Is it okay to post the contents of PMs in social groups?

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i dont see why pms in a social group would be any different from pms on the open board? do you?
Not really. But I think it would be cool if we could. I've noticed someone doing it and it made me wonder about it.

A great way to prove when someone is being an asswipe by hiding behind the pm rules.
jesus, what a whiny puke he is.


stupid, too

the funniest part is where he's begging them to beg him to stay as their *leader*

thanks, rav, that's some funny shit
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he should stay as leader....i think....

plus misty if the interim how long do you think it will be before they bounce me?
harass barretta day


like anyone cares about the pathetic sploogehound

jesus, what a whiny puke he is.


stupid, too

the funniest part is where he's begging thenm to beg him to stay as their *leader*

thanks, rav, that's some funny shit
My pleasure! :)
now now ...i have found there is not much difference between the left leanings and the con clubhouse

both are just places to preach to the still amazes me that people think anything on the net is private
*climbs on soapbox*

here is what i dont get...why does anyone care if what you post can be seen outside of a forum or group?

post anything you want that i have etc...i dont give a flying fuck....cause i say what is on my mind and i dont give a fuck if people like it or not....

as i said ravi is the only person who was honest...form a group where we can magpie out.....trash everyone and anyone..

so do we expect that group to be private?
*climbs on soapbox*

here is what i dont get...why does anyone care if what you post can be seen outside of a forum or group?

post anything you want that i have etc...i dont give a flying fuck....cause i say what is on my mind and i dont give a fuck if people like it or not....

as i said ravi is the only person who was honest...form a group where we can magpie out.....trash everyone and anyone..

so do we expect that group to be private?

i don't

chris threatened to sue me for calling him kirk today

tihs is shaping up to be the funniest day evah between him, this social group bullshit and rgs' outrage over a satire piece that he thinks is real

life is good

i hope that\'s clear
gasbag is the leader of something?

what could that be?

a birfer rally?
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