Is it too late for Trump?

If he's smart (?), he won't try to deliver a national address on race relations. Holding a bible aloft and speaking from a teleprompter just wouldn't cut it. The man is woefully inept at public speaking; the best thing he can do is keep his mouth shut and hope it blows over, which is unlikely.

Trump needs rallies! According to him, the Coronavirus has been "defeated." Why hasn't he held rallies.

It's probably too late anyway
He needs to resign.
the problem with the article is the fact that the article itself is badly out of touch with reality. George Floyd has precious few supporters percentage-wise in the population. There is no mass movement for racial awareness or correction of racial Injustice because of Floyd's death. I have at least 50% of my friends including close family members who vote the other way so far there has been no indication from them that they saw Floyd is anyting but a thug even though they disagree with how he was arrested and manhandled. One of my sons is a major player in the DNC fundraising industry....he was completely disgusted with the phony display a floyds illegitimate children on the TV the other day. There's your exit polling dude.

That's not exit polling.

Reality is thousands of protests around the USA. You kids don't seem to understand this isn't just about Floyd.
1. I hope President Trump wins reelection. He's a good guy. I am proud that he refuses to kowtow to BLM as almost every government and business and sports bigwig has.

2. I hope he wins, for I would hate to see the Dems gloat. What is worst, I would hate to see the Dems grovel at the feet of BLM.

3. Objectively, he is in big trouble, so I agree with his enemies that he is probably toast.

4. Of course, the only thing we have in life is hope. FATE always surprises us. After all, we never expected the COVID-19 tragedy or the current Insurrection nonsense. So I'm hoping against hope that he can pull this off. As someone has said, "It ain't over till the fat lady sings."
in 2014, it was just BLM, now its the majority of americans:
A Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 64 percent of Americans sympathize with "people who are out protesting right now" compared to 27 percent who were not, while 9 percent are unsure. Meanwhile, more than 55 percent of Americans disapproved of President Donald Trump's handling of the protests, and about one-third said they approved. The president's overall job approval is currently at 39 percent. The poll surveyed more than 1,000 American adults online in English, according to Reuters.

Wow!!! A whole thousand Americans? Why, why that's like a quarter of our country!!! Online??? Online is foolproof, so it must be genuine. :laughing0301:
Online polls were good enough for Trump:

Gee, post a site with a paywall. No liberal has ever done that before. :laughing0301:
its from WSJ, but reported by several news outlets.

And all those outlets aped the WSJ report. If you are going to bring in a renown serial liar like Cohen to base your argument, I have to tell you that it's a very weak one at that. Besides his trails of lies, he and Trump eventually ended up on the outs with each other. It's no surprise he would make up things to try and make the President look bad, especially a story that was never proven.
Its not based on Cohen.

Its based on John Gauger, the owner of Red Finch Solutions and chief information officer at Liberty University.
1. I hope President Trump wins reelection. He's a good guy. I am proud that he refuses to kowtow to BLM as almost every government and business and sports bigwig has.

2. I hope he wins, for I would hate to see the Dems gloat. What is worst, I would hate to see the Dems grovel at the feet of BLM.

3. Objectively, he is in big trouble, so I agree with his enemies that he is probably toast.

4. Of course, the only thing we have in life is hope. FATE always surprises us. After all, we never expected the COVID-19 tragedy or the current Insurrection nonsense. So I'm hoping against hope that he can pull this off. As someone has said, "It ain't over till the fat lady sings."
in 2014, it was just BLM, now its the majority of americans:
A Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 64 percent of Americans sympathize with "people who are out protesting right now" compared to 27 percent who were not, while 9 percent are unsure. Meanwhile, more than 55 percent of Americans disapproved of President Donald Trump's handling of the protests, and about one-third said they approved. The president's overall job approval is currently at 39 percent. The poll surveyed more than 1,000 American adults online in English, according to Reuters.

Wow!!! A whole thousand Americans? Why, why that's like a quarter of our country!!! Online??? Online is foolproof, so it must be genuine. :laughing0301:
Online polls were good enough for Trump:

Gee, post a site with a paywall. No liberal has ever done that before. :laughing0301:
its from WSJ, but reported by several news outlets.

