Is It Wrong to Think Homosexuality is a Sin?

I think if you treat people the way you want to be treated there would be a whole lot less trouble in the world...But that was another pipe dream in the Bible...
I would find it hard to believe anyone could debate the Golden Rule....then again, some people like to be abused

If You Want to Rule, This Is Golden

It lets designing people take advantage of you. Anything preached by the Establishment must be challenged. They want to turn us into suckers.

"I wouldn't shoot a robber first because I wouldn't have him shoot me first": tombstone epitaph.
If there was a 'creator'- who created the creator?

The only solution to the first cause is something which is eternal and never changing.

And what created the something which is eternal?
You are trying to apply rules of the Natural Universe to something outside of it. Do the laws of time and space apply outside the Universe? When did time begin? Space? All at the Big Bang. If time and space are predicated upon the Big Bang and only exist within the Natural Universe, then it is illogical to automatically apply those rules to anything beyond our Universe.
No. I don't think I am. Inflation theory tells us what happens in a closed universe between the time of the vacuum and the initial expansion and cooling of space and time. Space and time were created when all the matter and energy that we see was created though a quantum tunneling event and occupied the space of 1 billionth of 1 trillionth the size of an atom. It did so following the laws of quantum mechanics and the conservation of mass and energy.
Quantum tunneling? Prove it. All we know is that space and time began at the Big Bang. Current evidence points strongly to a "Big Chill" end to the Universe, death by entropy, not a "Big Crunch" AKA Oscillating Universe as previously postulated.

An Oscillating Universe required no creator or force of creation, something atheists loved. A single-shot Universe begs a question. A question several atheists on this forum are dancing around like bugs on a hot plate.
The thing is we really don't know how the universe came into being.

I just don't feel the need to make up a god in the sky to explain things I don't understand.

If you look at the evolution of religion in humans you'll find that we used to have gods for everything we didn't understand.
As we came to understand these natural phenomena we discarded the gods thought to be responsible

Now we have one God for the two basic questions we as yet have answers for.

How was the universe brought into being and what happens after we die.

The latter being naught but the fear of death all sentient beings have

Something beyond our universe had to give it that initial push, or so I believe. It had a beginning. What got it started? I believe we have a creator. If there is no creator, then I suppose we're left to believe that everything made itself. That doesn't jive.
intelligence has always existed and is the source of the universe.

Now you just need some evidence to support that 'theory'

So far none does.
Can I use something you created as evidence?

Use whatever 'evidence' that you believe supports the theory that intelligence has always existed and is the source of the universe.
Right, that's my point. We have evidence. It's called creation and everything which has happened since then. You can never tell what something is by how it starts out. You can only tell what it is by what it turns out to be. And in the case of the evolution of matter, the pinnacle or end product is intelligence. Name one thing which is more advanced or complex in the universe than intelligence?
Christians haven't been murderous swine on a grand scale for two hundred years. .

Actually Christians have been murderous swine on a grand scale for centuries.

Meanwhile- who are those progressives in America you that are all killing those that they disagree with?
The most outrageous estimates for religious murders OF ALL RELIGIONS, is just over 10 million. Horrible no doubt, but they are pikers compared to you murderous swine.

I do love it when Christians like to proclaim "But we didn't murder as many millions as you did!"

I'm not a christian dumb ass. If anything I'm a pagan seeing's how my wife is Wiccan. I am however a student of history so have read far more about what scum, like the progressives, have done compared to the religious nutters of old. Like I said cupcake, you know so little it is truly amazing.

Okay- i believe you are not a christian dumb ass.

Tell me more about how this progressive scum- and the millions he murdered- or wanted to murder.

View attachment 146573

You are apparently a 'partisan' student of history who has read a carefully filtered history certain not to upset your delicate sensibilities.

I actually like most of what Teddy was doing, it is his authoritarian bent that bothers me. As in all things there are progressives who are murderous swine, and there are progressives who are not. The problem is when the reasonable progressives get pushed out so that the real assholes can get their way. Those are the first people to be killed because so long as they are around they are a threat to the truly evil ones, just look at what happened to Trotsky.

Progressivism as a movement has always ended in mass murder. Not all progressives are bad, nor did I ever say that, but the philosophy is inherently authoritarian, it just needs the scumbags to get into power for the murder to begin. It doesn't always happen, but the potential is always there.

