Is It Wrong to Think Homosexuality is a Sin?

The most outrageous estimates for religious murders OF ALL RELIGIONS, is just over 10 million. Horrible no doubt, but they are pikers compared to you murderous swine.

I do love it when Christians like to proclaim "But we didn't murder as many millions as you did!"

I'm not a christian dumb ass. If anything I'm a pagan seeing's how my wife is Wiccan. I am however a student of history so have read far more about what scum, like the progressives, have done compared to the religious nutters of old. Like I said cupcake, you know so little it is truly amazing.

Okay- i believe you are not a christian dumb ass.

Tell me more about how this progressive scum- and the millions he murdered- or wanted to murder.

View attachment 146573

You are apparently a 'partisan' student of history who has read a carefully filtered history certain not to upset your delicate sensibilities.

I actually like most of what Teddy was doing, it is his authoritarian bent that bothers me. As in all things there are progressives who are murderous swine, and there are progressives who are not. The problem is when the reasonable progressives get pushed out so that the real assholes can get their way. Those are the first people to be killed because so long as they are around they are a threat to the truly evil ones, just look at what happened to Trotsky.

Progressivism as a movement has always ended in mass murder. Not all progressives are bad, nor did I ever say that, but the philosophy is inherently authoritarian, it just needs the scumbags to get into power for the murder to begin. It doesn't always happen, but the potential is always there.

You ignore that very well known historical fact at your peril. The fascists have always used the gay community as tools as well. They use them because they are the social outcasts. Then, when they no longer have need of them they kill them. That too is well documented history, and one that I take great pains to educate my sister on. She's a lesbian you see, and like me a liberal, but she tends more towards the progressive side because she likes what they say. I have spent a great deal of time educating her to look beyond that, and to focus in on what they do..

Please tell me more about how the 'fascists' use the gay community as tools as well.

Because looking at the history of the United States- the ones who made the laws that criminalized homosexuality were Christians- elected Christians.

So far your 'well documented' history is pretty much just you saying it is.

All I can say is read some history, preferably some that is in an actual book.
And what created the something which is eternal?
You are trying to apply rules of the Natural Universe to something outside of it. Do the laws of time and space apply outside the Universe? When did time begin? Space? All at the Big Bang. If time and space are predicated upon the Big Bang and only exist within the Natural Universe, then it is illogical to automatically apply those rules to anything beyond our Universe.
No. I don't think I am. Inflation theory tells us what happens in a closed universe between the time of the vacuum and the initial expansion and cooling of space and time. Space and time were created when all the matter and energy that we see was created though a quantum tunneling event and occupied the space of 1 billionth of 1 trillionth the size of an atom. It did so following the laws of quantum mechanics and the conservation of mass and energy.
Quantum tunneling? Prove it. All we know is that space and time began at the Big Bang. Current evidence points strongly to a "Big Chill" end to the Universe, death by entropy, not a "Big Crunch" AKA Oscillating Universe as previously postulated.

An Oscillating Universe required no creator or force of creation, something atheists loved. A single-shot Universe begs a question. A question several atheists on this forum are dancing around like bugs on a hot plate.
It's called string theory and it is the leading cosmological model. It addresses 5 of the 6 dilemma that cosmologists haven't been able to answer. Look it up for yourself. You'll never be convinced by me.

No one believes in an oscillating universe anymore because of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. The universe itself cannot be eternal because we would reach thermal equilibrium. The universe had a beginning.
Strings imply a beginning and end.
I don't think so. Just a beginning. It can be eternal into the future (i.e. other tunneling events could occur) but for our space time continuum it had to have a beginning because it has had expansion. There could be periods of contraction but as long as the net was expansion it had to have a beginning because you can work the equations back to that point where it occupied 1 billionth of 1 trillionth the size of an atom.

Mind you the infinite expansion of the universe will lead to thermal equilibrium as per the 2nd Law of Thermo.
Well not all of them dislike gay people- but reading the posters here at USMB it is quite clear that a sizable portion despise homosexuals.
You always appear so confused. You do not seem to know the difference between rejection of someone who has determined to put themselves into that situation and hatred. The two words are very different.

I am not confused.

There are tons of posters here at USMB who have posted their hatred of people because they are gay- hell Tipsy has even applauded ISIS for killing gay people.
You've cited one poster but the fact remains you are still confused; your own postings throughout are a testament to that fact.

Your reading comprehension problem is not the result of any confusion on my part.
It is not my reading comprehension. You believe that as an atheist you can tell another who is a believer what they believe in according to 'your' precepts. In that alone you are the one that is confused.