And all those outlets aped the WSJ report. If you are going to bring in a renown serial liar like Cohen to base your argument, I have to tell you that it's a very weak one at that. Besides his trails of lies, he and Trump eventually ended up on the outs with each other. It's no surprise he would make up things to try and make the President look bad, especially a story that was never proven.
Its not based on Cohen.

Its based on John Gauger, the owner of Red Finch Solutions and chief information officer at Liberty University.

Any story that doesn't provide evidence I'm not going to believe. This so-called deal was "cash" only which is not how most businesses operate. That's besides the fact RedFinch is only 13 employees strong.
With all due respect, I would rather trust President Trump than the people who are now demanding that alleged "white supremacy" be replaced by another supremacy.
Democrats welcome those from shit hole countries. They will ruin America if they regain control of the federal government.
1. I hope President Trump wins reelection. He's a good guy. I am proud that he refuses to kowtow to BLM as almost every government and business and sports bigwig has.

2. I hope he wins, for I would hate to see the Dems gloat. What is worst, I would hate to see the Dems grovel at the feet of BLM.

3. Objectively, he is in big trouble, so I agree with his enemies that he is probably toast.

4. Of course, the only thing we have in life is hope. FATE always surprises us. After all, we never expected the COVID-19 tragedy or the current Insurrection nonsense. So I'm hoping against hope that he can pull this off. As someone has said, "It ain't over till the fat lady sings."
in 2014, it was just BLM, now its the majority of americans:
A Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 64 percent of Americans sympathize with "people who are out protesting right now" compared to 27 percent who were not, while 9 percent are unsure. Meanwhile, more than 55 percent of Americans disapproved of President Donald Trump's handling of the protests, and about one-third said they approved. The president's overall job approval is currently at 39 percent. The poll surveyed more than 1,000 American adults online in English, according to Reuters.

Wow!!! A whole thousand Americans? Why, why that's like a quarter of our country!!! Online??? Online is foolproof, so it must be genuine. :laughing0301:
Online polls were good enough for Trump:

Gee, post a site with a paywall. No liberal has ever done that before. :laughing0301:
its from WSJ, but reported by several news outlets.

And all those outlets aped the WSJ report. If you are going to bring in a renown serial liar like Cohen to base your argument, I have to tell you that it's a very weak one at that. Besides his trails of lies, he and Trump eventually ended up on the outs with each other. It's no surprise he would make up things to try and make the President look bad, especially a story that was never proven.
Its not based on Cohen.

Its based on John Gauger, the owner of Red Finch Solutions and chief information officer at Liberty University.

Any story that doesn't provide evidence I'm not going to believe. This so-called deal was "cash" only which is not how most businesses operate. That's besides the fact RedFinch is only 13 employees strong.
The university that John Gauger works at had to stand up for him.
Which means Cohen really did try to push the polls toward Trump.
We all can agree close elections are the sign of a nation on the rise. It is inarguable.
1. I hope President Trump wins reelection. He's a good guy. I am proud that he refuses to kowtow to BLM as almost every government and business and sports bigwig has.

2. I hope he wins, for I would hate to see the Dems gloat. What is worst, I would hate to see the Dems grovel at the feet of BLM.

3. Objectively, he is in big trouble, so I agree with his enemies that he is probably toast.

4. Of course, the only thing we have in life is hope. FATE always surprises us. After all, we never expected the COVID-19 tragedy or the current Insurrection nonsense. So I'm hoping against hope that he can pull this off. As someone has said, "It ain't over till the fat lady sings."
in 2014, it was just BLM, now its the majority of americans:
A Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 64 percent of Americans sympathize with "people who are out protesting right now" compared to 27 percent who were not, while 9 percent are unsure. Meanwhile, more than 55 percent of Americans disapproved of President Donald Trump's handling of the protests, and about one-third said they approved. The president's overall job approval is currently at 39 percent. The poll surveyed more than 1,000 American adults online in English, according to Reuters.

