Is It Wrong to Think Homosexuality is a Sin?

I'm not really a "scientific" type. No. I do believe in evolution though, yes. There are mountains of evidence to support evolution.

Evolution doesn't explain how life originated, let alone the universe. It's easier for you to believe that the universe created itself than it is to believe it was created by a super-intellect, right? You're smug with arrogance yet you have as much or as little proof as anyone else as to how the universe and life came to be. Step back; you're not that smart.

Evolution doesn't explain how life originated- just how life as it currently exist came to be.

As an atheist- I don't feel a need to have faith on how life came into being or how the universe came into being- though I find the current scientific theories more plausible- and fitting the known evidence better than any religious creation myths.

So believing that the universe created itself is scientific and believing that a higher power created the universe is a myth. LOL. Ok.

I will repeat what i believe

As an atheist- I don't feel a need to have faith on how life came into being or how the universe came into being- though I find the current scientific theories more plausible- and fitting the known evidence better than any religious creation myths.

If you think that your creation myth better fits the known evidence for the creation of the universe- I really don't care.
And you see? This is a perfect example of what I said earlier about trying to have a discussion about religion or your own views about religion with a religious person. They are OUT of control, mean, rude, and totally devoid of adding much to their argument. Some great debate tactic. This is why many younger generations of people are moving away from religion. They can see the hypocrisy as easy as anyone else. :rolleyes:

Cry some more. You were making below-the-belt remarks about believers before I ever confronted you for your mindless, idiotic beliefs. That's typical of libtards like you. You dish it out and when it gets returned in kind, you turn into a whiny ****.

LOL- your posts have been largely insult ridden tirades- while Chris has been posting pretty much insult free.

Chris has challenged you to present your own beliefs- are you going to?

I put that dingbat on "ignore". I should probably put your hateful dumbass on there too.

Thanks be to the Gods! :2up:
Everyone does not ignore this --- though I'm sure homosexuals do.

Well, you find me someone who thinks gay marriage is bad and will protest against this, and will do the same for divorcees too. I'm sure they're out there.

Also, adulterers don't have their own flag and run around announcing it

So what? Also adulterers don't get treated badly by society, treated like second class citizens, and also adulterers weren't born as adulterers. They had a choice.

But then you have a problem with people who try and gain an identity huh?

There was a time when adulterers- heck even divorced people were treated badly by society.

Now we elect them as President.

Trump certainly doesn't have the moral fiber of the Clintons.
The only moral fibers Bill has are in the tissues he uses to clean up after getting a blow job
Now, I want to ask, what makes evolution any more unbelievable or outrageous than a belief that there is a god who resides in a place called heaven that is, I don't know, in another dimension I guess, created the universe. This single all power creature that exists and demands we live in a certain manner and worship him. He used to demand animal sacrifices but now he is happy with just some of your income.
What part of the Bible is that from?

She said that evolution explains how the universe came into existence. That is a lie.
More of a misunderstanding. That still doesn't explain why a self-avowed Christian would spread hate and call someone a fucking liar.

As for Evolution: An all powerful God can certainly cause the Big Bang almost 14 Billion years ago and know what fruit it would bear.

I think it was a natural occurrence. Nature is an amazing thing.

Matter cannot be created or destroyed.....meaning it always existed
The elements in the periodic table have always been the same
The basic building blocks of the universe

So the universe wasn't created, it's just always been?
The thing is we really don't know how the universe came into being.

I just don't feel the need to make up a god in the sky to explain things I don't understand.

If you look at the evolution of religion in humans you'll find that we used to have gods for everything we didn't understand.
As we came to understand these natural phenomena we discarded the gods thought to be responsible

Now we have one God for the two basic questions we as yet have answers for.

How was the universe brought into being and what happens after we die.

The latter being naught but the fear of death all sentient beings have
She said that evolution explains how the universe came into existence. That is a lie.
More of a misunderstanding. That still doesn't explain why a self-avowed Christian would spread hate and call someone a fucking liar.

As for Evolution: An all powerful God can certainly cause the Big Bang almost 14 Billion years ago and know what fruit it would bear.

I think it was a natural occurrence. Nature is an amazing thing.

Matter cannot be created or destroyed.....meaning it always existed
The elements in the periodic table have always been the same
The basic building blocks of the universe

So the universe wasn't created, it's just always been?
The thing is we really don't know how the universe came into being.

I just don't feel the need to make up a god in the sky to explain things I don't understand.