No- again your reading comprehension is the problem.

As I said- and I am glad to stand by it- It is quite clear that a sizable portion of the posters here at USMB who post negatively about gays- despise gays.

For being gay.

Prove me wrong if you can.
I do love it when Christians like to proclaim "But we didn't murder as many millions as you did!"

I'm not a christian dumb ass. If anything I'm a pagan seeing's how my wife is Wiccan. I am however a student of history so have read far more about what scum, like the progressives, have done compared to the religious nutters of old. Like I said cupcake, you know so little it is truly amazing.

Okay- i believe you are not a christian dumb ass.

Tell me more about how this progressive scum- and the millions he murdered- or wanted to murder.

View attachment 146573

You are apparently a 'partisan' student of history who has read a carefully filtered history certain not to upset your delicate sensibilities.

I actually like most of what Teddy was doing, it is his authoritarian bent that bothers me. As in all things there are progressives who are murderous swine, and there are progressives who are not. The problem is when the reasonable progressives get pushed out so that the real assholes can get their way. Those are the first people to be killed because so long as they are around they are a threat to the truly evil ones, just look at what happened to Trotsky.

Progressivism as a movement has always ended in mass murder. Not all progressives are bad, nor did I ever say that, but the philosophy is inherently authoritarian, it just needs the scumbags to get into power for the murder to begin. It doesn't always happen, but the potential is always there.

You ignore that very well known historical fact at your peril. The fascists have always used the gay community as tools as well. They use them because they are the social outcasts. Then, when they no longer have need of them they kill them. That too is well documented history, and one that I take great pains to educate my sister on. She's a lesbian you see, and like me a liberal, but she tends more towards the progressive side because she likes what they say. I have spent a great deal of time educating her to look beyond that, and to focus in on what they do..

Please tell me more about how the 'fascists' use the gay community as tools as well.

Because looking at the history of the United States- the ones who made the laws that criminalized homosexuality were Christians- elected Christians.

So far your 'well documented' history is pretty much just you saying it is.

All I can say is read some history, preferably some that is in an actual book.

The history book I am currently reading is "The Line upon a Wind"- a history of the naval war during the Napoleonic Wars.

Oddly enough this book doesn't mention Teddy Roosevelt or the mass murders that his progressivism 'inevitably' led to.
The most outrageous estimates for religious murders OF ALL RELIGIONS, is just over 10 million. Horrible no doubt, but they are pikers compared to you murderous swine.

I do love it when Christians like to proclaim "But we didn't murder as many millions as you did!"

I'm not a christian dumb ass. If anything I'm a pagan seeing's how my wife is Wiccan. I am however a student of history so have read far more about what scum, like the progressives, have done compared to the religious nutters of old. Like I said cupcake, you know so little it is truly amazing.

Okay- i believe you are not a christian dumb ass.

Tell me more about how this progressive scum- and the millions he murdered- or wanted to murder.

View attachment 146573

You are apparently a 'partisan' student of history who has read a carefully filtered history certain not to upset your delicate sensibilities.

I actually like most of what Teddy was doing, it is his authoritarian bent that bothers me. As in all things there are progressives who are murderous swine, and there are progressives who are not. The problem is when the reasonable progressives get pushed out so that the real assholes can get their way. Those are the first people to be killed because so long as they are around they are a threat to the truly evil ones, just look at what happened to Trotsky.

Progressivism as a movement has always ended in mass murder. Not all progressives are bad, nor did I ever say that, but the philosophy is inherently authoritarian, it just needs the scumbags to get into power for the murder to begin. It doesn't always happen, but the potential is always there.

You ignore that very well known historical fact at your peril. The fascists have always used the gay community as tools as well. They use them because they are the social outcasts. Then, when they no longer have need of them they kill them. That too is well documented history, and one that I take great pains to educate my sister on. She's a lesbian you see, and like me a liberal, but she tends more towards the progressive side because she likes what they say. I have spent a great deal of time educating her to look beyond that, and to focus in on what they do..

Please tell me more about how the 'fascists' use the gay community as tools as well.

Because looking at the history of the United States- the ones who made the laws that criminalized homosexuality were Christians- elected Christians.

So far your 'well documented' history is pretty much just you saying it is.
No It has been that way for the last 2000 years. Socialism has always sought to subordinate religion. They seek to replace loyalty to God, Country and Family with loyalty to state. Every socialist movement has had a free love movement going all the way back to the Cathars and beyond.