Wow!!! A whole thousand Americans? Why, why that's like a quarter of our country!!! Online??? Online is foolproof, so it must be genuine. :laughing0301:
Online polls were good enough for Trump:

Gee, post a site with a paywall. No liberal has ever done that before. :laughing0301:
its from WSJ, but reported by several news outlets.

And all those outlets aped the WSJ report. If you are going to bring in a renown serial liar like Cohen to base your argument, I have to tell you that it's a very weak one at that. Besides his trails of lies, he and Trump eventually ended up on the outs with each other. It's no surprise he would make up things to try and make the President look bad, especially a story that was never proven.
Its not based on Cohen.

Its based on John Gauger, the owner of Red Finch Solutions and chief information officer at Liberty University.

Any story that doesn't provide evidence I'm not going to believe. This so-called deal was "cash" only which is not how most businesses operate. That's besides the fact RedFinch is only 13 employees strong.
The university that John Gauger works at had to stand up for him.
Which means Cohen really did try to push the polls toward Trump.

It doesn't mean anything if the university believes it or not. He's their employee. What would you expect them to say?

Use some common sense here for a moment: Even though 50K doesn't mean much to Donald Trump, do you think he'd spend it on a poll that nobody will pay attention to? 50K is like ten bucks to you and me for President Trump, but he didn't get wealthy by carelessly spending money that didn't benefit him. An internet poll is meaningless because it can be manipulated, like Wikipedia.

The story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese.

If he's smart (?), he won't try to deliver a national address on race relations. Holding a bible aloft and speaking from a teleprompter just wouldn't cut it. The man is woefully inept at public speaking; the best thing he can do is keep his mouth shut and hope it blows over, which is unlikely.

Trump needs rallies! According to him, the Coronavirus has been "defeated." Why hasn't he held rallies.

It's probably too late anyway
I'm afraid you're off in lala dream land again. Trump won last time, has lost zero support, and in fact has gained support, and he's going to win again even bigger than he did the first time... sorry to burst you're little echo chamber fantasy bubble.

Every time you hear your daft leftist propaganda wing saying Trump is going to lose, just remember all the horse shit they pumped your poor little empty gourd full of last time that Hitlery was going to win, right up until election night in fact. Try not to be such a gullible sap just because of your TDS.

On November 3, 2020, you'll finally realize Trump's victory in November 2016 was the biggest fluke in U.S. electoral history.

In 2016, Trump played for an inside straight drawing two cards. Odds said, Hillary should win with three of a kind.

But Trump filled his inside straight and won.

Problem is, Trump is trying to fill that inside straight again. He might get lucky again, but odds say he will bust.

The polls said Hillary Clinton would win by 3 percentage points. She won instead by 2 percentage points. It was the fluke of 3 states, Pennsylvania about 40,000 votes, Wisconsin 25,000 votes, and Michigan 10,000 votes, that gave Trump and electoral college victory. Tiny margins of victory in just three states. Hillary never visited Wisconsin, did not campaign enough in Michigan and Pennsylvania. She left the back door open believing no one could get in and that opportunity existed in Arizona and Florida. The Democrats won't make that mistake again. Trump can't win any states he did not win in 2016. He loses, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and its over for him.

Except they are going to nominate Biden.

The GOP is preparing an ambush like you won't believe and everytime Biden forgets his wife's name or bites his tounge, you can bet we'll be there to show whatg moron he is.

See you in November.
I can’t wait to compare Biden’s “gaffes” to Trump

Want to play?

Nobody said Gaffes. The fact is that Biden is in mid-level dementia.

You can cite all the left wing articles you is clear he is in serious decline.

Don't need to play. When he really hits the campaign trail...he is totally screwed.
Show me examples of dementia in Biden and I will reply in kind with worse examples for Trump

Go for it or admit you have nothing
Well, dementia is different than repeating yourself 1000 times in 5 minutes. sticking with Trump though.

Seriously though, Biden did have brain surgery, yes? That can be the issue as well as dementia. I don’t like him a whole lot but, if true it’s actually sad to see it creeping up on him. So, I actually don’t mock him for that believe it or not. I hope my parents don’t ever get it. It must be heartbreaking to watch someone decline like that.

