Is it too late for Trump?

If the corrupt and criminal D Party had nominated an even average candidate, rather than a right wing senile old fool, they win easily. It's almost as if they don't care whether they win or lose.
No candidate they could nominate would escape being labelled with crippling failures. Who do you think you're kidding?
If the corrupt and criminal D Party had nominated an even average candidate, rather than a right wing senile old fool, they win easily. It's almost as if they don't care whether they win or lose.
No candidate they could nominate would escape being labelled with crippling failures. Who do you think you're kidding?
Of course the right wing media would label them. It’s what they do, and it easily dupes many voters.
Name a candidate who has a better chance at beating Trump than Biden

Fact is, Republicans fear Biden and always have
Sometimes I believe you say the most outrageous, moronic thing you can dream up just to see what kind of a reaction it will get.
You,re just now learning that? :biggrin: I learned that years ago.thank god for the ignore list.
why do you all fall for it over and over again
If the corrupt and criminal D Party had nominated an even average candidate, rather than a right wing senile old fool, they win easily. It's almost as if they don't care whether they win or lose.
Name a candidate who has a better chance at beating Trump than Biden

Fact is, Republicans fear Biden and always have
All of them.

Biden was without question, the worst one of the entire field.
I see you never listen to me on what I just said in previous post and you still feed him :uhoh3: :rolleyes-41:
Trump has been tanking in the last ten days

Good thing for us the election is another five months away then.
Very good...many will forget their dissatisfaction with how Trump has acted.

But will they forgive and forget?

How Trump has acted? What about how the Commie led House has acted with their phony impeachment; the first impeachment in our history that had no crime or impeachable offense? They spent more time trying to reverse the election than actually doing their jobs. And I anxiously await the Barr and Durham reports. That may be the final nail in the coffin for you on the left even if Biden is not implicated in anything.
The impeachment was perfect

It was Republicans who chose to look the other way....just like it was Fifth Avenue

It was a perfect farce if that's what you mean. Not to worry. Someday you will have a commie President under a Republican led House, and they will think of the stupidest thing to impeach him or her on, just like the commies did to Trump. No evidence of wrongdoing, making interpretations of what was said, no crime committed, and no impeachable offense. And when that happens, you'll be.....

View attachment 347693
WHY do you guys feed him,Jesus Christ :14:
1. I hope President Trump wins reelection. He's a good guy. I am proud that he refuses to kowtow to BLM as almost every government and business and sports bigwig has.

2. I hope he wins, for I would hate to see the Dems gloat. What is worst, I would hate to see the Dems grovel at the feet of BLM.

3. Objectively, he is in big trouble, so I agree with his enemies that he is probably toast.

4. Of course, the only thing we have in life is hope. FATE always surprises us. After all, we never expected the COVID-19 tragedy or the current Insurrection nonsense. So I'm hoping against hope that he can pull this off. As someone has said, "It ain't over till the fat lady sings."
in 2014, it was just BLM, now its the majority of americans:
A Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 64 percent of Americans sympathize with "people who are out protesting right now" compared to 27 percent who were not, while 9 percent are unsure. Meanwhile, more than 55 percent of Americans disapproved of President Donald Trump's handling of the protests, and about one-third said they approved. The president's overall job approval is currently at 39 percent. The poll surveyed more than 1,000 American adults online in English, according to Reuters.

Maybe the poll showed the so-called Bradley Effect.

Here in Los Angeles, we had a very popular African American mayor for twenty years, Tom Bradley.

He decided to run for governor.

In polls, people said, "Absolutely, I would vote for him."

Guess what. They didn't.

Social scientists claim that people lied to the pollsters because they wanted to avoid the label of "racist."


I know that if someone asked me (in person or on the phone) whether I supported BLM, I would immediately reply, "Of course!" And if everyone else at work (I'm now retired) kneeled, I would, too. In a totalitarian society (which this is now beginning to become) a nobody like me had better get in line -- or else!
1. I hope President Trump wins reelection. He's a good guy. I am proud that he refuses to kowtow to BLM as almost every government and business and sports bigwig has.