If you look at the evolution of religion in humans you'll find that we used to have gods for everything we didn't understand.
As we came to understand these natural phenomena we discarded the gods thought to be responsible

Now we have one God for the two basic questions we as yet have answers for.

How was the universe brought into being and what happens after we die.

The latter being naught but the fear of death all sentient beings have

Something beyond our universe had to give it that initial push, or so I believe. It had a beginning. What got it started? I believe we have a creator. If there is no creator, then I suppose we're left to believe that everything made itself. That doesn't jive.
Did Gods place the bacteria on Mars that have been found too? Or did it just appear there naturally? Diamonds are created out of coal, all natural processes. No Gods are involved. I'm sure at one time people probably thought that Gods created diamonds.
More of a misunderstanding. That still doesn't explain why a self-avowed Christian would spread hate and call someone a fucking liar.

As for Evolution: An all powerful God can certainly cause the Big Bang almost 14 Billion years ago and know what fruit it would bear.

I think it was a natural occurrence. Nature is an amazing thing.

Matter cannot be created or destroyed.....meaning it always existed
The elements in the periodic table have always been the same
The basic building blocks of the universe

So the universe wasn't created, it's just always been?
The thing is we really don't know how the universe came into being.

I just don't feel the need to make up a god in the sky to explain things I don't understand.

If you look at the evolution of religion in humans you'll find that we used to have gods for everything we didn't understand.
As we came to understand these natural phenomena we discarded the gods thought to be responsible

Now we have one God for the two basic questions we as yet have answers for.

How was the universe brought into being and what happens after we die.

The latter being naught but the fear of death all sentient beings have

Something beyond our universe had to give it that initial push, or so I believe. It had a beginning. What got it started? I believe we have a creator. If there is no creator, then I suppose we're left to believe that everything made itself. That doesn't jive.

I never said it didn't have a beginning. We do not really know what that beginning was. We may never know.

Personally I believe we might be incapable of actually understanding the universe in its entirety because our brains and senses are physically incapable of the processes necessary to do so. It's much the same as my dogs being incapable of algebra.

But because we don't know there is no reason to say some magic all powerful being just snapped his fingers one day and everything came to be.
Did Gods place the bacteria on Mars that have been found too? Or did it just appear there naturally? Diamonds are created out of coal, all natural processes. No Gods are involved. I'm sure at one time people probably thought that Gods created diamonds.

Education has likely worked against religion: all these fantastic stories of arks and whales and burning bushes and miracles sold much better to the uneducated.
People used to believe in vampires too, and in fact, they had MORE evidence for vampires than there is for any gods existing, but yet, vampires are just a superstition made up by superstitious people from long ago who did not understand the processes of death and decay.
Another question. If you have a "relationship" with god, aren't you supposed to be a serene and happy and secure person? Well, given some of the examples shown in this thread of the anger and absolute miserableness of some so-called "religious" posters, I have my doubts. Either you don't really have any relationship with any god or it is not as wonderful as you all make it sound. ;)

More often than not, I am attacked on this forum and have been on others by people who claim to be "religious" or "Christians" or "Catholics" or whatnot, and who will make the most rude, crude and disgusting comments ever and to a woman, no less, yet these are the "happy" religious people? Yikes. If this is what religious views bring you, I want no part of it. :(
They should be criticized for it.

After all doesn't the bible have a saying judge not lest ye be judged?

Or how about the age old wisdom of do unto others.... If people criticize and discriminate others shouldn't they themselves be criticized and discriminated against?

they don't dislike gay people, they feel the lifestyle is counter productive to Godly living and a healthy community. their opinion.... which they have a right to

Well not all of them dislike gay people- but reading the posters here at USMB it is quite clear that a sizable portion despise homosexuals.
You always appear so confused. You do not seem to know the difference between rejection of someone who has determined to put themselves into that situation and hatred. The two words are very different.

I am not confused.

There are tons of posters here at USMB who have posted their hatred of people because they are gay- hell Tipsy has even applauded ISIS for killing gay people.
You've cited one poster but the fact remains you are still confused; your own postings throughout are a testament to that fact.

Your reading comprehension problem is not the result of any confusion on my part.
Now, I want to ask, what makes evolution any more unbelievable or outrageous than a belief that there is a god who resides in a place called heaven that is, I don't know, in another dimension I guess, created the universe. This single all power creature that exists and demands we live in a certain manner and worship him. He used to demand animal sacrifices but now he is happy with just some of your income.

There are some who are offended by the mere idea that our existence was not planned, but the result of an extremely long unplanned process.