You ignore that very well known historical fact at your peril. The fascists have always used the gay community as tools as well. They use them because they are the social outcasts. Then, when they no longer have need of them they kill them. That too is well documented history, and one that I take great pains to educate my sister on. She's a lesbian you see, and like me a liberal, but she tends more towards the progressive side because she likes what they say. I have spent a great deal of time educating her to look beyond that, and to focus in on what they do.

She is moving ever closer to my viewpoint as she has witnessed the progressives defend the murderous scum that killed all of those poor people in the Pulse nightclub. She now carries a gun (something she would have never even considered prior to that massacre) and her partner is now learning how to shoot, which I am very thankful for as I love them both very much.
If there was a 'creator'- who created the creator?

The only solution to the first cause is something which is eternal and never changing.

And what created the something which is eternal?
You are trying to apply rules of the Natural Universe to something outside of it. Do the laws of time and space apply outside the Universe? When did time begin? Space? All at the Big Bang. If time and space are predicated upon the Big Bang and only exist within the Natural Universe, then it is illogical to automatically apply those rules to anything beyond our Universe.
No. I don't think I am. Inflation theory tells us what happens in a closed universe between the time of the vacuum and the initial expansion and cooling of space and time. Space and time were created when all the matter and energy that we see was created though a quantum tunneling event and occupied the space of 1 billionth of 1 trillionth the size of an atom. It did so following the laws of quantum mechanics and the conservation of mass and energy.
Quantum tunneling? Prove it. All we know is that space and time began at the Big Bang. Current evidence points strongly to a "Big Chill" end to the Universe, death by entropy, not a "Big Crunch" AKA Oscillating Universe as previously postulated.

An Oscillating Universe required no creator or force of creation, something atheists loved. A single-shot Universe begs a question. A question several atheists on this forum are dancing around like bugs on a hot plate.
It's called string theory and it is the leading cosmological model. It addresses 5 of the 6 dilemma that cosmologists haven't been able to answer. Look it up for yourself. You'll never be convinced by me.

No one believes in an oscillating universe anymore because of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. The universe itself cannot be eternal because we would reach thermal equilibrium. The universe had a beginning.
Christians haven't been murderous swine on a grand scale for two hundred years. Progressive governments on the other hand have managed to murder orders of magnitude more people in less than 125 years, than all of the various religions have managed to murder over the last two THOUSAND years. Quite a group you associate with there, sport.

westwalls no.s, christian murdering swine - 200 years from 400 AD (4th century) to 2017 = 1417 years - westwalls, murdering progressives, 125 years ...

the proof isn't the number of people slain but for how long the injustice has continued that matters and for christians / (desert religions) their reign has continued uninterrupted from their beginning to the present day without the least amount of remorse or initiative to correct their errors.

westwalls progressives are nowhere today to be found.

Sure they are. Pol Pot and his favored defender chomskey are excellent examples of modern day progressives. You need to read more silly boy.

Tell us more about how Pol Pot is like President Obama silly snowflake.

They are both authoritarians.

Okay- so you are saying that President Obama, President Trump, President Bush and President Clinton are all like Pol Pot- because they are all authoritarians.

Because of course- people on the right and left have all called each of those Presidents 'totalitarians'.

Pretty much can tell when a snowflake contard has lost an argument when he feels that a comparison between Pol Pot and President Obama is valid.

Everyone but trump, yes. trump, by the very fact that EVERY politician, for the most part, is against him, tells me that he is not a part of the authoritarian club, and that is good for the middle class.
they don't dislike gay people, they feel the lifestyle is counter productive to Godly living and a healthy community. their opinion.... which they have a right to

Well not all of them dislike gay people- but reading the posters here at USMB it is quite clear that a sizable portion despise homosexuals.
You always appear so confused. You do not seem to know the difference between rejection of someone who has determined to put themselves into that situation and hatred. The two words are very different.

I am not confused.

There are tons of posters here at USMB who have posted their hatred of people because they are gay- hell Tipsy has even applauded ISIS for killing gay people.
You've cited one poster but the fact remains you are still confused; your own postings throughout are a testament to that fact.

