doing. (boom cycle).
Who ever is president next year (Probably Trump) will take credit for something that he or Biden didn't do.

And the voters will play along. Like good sheep.
I think all dissatisfied Republicans should follow your lead OP. Really.
Tha fuck makes you think we are dissatisfied with Trump? He is polling higher than ever!!! Dissatisfaction is a democrat issue in the next election, not a republican issue. :cuckoo:
Polling numbers decide your satisfaction level?
Do you see us hating Trump or LOVING trump? Do you see Trump hate in right wing news sources? Take a look around the threads at USMB and let us know what you find. :dunno:
You're completely missing the point. And falling into the "lesser of two evils" trap that keeps RINO's in office.
How is that a trap? Do you have a better third option for us? If not, what the fuck are you talking about? The fact is, we LOVE Trump. We dont even want another option. Not even DeSantis, whom we love as well.
How is that a trap? Do you have a better third option for us? If not, what the fuck are you talking about? The fact is, we LOVE Trump. We dont even want another option. Not even DeSantis, whom we love as well.
If you love these miscreants, if you think they're great leaders - by all means vote for them. We're mostly appealing to people who know that both major party candidates suck, but will vote for one of them anyway - out of fear, apathy or some other excuse.
I don't think anyone is looking for perfection. But we all have our lines in the sand that we have drawn. Well, those of us who aren't party loyalist have.
Mine is monetary policy and how they at vote and what they support when it comes to deficit spending, borrowing and increasing the debt ceiling.
This is the very reason I can't support someone like Trump. He signed 12cr's into law. Increased the debt ceiling twice and suspended it for 2 years. Spent $8 trillion in just 4 years. And just as important, only vetoed 1 spending bill in 4 years. Which puts him at the head of the RINO table.

There was a lot of things I overlooked about Trump, But the things I just mentioned, will not be overlooked.
^^^Stupid way of thinking.

If you were sick and you had a choice of two could prolong your life for two years and the other for five years...but you want a doctor that will prolong your life for 20 years.

Since that's not one of your you just allow others to decide for you?

Since you're nothing but a liberal plant masquerading as a conservative...or an idiot...there is no need for you to respond. I'll not waste my time reading it.
^^^Stupid way of thinking.

If you were sick and you had a choice of two doctors...
But that's not the case. We aren't limited to two choices. We limit ourselves to two choices out of stupidity and fear.
Since you're nothing but a liberal plant masquerading as a conservative...or an idiot...there is no need for you to respond. I'll not waste my time reading it.
Your time is clearly too valuable to waste. :rolleyes:
But that's not the case. We aren't limited to two choices. We limit ourselves to two choices out of stupidity and fear.

Your time is clearly too valuable to waste. :rolleyes:
You I'll engage with anytime.

I HATE liars with a passion. The Golfing Gators and G5000 and Fake Jake's...

If you knew who G5000 really was, you'd shit your pants.

You aren't a liar... you're a true believer.
But that's not the case. We aren't limited to two choices. We limit ourselves to two choices out of stupidity and fear
Right now it is.

Could that change in there future?

Maybe, but probably not.

For 2024...we only have two choices.
Right now it is.

Could that change in there future?

Maybe, but probably not.

For 2024...we only have two choices.
That's just not true. You can vote for anyone. You have that choice. It's up to you whether to exercise that choice, or go along with what the MSM tells you "everyone else" will do.
How is that a trap? Do you have a better third option for us? If not, what the fuck are you talking about? The fact is, we LOVE Trump. We dont even want another option. Not even DeSantis, whom we love as well.

Yeah, there's always a better option than someone who's
  1. signed 12cr's into law,
  2. suspended the debt ceiling for 2 years,
  3. increased it 3 times.
  4. Tried to give blacks $500 Billion (with a B) in reparations. Trumps Platinum Plan.
  5. Forced landlords to go without rent (covid mandate)
  6. Wouldn't allow loved ones to see their family in hospitals and nursing homes (covid mandate)
  7. Assaulted our 2A
  8. Struck deals with oil producers to LOWER oil production (which always increases gas prices)
  9. Spent $8 trillion in just 4 years
  10. Gave Fauci an award on his last day in office.
  11. Said the Trump shot was the "greatest medical miracle of all time."
  12. Record number of bombs dropped in the middle east.
That record sounds exactly like something that would come from the radical progressives.

Better choices? You bet their is. Ones that have a snowballs chance in hell? Nope. Now that the Trump Tribe has sent DeSantis back to FL, there are no other choices. Unless you think that RINO Haley has a shot.

What you don't get is that this "lesser of two evils" is what rigs our elections. And keeps any actual conservative off the ballot. You know, someone that would actually lead this country in a more fiscally conservative way.
But now we're stuck with Mr. "Just print more money," And taking the country even further LEFT of center.
Some people should not vote. A friend of mine never voted in her life. In any election. She paid no attention to the candidates or the issues. She never formed an opinion as to any of it.

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