The theory of evolution best fits the evidence we now know- creation myths don't fit any of the evidence we know now- I will go with the one that best fits the evidence.
If you have a "relationship" with god, aren't you supposed to be a serene and happy and secure person?

Not necessarily. Although being thankful and humble and understanding that suffering has meaning does help one through the storms in their lives.
More of a misunderstanding. That still doesn't explain why a self-avowed Christian would spread hate and call someone a fucking liar.

As for Evolution: An all powerful God can certainly cause the Big Bang almost 14 Billion years ago and know what fruit it would bear.

I think it was a natural occurrence. Nature is an amazing thing.

Matter cannot be created or destroyed.....meaning it always existed
The elements in the periodic table have always been the same
The basic building blocks of the universe

So the universe wasn't created, it's just always been?
The thing is we really don't know how the universe came into being.

I just don't feel the need to make up a god in the sky to explain things I don't understand.

If you look at the evolution of religion in humans you'll find that we used to have gods for everything we didn't understand.
As we came to understand these natural phenomena we discarded the gods thought to be responsible

Now we have one God for the two basic questions we as yet have answers for.

How was the universe brought into being and what happens after we die.

The latter being naught but the fear of death all sentient beings have

Something beyond our universe had to give it that initial push, or so I believe. It had a beginning. What got it started? I believe we have a creator. If there is no creator, then I suppose we're left to believe that everything made itself. That doesn't jive.

Well of course this always comes down to what became before the first thing.

If there was a 'creator'- who created the creator? With the creator fairy tale we are left to suppose that the creator created itself. Which doesn't jive.

Again- I don't care what people want to believe- nor do I believe we really understand all of the complexities of the creation of the universe.

But trying to argue that creation myths make more sense than current scientific just an argument for faith.
Christians haven't been murderous swine on a grand scale for two hundred years. Progressive governments on the other hand have managed to murder orders of magnitude more people in less than 125 years, than all of the various religions have managed to murder over the last two THOUSAND years. Quite a group you associate with there, sport.

westwalls no.s, christian murdering swine - 200 years from 400 AD (4th century) to 2017 = 1417 years - westwalls, murdering progressives, 125 years ...

the proof isn't the number of people slain but for how long the injustice has continued that matters and for christians / (desert religions) their reign has continued uninterrupted from their beginning to the present day without the least amount of remorse or initiative to correct their errors.

westwalls progressives are nowhere today to be found.

Sure they are. Pol Pot and his favored defender chomskey are excellent examples of modern day progressives. You need to read more silly boy.

Tell us more about how Pol Pot is like President Obama silly snowflake.

They are both authoritarians.
Did Gods place the bacteria on Mars that have been found too? Or did it just appear there naturally? Diamonds are created out of coal, all natural processes. No Gods are involved. I'm sure at one time people probably thought that Gods created diamonds.
Indirectly? Sure. We live in a universe where the laws of nature are such that beings that know and create will eventually arise given the right conditions and enough time.
More often than not, I am attacked on this forum and have been on others by people who claim to be "religious" or "Christians" or "Catholics" or whatnot, and who will make the most rude, crude and disgusting comments ever and to a woman, no less, yet these are the "happy" religious people? Yikes. If this is what religious views bring you, I want no part of it.

Are you sure you don't go looking for that?
Christians haven't been murderous swine on a grand scale for two hundred years. Progressive governments on the other hand have managed to murder orders of magnitude more people in less than 125 years, than all of the various religions have managed to murder over the last two THOUSAND years. Quite a group you associate with there, sport.

westwalls no.s, christian murdering swine - 200 years from 400 AD (4th century) to 2017 = 1417 years - westwalls, murdering progressives, 125 years ...

the proof isn't the number of people slain but for how long the injustice has continued that matters and for christians / (desert religions) their reign has continued uninterrupted from their beginning to the present day without the least amount of remorse or initiative to correct their errors.

westwalls progressives are nowhere today to be found.

Sure they are. Pol Pot and his favored defender chomskey are excellent examples of modern day progressives. You need to read more silly boy.

Tell us more about how Pol Pot is like President Obama silly snowflake.

They are both authoritarians.

Okay- so you are saying that President Obama, President Trump, President Bush and President Clinton are all like Pol Pot- because they are all authoritarians.

Because of course- people on the right and left have all called each of those Presidents 'totalitarians'.

Pretty much can tell when a snowflake contard has lost an argument when he feels that a comparison between Pol Pot and President Obama is valid.

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