Your reading comprehension problem is not the result of any confusion on my part.
It is not my reading comprehension. You believe that as an atheist you can tell another who is a believer what they believe in according to 'your' precepts. In that alone you are the one that is confused.
Another question. If you have a "relationship" with god, aren't you supposed to be a serene and happy and secure person? Well, given some of the examples shown in this thread of the anger and absolute miserableness of some so-called "religious" posters, I have my doubts. Either you don't really have any relationship with any god or it is not as wonderful as you all make it sound. ;)

More often than not, I am attacked on this forum and have been on others by people who claim to be "religious" or "Christians" or "Catholics" or whatnot, and who will make the most rude, crude and disgusting comments ever and to a woman, no less, yet these are the "happy" religious people? Yikes. If this is what religious views bring you, I want no part of it. :(
1) That's an ideal, an ideal most people don't live up to. Has atheism made you happier? Does knowing that none of this matters, that your life, my life and the lives of 8 billion others is completely worthless in the large scheme of things? In some ways accepting that we are all worthless can provide a sense of serenity. For others, it scares the shit out of them.

2) True. It's not very Christian. OTOH, atheists often claim to be logical, factual, reasonable people and that's obviously not true either. The common thread being they are all people. FWIW, the only logical position is that of being an agnostic; neither believing nor disbelieving since there is no evidence either way.
westwalls no.s, christian murdering swine - 200 years from 400 AD (4th century) to 2017 = 1417 years - westwalls, murdering progressives, 125 years ...

the proof isn't the number of people slain but for how long the injustice has continued that matters and for christians / (desert religions) their reign has continued uninterrupted from their beginning to the present day without the least amount of remorse or initiative to correct their errors.

westwalls progressives are nowhere today to be found.

Sure they are. Pol Pot and his favored defender chomskey are excellent examples of modern day progressives. You need to read more silly boy.

Tell us more about how Pol Pot is like President Obama silly snowflake.

They are both authoritarians.

Okay- so you are saying that President Obama, President Trump, President Bush and President Clinton are all like Pol Pot- because they are all authoritarians.

Because of course- people on the right and left have all called each of those Presidents 'totalitarians'.

Pretty much can tell when a snowflake contard has lost an argument when he feels that a comparison between Pol Pot and President Obama is valid.

Everyone but trump, yes. trump, by the very fact that EVERY politician, for the most part, is against him, tells me that he is not a part of the authoritarian club, and that is good for the middle class.

And how is Trump not an authoritarian- but Bush was?

So you think every politician is an authoritarian- and a progressive?
The thing is we really don't know how the universe came into being.

We have a pretty good idea. It's called Inflation Theory. All the matter and energy that we see today was created through a quantum tunneling event which obeyed the laws of conservation.
Link please. Where did the quantum tunnel originate? A tunnel implies an entrance and an exit. If the exit is our Universe, where is the entrance?
Something beyond our universe had to give it that initial push, or so I believe. It had a beginning. What got it started? I believe we have a creator. If there is no creator, then I suppose we're left to believe that everything made itself. That doesn't jive.
intelligence has always existed and is the source of the universe.

Now you just need some evidence to support that 'theory'

So far none does.
Can I use something you created as evidence?

Use whatever 'evidence' that you believe supports the theory that intelligence has always existed and is the source of the universe.
Right, that's my point. We have evidence. It's called creation and everything which has happened since then. You can never tell what something is by how it starts out. You can only tell what it is by what it turns out to be. And in the case of the evolution of matter, the pinnacle or end product is intelligence. Name one thing which is more advanced or complex in the universe than intelligence?

LOL- you are talking 'faith'- not evidence.
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?
I think its a childish view of the world, and born of stubborn knowitall...ness.
If believing the Bible is childish, sure. I think any non believer would feel this way, yet we do have freedom of religion and I would hope living harmoniously as possible in spite of conflicting beliefs would be the goal, even if living harmoniously means as little interaction with those who beliefs anger you
theres no anger, its more like thinking people are scared by nature and so their brain will be blind to the fact theyre fulla shit....despite that something deep inside that tells them once in a blue theyre fulla shit.

castigating some as sinners for their perfectly legal and probably biological lifestyle.... is not harmonious living.
Apostrophe Catastrophe

No matter if you yammer "OFF-TOPIC!" and "GRAMMAR NAZI!", your post proves that permissive punctuation leads to permissive thought.
The only solution to the first cause is something which is eternal and never changing.

