Is it ok not to vote...

...if no candidate represents your point of view on most of the important issues?

It is said that if you don't vote you have no right to complain. I think not voting is your complaint.

Yes, it's fine not to vote. However you could just vote third party, try and end the dominance of the main parties.
Some people should not vote. A friend of mine never voted in her life. In any election. She paid no attention to the candidates or the issues. She never formed an opinion as to any of it.
Oh absolutely. The notion that we actually need every misguided, uninformed opinion is patently false. If you don't have the time or interest to educate yourself on the decision being made, you shouldn't vote.
^^^Stupid way of thinking.

If you were sick and you had a choice of two could prolong your life for two years and the other for five years...but you want a doctor that will prolong your life for 20 years.

Since that's not one of your you just allow others to decide for you?

You're right. That hypothetical is not one of my options.

But if you want to bring it back to something relevant, then let's discuss the dying of the USD and it's cancer.
That would be all the money RINO's like Trump and dems borrow and spend. All that deficit spending. All that interest we're paying from all that debt, that's killing the USD.
Using your scenario, which is better? A republican who spends $8 trillion in 4 years? Or a democrat who spends the same amount in the same amount of time?

Since you're nothing but a liberal plant masquerading as a conservative...or an idiot...there is no need for you to respond. I'll not waste my time reading it.

There's nothing what so ever liberal about me. You're just childishly name calling so you can avoid that fact that Trump is still a democrat. He's still a big spending, big government RINO, who's got his flock convinced that he's the new superman and is going to save the country. Yall even have memes of him in a superman costume. Ya'll have people saying he was chosen by God himself.

Maybe it's hope that drives you to supporting a Republicrat like Trump. Because it damn sure ain't his record.
Right now it is.

Could that change in there future?

Maybe, but probably not.

For 2024...we only have two choices.

That's the same thing they said in 80, 84, 92 and so many other elections. This is by design. To keep scared loyalist voting for the lesser of two evils, that keep RINO's and dems ruling this country. And destroying it as they go.
well, 60 years it's been falling away. It's what happens if the people don't speak up. Tyrannies can't have people revolting against ideas legislated by the illuminati who run everything globally. It's why the fight against making america great, illuminati can't have that.
The people have no voice.
That's just not true. You can vote for anyone. You have that choice. It's up to you whether to exercise that choice, or go along with what the MSM tells you "everyone else" will do.

The left leaning MSM likes to scare their voters by saying Russia has interfered in our elections. When in fact, the MSM has done more to influence elections, with lies and half truths since they stopped reporting the news and became "entertainment."
So you admit no one could ever measure up. hilarious.
Wisconsin, which is not a highly taxed state has a budget surplus of $4Billion. The Republicans want to use $2.1Billion to lower taxes for the lower and middle-class folks (a naked attempt to buy votes and stay in power). At the same time we have a state debt of over $20Billion. My radical idea is to use the entire $4Billion to reduce the state's debt.

What kind of reception do you think my radical idea would get? :biggrin:
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Wisconsin, which is not a highly taxed state has a budget surplus of $4Billion. The Republicans want to use $2.1Billion to lower taxes for the lower and middle-class folks (a naked attempt to buy votes and stay in power). At the same time we have a state debt of over $20Billion. My radical idea is to use the entire $4Billion to reduce the state's debt.

What kind of reception do you think my radical idea would get? :biggrin:
The world has been hypnotized to believe debt is unimportant. Sad. The sadder part is that demofks would hand the money out if they gained power to illegals and poor people. Which option do you want to avoid voting for?
The people have no voice.
they did in 2016 and chose a businessman, first time since forever perhaps. Immediately attacked by illuminati, with distraction and impeachments. Had to even cheat to get the entire congress. I watched. nothing I could do. Cheating has been exposed and most nobody cares. I do, integrity is all there is. anything less is unacceptable.
Yeah, there's always a better option than someone who's
  1. signed 12cr's into law,
  2. suspended the debt ceiling for 2 years,
  3. increased it 3 times.
  4. Tried to give blacks $500 Billion (with a B) in reparations. Trumps Platinum Plan.
  5. Forced landlords to go without rent (covid mandate)
  6. Wouldn't allow loved ones to see their family in hospitals and nursing homes (covid mandate)
  7. Assaulted our 2A
  8. Struck deals with oil producers to LOWER oil production (which always increases gas prices)
  9. Spent $8 trillion in just 4 years
  10. Gave Fauci an award on his last day in office.
  11. Said the Trump shot was the "greatest medical miracle of all time."
  12. Record number of bombs dropped in the middle east.
That record sounds exactly like something that would come from the radical progressives.