If he's smart (?), he won't try to deliver a national address on race relations. Holding a bible aloft and speaking from a teleprompter just wouldn't cut it. The man is woefully inept at public speaking; the best thing he can do is keep his mouth shut and hope it blows over, which is unlikely.

Trump needs rallies! According to him, the Coronavirus has been "defeated." Why hasn't he held rallies.

It's probably too late anyway
I'm afraid you're off in lala dream land again. Trump won last time, has lost zero support, and in fact has gained support, and he's going to win again even bigger than he did the first time... sorry to burst you're little echo chamber fantasy bubble.

Every time you hear your daft leftist propaganda wing saying Trump is going to lose, just remember all the horse shit they pumped your poor little empty gourd full of last time that Hitlery was going to win, right up until election night in fact. Try not to be such a gullible sap just because of your TDS.

On November 3, 2020, you'll finally realize Trump's victory in November 2016 was the biggest fluke in U.S. electoral history.

In 2016, Trump played for an inside straight drawing two cards. Odds said, Hillary should win with three of a kind.

But Trump filled his inside straight and won.

Problem is, Trump is trying to fill that inside straight again. He might get lucky again, but odds say he will bust.

The polls said Hillary Clinton would win by 3 percentage points. She won instead by 2 percentage points. It was the fluke of 3 states, Pennsylvania about 40,000 votes, Wisconsin 25,000 votes, and Michigan 10,000 votes, that gave Trump and electoral college victory. Tiny margins of victory in just three states. Hillary never visited Wisconsin, did not campaign enough in Michigan and Pennsylvania. She left the back door open believing no one could get in and that opportunity existed in Arizona and Florida. The Democrats won't make that mistake again. Trump can't win any states he did not win in 2016. He loses, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and its over for him.

Except they are going to nominate Biden.

The GOP is preparing an ambush like you won't believe and everytime Biden forgets his wife's name or bites his tounge, you can bet we'll be there to show whatg moron he is.

See you in November.
I can’t wait to compare Biden’s “gaffes” to Trump

Want to play?

Nobody said Gaffes. The fact is that Biden is in mid-level dementia.

You can cite all the left wing articles you is clear he is in serious decline.

Don't need to play. When he really hits the campaign trail...he is totally screwed.
Show me examples of dementia in Biden and I will reply in kind with worse examples for Trump

Go for it or admit you have nothing
Well, dementia is different than repeating yourself 1000 times in 5 minutes. sticking with Trump though.

Seriously though, Biden did have brain surgery, yes? That can be the issue as well as dementia. I don’t like him a whole lot but, if true it’s actually sad to see it creeping up on him. So, I actually don’t mock him for that believe it or not. I hope my parents don’t ever get it. It must be heartbreaking to watch someone decline like that.

I don't think anybody is really putting him down for his shortcomings. My parents are in their late 80's. After my fathers quadruple bypass, by his own admission, he can't remember a lot of things. They have to cut oxygen supply to your brain while doing the surgery.

In any case, I think our stance is more that he's mentally incapable of taking the most powerful position on the planet. We have the most powerful military, the most powerful economy, and the most destructive weapons.

President Trump is similarly as old, but we all age differently. Biden is not fortunate enough to be aging in a good way, and his condition will not improve. It will only get worse.
The issue is not dementia in Biden but dementia in anyone who would even consider voting for Trump after what we have seen the last three and a half years
The issue is not dementia in Biden but dementia in anyone who would even consider voting for Trump after what we have seen the last three and a half years

Until the Wuhan virus, the years of Trump were the best.
The problem is that the Wuhan virus evolved into the TRUMPvirus and his mishandling of the crisis led to a hundred thousand deaths
The issue is not dementia in Biden but dementia in anyone who would even consider voting for Trump after what we have seen the last three and a half years

Until the Wuhan virus, the years of Trump were the best.
The problem is that the Wuhan virus evolved into the TRUMPvirus and his mishandling of the crisis led to a hundred thousand deaths

President Trump acted on the advice of the NIH, CDC, and of course, Dr. Fauci. Trump is not a doctor. Trump is not a disease expert. That's why he has experts working for him. President Trump didn't fail us, our bureaucracies and agencies did, and plenty of proof of that has been posted since the start of this thing.
Any half way intelligent person who listens to quid pro quo joe thinks holy shit, this fucker can't put together a single cogent sentence. He's all over the place, forgets what he's talking about, says some crazy shit and insults people and sounds like he's got dementia. Only an idiot will vote for him.