And what created the something which is eternal?
You are trying to apply rules of the Natural Universe to something outside of it. Do the laws of time and space apply outside the Universe? When did time begin? Space? All at the Big Bang. If time and space are predicated upon the Big Bang and only exist within the Natural Universe, then it is illogical to automatically apply those rules to anything beyond our Universe.
No. I don't think I am. Inflation theory tells us what happens in a closed universe between the time of the vacuum and the initial expansion and cooling of space and time. Space and time were created when all the matter and energy that we see was created though a quantum tunneling event and occupied the space of 1 billionth of 1 trillionth the size of an atom. It did so following the laws of quantum mechanics and the conservation of mass and energy.
Quantum tunneling? Prove it. All we know is that space and time began at the Big Bang. Current evidence points strongly to a "Big Chill" end to the Universe, death by entropy, not a "Big Crunch" AKA Oscillating Universe as previously postulated.

An Oscillating Universe required no creator or force of creation, something atheists loved. A single-shot Universe begs a question. A question several atheists on this forum are dancing around like bugs on a hot plate.
It's called string theory and it is the leading cosmological model. It addresses 5 of the 6 dilemma that cosmologists haven't been able to answer. Look it up for yourself. You'll never be convinced by me.

No one believes in an oscillating universe anymore because of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. The universe itself cannot be eternal because we would reach thermal equilibrium. The universe had a beginning.
Strings imply a beginning and end.
intelligence has always existed and is the source of the universe.

Now you just need some evidence to support that 'theory'

So far none does.
Can I use something you created as evidence?

Use whatever 'evidence' that you believe supports the theory that intelligence has always existed and is the source of the universe.
Right, that's my point. We have evidence. It's called creation and everything which has happened since then. You can never tell what something is by how it starts out. You can only tell what it is by what it turns out to be. And in the case of the evolution of matter, the pinnacle or end product is intelligence. Name one thing which is more advanced or complex in the universe than intelligence?

LOL- you are talking 'faith'- not evidence.
The same faith Atheists have that there's nothing beyond the Universe and that it just magically popped into existence out of nothing?
Actually Christians have been murderous swine on a grand scale for centuries.

Meanwhile- who are those progressives in America you that are all killing those that they disagree with?
The most outrageous estimates for religious murders OF ALL RELIGIONS, is just over 10 million. Horrible no doubt, but they are pikers compared to you murderous swine.

I do love it when Christians like to proclaim "But we didn't murder as many millions as you did!"

I'm not a christian dumb ass. If anything I'm a pagan seeing's how my wife is Wiccan. I am however a student of history so have read far more about what scum, like the progressives, have done compared to the religious nutters of old. Like I said cupcake, you know so little it is truly amazing.

Okay- i believe you are not a christian dumb ass.

Tell me more about how this progressive scum- and the millions he murdered- or wanted to murder.

View attachment 146573

You are apparently a 'partisan' student of history who has read a carefully filtered history certain not to upset your delicate sensibilities.

I actually like most of what Teddy was doing, it is his authoritarian bent that bothers me. As in all things there are progressives who are murderous swine, and there are progressives who are not. The problem is when the reasonable progressives get pushed out so that the real assholes can get their way. Those are the first people to be killed because so long as they are around they are a threat to the truly evil ones, just look at what happened to Trotsky.

Progressivism as a movement has always ended in mass murder. .

Tell me exactly how Teddy Roosevelt's 'progressivism' - and he frankly is our most famous 'progressive' President- since he ran as an actual 'progressive'- ended in mass murder?

And as far as 'reasonable' and 'real assholes'- the same of course can be spoken of regarding religions- and religious zealots.

Generally most believers of most religions are 'reasonable'- but are too often pushed out so that the real assholes can get their way. In this way religion and Communism/Totalitarianism act very similarly- the zealots demand absolute agreement as to the orthodoxy, and dissent is an excuse to kill those who disagree.
intelligence has always existed and is the source of the universe.

Now you just need some evidence to support that 'theory'

So far none does.
Can I use something you created as evidence?

Use whatever 'evidence' that you believe supports the theory that intelligence has always existed and is the source of the universe.
Right, that's my point. We have evidence. It's called creation and everything which has happened since then. You can never tell what something is by how it starts out. You can only tell what it is by what it turns out to be. And in the case of the evolution of matter, the pinnacle or end product is intelligence. Name one thing which is more advanced or complex in the universe than intelligence?

