Is it too late for Trump?

Trump has been tanking in the last ten days

Good thing for us the election is another five months away then.
Will Trumps dramatic drop in support after the protests/riots carry over to November?

Probably not all but some.
In the mean time, Trump has to provide a fresh reason to support him by November.

Outside of leftists, who is stupid enough to blame multiple riots carried out by leftists in Democrat controlled cities on a Republican President?
57 percent disagree with Trumps reaction to the protests.70 percent are upset with what happened to Floyd
Hopefully for Trump, many will forget by November...but will they change their minds about Trump?
Any half way intelligent person who listens to quid pro quo joe thinks holy shit, this fucker can't put together a single cogent sentence. He's all over the place, forgets what he's talking about, says some crazy shit and insults people and sounds like he's got dementia.

Trump has been tanking in the last ten days

Good thing for us the election is another five months away then.
Very good...many will forget their dissatisfaction with how Trump has acted.

But will they forgive and forget?

If he's smart (?), he won't try to deliver a national address on race relations. Holding a bible aloft and speaking from a teleprompter just wouldn't cut it. The man is woefully inept at public speaking; the best thing he can do is keep his mouth shut and hope it blows over, which is unlikely.

Trump needs rallies! According to him, the Coronavirus has been "defeated." Why hasn't he held rallies.

It's probably too late anyway

When did Trump say the virus was defeated? You lie more than your source, the Communist News Network.

We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

President Trump, in an interview with CNBC, was asked about the first diagnosed U.S. case. He said he wasn’t worried about a pandemic.

And you think he just made that up? He relayed the information he got from the CDC and Dr. Fauci. Since you avoided my question, when did Trump say the Wuhan virus was now defeated?
Yes, I do think he just made it up

Information we were getting from Fauci and CDC was we were facing a pandemic.
Trump tried to soft sell the threat. No worse than the flu, we have shut down immigration, it is under control

100,000 people died

You really don't understand how the presidency works. Most of them are not real experts on anything. That's why they have people who are. In mid February, Fauci publicly said that masks were not necessary, and at that point of time, the Wuhan flu was not a real serious threat. And what did the House Democrats spend the first two weeks of March doing? They were trying to pass a bill that stripped Trump of single-handedly issuing travel bans.
Trump is a non-intellectual. Not that he needs to be an expert on every subject, but a crisis that is crippling the country, he needs to read up on.
Listening to Governors speak on the subject compared to Trumps ramblings and misinformation provides a stark contrast in who has been studying and who has not.

CNN won't tell you what Trump has said or done unless it's negative; the same way it's been since the election.

Fauci has stated the President took measures based on his recommendations. That's good enough for me. Unfortunately nobody knew anything about this virus because China with the help of the WHO hid badly needed information from the world.

In spite of everything, we still don't know everything we need to, but that's not the Presidents fault.

If he's smart (?), he won't try to deliver a national address on race relations. Holding a bible aloft and speaking from a teleprompter just wouldn't cut it. The man is woefully inept at public speaking; the best thing he can do is keep his mouth shut and hope it blows over, which is unlikely.

Trump needs rallies! According to him, the Coronavirus has been "defeated." Why hasn't he held rallies.

It's probably too late anyway

When did Trump say the virus was defeated? You lie more than your source, the Communist News Network.

We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

President Trump, in an interview with CNBC, was asked about the first diagnosed U.S. case. He said he wasn’t worried about a pandemic.

And you think he just made that up? He relayed the information he got from the CDC and Dr. Fauci. Since you avoided my question, when did Trump say the Wuhan virus was now defeated?
Yes, I do think he just made it up

Information we were getting from Fauci and CDC was we were facing a pandemic.
Trump tried to soft sell the threat. No worse than the flu, we have shut down immigration, it is under control

100,000 people died

You really don't understand how the presidency works. Most of them are not real experts on anything. That's why they have people who are. In mid February, Fauci publicly said that masks were not necessary, and at that point of time, the Wuhan flu was not a real serious threat. And what did the House Democrats spend the first two weeks of March doing? They were trying to pass a bill that stripped Trump of single-handedly issuing travel bans.
Trump is a non-intellectual. Not that he needs to be an expert on every subject, but a crisis that is crippling the country, he needs to read up on.
Listening to Governors speak on the subject compared to Trumps ramblings and misinformation provides a stark contrast in who has been studying and who has not.

CNN won't tell you what Trump has said or done unless it's negative; the same way it's been since the election.

Fauci has stated the President took measures based on his recommendations. That's good enough for me. Unfortunately nobody knew anything about this virus because China with the help of the WHO hid badly needed information from the world.