2. I hope he wins, for I would hate to see the Dems gloat. What is worst, I would hate to see the Dems grovel at the feet of BLM.

3. Objectively, he is in big trouble, so I agree with his enemies that he is probably toast.

4. Of course, the only thing we have in life is hope. FATE always surprises us. After all, we never expected the COVID-19 tragedy or the current Insurrection nonsense. So I'm hoping against hope that he can pull this off. As someone has said, "It ain't over till the fat lady sings."
in 2014, it was just BLM, now its the majority of americans:
A Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 64 percent of Americans sympathize with "people who are out protesting right now" compared to 27 percent who were not, while 9 percent are unsure. Meanwhile, more than 55 percent of Americans disapproved of President Donald Trump's handling of the protests, and about one-third said they approved. The president's overall job approval is currently at 39 percent. The poll surveyed more than 1,000 American adults online in English, according to Reuters.

Maybe the poll showed the so-called Bradley Effect.

Here in Los Angeles, we had a very popular African American mayor for twenty years, Tom Bradley.

He decided to run for governor.

In polls, people said, "Absolutely, I would vote for him."

Guess what. They didn't.

Social scientists claim that people lied to the pollsters because they wanted to avoid the label of "racist."


I know that if someone asked me (in person or on the phone) whether I supported BLM, I would immediately reply, "Of course!" And if everyone else at work (I'm now retired) kneeled, I would, too. In a totalitarian society (which this is now beginning to become) a nobody like me had better get in line -- or else!
Your lack of poll trust comes from Trump.
An incumbent always has an edge. That being said I'm hoping for a razor close election that way I know the country is strong.
1. I hope President Trump wins reelection. He's a good guy. I am proud that he refuses to kowtow to BLM as almost every government and business and sports bigwig has.

2. I hope he wins, for I would hate to see the Dems gloat. What is worst, I would hate to see the Dems grovel at the feet of BLM.

3. Objectively, he is in big trouble, so I agree with his enemies that he is probably toast.

4. Of course, the only thing we have in life is hope. FATE always surprises us. After all, we never expected the COVID-19 tragedy or the current Insurrection nonsense. So I'm hoping against hope that he can pull this off. As someone has said, "It ain't over till the fat lady sings."
in 2014, it was just BLM, now its the majority of americans:
A Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 64 percent of Americans sympathize with "people who are out protesting right now" compared to 27 percent who were not, while 9 percent are unsure. Meanwhile, more than 55 percent of Americans disapproved of President Donald Trump's handling of the protests, and about one-third said they approved. The president's overall job approval is currently at 39 percent. The poll surveyed more than 1,000 American adults online in English, according to Reuters.

Maybe the poll showed the so-called Bradley Effect.

Here in Los Angeles, we had a very popular African American mayor for twenty years, Tom Bradley.

He decided to run for governor.

In polls, people said, "Absolutely, I would vote for him."

Guess what. They didn't.

Social scientists claim that people lied to the pollsters because they wanted to avoid the label of "racist."


I know that if someone asked me (in person or on the phone) whether I supported BLM, I would immediately reply, "Of course!" And if everyone else at work (I'm now retired) kneeled, I would, too. In a totalitarian society (which this is now beginning to become) a nobody like me had better get in line -- or else!
Your lack of poll trust comes from Trump.

With all due respect, I would rather trust President Trump than the people who are now demanding that alleged "white supremacy" be replaced by another supremacy.

If he's smart (?), he won't try to deliver a national address on race relations. Holding a bible aloft and speaking from a teleprompter just wouldn't cut it. The man is woefully inept at public speaking; the best thing he can do is keep his mouth shut and hope it blows over, which is unlikely.

Trump needs rallies! According to him, the Coronavirus has been "defeated." Why hasn't he held rallies.

It's probably too late anyway
He needs to resign.

If he's smart (?), he won't try to deliver a national address on race relations. Holding a bible aloft and speaking from a teleprompter just wouldn't cut it. The man is woefully inept at public speaking; the best thing he can do is keep his mouth shut and hope it blows over, which is unlikely.

Trump needs rallies! According to him, the Coronavirus has been "defeated." Why hasn't he held rallies.

