Is It Wise to Have Public Homecomings?


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
I was just now on break here at work and was browsing They had a story about a HS Senior who was surprised by his father at his graduation ceremony. Everything went great. The graduating senior and the Sergeant's five other kids were surprised and happy to see him. The principal worked with the Sergeant to keep it a secret and the crowd was very appreciative to the Sergeant who has done 5 deployments.

I wonder though, what if you were one of the student's classmates who had lost a parent in combat. I imagine the bittersweet moment of your graduating without your parent would be made somewhat more painful to see a reunion happening in front of you. I would imagine; I don't know, that in a town where the base is one of the larger employers and the core reason for the town, there would be several students who lost parents.

I doubt any of the students would hold it against their classmate or their father for doing it but perhaps the reunions should take place in a less public setting.
So you only THINK others lost but cannot PROVE. Yet you wish to CRUSH a happy return based on ZERO evidence. Fuck you! You wish to punish the PROUD the PROVEN with FAKE horseshit.
i see it as the military and their families being used for government propaganda

remember pat tillman?
I was just now on break here at work and was browsing They had a story about a HS Senior who was surprised by his father at his graduation ceremony. Everything went great. The graduating senior and the Sergeant's five other kids were surprised and happy to see him. The principal worked with the Sergeant to keep it a secret and the crowd was very appreciative to the Sergeant who has done 5 deployments.

I wonder though, what if you were one of the student's classmates who had lost a parent in combat. I imagine the bittersweet moment of your graduating without your parent would be made somewhat more painful to see a reunion happening in front of you. I would imagine; I don't know, that in a town where the base is one of the larger employers and the core reason for the town, there would be several students who lost parents.

I doubt any of the students would hold it against their classmate or their father for doing it but perhaps the reunions should take place in a less public setting.
These public displays shouldn't take place at all. The Empire needs to bring all their forces HOME and mind it's own business...but I know that happen. Why? Because the ruling class won't let it.

This crap that US forces are fighting for our freedom, is just such utter and disgusting propaganda. They are fighting for the ruling class, as they have always done. They are pawns in the game the elites are playing.
and why would the person have to be right there to have feelings about see it all over the news.....i can see candy's point
When's the last time we made a declaration of war anyway?
It is no longer required. Congress has abdicated it's Constitutional duty.

No matter what one thinks of Bernie, he nails it here. When was the last time a Senator said such clearly accurate and damning statements? He exposes the CIA for overthrowing elected government of Iran, false flag by LBJ to expand the Vietnam 'conflict', and of course W's massive lie for war in Iraq.
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When's the last time we made a declaration of war anyway?
It is no longer required. Congress has abdicated it's Constitutional duty.

No matter what one thinks of Bernie, he nails here. When was the last time a Senator said such clearly accurate and damning statements? He exposes the CIA for overthrowing elected government of Iran, false flag by LBJ to expand the Vietnam 'conflict', and of course W's massive lie for war in Iraq.

Berine is right about a lot of things. And he's voted with us against a lot legislation.

We see the same problems, and we agree that they are real problems, but where he loses me is when it comes to solutions. I disagree wit hhis solutions.

But, yeah, he's right here. Absolutely.
These public displays shouldn't take place at all. The Empire needs to bring all their forces HOME and mind it's own business...but I know that happen. Why? Because the ruling class won't let it.

This crap that US forces are fighting for our freedom, is just such utter and disgusting propaganda. They are fighting for the ruling class, as they have always done. They are pawns in the game the elites are playing.
You're saying US forces fighting against ISIS are not fighting for our freedom ? And US forces in Afghanistan are not fighting for our freedom ? What about fighting to be free from nuclear annihilation ? You don't see them as fighting for that ?

PS - the word "Empire" comes from the word Imperialism. Did you know that the US is the # 1 VICTIM of Imperalism in the world today ? ($138 Billion/year)
Let's ban public reunions because they might make somebody feel bad!
Getting back to the earlier clip about Bernie, there's a lot I would say about Bernie and his supportes. Though, I disagree with most of their solutions, I do agree with them about the same problems with which we're faced.

You have to respect what they did. They did the same thing with Bernie that we did with Ron in 08 and '12. We filled every seat and street from coast to coast and set political records in terms of attendance and money raised. We won the delegate game through good delegate training and the right to debate and then the GOP changed the rules on us. Rule 40 was a prime example. Of course, the media blacked all of that out. We were dominating the polls. Wouldn't even put his picture on tv. Heck, when they did put it up, they put his numbers next to someone elses picture.

The Dems did the same thing to Bernie. More or less.

For that reason alone, I'm pretty easy on the Bernie folks. I disagree with their solutions, but I respect what they did. It's not easy to organize and raise money and network and build sites like that and work against the political establishment and cable news entertainment programming, too. But they were there. They showed up. And like us when we did it, it cannot ever be said that they stood by and did nothing.
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Berine is right about a lot of things. And he's voted with us against a lot legislation.

We see the same problems, and we agree that they are real problems, but where he loses me is when it comes to solutions. I disagree wit hhis solutions.

But, yeah, he's right here. Absolutely.
Bernie is right about Vietnam, but with Iran, he doesn't mention that Carter gave his approval to the Ayatollah, taking down the Shah. He also botches the Iraq issue with Bush, saying that Bush lied about Iraq having WMDs. Actually, the entrance to the Iraq war was not about WMDs (which could be just poison gas), it was about "Nuclear imminent threat", and that was a lie, but a different one.

PS - every country in the world possesses WMDs, and they are in every residential neighborhood all across the world, in water treatment plants.
So you only THINK others lost but cannot PROVE. Yet you wish to CRUSH a happy return based on ZERO evidence. Fuck you! You wish to punish the PROUD the PROVEN with FAKE horseshit.