In spite of everything, we still don't know everything we need to, but that's not the Presidents fault.
Nothing is the Presidents fault
He will be the first to tell you whose fault it is
Trump has been tanking in the last ten days

Good thing for us the election is another five months away then.
Very good...many will forget their dissatisfaction with how Trump has acted.

But will they forgive and forget?

How Trump has acted? What about how the Commie led House has acted with their phony impeachment; the first impeachment in our history that had no crime or impeachable offense? They spent more time trying to reverse the election than actually doing their jobs. And I anxiously await the Barr and Durham reports. That may be the final nail in the coffin for you on the left even if Biden is not implicated in anything.
Trump has been tanking in the last ten days

Good thing for us the election is another five months away then.
Very good...many will forget their dissatisfaction with how Trump has acted.

But will they forgive and forget?

How Trump has acted? What about how the Commie led House has acted with their phony impeachment; the first impeachment in our history that had no crime or impeachable offense? They spent more time trying to reverse the election than actually doing their jobs. And I anxiously await the Barr and Durham reports. That may be the final nail in the coffin for you on the left even if Biden is not implicated in anything.
The impeachment was perfect

It was Republicans who chose to look the other way....just like it was Fifth Avenue
Any half way intelligent person who listens to quid pro quo joe thinks holy shit, this fucker can't put together a single cogent sentence. He's all over the place, forgets what he's talking about, says some crazy shit and insults people and sounds like he's got dementia. Only an idiot will vote for him.
All over the place. Forgets what he's talking about. Says crazy shit. Insults people.

What a perfect projection of what Trump does! :lol:
Any half way intelligent person who listens to quid pro quo joe thinks holy shit, this fucker can't put together a single cogent sentence. He's all over the place, forgets what he's talking about, says some crazy shit and insults people and sounds like he's got dementia. Only an idiot will vote for him.
Q: This Sunday is Mother's Day. What are your plans? What are you gonna do for Melania and do you have a message for all the moms that are watching this morning?

TRUMP: Well, we'll be together. I'm going to a Camp David meeting — a big meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Camp David is this very special place that nobody ever gets to see but it's a great work environment. And we're going to have meetings on different things. And we're going to have meetings on different things, and our military has never looked better. It's never been better. We've never had the kind of equipment that we have now. And we had planes that were 50 years old, and more. Fighter jets — now we have the best in the world, the F-35 and the F-18, and you know, what we have is incredible. The equipment and the people we have are great, but you know, they have to have equipment. And we spent $1.5 trillion — really, more than that. And we've totally rebuilt our military, which you have to do. You know, I'm a very budget-conscious person. But you have to do. The nice thing is — it's all built in the USA. And plenty of equipment coming. Lot of this equipment is coming. So it's very important that we have the best military and we have the... our military has never been in condition like it is now and soon will be.
Any half way intelligent person who listens to quid pro quo joe thinks holy shit, this fucker can't put together a single cogent sentence. He's all over the place, forgets what he's talking about, says some crazy shit and insults people and sounds like he's got dementia. Only an idiot will vote for him.
Any half way intelligent person who listens to quid pro quo joe thinks holy shit, this fucker can't put together a single cogent sentence. He's all over the place, forgets what he's talking about, says some crazy shit and insults people and sounds like he's got dementia. Only an idiot will vote for him.
Q: This Sunday is Mother's Day. What are your plans? What are you gonna do for Melania and do you have a message for all the moms that are watching this morning?

TRUMP: Well, we'll be together. I'm going to a Camp David meeting — a big meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Camp David is this very special place that nobody ever gets to see but it's a great work environment. And we're going to have meetings on different things. And we're going to have meetings on different things, and our military has never looked better. It's never been better. We've never had the kind of equipment that we have now. And we had planes that were 50 years old, and more. Fighter jets — now we have the best in the world, the F-35 and the F-18, and you know, what we have is incredible. The equipment and the people we have are great, but you know, they have to have equipment. And we spent $1.5 trillion — really, more than that. And we've totally rebuilt our military, which you have to do. You know, I'm a very budget-conscious person. But you have to do. The nice thing is — it's all built in the USA. And plenty of equipment coming. Lot of this equipment is coming. So it's very important that we have the best military and we have the... our military has never been in condition like it is now and soon will be.
Happy Mother’s Day
Fauci has stated the President took measures based on his recommendations. That's good enough for me. Unfortunately nobody knew anything about this virus because China with the help of the WHO hid badly needed information from the world.

In spite of everything, we still don't know everything we need to, but that's not the Presidents fault.

