Is It Possible Trump Could Get A fair Trial

Then I might have your vote for president. I just need a spray tan, some orange cake makeup, some dog piss hair dye, and 100 more pounds.
Most Presidents have a big ego. Now you just need money and lots of it to run and win.

My brother is a Trump supporter. He voted for Biden but said not again. Sick of woke. I would trust him on the jury. My neighbor across the hall, no fucking way. I would need to see your twitter and facebook to see if you should be excluded from the jury. I'm sure they will do this. No insurrectionists on the jury. Sorry
Ok, then no trump haters either. I mean..yeah, I can see not wanting someone who’s an avowed trump supporter but I can also see not wanting someone who’s an avowed trump hater too.

It’s going to be tricky, trying to find a jury who has no bias. I doubt it’s possible.
Ok, then no trump haters either. I mean..yeah, I can see not wanting someone who’s an avowed trump supporter but I can also see not wanting someone who’s an avowed trump hater too.

It’s going to be tricky, trying to find a jury who has no bias. I doubt it’s possible.
Then maybe Trump should have committed his Crime spree in another country.
Then maybe Trump should have committed his Crime spree in another country.
Ok, so then you are here admitting that trump doesn’t deserve a fair trial? You are ok with the jury being stacked with trump haters?

Also, he hasn’t been convicted of any crime, yet. All your “news” comes by way of some biased media who tells you exactly what you want to hear.

Let’s see what actually comes out in the trials..
I don't care. these are fantasies. No system is perfect, but our system is the best one.

And now trump is at the mercy of it just like any other american.

I don't care.

Of course you don’t, which is why he should get a different venue, because of people “who don’t care” about a fair trial, they just want to see him go down…kinda like from the very beginning, before he was even elected.
Of course you don’t
I don't care about your fantasies because they are fantasies. We have the system we have. You only reason you care about them is because you want the universe to give special treatment to your special little orange turd.

Now go ahead, invent another little strawman dolly for yourself to play with.

The same system to weed out biased jurors will be used for Trump as for any other American.

That's fairness. You want something else to protect Trump. That's unfairness.

So go find a mirror, to find the guy who doesnt want a fair trial.
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No, I am saying that a MAGAt cultists won't be honest EVER. But just because someone voted for Rump doesn't make them a MAGAt. They just might take the oath they take to serve on the Jury seriously.

No, I am saying that a MAGAt cultists won't be honest EVER

Ok, then Biden cultists won’t be honest, ever, either..
It’s going to be tricky, trying to find a jury who has no bias. I doubt it’s possible.
You’re assuming the majority of Americans are as into this as we are. I doubt it. Many people just don’t care about “all that shit”.
I have no use for Rump but I am a Fiscal Conservative that you criminals have stolen the party from. I was into allowing him 4 years and then sending him packing. Rump had other ideas against the wish of the majority of the voters and EC. You keep leaving out the fact that it takes a majority to be elected President and to replace the legally elected person with a violent insurrection is just plain wrong. So get out of that rabbit hole and join reality and stop blindly supported a known Mob

you criminals

What’s this “you” stuff? I’ve said many times, I’m not a trump supporter. My arguments are not “pro trump” they are just “anti democrat”

Rump had other ideas against the wish of the majority of the voters and EC.

Like the national popular vote compact…which has still not been dissolved…that democrats are all supportive of?

You keep leaving out the fact that it takes a majority to be elected President

Well, it takes a majority of the electoral college..for clarity.

replace the legally elected person with a violent insurrection

I’ll agree that the plan to resubmit electors back to the states in hopes they would send a different slate was wrong, but then trump DID say he believes the election to be stolen. I’m not, however, sold on the idea that he started the violent riot that day. The rhetoric he used that day was no more or less bad than any other politician uses on a continual basis. Also, there were agitators in the crowd that day. They don’t want to talk about it, but the FBI and ray Epps had more to do with it than they are letting on. However, you can’t point at trump using rhetoric, that everyone else uses, and blame him for what “agitated” people do, but not do the same for democrat politicians.
I don't care about your fantasies because they are fantasies. We have the system we have. You only reason you care about them is because you want the universe to give special treatment to your special little orange turd.

Now go ahead, invent another little strawman dolly for yourself to play with.

The same system to weed out biased jurors will be used for Trump as for any other American.

That's fairness. You want something else to protect Trump. That's unfairness.

So go find a mirror, to find the guy who doesnt want a fair trial.

You only reason you care about them is because you want the universe to give special treatment to your special little orange turd.

No…that’s not it at all, I just don’t trust democrats to be honest…at all..during this whole process.

The same system to weed out biased jurors will be used for Trump as for any other American.

again, I don’t trust democrats during this process.
No…that’s not it at all, I just don’t trust democrats to be honest…at all..during this whole process.
Which is just you telling on yourself. You assume the jurors will break their oaths and commit felonies to put an innocent man in prison, because that is what you would do to your perceived enemies.

I don't think you guys realize that everyone else has figured this out about you.
I never implied or stated that. Your trolling won't help you.

He gets the fair trial he gets, like anyone else.
I also liked how you cut off the part about trump not being convicted, yet, let’s see what comes out of the trial. Is there a reason for that? Or just coincidence??
I also liked how you cut off the part about trump not being convicted, yet, let’s see what comes out of the trial. Is there a reason for that? Or just coincidence??
I just didn't respond to it.

Smoke and mirrors.

Just because you would convict a innocent man doesn't mean anyone else would.
When you say things like "all democrats", you give up the game.
Ok, then Biden cultists won’t be honest, ever, either..

Last time, I voted for Biden because I said that a Ham and Cheeze sandwich is all that would be needed to defeat Rump. How'd I know that the Dems would take my advice and present that Ham and Cheeze Sandwich. At least they should have held out for a Pastrami on Rye with German Mustard. Just because the majority voted for Biden doesn't mean we are a Biden Cult. Your "Hey, look over there" has been noted.

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