You doubt school children have lost family members in combat? You call that fake horseshit? You're disgusting.
I was just now on break here at work and was browsing They had a story about a HS Senior who was surprised by his father at his graduation ceremony. Everything went great. The graduating senior and the Sergeant's five other kids were surprised and happy to see him. The principal worked with the Sergeant to keep it a secret and the crowd was very appreciative to the Sergeant who has done 5 deployments.

I wonder though, what if you were one of the student's classmates who had lost a parent in combat. I imagine the bittersweet moment of your graduating without your parent would be made somewhat more painful to see a reunion happening in front of you. I would imagine; I don't know, that in a town where the base is one of the larger employers and the core reason for the town, there would be several students who lost parents.

I doubt any of the students would hold it against their classmate or their father for doing it but perhaps the reunions should take place in a less public setting.

These public displays shouldn't take place at all. The Empire needs to bring all their forces HOME and mind it's own business...but I know that happen. Why? Because the ruling class won't let it.

This crap that US forces are fighting for our freedom, is just such utter and disgusting propaganda. They are fighting for the ruling class, as they have always done. They are pawns in the game the elites are playing.
You're saying US forces fighting against ISIS are not fighting for our freedom ? And US forces in Afghanistan are not fighting for our freedom ? What about fighting to be free from nuclear annihilation ? You don't see them as fighting for that ?

PS - the word "Empire" comes from the word Imperialism. Did you know that the US is the # 1 VICTIM of Imperalism in the world today ? ($138 Billion/year)
I am saying that. They are not fighting for our freedom. They are fighting for the ruling class. Read War is a Racket.

Did ISIS attack us? Did Afghanistan attack us?

The US is an EMPIRE. Accept it.
You're saying US forces fighting against ISIS are not fighting for our freedom ? And US forces in Afghanistan are not fighting for our freedom ?
Kicking down the doors of a terrified Afghan farmer who couldn't find America on a map, isn't fighting for our freedom. ... :cuckoo:

The United Stats hasn't fought a legitimate declared war since WWll ... :cool:
These public displays shouldn't take place at all. The Empire needs to bring all their forces HOME and mind it's own business...but I know that happen. Why? Because the ruling class won't let it.

This crap that US forces are fighting for our freedom, is just such utter and disgusting propaganda. They are fighting for the ruling class, as they have always done. They are pawns in the game the elites are playing.
You're saying US forces fighting against ISIS are not fighting for our freedom ? And US forces in Afghanistan are not fighting for our freedom ? What about fighting to be free from nuclear annihilation ? You don't see them as fighting for that ?

PS - the word "Empire" comes from the word Imperialism. Did you know that the US is the # 1 VICTIM of Imperalism in the world today ? ($138 Billion/year)
I am saying that. They are not fighting for our freedom. They are fighting for the ruling class. Read War is a Racket.

Did ISIS attack us? Did Afghanistan attack us?

The US is an EMPIRE. Accept it.
Attacking our friends is attacking us.. Do you let your friends get attacked without standing up for them ?
You're saying US forces fighting against ISIS are not fighting for our freedom ? And US forces in Afghanistan are not fighting for our freedom ?
Kicking down the doors of a terrified Afghan farmer who couldn't find America on a map, isn't fighting for our freedom. ... :cuckoo:

The United Stats hasn't fought a legitimate declared war since WWll ... :cool:
If that famer is harboring fugitives, weapons, soldiers/fighters instead of being that innocent farmer you imagine that they all are, then yes we will knock down the door if he is a suspect in a region where battles have taken place, and soldiers were killed.

Hey, all these nation's have to do is quit attacking their neighbors for whom are our friends or worse quit attacking us trying to help our friends along with them indirectly, so yep we will be knocking at the door if they keep it up while we are there to help.
These public displays shouldn't take place at all. The Empire needs to bring all their forces HOME and mind it's own business...but I know that happen. Why? Because the ruling class won't let it.

This crap that US forces are fighting for our freedom, is just such utter and disgusting propaganda. They are fighting for the ruling class, as they have always done. They are pawns in the game the elites are playing.
You're saying US forces fighting against ISIS are not fighting for our freedom ? And US forces in Afghanistan are not fighting for our freedom ? What about fighting to be free from nuclear annihilation ? You don't see them as fighting for that ?

PS - the word "Empire" comes from the word Imperialism. Did you know that the US is the # 1 VICTIM of Imperalism in the world today ? ($138 Billion/year)
I am saying that. They are not fighting for our freedom. They are fighting for the ruling class. Read War is a Racket.

Did ISIS attack us? Did Afghanistan attack us?

The US is an EMPIRE. Accept it.
Attacking our friends is attacking us.. Do you let your friends get attacked without standing up for them ?
Friends? Really?

The US gov has made friends with some of the most repressive regimes in the world.

It is not our job to protect our that young Americans die and kill around the world.

Remember what the Founders told you?
You're saying US forces fighting against ISIS are not fighting for our freedom ? And US forces in Afghanistan are not fighting for our freedom ?
Kicking down the doors of a terrified Afghan farmer who couldn't find America on a map, isn't fighting for our freedom. ... :cuckoo:

The United Stats hasn't fought a legitimate declared war since WWll ... :cool:
If that famer is harboring fugitives, weapons, soldiers/fighters instead of being that innocent farmer you imagine that they all are, then yes we will knock down the door if he is a suspect in a region where battles have taken place, and soldiers were killed.

Hey, all these nation's have to do is quit attacking their neighbors for whom are our friends or worse quit attacking us trying to help our friends and even them indirectly, so yep we will be knocking at the door if they keep it up while we are there to help.

We don't have any friends but Russia, China,and N Koreia. You haven't been listening to Trump?

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