The Orange Virus talks like a doddering fool with bees in his stupid mouth. What's your point, wingertard?

If he's smart (?), he won't try to deliver a national address on race relations. Holding a bible aloft and speaking from a teleprompter just wouldn't cut it. The man is woefully inept at public speaking; the best thing he can do is keep his mouth shut and hope it blows over, which is unlikely.

Trump needs rallies! According to him, the Coronavirus has been "defeated." Why hasn't he held rallies.

It's probably too late anyway
Look 2016 30 states and 2,623 counties elected a game show host with no experience in government and no track record...He has done nothing but execute and deliver for those 30 states and 2,623 counties while Democrats have done nothing but obstruct his presidency with underhanded bullshit every step of the way...Now you throw a frail, almost dead, barely coherent candidate to the wolves.....I’m sorry White Guilt Whack but there really is no pathway to a loss for your President Trump.
Right now emotions are still high for ignorant, disturbed Caucasians caught up in the ‘coolness’ of the MOVEMENT as the Kardashian’s have told them to get excited. When things simmer down and the smoke clears I see Whitey wanting their communities, cities and states back form the lawless filthy underclass...I see them wanting to feel protected by law enforcement, wanting their tax dollars being spent on them and not the uncivilized subhumans. I see reality hitting Dems hard at the polls in November. You’re so fucked....FOUR MORE YEARS!

Best of luck.
The issue is not dementia in Biden but dementia in anyone who would even consider voting for Trump after what we have seen the last three and a half years

Until the Wuhan virus, the years of Trump were the best.
The problem is that the Wuhan virus evolved into the TRUMPvirus and his mishandling of the crisis led to a hundred thousand deaths

President Trump acted on the advice of the NIH, CDC, and of course, Dr. Fauci. Trump is not a doctor. Trump is not a disease expert. That's why he has experts working for him. President Trump didn't fail us, our bureaucracies and agencies did, and plenty of proof of that has been posted since the start of this thing.

It would have been nice if he actually had.
Fauci never told him to declare Mission Accomplished after blocking entrance from China. It would have been nice if he didn’t downplay the threat. It would have been nice if he showed leadership in allocating resources rather than pitting each state against each other
The issue is not dementia in Biden but dementia in anyone who would even consider voting for Trump after what we have seen the last three and a half years

Until the Wuhan virus, the years of Trump were the best.
The problem is that the Wuhan virus evolved into the TRUMPvirus and his mishandling of the crisis led to a hundred thousand deaths

President Trump acted on the advice of the NIH, CDC, and of course, Dr. Fauci. Trump is not a doctor. Trump is not a disease expert. That's why he has experts working for him. President Trump didn't fail us, our bureaucracies and agencies did, and plenty of proof of that has been posted since the start of this thing.

It would have been nice if he actually had.
Fauci never told him to declare Mission Accomplished after blocking entrance from China. It would have been nice if he didn’t downplay the threat. It would have been nice if he showed leadership in allocating resources rather than pitting each state against each other

The private market played a huge part in this, and much PPE is locally purchased. Trump took action when he found out about it. When did Trump ever say mission accomplished? It was Dr. Fauci that said the virus is no serious threat in the middle of February. At the beginning of March, the Democrat local politicians were telling people it wasn't serious either. Everybody downplayed it because nobody had any idea how serious it would get.
There will be no national unity until the Left is removed from the scene.
That's a really silly statement.

If what you call "the left" disappears tomorrow, a moderate subsection of the right will simply become "the left" to "the right".

These are relative groups, not some sort of absolute descriptors.

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