Is It Possible Trump Could Get A fair Trial

Any of us, if we did the crimes that Rump has done, would have been tried, convicted and tossed into a dark hole already. Rump has been given preferential treatment even with his transgressions. You want fair, then let's do fair. Let me change it to him spending the rest of his life having to work in a Community Emergency Ward like a buddy of mine got because he wouldn't serve in the Military in 1970. 6 months of that and he enlisted in the US Marines.

All of that isn’t related to the question I asked, however, I did note, like a democrat (you say you’re a Republican right?), you skipped right over the fairness of the jury and trial, and went straight to “let’s have a fair punishment”.

I say, let’s see where the trials lead.

And again, like it or not, trump, if convicted, will probably not be sentenced to any kind of confinement. That’s just how it is for a former president.

Just like I always said you’d never see Hillary in an orange jump suit. You’re not going to see a former First Lady in leg irons and orange jump suit. It’s just how it is.

Here’s a quote from 2019

Post in thread 'The Democrats Get a Taste of Their Own Medicine'
The Democrats Get a Taste of Their Own Medicine
All of that isn’t related to the question I asked, however, I did note, like a democrat (you say you’re a Republican right?), you skipped right over the fairness of the jury and trial, and went straight to “let’s have a fair punishment”.

Anyone that disagrees with you MAGAts is a Democrat. And the Boston Strangler was an okay dude as compared to Jack the Ripper. Makes sense to you.

I say, let’s see where the trials lead.

And again, like it or not, trump, if convicted, will probably not be sentenced to any kind of confinement. That’s just how it is for a former president.

The worst that can happen for sentencing would be Club Med and he will still live there better than 99% of the population.

Just like I always said you’d never see Hillary in an orange jump suit. You’re not going to see a former First Lady in leg irons and orange jump suit. It’s just how it is.

After 35 years, nothing to charge her with was found. Your "Hey, look over there" is noted.

Here’s a quote from 2019

Post in thread 'The Democrats Get a Taste of Their Own Medicine'
The Democrats Get a Taste of Their Own Medicine

It's not about a republican nor a democrat or anyone else other than Rump and his criminal organization (MOB). Your Hey, look over there is noted.
Let's see. Since you hate Lucifer so much, you heavily support the Devil. Is that about it?
Ok, I’m trying to decipher what it is you are saying here. Is this some kind of code…or…are you saying that since I want any republicans to win over any democrat..that they are somehow the same? I’m gonna need little explanation to understand your meaning here.
Anyone that disagrees with you MAGAts is a Democrat. And the Boston Strangler was an okay dude as compared to Jack the Ripper. Makes sense to you.

The worst that can happen for sentencing would be Club Med and he will still live there better than 99% of the population.

After 35 years, nothing to charge her with was found. Your "Hey, look over there" is noted.

It's not about a republican nor a democrat or anyone else other than Rump and his criminal organization (MOB). Your Hey, look over there is noted.

Anyone that disagrees with you MAGAts is a Democrat

Wow…I’ve least 3 times, I’m not a trump supporter, but you seem to just ignore that and jump right back to “you’re a magat!” I don’t know how else I can explain it….

And the Boston Strangler was an okay dude as compared to Jack the Ripper. Makes sense to you.

Boston stangler…Jack the ripper….Lucifer…the devil…gotta be honest, you lost me here. What exactly are you getting at?

After 35 years, nothing to charge her with was found. Your "Hey, look over there" is noted.

….I used that as an example to show that I said the same thing about Hillary. I wasn’t eluding to guilt or innocence…

Your Hey, look over there is noted.

I think you are misunderstanding my posts, I’ve not made a “whataboutism” here…why are you saying I did?
Ok, I’m trying to decipher what it is you are saying here. Is this some kind of code…or…are you saying that since I want any republicans to win over any democrat..that they are somehow the same? I’m gonna need little explanation to understand your meaning here.