The Socialist Phenomenon by Igor Shafarevich
You always appear so confused. You do not seem to know the difference between rejection of someone who has determined to put themselves into that situation and hatred. The two words are very different.

I am not confused.

There are tons of posters here at USMB who have posted their hatred of people because they are gay- hell Tipsy has even applauded ISIS for killing gay people.
You've cited one poster but the fact remains you are still confused; your own postings throughout are a testament to that fact.

Your reading comprehension problem is not the result of any confusion on my part.
It is not my reading comprehension. You believe that as an atheist you can tell another who is a believer what they believe in according to 'your' precepts. In that alone you are the one that is confused.

No- again your reading comprehension is the problem.

As I said- and I am glad to stand by it- It is quite clear that a sizable portion of the posters here at USMB who post negatively about gays- despise gays.

For being gay.

Prove me wrong if you can.
And again I have read many of your other posts and you talk about something you know nothing about when it comes to your precepts. You have the gall to tell other people what you perceive about the written word of God without knowledge as you base your opinions on your personal precepts.

If they despise your lifestyle because they believe it is wrong that is their prerogative. That still doesn't mean it is hatred that fuels their emotions or beliefs. It is your problem if you are an atheist and a gay not theirs.
Did Gods place the bacteria on Mars that have been found too? Or did it just appear there naturally? Diamonds are created out of coal, all natural processes. No Gods are involved. I'm sure at one time people probably thought that Gods created diamonds.
Many Christians believe God is a "personal God". I'm more inclined to Deism, a "watchmaker God". More akin to Johnny Appleseed tossing out seeds, knowing many will grow, but not monitoring or interfering with the process.
You are trying to apply rules of the Natural Universe to something outside of it. Do the laws of time and space apply outside the Universe? When did time begin? Space? All at the Big Bang. If time and space are predicated upon the Big Bang and only exist within the Natural Universe, then it is illogical to automatically apply those rules to anything beyond our Universe.
No. I don't think I am. Inflation theory tells us what happens in a closed universe between the time of the vacuum and the initial expansion and cooling of space and time. Space and time were created when all the matter and energy that we see was created though a quantum tunneling event and occupied the space of 1 billionth of 1 trillionth the size of an atom. It did so following the laws of quantum mechanics and the conservation of mass and energy.
Quantum tunneling? Prove it. All we know is that space and time began at the Big Bang. Current evidence points strongly to a "Big Chill" end to the Universe, death by entropy, not a "Big Crunch" AKA Oscillating Universe as previously postulated.

An Oscillating Universe required no creator or force of creation, something atheists loved. A single-shot Universe begs a question. A question several atheists on this forum are dancing around like bugs on a hot plate.
It's called string theory and it is the leading cosmological model. It addresses 5 of the 6 dilemma that cosmologists haven't been able to answer. Look it up for yourself. You'll never be convinced by me.

No one believes in an oscillating universe anymore because of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. The universe itself cannot be eternal because we would reach thermal equilibrium. The universe had a beginning.
Strings imply a beginning and end.
I don't think so. Just a beginning. It can be eternal into the future (i.e. other tunneling events could occur) but for our space time continuum it had to have a beginning because it has had expansion. There could be periods of contraction but as long as the net was expansion it had to have a beginning because you can work the equations back to that point where it occupied 1 billionth of 1 trillionth the size of an atom.

Mind you the infinite expansion of the universe will lead to thermal equilibrium as per the 2nd Law of Thermo.
Still begging the question of why does a string have a beginning.
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?

Actually the worst thing is this.

The Bible says things about Homosexuality, and this means that homosexuals shouldn't be considered first class citizens.

The Bible also says things about divorce and many other things, yet the religious people seem to ignore this.
Everyone does not ignore this --- though I'm sure homosexuals do.

President Trump
Married and divorced twice.

Your dear leader ignored this- and you voted for him.

And the alternative was Hillary "The Abortionist" Clinton who should have been indicted but skated under Barry and who had been selling out the country for years. Trump was a no-brainer choice.
Poor Hillary, talk about God, the weather, your shoe size, no talk towards solutions, lets just blame it on Hillary.
You always appear so confused. You do not seem to know the difference between rejection of someone who has determined to put themselves into that situation and hatred. The two words are very different.

I am not confused.

There are tons of posters here at USMB who have posted their hatred of people because they are gay- hell Tipsy has even applauded ISIS for killing gay people.
You've cited one poster but the fact remains you are still confused; your own postings throughout are a testament to that fact.