Better choices? You bet their is. Ones that have a snowballs chance in hell? Nope. Now that the Trump Tribe has sent DeSantis back to FL, there are no other choices. Unless you think that RINO Haley has a shot.

What you don't get is that this "lesser of two evils" is what rigs our elections. And keeps any actual conservative off the ballot. You know, someone that would actually lead this country in a more fiscally conservative way.
But now we're stuck with Mr. "Just print more money," And taking the country even further LEFT of center.
And who do you (as a democrat) think we should want over Trump?
That's just not true. You can vote for anyone. You have that choice. It's up to you whether to exercise that choice, or go along with what the MSM tells you "everyone else" will do.
Definately true.

I will give you any odds you want...a million to 1...a billion to one...a googleplex to one...either a D or an R will be president in February 2025.


Let's say hypothetically that Trump isn't the nominee for the Republicans because the Republicans pull shenanigans at the convention.

So Trump forms his own party and runs...who wins the election?

Hint...It starts with a D.

If the progressives broke away from the Democrats and ran Bernie, who wins?

The Republicans.

It's not a political or social's simple math.

From the point we are now, in our current political system, a schism in either party leads to complete control of government by the opposition for 10 years? 20? Maybe more.
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Definately true.

I will give you any odds you want...a million to 1...a billion to one...a googleplex to one...either a D or an R will be president in February 2025.

Because people will vote for them regardless, using the flawed logic you describe.
Let's say hypothetically that Trump isn't the nominee for the Republicans because the Republicans pull shenanigans at the convention.

So Trump forms his own party and runs...who wins the election?

Hint...It starts with a D.
I guess I that's the thing. Biden sucks, and I don't want him to be President. But the same goes for Trump. I'm not going to fart around trying to figure out which one is worse. I'm just not voting for either.

What we really need is ranked choice voting. With that, the "spoiler effect" dissolves completely and lesser-of-two-evils voting is irrelevant. But the two parties won't let that happen. We'll need to reject them first.
Because people will vote for them regardless, using the flawed logic you describe.

I guess I that's the thing. Biden sucks, and I don't want him to be President. But the same goes for Trump. I'm not going to fart around trying to figure out which one is worse. I'm just not voting for either.

What we really need is ranked choice voting. With that, the "spoiler effect" dissolves completely and lesser-of-two-evils voting is irrelevant. But the two parties won't let that happen. We'll need to reject them first.
Now we're back to the hypothetical two doctors.

Would you take the time to decide which was the better choice if your life was on the line? Even if what they promised was the best they could do didn't align 100% with your expectations?

I bet you would.
Why are you insinuating YoursTruly is a Democrat?
Because he is.

Do you notice he NEVER attacks Biden or democrats unless he is FORCED to do so to bolster his act?

Never posts in a Biden thread at all.

Just the same anti-Trump talking points over and over.

Read between the lines.
Now we're back to the hypothetical two doctors.

Would you take the time to decide which was the better choice if your life was on the line? Even if what they promised was the best they could do didn't align 100% with your expectations?

I bet you would.
I suppose. But there aren't just two doctors and my life is not on the line. That's what the fear mongers are selling, but it isn't true.
What we really need is ranked choice voting. With that, the "spoiler effect" dissolves completely and lesser-of-two-evils voting is irrelevant. But the two parties won't let that happen. We'll need to reject them first.

Well, Maine I believe is experimenting with ranked choice voting.

We'll see how that works out.
...if no candidate represents your point of view on most of the important issues?

It is said that if you don't vote you have no right to complain. I think not voting is your complaint.
Choosing “not to vote” simply means that you allow others to make the decision without any input from you.

It should come with a single penalty:
you are agreeing not to voice any subsequent complaints about whoever wins the election.

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