Is It Wise For The US To Anger Pakistan?


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
The United States has been waging drone attacks within the borders of Pakistan for more then a year now, some reports indicate that while killing a handful of 'terrorists' it has only succeeded at killing far more Pakistani civilians; is the needless loss of civilian life any less tragic over there then it is here? Polls taken within Pakistan indicate that many people of that country view the States now as an enemy; and Pakistan is a nuclear power so is it wise to gain the hatred of a nation with such weapons? If members of Pakistan's military shared this sentiment, could they possibly arm and support known enemies of America and the West. What do American's think about this issue and the potential ramifications?
I bet the drone strikes happen more often than we think and the civilian casualties are better publicized than the successes. Pakistan is naturally angry about any civilian casualties. We have to be somewhat discrete about our number of successes.

Would I continue them? Probably. Might even try some public game of words with Pakistan. Catch them being a little two faced, accuse a few officials of being like a married whore. Would it do any good? Probably not. I suppose throwing our money at the situation worked in Japan so we will keep it up and keep up the drone strikes.
Pakistan is a country so completely incompetent that we can run military operations with our own troops (the Seals, for one group) right inside their country with impunity. They are like Yemen -- no government strong enough to stop us.

And they've got nukes.....oh, good.

But their nukes are on the far side of the planet from us, and they can't do much about delivery, so it's a problem for China and India, their perpetual enemies.

I don't view Pakis as any sort of problem for America. They are way too messed up. The most important thing is to keep them out of this country -- they are constantly trying to emigrate to the USA and Europe because they can't run their own country to be tolerable. And I've met some of them: they lie, lie, lie, lie: they are bad citizens.

They've got 180 million people because of gross and uncontrolled overreproduction and no economy to speak of. They need to stay exactly where they are, in Pakistan, until they figure it out, if they ever do.
Anger Pakistan?

A country we sent billions of dollars to for the fight against terrorism? A country that turns the other way with open terrorist enclaves ? A country that has an open invitation to AlQaeda? A country witch shielded Osama bin Laden for a decade?

Drones do the job so that open military invasions don't have to
Really odd.
America has murdered something up to 4,000 people in drone strikes, including execution of Americans without trial.
When someone murdered around 3,000 people with an attack in America it was terrorism.
Really odd.
America has murdered something up to 4,000 people in drone strikes, including execution of Americans without trial.
When someone murdered around 3,000 people with an attack in America it was terrorism.

That's right, extremist Muslim, and we'll murder a whole lot more unless you keep your terrorists where they belong, killing other Pakis in Pakistan and whatever hellholes you come from.

Count on it.
Really odd.
America has murdered something up to 4,000 people in drone strikes, including execution of Americans without trial.
When someone murdered around 3,000 people with an attack in America it was terrorism.

That's right, extremist Muslim, and we'll murder a whole lot more unless you keep your terrorists where they belong, killing other Pakis in Pakistan and whatever hellholes you come from.

Count on it.

You say Muslims are bloodthirsty murderers - gosh. :clap2:
Really odd.
America has murdered something up to 4,000 people in drone strikes, including execution of Americans without trial.
When someone murdered around 3,000 people with an attack in America it was terrorism.

Which person was being targeted in the 9-11 attacks?

We do not go into Pakastan and randomly kill targets
Really odd.
America has murdered something up to 4,000 people in drone strikes, including execution of Americans without trial.
When someone murdered around 3,000 people with an attack in America it was terrorism.

What's even odder is some mental midget equating a terrorist act against innocent civilians with civilian deaths from the U.S. doing the work the Pakis refuse to do within their own borders. I mean bin Laden living for years in a large walled, barbed wired complex a stone's throw from the Paki version of West Point? And no one in their government or military knew it?

If the Paki snakes would do their job, we wouldn't have to.
Really odd.
America has murdered something up to 4,000 people in drone strikes, including execution of Americans without trial.
When someone murdered around 3,000 people with an attack in America it was terrorism.

Which person was being targeted in the 9-11 attacks?

We do not go into Pakastan and randomly kill targets

A few thousand dead civilians suggest you may be wrong.
Really odd.
America has murdered something up to 4,000 people in drone strikes, including execution of Americans without trial.
When someone murdered around 3,000 people with an attack in America it was terrorism.

What's even odder is some mental midget equating a terrorist act against innocent civilians with civilian deaths from the U.S. doing the work the Pakis refuse to do within their own borders. I mean bin Laden living for years in a large walled, barbed wired complex a stone's throw from the Paki version of West Point? And no one in their government or military knew it?

If the Paki snakes would do their job, we wouldn't have to.

Yes, I'm equating murdering civilians to murdering civilians.
How silly of me.
Really odd.
America has murdered something up to 4,000 people in drone strikes, including execution of Americans without trial.
When someone murdered around 3,000 people with an attack in America it was terrorism.

What's even odder is some mental midget equating a terrorist act against innocent civilians with civilian deaths from the U.S. doing the work the Pakis refuse to do within their own borders. I mean bin Laden living for years in a large walled, barbed wired complex a stone's throw from the Paki version of West Point? And no one in their government or military knew it?

If the Paki snakes would do their job, we wouldn't have to.