Your reading comprehension problem is not the result of any confusion on my part.
It is not my reading comprehension. You believe that as an atheist you can tell another who is a believer what they believe in according to 'your' precepts. In that alone you are the one that is confused.

No- again your reading comprehension is the problem.

As I said- and I am glad to stand by it- It is quite clear that a sizable portion of the posters here at USMB who post negatively about gays- despise gays.

For being gay.

Prove me wrong if you can.
Prove most posters who post negatively against gays despise gays. I'll give you a few days to collect your thoughts.....then never see you post any evidence. :)

While you're not doing that, please post any of your evidence that I'm anti-gay. Again, I'm happy to wait for you never to respond.
No. I don't think I am. Inflation theory tells us what happens in a closed universe between the time of the vacuum and the initial expansion and cooling of space and time. Space and time were created when all the matter and energy that we see was created though a quantum tunneling event and occupied the space of 1 billionth of 1 trillionth the size of an atom. It did so following the laws of quantum mechanics and the conservation of mass and energy.
Quantum tunneling? Prove it. All we know is that space and time began at the Big Bang. Current evidence points strongly to a "Big Chill" end to the Universe, death by entropy, not a "Big Crunch" AKA Oscillating Universe as previously postulated.

An Oscillating Universe required no creator or force of creation, something atheists loved. A single-shot Universe begs a question. A question several atheists on this forum are dancing around like bugs on a hot plate.
It's called string theory and it is the leading cosmological model. It addresses 5 of the 6 dilemma that cosmologists haven't been able to answer. Look it up for yourself. You'll never be convinced by me.

No one believes in an oscillating universe anymore because of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. The universe itself cannot be eternal because we would reach thermal equilibrium. The universe had a beginning.
Strings imply a beginning and end.
I don't think so. Just a beginning. It can be eternal into the future (i.e. other tunneling events could occur) but for our space time continuum it had to have a beginning because it has had expansion. There could be periods of contraction but as long as the net was expansion it had to have a beginning because you can work the equations back to that point where it occupied 1 billionth of 1 trillionth the size of an atom.

Mind you the infinite expansion of the universe will lead to thermal equilibrium as per the 2nd Law of Thermo.
Still begging the question of why does a string have a beginning.
I don't think you can take the string analogy the way you are doing it. Sure a string has a beginning and and end. I don't think that applies to quantum mechanics. I don't know anyone who disagrees that about 14 billion years ago all the matter and energy in the universe occupied the space of 1 billionth of 1 trillionth the size of an atom and then began to expand and cool. This belief is based on the red shift, cosmic background radiation and Friedman's solution to Einsteins General Theory of Relativity. The 2nd Law of Thermo tells us that an infinite acting universe will reach thermal equilibrium so it is not possible for the universe to be infinite acting (i.e. cyclical) because we don't see a universe where thermal equilibrium exists.

But to answer your question more directly, I have given you an explanation for why the universe exists. It is a philosophical answer based on philosophy and science. Specifically, the science around the evolution of matter and what that tells us. The answer to why the universe had a beginning is because that is what was required by the laws of nature for a universe to exist and serve its purpose which is to create intelligence.
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?
I think its a childish view of the world, and born of stubborn knowitall...ness.
If believing the Bible is childish, sure. I think any non believer would feel this way, yet we do have freedom of religion and I would hope living harmoniously as possible in spite of conflicting beliefs would be the goal, even if living harmoniously means as little interaction with those who beliefs anger you
theres no anger, its more like thinking people are scared by nature and so their brain will be blind to the fact theyre fulla shit....despite that something deep inside that tells them once in a blue theyre fulla shit.

castigating some as sinners for their perfectly legal and probably biological lifestyle.... is not harmonious living.
Apostrophe Catastrophe

No matter if you yammer "OFF-TOPIC!" and "GRAMMAR NAZI!", your post proves that permissive punctuation leads to permissive thought.
Dont be insecure, i wouldnt yell such things twattyburger
I'm not a christian dumb ass. If anything I'm a pagan seeing's how my wife is Wiccan. I am however a student of history so have read far more about what scum, like the progressives, have done compared to the religious nutters of old. Like I said cupcake, you know so little it is truly amazing.

Okay- i believe you are not a christian dumb ass.

Tell me more about how this progressive scum- and the millions he murdered- or wanted to murder.

View attachment 146573

You are apparently a 'partisan' student of history who has read a carefully filtered history certain not to upset your delicate sensibilities.