It's probably too late anyway
He's boxed in. If he demonstrates empathy for what others are going through, it will anger his base.

Maybe they'd be able to word in a way the base thinks he's just bullshitting and they won't care.

They'll forgive him.

It has nothing to do with his supporters. It doesn't mater what Trump does, the MSM and left will try to turn it against him. If he offers sympathy, they will report Trump is a phony. If he doesn't, they will report Trump doesn't care about minorities.

The left has made no inroads whatsoever into Trump's support....all they have done is make the people that already hated him....hate him even more. By constantly attacking him along with his supporters they have totally solidified the opposing viewpoints who now will listen to nothing at all not even real proof if they ever found it.


What they ignore is that the country is still not entirely open, and we are already seeing amazing results in unemployment and stock market recovery, and we are still 5 months away from the election.

The pissed off Bernie people will not support Biden, and the anti-Trump people who didn't vote last election will be coming out this election now that they see what Trump has (and will) accomplish.

Look there's a possibility that this economic hiccup accomplished something that wasn't otherwise possible.... The picking of winners and losers..... Something that no one could really do without political backlash. The companies who had weak finances and paper thin operational budgets have all pretty much been sorted out and the ones that are left are robust business models. Anyone who studied Keynes is familiar with his strategy of freezing demand occasionally to reorganize the supply side..... He saw it as a healthy habit. I'm no fan of Keynes..... But I agree with the fact that the occasional interruption of the status quo supercharges final demand and consolidates the flow of goods out to the healthiest business models. I think we may be seeing that now.

1. I hope President Trump wins reelection. He's a good guy. I am proud that he refuses to kowtow to BLM as almost every government and business and sports bigwig has.

2. I hope he wins, for I would hate to see the Dems gloat. What is worst, I would hate to see the Dems grovel at the feet of BLM.

3. Objectively, he is in big trouble, so I agree with his enemies that he is probably toast.

4. Of course, the only thing we have in life is hope. FATE always surprises us. After all, we never expected the COVID-19 tragedy or the current Insurrection nonsense. So I'm hoping against hope that he can pull this off. As someone has said, "It ain't over till the fat lady sings."
in 2014, it was just BLM, now its the majority of americans:
A Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 64 percent of Americans sympathize with "people who are out protesting right now" compared to 27 percent who were not, while 9 percent are unsure. Meanwhile, more than 55 percent of Americans disapproved of President Donald Trump's handling of the protests, and about one-third said they approved. The president's overall job approval is currently at 39 percent. The poll surveyed more than 1,000 American adults online in English, according to Reuters.

Maybe the poll showed the so-called Bradley Effect.

Here in Los Angeles, we had a very popular African American mayor for twenty years, Tom Bradley.

He decided to run for governor.

In polls, people said, "Absolutely, I would vote for him."

Guess what. They didn't.

Social scientists claim that people lied to the pollsters because they wanted to avoid the label of "racist."


I know that if someone asked me (in person or on the phone) whether I supported BLM, I would immediately reply, "Of course!" And if everyone else at work (I'm now retired) kneeled, I would, too. In a totalitarian society (which this is now beginning to become) a nobody like me had better get in line -- or else!

That was very similar to what happened in GW's second election. The exit polls showed Kerry by a significant lead. He lost. Then the Democrats were complaining about cheating the election again because of exit polling.

President Bush was demonized nearly as bad as Trump is today. People liked his leadership, but were afraid to let others know that they supported him. When pollsters asked voters how they voted, they simply said Kerry whether they voted for him or not.
1. I hope President Trump wins reelection. He's a good guy. I am proud that he refuses to kowtow to BLM as almost every government and business and sports bigwig has.

2. I hope he wins, for I would hate to see the Dems gloat. What is worst, I would hate to see the Dems grovel at the feet of BLM.

