Is It Possible Trump Could Get A fair Trial

Which is just you telling on yourself. You assume the jurors will break their oaths and commit felonies to put an innocent man in prison, because that is what you would do to your perceived enemies.

I don't think you guys realize that everyone else has figured this out about you.

Which is just you telling on yourself

?? What have I told on myself about?

You assume the jurors will break their oaths and commit felonies to put an innocent man in prison

Absolutely they would, the trump hate is real. Besides, who’s going to hold them accountable? The dems? Lol, they’ll probably pay them off for it, give them a high five, and a kudo! I doubt anyone would even bat an eye. They’d probably say “it’s fake news! They didn’t lie!”

because that is what you would do to your perceived enemies.

No, I have more integrity than that. I know I’m not perfect, but I’d never find anyone as guilty if I didn’t honestly believe it.

I don't think you guys realize that everyone else has figured this out about you.

What exactly do you think you have figured out about me? I promise you, it’s wrong.
What’s this “you” stuff? I’ve said many times, I’m not a trump supporter. My arguments are not “pro trump” they are just “anti democrat”

Like the national popular vote compact…which has still not been dissolved…that democrats are all supportive of?

Well, it takes a majority of the electoral college..for clarity.

I’ll agree that the plan to resubmit electors back to the states in hopes they would send a different slate was wrong, but then trump DID say he believes the election to be stolen. I’m not, however, sold on the idea that he started the violent riot that day. The rhetoric he used that day was no more or less bad than any other politician uses on a continual basis. Also, there were agitators in the crowd that day. They don’t want to talk about it, but the FBI and ray Epps had more to do with it than they are letting on. However, you can’t point at trump using rhetoric, that everyone else uses, and blame him for what “agitated” people do, but not do the same for democrat politicians.

His rhetoric was for an overthrow of the Constitution. And that is reason enough for him to be not only NOT reelected but also tried, convicted and sent to prison.

The sad part is, even with a conviction, he's going to Club Med which he will have a thousand times better life there than we have.
I just didn't respond to it.

Smoke and mirrors.

Just because you would convict a innocent man doesn't mean anyone else would.
When you say things like "all democrats", you give up the game.

Just because you would convict a innocent man doesn't mean anyone else would.
You don’t know the first thing about me, so..this statement is completely false.

When you say things like "all democrats", you give up the game.

Well, let’s just say, I’ve not seen a democrat yet who’s ever stated they think it’s possible that trump is innocent, or that didn’t telegraph that they wanted trump in prison, so “all democrats” is an accurate statement.
Last time, I voted for Biden because I said that a Ham and Cheeze sandwich is all that would be needed to defeat Rump. How'd I know that the Dems would take my advice and present that Ham and Cheeze Sandwich. At least they should have held out for a Pastrami on Rye with German Mustard. Just because the majority voted for Biden doesn't mean we are a Biden Cult. Your "Hey, look over there" has been noted.

Huh? I was just responding to your “all Magats cultists are dishonest”..that’s all. Where did all this come from?
You don’t know the first thing about me, so..this statement is completely false.
But I do. When people make these big, sweeping accusations against a bunch of they have never met, it's almost always just that person revealing something about themselves.
and find a jury in a dark blue city where not one of the jurors was biased against Trump and have a judge who was not biased against Trump? I find that highly unlikely. Is an accused person still forced to stand trial even if it is obvious that they can't have a fair trial? If so, then we have the definition of a kangaroo court.

According to your loony logic, did Charlie Manson get a fair trial?

and you are seriously lost on understanding the definition of Kangaroo court.

an unofficial court held by a group of people in order to try someone regarded, especially without good evidence, as guilty of a crime or misdemeanor.
His rhetoric was for an overthrow of the Constitution. And that is reason enough for him to be not only NOT reelected but also tried, convicted and sent to prison.

The sad part is, even with a conviction, he's going to Club Med which he will have a thousand times better life there than we have.

His rhetoric was for an overthrow of the Constitution

No, I’m not even sure the people in the crowd that day were even aware of this plan to resubmit electors. All they heard was trump say the election was stolen.. so, in that context, the riot that day was just people taking things out of hand, possibly being goaded on by agitators.

Again, we’ll see what comes out of the trial.

he's going to Club Med which he will have a thousand times better life there than we have.

Yeah, I’ve said this several times. This fantasy that lefty’s have of trump in an orange jump suit, being in general population, doing the side step shuffle through the chow line are just that, fantasies. Love him or hate him, he still is a former president, and as such, his “prison”, if he gets convicted, will probably be confinement, with secret service protection, to mar a lago.

I doubt any confinement will even be sentenced. Likely they’ll get the disqualification from holding office, maybe some restrictions on public speaking events…and that’s about it.

He’s not going to “prison”.
But I do. When people make these big, sweeping accusations against a bunch of they have never met, it's almost always just that person revealing something about themselves.
Ok, I’m game…do tell, what have I revealed about myself? This should be good….

it’s not a difficult thing to say that democrats are dishonest, and have been out to get trump since before he even took office…that’s documented fact…

But do tell, I’m curious about who you think I am..
Huh? I was just responding to your “all Magats cultists are dishonest”..that’s all. Where did all this come from?