You need to sober up and use less of that prescription. And check yourself into the Gitmo summer camp.
Wow…I’ve least 3 times, I’m not a trump supporter, but you seem to just ignore that and jump right back to “you’re a magat!” I don’t know how else I can explain it….
One does not need to be a Rump supporter. When Rump is gone, MAGAts will still be around. Your type has always been around. Now we need to put you back into that gutter your crawled out of.

Boston stangler…Jack the ripper….Lucifer…the devil…gotta be honest, you lost me here. What exactly are you getting at?
I won't even try. Non MAGAts know what I am talking about.

….I used that as an example to show that I said the same thing about Hillary. I wasn’t eluding to guilt or innocence…

I think you are misunderstanding my posts, I’ve not made a “whataboutism” here…why are you saying I did?

There is no reason to attempt to make you anything other than a MAGAt. Now, back under that rock. Fine you surface every 10 years of so but it's time to get back into that sewer you climbed out of.
You need to sober up and use less of that prescription. And check yourself into the Gitmo summer camp. could just be more clear about what it is you are saying.

I prefer not to go to gitmo…it’s hot..and humid, and I’m sure they have lots of mosquitos… could just be more clear about what it is you are saying.

I prefer not to go to gitmo…it’s hot..and humid, and I’m sure they have lots of mosquitos…
Let's just be clear about what you are saying:

The prosecution, judge, and jury will corruptly and criminally conspire to send an innocent man to prison.

Well, maybe. Because TDS!

This is just not compelling. This is laughable nonsense.
One does not need to be a Rump supporter. When Rump is gone, MAGAts will still be around. Your type has always been around. Now we need to put you back into that gutter your crawled out of.

I won't even try. Non MAGAts know what I am talking about.

There is no reason to attempt to make you anything other than a MAGAt. Now, back under that rock. Fine you surface every 10 years of so but it's time to get back into that sewer you climbed out of.



Anyone that disagrees with you MAGAts is a Democrat.

That’s your quote…which is exactly what you are exhibiting right now. Anyone who doesn’t agree with you is a “magat “

But for sure, you are a hateful one aren’t you. You appear to be the type that if someone doesn’t capitulate to your way of thinking, and completely and utterly condemn trump…MUST be a trump “magat” even though I’ve stated at least 3 times, that I’m not a trump supporter, you just jump right past that and say whatever you think you believe.

Well, there goes any chance for civil conversation….are you SURE you’re not a democrat? Cause that’s a pretty democrat kind of mindset…just sayin..
Let's just be clear about what you are saying:

The prosecution, judge, and jury will corruptly and criminally conspire to send an innocent man to prison.

Well, maybe. Because TDS!

This is just not compelling. This is laughable nonsense.

Well, no…I mean, yeah, the prosecution will try to send trump to prison…that’s kinda their job. Now the judge and jury..well, depends on what judge. There are those who have already stated their desire to see trump convicted. And the jury, all I e stated is, would you consider it fair if the jury was stacked with trump haters.

How about this. Would you be opposed if the trials were moved to more…trump friendly areas? If not..why not?


That’s your quote…which is exactly what you are exhibiting right now. Anyone who doesn’t agree with you is a “magat “

But for sure, you are a hateful one aren’t you. You appear to be the type that if someone doesn’t capitulate to your way of thinking, and completely and utterly condemn trump…MUST be a trump “magat” even though I’ve stated at least 3 times, that I’m not a trump supporter, you just jump right past that and say whatever you think you believe.

Well, there goes any chance for civil conversation….are you SURE you’re not a democrat? Cause that’s a pretty democrat kind of mindset…just sayin..

I took an oath 5 times in the US Military and no one ordered me to disregard it until you MAGAts escaped from whatever asylum you broke out of.
I took an oath 5 times in the US Military and no one ordered me to disregard it until you MAGAts escaped from whatever asylum you broke out of.

Wow…you are…you’re are up with it aren’t ya? In your mind, im a maga…no matter what I tell you otherwise.