3. Objectively, he is in big trouble, so I agree with his enemies that he is probably toast.

4. Of course, the only thing we have in life is hope. FATE always surprises us. After all, we never expected the COVID-19 tragedy or the current Insurrection nonsense. So I'm hoping against hope that he can pull this off. As someone has said, "It ain't over till the fat lady sings."
in 2014, it was just BLM, now its the majority of americans:
A Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 64 percent of Americans sympathize with "people who are out protesting right now" compared to 27 percent who were not, while 9 percent are unsure. Meanwhile, more than 55 percent of Americans disapproved of President Donald Trump's handling of the protests, and about one-third said they approved. The president's overall job approval is currently at 39 percent. The poll surveyed more than 1,000 American adults online in English, according to Reuters.

Maybe the poll showed the so-called Bradley Effect.

Here in Los Angeles, we had a very popular African American mayor for twenty years, Tom Bradley.

He decided to run for governor.

In polls, people said, "Absolutely, I would vote for him."

Guess what. They didn't.

Social scientists claim that people lied to the pollsters because they wanted to avoid the label of "racist."


I know that if someone asked me (in person or on the phone) whether I supported BLM, I would immediately reply, "Of course!" And if everyone else at work (I'm now retired) kneeled, I would, too. In a totalitarian society (which this is now beginning to become) a nobody like me had better get in line -- or else!

That was very similar to what happened in GW's second election. The exit polls showed Kerry by a significant lead. He lost. Then the Democrats were complaining about cheating the election again because of exit polling.

President Bush was demonized nearly as bad as Trump is today. People liked his leadership, but were afraid to let others know that they supported him. When pollsters asked voters how they voted, they simply said Kerry whether they voted for him or not.
I hate using the :) with a heart shaped eyes.... When you post something excellent the other options just don't seem to rise to the occasion.

1. I hope President Trump wins reelection. He's a good guy. I am proud that he refuses to kowtow to BLM as almost every government and business and sports bigwig has.

2. I hope he wins, for I would hate to see the Dems gloat. What is worst, I would hate to see the Dems grovel at the feet of BLM.

3. Objectively, he is in big trouble, so I agree with his enemies that he is probably toast.

4. Of course, the only thing we have in life is hope. FATE always surprises us. After all, we never expected the COVID-19 tragedy or the current Insurrection nonsense. So I'm hoping against hope that he can pull this off. As someone has said, "It ain't over till the fat lady sings."
in 2014, it was just BLM, now its the majority of americans:
A Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 64 percent of Americans sympathize with "people who are out protesting right now" compared to 27 percent who were not, while 9 percent are unsure. Meanwhile, more than 55 percent of Americans disapproved of President Donald Trump's handling of the protests, and about one-third said they approved. The president's overall job approval is currently at 39 percent. The poll surveyed more than 1,000 American adults online in English, according to Reuters.

Maybe the poll showed the so-called Bradley Effect.

Here in Los Angeles, we had a very popular African American mayor for twenty years, Tom Bradley.

He decided to run for governor.

In polls, people said, "Absolutely, I would vote for him."

Guess what. They didn't.

Social scientists claim that people lied to the pollsters because they wanted to avoid the label of "racist."


I know that if someone asked me (in person or on the phone) whether I supported BLM, I would immediately reply, "Of course!" And if everyone else at work (I'm now retired) kneeled, I would, too. In a totalitarian society (which this is now beginning to become) a nobody like me had better get in line -- or else!
Your lack of poll trust comes from Trump.

With all due respect, I would rather trust President Trump than the people who are now demanding that alleged "white supremacy" be replaced by another supremacy.
This guy really?

Trump steaks, Trump university, etc

If he's smart (?), he won't try to deliver a national address on race relations. Holding a bible aloft and speaking from a teleprompter just wouldn't cut it. The man is woefully inept at public speaking; the best thing he can do is keep his mouth shut and hope it blows over, which is unlikely.

Trump needs rallies! According to him, the Coronavirus has been "defeated." Why hasn't he held rallies.

It's probably too late anyway
He needs to resign.
the problem with the article is the fact that the article itself is badly out of touch with reality. George Floyd has precious few supporters percentage-wise in the population. There is no mass movement for racial awareness or correction of racial Injustice because of Floyd's death. I have at least 50% of my friends including close family members who vote the other way so far there has been no indication from them that they saw Floyd is anyting but a thug even though they disagree with how he was arrested and manhandled. One of my sons is a major player in the DNC fundraising industry....he was completely disgusted with the phony display a floyds illegitimate children on the TV the other day. There's your exit polling dude.