Since Rump is so dishonest in every way, supporting him over a ham sandwich shows that YOU are dishonest as well. You don't like that, get a better candidate.
Since Rump is so dishonest in every way, supporting him over a ham sandwich shows that YOU are dishonest as well. You don't like that, get a better candidate.

But…I just said I’m not a trump supporter…
No, I’m not even sure the people in the crowd that day were even aware of this plan to resubmit electors. All they heard was trump say the election was stolen.. so, in that context, the riot that day was just people taking things out of hand, possibly being goaded on by agitators.

Again, we’ll see what comes out of the trial.

Yeah, I’ve said this several times. This fantasy that lefty’s have of trump in an orange jump suit, being in general population, doing the side step shuffle through the chow line are just that, fantasies. Love him or hate him, he still is a former president, and as such, his “prison”, if he gets convicted, will probably be confinement, with secret service protection, to mar a lago.

I doubt any confinement will even be sentenced. Likely they’ll get the disqualification from holding office, maybe some restrictions on public speaking events…and that’s about it.

He’s not going to “prison”.

If that is what he gets, that's fine with me. Now that he's banned from operating any businesses in NY State. He just lost his latest legal fight and they not only are fining him and Trump U but are also removing his business licenses and to never allow him or Trump U to operate inside NY State. I don't want him to go to prison. I want him to have to sell pencils and beg on street corners.
What’s this “you” stuff? I’ve said many times, I’m not a trump supporter. My arguments are not “pro trump” they are just “anti democrat”

Like the national popular vote compact…which has still not been dissolved…that democrats are all supportive of?

Well, it takes a majority of the electoral college..for clarity.

I’ll agree that the plan to resubmit electors back to the states in hopes they would send a different slate was wrong, but then trump DID say he believes the election to be stolen. I’m not, however, sold on the idea that he started the violent riot that day. The rhetoric he used that day was no more or less bad than any other politician uses on a continual basis. Also, there were agitators in the crowd that day. They don’t want to talk about it, but the FBI and ray Epps had more to do with it than they are letting on. However, you can’t point at trump using rhetoric, that everyone else uses, and blame him for what “agitated” people do, but not do the same for democrat politicians.
Trump can say whatever he wants, it’s his actions that count.
If that is what he gets, that's fine with me. Now that he's banned from operating any businesses in NY State. He just lost his latest legal fight and they not only are fining him and Trump U but are also removing his business licenses and to never allow him or Trump U to operate inside NY State. I don't want him to go to prison. I want him to have to sell pencils and beg on street corners.

You can hate trump and want to see him in despair and all that. That’s fine. Doesn’t it bother you, at all, not what the dems are doing, but HOW they are doing it? Their timing is to keep this dragged out until just before election, hoping trump becomes the nominee, and everyone else drops out, then at the last minute, get a conviction that disqualifies him, and it’s too late to vote for a replacement, and Biden automatically becomes the president again.

I mean, you’ll go all in on the hate trump train, but are you ok with the antics the dems are about to pull?
The why are you supporting Rump?

I’ve already explained that. Im not “pro trump”, I’m just “anti democrat”. I couldn’t care less if trump wins, or desantis, or ramaswamy…just as long as it’s not any democrat.

My angst comes from years of listening to progressive radio and hearing the utter hatred, contempt, and vileness they have for anyone that is on the right. That’s why I’m anti democrat.
Same for the guy who claims to know elections are stolen based on 'because he thinks so'. Wait, that's ego. And arrogance.
The person who thinks Democrats will not cheat in elections given the chance has no knowledge of history.
You can hate trump and want to see him in despair and all that. That’s fine. Doesn’t it bother you, at all, not what the dems are doing, but HOW they are doing it? Their timing is to keep this dragged out until just before election, hoping trump becomes the nominee, and everyone else drops out, then at the last minute, get a conviction that disqualifies him, and it’s too late to vote for a replacement, and Biden automatically becomes the president again.

Any of us, if we did the crimes that Rump has done, would have been tried, convicted and tossed into a dark hole already. Rump has been given preferential treatment even with his transgressions. You want fair, then let's do fair. Let me change it to him spending the rest of his life having to work in a Community Emergency Ward like a buddy of mine got because he wouldn't serve in the Military in 1970. 6 months of that and he enlisted in the US Marines.

I mean, you’ll go all in on the hate trump train, but are you ok with the antics the dems are about to pull?
I’ve already explained that. Im not “pro trump”, I’m just “anti democrat”. I couldn’t care less if trump wins, or desantis, or ramaswamy…just as long as it’s not any democrat.

My angst comes from years of listening to progressive radio and hearing the utter hatred, contempt, and vileness they have for anyone that is on the right. That’s why I’m anti democrat.

Let's see. Since you hate Lucifer so much, you heavily support the Devil. Is that about it?

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