I actually like most of what Teddy was doing, it is his authoritarian bent that bothers me. As in all things there are progressives who are murderous swine, and there are progressives who are not. The problem is when the reasonable progressives get pushed out so that the real assholes can get their way. Those are the first people to be killed because so long as they are around they are a threat to the truly evil ones, just look at what happened to Trotsky.

Progressivism as a movement has always ended in mass murder. Not all progressives are bad, nor did I ever say that, but the philosophy is inherently authoritarian, it just needs the scumbags to get into power for the murder to begin. It doesn't always happen, but the potential is always there.

You ignore that very well known historical fact at your peril. The fascists have always used the gay community as tools as well. They use them because they are the social outcasts. Then, when they no longer have need of them they kill them. That too is well documented history, and one that I take great pains to educate my sister on. She's a lesbian you see, and like me a liberal, but she tends more towards the progressive side because she likes what they say. I have spent a great deal of time educating her to look beyond that, and to focus in on what they do..

Please tell me more about how the 'fascists' use the gay community as tools as well.

Because looking at the history of the United States- the ones who made the laws that criminalized homosexuality were Christians- elected Christians.

So far your 'well documented' history is pretty much just you saying it is.

All I can say is read some history, preferably some that is in an actual book.

The history book I am currently reading is "The Line upon a Wind"- a history of the naval war during the Napoleonic Wars.

Oddly enough this book doesn't mention Teddy Roosevelt or the mass murders that his progressivism 'inevitably' led to.

I'm reading "Six Frigates", among others, also set during the Napoleonic era and it is remarkable that the government back then, was every bit as petty and ignorant as the government today. You should read it.
The thing is we really don't know how the universe came into being.

We have a pretty good idea. It's called Inflation Theory. All the matter and energy that we see today was created through a quantum tunneling event which obeyed the laws of conservation.
Link please. Where did the quantum tunnel originate? A tunnel implies an entrance and an exit. If the exit is our Universe, where is the entrance?
The thing is we really don't know how the universe came into being.

We have a pretty good idea. It's called Inflation Theory. All the matter and energy that we see today was created through a quantum tunneling event which obeyed the laws of conservation.
Link please. Where did the quantum tunnel originate? A tunnel implies an entrance and an exit. If the exit is our Universe, where is the entrance?

Nice theory. No evidence.
The thing is we really don't know how the universe came into being.

We have a pretty good idea. It's called Inflation Theory. All the matter and energy that we see today was created through a quantum tunneling event which obeyed the laws of conservation.
Link please. Where did the quantum tunnel originate? A tunnel implies an entrance and an exit. If the exit is our Universe, where is the entrance?
The thing is we really don't know how the universe came into being.

We have a pretty good idea. It's called Inflation Theory. All the matter and energy that we see today was created through a quantum tunneling event which obeyed the laws of conservation.
Link please. Where did the quantum tunnel originate? A tunnel implies an entrance and an exit. If the exit is our Universe, where is the entrance?

Nice theory. No evidence.

See it how you wish, bro. No skin off my teeth.
...But to answer your question more directly, I have given you an explanation for why the universe exists. It is a philosophical answer based on philosophy and science. Specifically, the science around the evolution of matter and what that tells us. The answer to why the universe had a beginning is because that is what was required by the laws of nature for a universe to exist and serve its purpose which is to create intelligence.
More directly, you've given an opinion on why the Universe exists. There is no evidence on why it does exist.
The thing is we really don't know how the universe came into being.

We have a pretty good idea. It's called Inflation Theory. All the matter and energy that we see today was created through a quantum tunneling event which obeyed the laws of conservation.
Link please. Where did the quantum tunnel originate? A tunnel implies an entrance and an exit. If the exit is our Universe, where is the entrance?
The thing is we really don't know how the universe came into being.

We have a pretty good idea. It's called Inflation Theory. All the matter and energy that we see today was created through a quantum tunneling event which obeyed the laws of conservation.
Link please. Where did the quantum tunnel originate? A tunnel implies an entrance and an exit. If the exit is our Universe, where is the entrance?

Nice theory. No evidence.

See it how you wish, bro. No skin off my teeth.
Mine neither. It's all thought, zero evidence.
...But to answer your question more directly, I have given you an explanation for why the universe exists. It is a philosophical answer based on philosophy and science. Specifically, the science around the evolution of matter and what that tells us. The answer to why the universe had a beginning is because that is what was required by the laws of nature for a universe to exist and serve its purpose which is to create intelligence.
More directly, you've given an opinion on why the Universe exists. There is no evidence on why it does exist.
But there is. Creation itself is the evidence.

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