1. I hope President Trump wins reelection. He's a good guy. I am proud that he refuses to kowtow to BLM as almost every government and business and sports bigwig has.

2. I hope he wins, for I would hate to see the Dems gloat. What is worst, I would hate to see the Dems grovel at the feet of BLM.

3. Objectively, he is in big trouble, so I agree with his enemies that he is probably toast.

4. Of course, the only thing we have in life is hope. FATE always surprises us. After all, we never expected the COVID-19 tragedy or the current Insurrection nonsense. So I'm hoping against hope that he can pull this off. As someone has said, "It ain't over till the fat lady sings."
in 2014, it was just BLM, now its the majority of americans:
A Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 64 percent of Americans sympathize with "people who are out protesting right now" compared to 27 percent who were not, while 9 percent are unsure. Meanwhile, more than 55 percent of Americans disapproved of President Donald Trump's handling of the protests, and about one-third said they approved. The president's overall job approval is currently at 39 percent. The poll surveyed more than 1,000 American adults online in English, according to Reuters.

Maybe the poll showed the so-called Bradley Effect.

Here in Los Angeles, we had a very popular African American mayor for twenty years, Tom Bradley.

He decided to run for governor.

In polls, people said, "Absolutely, I would vote for him."

Guess what. They didn't.

Social scientists claim that people lied to the pollsters because they wanted to avoid the label of "racist."


I know that if someone asked me (in person or on the phone) whether I supported BLM, I would immediately reply, "Of course!" And if everyone else at work (I'm now retired) kneeled, I would, too. In a totalitarian society (which this is now beginning to become) a nobody like me had better get in line -- or else!
Your lack of poll trust comes from Trump.

With all due respect, I would rather trust President Trump than the people who are now demanding that alleged "white supremacy" be replaced by another supremacy.
This guy really?

Trump steaks, Trump university, etc
It has been photoshopped.... It's pretty obvious his lower jaw bone is not that big. The guys already hideously ugly they should have just left the picture as it was naturally instead of trying to exaggerate it and make themselves look like idiots.

If he's smart (?), he won't try to deliver a national address on race relations. Holding a bible aloft and speaking from a teleprompter just wouldn't cut it. The man is woefully inept at public speaking; the best thing he can do is keep his mouth shut and hope it blows over, which is unlikely.

Trump needs rallies! According to him, the Coronavirus has been "defeated." Why hasn't he held rallies.

It's probably too late anyway
He's boxed in. If he demonstrates empathy for what others are going through, it will anger his base.

Maybe they'd be able to word in a way the base thinks he's just bullshitting and they won't care.

They'll forgive him.

It has nothing to do with his supporters. It doesn't mater what Trump does, the MSM and left will try to turn it against him. If he offers sympathy, they will report Trump is a phony. If he doesn't, they will report Trump doesn't care about minorities.

The left has made no inroads whatsoever into Trump's support....all they have done is make the people that already hated him....hate him even more. By constantly attacking him along with his supporters they have totally solidified the opposing viewpoints who now will listen to nothing at all not even real proof if they ever found it.


What they ignore is that the country is still not entirely open, and we are already seeing amazing results in unemployment and stock market recovery, and we are still 5 months away from the election.

The pissed off Bernie people will not support Biden, and the anti-Trump people who didn't vote last election will be coming out this election now that they see what Trump has (and will) accomplish.

Look there's a possibility that this economic hiccup accomplished something that wasn't otherwise possible.... The picking of winners and losers..... Something that no one could really do without political backlash. The companies who had weak finances and paper thin operational budgets have all pretty much been sorted out and the ones that are left are robust business models. Anyone who studied Keynes is familiar with his strategy of freezing demand occasionally to reorganize the supply side..... He saw it as a healthy habit. I'm no fan of Keynes..... But I agree with the fact that the occasional interruption of the status quo supercharges final demand and consolidates the flow of goods out to the healthiest business models. I think we may be seeing that now.