Honestly…that sounds like a you problem, not a me problem…

And who’s ordering you disregard your oaths?
Well, no…I mean, yeah, the prosecution will try to send trump to prison…that’s kinda their job. Now the judge and jury..well, depends on what judge. There are those who have already stated their desire to see trump convicted. And the jury, all I e stated is, would you consider it fair if the jury was stacked with trump haters.

How about this. Would you be opposed if the trials were moved to more…trump friendly areas? If not..why not?
Oh yes, the prosecutors too. You are insinuating they brought a case with weak evidence, for political reasons.You absolutely are accusing them.

the jurors, too. People you know nothing about. Same for judges you know nothing about.

Like I said, lets be clear.
Oh yes, the prosecutors too. You are insinuating they brought a case with weak evidence, for political reasons.You absolutely are accusing them.

the jurors, too. People you know nothing about. Same for judges you know nothing about.

Like I said, lets be clear.

You are insinuating they brought a case with weak evidence, for political reasons.You absolutely are accusing them

I did? Really? Where did I say that? I…WE havent even seen the evidence yet…. I do agree that this whole thing is political. I don’t believe for a second that any of this is about “justice”, it’s about taking trump down. If it were about justice, I’d actually understand where you are coming from…I’ve said this before.

Post in thread 'Americans hate Donald Trump'
Americans hate Donald Trump

The evidence of it being political is your desire to see trump impeached before he even took office.

the jurors, too. People you know nothing about. Same for judges you know nothing about.

Have I accused any jurors or judges of anything? I certainly believe that a jury full of trump haters will not yield a fair trial decision, just as I’m sure you’d say a jury full of trump supporters wouldn’t. Now, I did say that there have been judges that have already stated their desire to see trump convicted. I believe their words were “I can’t believe he is still free to walk around” or some such?

I’m still waiting for your assessment of me. I really am curious if who you think I am

Also, about the question I asked…would you feel ok with the trials being held in more trump friendly areas? If not, why not?
and find a jury in a dark blue city where not one of the jurors was biased against Trump and have a judge who was not biased against Trump? I find that highly unlikely. Is an accused person still forced to stand trial even if it is obvious that they can't have a fair trial? If so, then we have the definition of a kangaroo court.

Independentthinker, I'm responding to you as I responded within another discussion thread, to a poster expressing reservations similar to yours:
... My experiences and my opinions were formed while serving on juries in NY City. I've never believed New Yorkers' characters are particularly superior or inferior to those of any other city or state in the nation.

It seems to me that thieves think most everyone else is also dishonest. That leads me to speculate that persons believing that everyone of a court's 11 sworn in jurors, (regardless of the case or where in America they're serving), would all likely betray their oaths, are themselves likely to be untrusty.
For your sake, I hope I'm wrong; but if you ever should be judged by others, you'd do better if the character of the jury were not similar to your own character.
I did? Really? Where did I say that?
About: 'You are insinuating they brought a case with weak evidence, for political reasons.You absolutely are accusing them'

If it takes corrupt acts to convict someone, then one of the assumptions is that the evidence is weak. Obviously.

Which means the judge knows it's weak, too. And the jurors.

Let's be clear. You are accusing all of them. To shield the orange slob. Nothing more.
About: 'You are insinuating they brought a case with weak evidence, for political reasons.You absolutely are accusing them'

If it takes corrupt acts to convict someone, then one of the assumptions is that the evidence is weak. Obviously.

Which means the judge knows it's weak, too. And the jurors.

Let's be clear. You are accusing all of them. To shield the orange slob. Nothing more.

No…where did you get all of this.? We were talking about the JURY being able to decide fairly depending on what their view of trump is. I’ve not made any comments as to the strength of their evidence…because we haven’t seen it yet…..

I’m not shielding anyone. You and vrenn down there are two peas in a pod. No matter what someone tells you, you’re just going to believe whatever you want. Again, that’s a you problem, not a me problem.

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