Yes, I'm equating murdering civilians to murdering civilians.
How silly of me.

No, what's silly is ignoring the context and equating the two. Probably more stupid that silly on second thought.
Really odd.
America has murdered something up to 4,000 people in drone strikes, including execution of Americans without trial.
When someone murdered around 3,000 people with an attack in America it was terrorism.

What's even odder is some mental midget equating a terrorist act against innocent civilians with civilian deaths from the U.S. doing the work the Pakis refuse to do within their own borders. I mean bin Laden living for years in a large walled, barbed wired complex a stone's throw from the Paki version of West Point? And no one in their government or military knew it?

If the Paki snakes would do their job, we wouldn't have to.

Very true. But Pakis LUUUUUUUUV their terrorists and rioters and al Qaeda, so we'll keep droning them.

I think drones are the best military weapon ever invented. Too high-tech for the El Stupidos of the world to manage, so we'll have an exclusive on them for a long time, and no need for boots on the ground in many cases. Just send in the drones, zap the terrorists. And anyone around them, but they are living with and supporting terrorists, so the heck with them.

If terrorists don't want us to kill their families, they should go to military bases where we can send in the drones to kill them there. I think that is obvious. But these worthless cowards want to involve their whole village.
The United States has been waging drone attacks within the borders of Pakistan for more then a year now, some reports indicate that while killing a handful of 'terrorists' it has only succeeded at killing far more Pakistani civilians; is the needless loss of civilian life any less tragic over there then it is here? Polls taken within Pakistan indicate that many people of that country view the States now as an enemy; and Pakistan is a nuclear power so is it wise to gain the hatred of a nation with such weapons? If members of Pakistan's military shared this sentiment, could they possibly arm and support known enemies of America and the West. What do American's think about this issue and the potential ramifications?

I think India should take their land back and drive the idolaters out of there. Pakistan was carved out of India. It is land theft. Take it back and drive them out. Fear getting them angry? lol! You must be kidding me. - Jeri ( who cares? )
Really odd.
America has murdered something up to 4,000 people in drone strikes, including execution of Americans without trial.
When someone murdered around 3,000 people with an attack in America it was terrorism.

Which person was being targeted in the 9-11 attacks?

We do not go into Pakastan and randomly kill targets

A few thousand dead civilians suggest you may be wrong.

Can you point to any drone attacks that were not targeted after specific terrorists ?

Sadly, civilian casualties happen in any military action. They would happen if we sent in troops and they would happen if we resorted to bombings of targets of interest

For some reason, terrorists do not like to come out into the openand prefer to surround themselves with civilians
But the question at the top of the thread was, is it WISE for the US to "anger" Pakistan?

Well ------------------ why not?

What we do kills terrorists and wow, even bin Laden!! That was wise indeed ---

I just don't see anything but win-win for us. Pakis get mad at the USA and then they don't come here as much, I hope -- and they are a bad lot, from what I know from interactions with some, we definitely don't want them, they lie like carpets --

They can't do anything against us, way too incompetent in every way, so why not do what we want?

Whenever they are mad at the USA, they just get up a big riot and kill each other, dozens at a time. This is all to the good, the fewer Pakis the better, so I'm glad when they DO get mad!

It simply doesn't matter if we "anger" Pakistan. So we may as well do what we want.
Thanks to our own left wing media and left wing politicians the US is disrespected in most of the world. They attack American ships with suicide speedboats and our president apologizes for it. American Troops are bogged down in Afghanistan because the fat asses in the Pentagon are afraid that a civilian might get killed. As the attack in Benghazi illustrated the world is beyond anger. The US propped up the rebel Libyan government and they turned around and killed our ambassador.
Which person was being targeted in the 9-11 attacks?

We do not go into Pakastan and randomly kill targets

A few thousand dead civilians suggest you may be wrong.

Can you point to any drone attacks that were not targeted after specific terrorists ?

Sadly, civilian casualties happen in any military action. They would happen if we sent in troops and they would happen if we resorted to bombings of targets of interest

For some reason, terrorists do not like to come out into the openand prefer to surround themselves with civilians

What military action?
You mean, terrorist attacks.
America invades a sovereign county's airspace and kills "SUSPECTS".
No trial or anything, just suspects.
When you execute without trial in these terrorist attacks, you commonly murder civilians as well.
America invades a sovereign county's airspace and kills "SUSPECTS".
No trial or anything, just suspects.
When you execute without trial in these terrorist attacks, you commonly murder civilians as well.

Dat's wight, wabbit, so maybe your crappy government should stop the terrorists and then we wouldn't have to.

You don't do it, we will. Count on it.
Thanks to our own left wing media and left wing politicians the US is disrespected in most of the world. They attack American ships with suicide speedboats and our president apologizes for it. American Troops are bogged down in Afghanistan because the fat asses in the Pentagon are afraid that a civilian might get killed. As the attack in Benghazi illustrated the world is beyond anger. The US propped up the rebel Libyan government and they turned around and killed our ambassador.

Actually, the US of Arse is disrespected because your foreign policy stinks.
Your ships get attacked either by or because of Israel and American support for their evil government and you get shot at in Afghanistan because you invaded that country.

Come on, if you invade a place, expect your invading army to get shot at.

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