This recession is unique in that we've never experienced anything like it in our history. We went from the strongest economy in over 50 years to 40 million jobs lost in a matter of a few months. Now that the economy is slowly opening back up, we seen the largest gain in employment in the history of our country.

Nobody knows what is going to happen because we have no history to look back on. That's why it's so stupid to make predictions on the next presidential election at this stage of the game.
1. I hope President Trump wins reelection. He's a good guy. I am proud that he refuses to kowtow to BLM as almost every government and business and sports bigwig has.

2. I hope he wins, for I would hate to see the Dems gloat. What is worst, I would hate to see the Dems grovel at the feet of BLM.

3. Objectively, he is in big trouble, so I agree with his enemies that he is probably toast.

4. Of course, the only thing we have in life is hope. FATE always surprises us. After all, we never expected the COVID-19 tragedy or the current Insurrection nonsense. So I'm hoping against hope that he can pull this off. As someone has said, "It ain't over till the fat lady sings."
in 2014, it was just BLM, now its the majority of americans:
A Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 64 percent of Americans sympathize with "people who are out protesting right now" compared to 27 percent who were not, while 9 percent are unsure. Meanwhile, more than 55 percent of Americans disapproved of President Donald Trump's handling of the protests, and about one-third said they approved. The president's overall job approval is currently at 39 percent. The poll surveyed more than 1,000 American adults online in English, according to Reuters.

Maybe the poll showed the so-called Bradley Effect.

Here in Los Angeles, we had a very popular African American mayor for twenty years, Tom Bradley.

He decided to run for governor.

In polls, people said, "Absolutely, I would vote for him."

Guess what. They didn't.

Social scientists claim that people lied to the pollsters because they wanted to avoid the label of "racist."


I know that if someone asked me (in person or on the phone) whether I supported BLM, I would immediately reply, "Of course!" And if everyone else at work (I'm now retired) kneeled, I would, too. In a totalitarian society (which this is now beginning to become) a nobody like me had better get in line -- or else!

That was very similar to what happened in GW's second election. The exit polls showed Kerry by a significant lead. He lost. Then the Democrats were complaining about cheating the election again because of exit polling.

President Bush was demonized nearly as bad as Trump is today. People liked his leadership, but were afraid to let others know that they supported him. When pollsters asked voters how they voted, they simply said Kerry whether they voted for him or not.
I hate using the :) with a heart shaped eyes.... When you post something excellent the other options just don't seem to rise to the occasion.


USMB Fd up with the ratings icons, that's for sure. They should have kept the old ones without a doubt. I do like the thumbs-down one though. That is a good addition.
1. I hope President Trump wins reelection. He's a good guy. I am proud that he refuses to kowtow to BLM as almost every government and business and sports bigwig has.

2. I hope he wins, for I would hate to see the Dems gloat. What is worst, I would hate to see the Dems grovel at the feet of BLM.

3. Objectively, he is in big trouble, so I agree with his enemies that he is probably toast.

4. Of course, the only thing we have in life is hope. FATE always surprises us. After all, we never expected the COVID-19 tragedy or the current Insurrection nonsense. So I'm hoping against hope that he can pull this off. As someone has said, "It ain't over till the fat lady sings."
in 2014, it was just BLM, now its the majority of americans:
A Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 64 percent of Americans sympathize with "people who are out protesting right now" compared to 27 percent who were not, while 9 percent are unsure. Meanwhile, more than 55 percent of Americans disapproved of President Donald Trump's handling of the protests, and about one-third said they approved. The president's overall job approval is currently at 39 percent. The poll surveyed more than 1,000 American adults online in English, according to Reuters.

Wow!!! A whole thousand Americans? Why, why that's like a quarter of our country!!! Online??? Online is foolproof, so it must be genuine. :laughing0301:
Online polls were good enough for Trump:

Gee, post a site with a paywall. No liberal has ever done that before. :laughing0301:
its from WSJ, but reported by several news outlets.

And all those outlets aped the WSJ report. If you are going to bring in a renown serial liar like Cohen to base your argument, I have to tell you that it's a very weak one at that. Besides his trails of lies, he and Trump eventually ended up on the outs with each other. It's no surprise he would make up things to try and make the President look bad, especially a story that was never proven.

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