LOL- you are talking 'faith'- not evidence.
Technically it's called philosophy. Science pretty much ends at the singularity. But the logic behind the creation of space and time is pretty sound and better than anything you have come up with. In fact, as near as I can tell you are devoid of any facts or logic in your belief.

Why don't you tell me how it came to be that the universe came into existence and evolved into intelligence?
Actually Christians have been murderous swine on a grand scale for centuries.

Meanwhile- who are those progressives in America you that are all killing those that they disagree with?
The most outrageous estimates for religious murders OF ALL RELIGIONS, is just over 10 million. Horrible no doubt, but they are pikers compared to you murderous swine.

I do love it when Christians like to proclaim "But we didn't murder as many millions as you did!"

I'm not a christian dumb ass. If anything I'm a pagan seeing's how my wife is Wiccan. I am however a student of history so have read far more about what scum, like the progressives, have done compared to the religious nutters of old. Like I said cupcake, you know so little it is truly amazing.

Okay- i believe you are not a christian dumb ass.

Tell me more about how this progressive scum- and the millions he murdered- or wanted to murder.

View attachment 146573

You are apparently a 'partisan' student of history who has read a carefully filtered history certain not to upset your delicate sensibilities.

I actually like most of what Teddy was doing, it is his authoritarian bent that bothers me. As in all things there are progressives who are murderous swine, and there are progressives who are not.

Yet we started this discussion with you making this claim:

Progressives don't believe in allowing people the time to evolve. It is quite apparent that they would rather just kill them.
The thing is we really don't know how the universe came into being.

We have a pretty good idea. It's called Inflation Theory. All the matter and energy that we see today was created through a quantum tunneling event which obeyed the laws of conservation.
Link please. Where did the quantum tunnel originate? A tunnel implies an entrance and an exit. If the exit is our Universe, where is the entrance?
The thing is we really don't know how the universe came into being.

We have a pretty good idea. It's called Inflation Theory. All the matter and energy that we see today was created through a quantum tunneling event which obeyed the laws of conservation.
Link please. Where did the quantum tunnel originate? A tunnel implies an entrance and an exit. If the exit is our Universe, where is the entrance?
Actually Christians have been murderous swine on a grand scale for centuries.

Meanwhile- who are those progressives in America you that are all killing those that they disagree with?
The most outrageous estimates for religious murders OF ALL RELIGIONS, is just over 10 million. Horrible no doubt, but they are pikers compared to you murderous swine.

I do love it when Christians like to proclaim "But we didn't murder as many millions as you did!"

I'm not a christian dumb ass. If anything I'm a pagan seeing's how my wife is Wiccan. I am however a student of history so have read far more about what scum, like the progressives, have done compared to the religious nutters of old. Like I said cupcake, you know so little it is truly amazing.

Okay- i believe you are not a christian dumb ass.

Tell me more about how this progressive scum- and the millions he murdered- or wanted to murder.

View attachment 146573

You are apparently a 'partisan' student of history who has read a carefully filtered history certain not to upset your delicate sensibilities.

I actually like most of what Teddy was doing, it is his authoritarian bent that bothers me. As in all things there are progressives who are murderous swine, and there are progressives who are not. The problem is when the reasonable progressives get pushed out so that the real assholes can get their way. Those are the first people to be killed because so long as they are around they are a threat to the truly evil ones, just look at what happened to Trotsky.

Progressivism as a movement has always ended in mass murder. Not all progressives are bad, nor did I ever say that, but the philosophy is inherently authoritarian, it just needs the scumbags to get into power for the murder to begin. It doesn't always happen, but the potential is always there.

You ignore that very well known historical fact at your peril. The fascists have always used the gay community as tools as well. They use them because they are the social outcasts. Then, when they no longer have need of them they kill them. That too is well documented history, and one that I take great pains to educate my sister on. She's a lesbian you see, and like me a liberal, but she tends more towards the progressive side because she likes what they say. I have spent a great deal of time educating her to look beyond that, and to focus in on what they do..

Please tell me more about how the 'fascists' use the gay community as tools as well.

Because looking at the history of the United States- the ones who made the laws that criminalized homosexuality were Christians- elected Christians.

So far your 'well documented' history is pretty much just you saying it is.

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