This is why we have 16 intelligence agencies. They were listening to conversations between wuhan and beijing, so they knew what was going on.
Its not if Trump will win in November.....its by how much.....get your asses to the polls....make the DNC cheating a worthless venture.....
Trump has about a 50 word vocabulary, and he only knows how to spell about half of them.

It's a terrific vocabulary. He has the best words in his big brain. Other world leaders when they talk him are so impressed by his great words! They are constantly asking him, "How did you get so smart? You've never been a leader before." Well he's been a leader all his life, but you know what I mean. You know what I mean, right? You don't make four six nine ten billion dollars by not being a leader. Believe me. So these other world leaders keep asking him, "How did you get so smart?" It's true, believe me. Believe me. Believe me, folks.
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1. I hope President Trump wins reelection. He's a good guy. I am proud that he refuses to kowtow to BLM as almost every government and business and sports bigwig has.

2. I hope he wins, for I would hate to see the Dems gloat. What is worst, I would hate to see the Dems grovel at the feet of BLM.

3. Objectively, he is in big trouble, so I agree with his enemies that he is probably toast.

4. Of course, the only thing we have in life is hope. FATE always surprises us. After all, we never expected the COVID-19 tragedy or the current Insurrection nonsense. So I'm hoping against hope that he can pull this off. As someone has said, "It ain't over till the fat lady sings."

If he's smart (?), he won't try to deliver a national address on race relations. Holding a bible aloft and speaking from a teleprompter just wouldn't cut it. The man is woefully inept at public speaking; the best thing he can do is keep his mouth shut and hope it blows over, which is unlikely.

Trump needs rallies! According to him, the Coronavirus has been "defeated." Why hasn't he held rallies.

It's probably too late anyway

When did Trump say the virus was defeated? You lie more than your source, the Communist News Network.

We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

President Trump, in an interview with CNBC, was asked about the first diagnosed U.S. case. He said he wasn’t worried about a pandemic.
At the same time that Pelosi was telling people it was safe to go to festivals in Chinatown and Bill De Blasio was telling New Yorkers that it was perfectly safe to use the subway, Winger? If you had an honest bone in your body you'd admit that MOST leaders at that point weren't worried about a pandemic because China was lying to the world about how bad it was! But you DON'T have an honest bone in your body so you post crap like this!
You are moving the goal post

The question raised was where did Trump say the Virus was defeated.

Show me where Pelosi or DeBlasio said the virus would go to zero. They said people could go out in public, they never declared mission accomplished like Trump did.

DeBlasio shut down his city while Trump was still declaring Coronavirus a hoax

DeBlasio shut down New York? How long did that take place AFTER he was telling New Yorkers it was safe to take the subway, Winger?

DeBlasio and Pelosi not only told people they could go out in public...they ENCOURAGED them to take the subway and to go to festivals. Yet you don't blame THEM for doing what they you, Winger!

If he's smart (?), he won't try to deliver a national address on race relations. Holding a bible aloft and speaking from a teleprompter just wouldn't cut it. The man is woefully inept at public speaking; the best thing he can do is keep his mouth shut and hope it blows over, which is unlikely.

Trump needs rallies! According to him, the Coronavirus has been "defeated." Why hasn't he held rallies.

It's probably too late anyway

When did Trump say the virus was defeated? You lie more than your source, the Communist News Network.

We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

President Trump, in an interview with CNBC, was asked about the first diagnosed U.S. case. He said he wasn’t worried about a pandemic.
At the same time that Pelosi was telling people it was safe to go to festivals in Chinatown and Bill De Blasio was telling New Yorkers that it was perfectly safe to use the subway, Winger? If you had an honest bone in your body you'd admit that MOST leaders at that point weren't worried about a pandemic because China was lying to the world about how bad it was! But you DON'T have an honest bone in your body so you post crap like this!
You are moving the goal post

The question raised was where did Trump say the Virus was defeated.

Show me where Pelosi or DeBlasio said the virus would go to zero. They said people could go out in public, they never declared mission accomplished like Trump did.

DeBlasio shut down his city while Trump was still declaring Coronavirus a hoax

DeBlasio shut down New York? How long did that take place AFTER he was telling New Yorkers it was safe to take the subway, Winger?

DeBlasio and Pelosi not only told people they could go out in public...they ENCOURAGED them to take the subway and to go to festivals. Yet you don't blame THEM for doing what they you, Winger!
New York City was one of the first in the nation to shut down.
He encouraged people to go about their lives when there was no known cases

This contrasts Trump who told people to rebel against Coronavirus restrictions

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