Is It Wrong to Think Homosexuality is a Sin?

Well, you find me someone who thinks gay marriage is bad and will protest against this, and will do the same for divorcees too. I'm sure they're out there.

Also, adulterers don't have their own flag and run around announcing it

So what? Also adulterers don't get treated badly by society, treated like second class citizens, and also adulterers weren't born as adulterers. They had a choice.

But then you have a problem with people who try and gain an identity huh?

There was a time when adulterers- heck even divorced people were treated badly by society.

Now we elect them as President.

Well, a faithful spouse doesn't necessarily mean a person will be good at the job either. Faithfulness is a requirement of marriage and perhaps even friendship but not of politicians, I suppose.

I agree frankly- I don't care that Trump is an adulterer, or has been married three times.

I do find it rather hypocritical of anyone who opposes gay marriage and also voted for Trump though- since Jesus is very clear in the Bible on adultery and divorce and remarriage.

Was it hypocritical for believers to vote for Hillary?
Well, you find me someone who thinks gay marriage is bad and will protest against this, and will do the same for divorcees too. I'm sure they're out there.

Also, adulterers don't have their own flag and run around announcing it

So what? Also adulterers don't get treated badly by society, treated like second class citizens, and also adulterers weren't born as adulterers. They had a choice.

But then you have a problem with people who try and gain an identity huh?

There was a time when adulterers- heck even divorced people were treated badly by society.

Now we elect them as President.

Well, a faithful spouse doesn't necessarily mean a person will be good at the job either. Faithfulness is a requirement of marriage and perhaps even friendship but not of politicians, I suppose.

I agree frankly- I don't care that Trump is an adulterer, or has been married three times.

I do find it rather hypocritical of anyone who opposes gay marriage and also voted for Trump though- since Jesus is very clear in the Bible on adultery and divorce and remarriage.
Agreed in principle, which is why I didn't vote for either Trump or Clinton; both are scumbag liars. OTOH, most people voted for the two most viable candidates AKA "lesser of two evils" since 1) they felt it was a civic duty to vote and 2) those were the party choices.
another example of divine wind?

oozing bile and giving off putrid smells?

Was it something I said?

1) You don't have a clue as to the origin of my username.

2) Thanks for proving my previous point about your posts being like a 17 year old's.
the post wasn't even directed to you. It was to Bonzi. Why did you feel a need to respond like you did if not because of your own immaturity when being schooled?

nice try
People need to be left alone to make their own choices in the matter. If they sin or are an abomination in the lord's sight that is between their god(s) and themselves. To attempt to force others find it acceptable is as bad as trying to get someone else to accept that drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution and all the other traps that humans can fall into is good for you and all fine and dandy.

I think the open sexual society in your face shit is disgusting regardless of who is doing it.
Yea they will just go to hell and drown in a lake of fire.
I am sure if the Lord desires to save them from their self destruction and self subjection HE can do it.
The Bible is very specific my friend.

The Bible is very specific about a few things. About homosexuals- not so much.

If you go by the Old Testament- well we should be stoning adulterers....If you go by the New Testament- our President is and continues to be an adulterer since he is married to his third wife.
Also, adulterers don't have their own flag and run around announcing it

So what? Also adulterers don't get treated badly by society, treated like second class citizens, and also adulterers weren't born as adulterers. They had a choice.

But then you have a problem with people who try and gain an identity huh?

There was a time when adulterers- heck even divorced people were treated badly by society.

Now we elect them as President.

Well, a faithful spouse doesn't necessarily mean a person will be good at the job either. Faithfulness is a requirement of marriage and perhaps even friendship but not of politicians, I suppose.

I agree frankly- I don't care that Trump is an adulterer, or has been married three times.

I do find it rather hypocritical of anyone who opposes gay marriage and also voted for Trump though- since Jesus is very clear in the Bible on adultery and divorce and remarriage.
Agreed in principle, which is why I didn't vote for either Trump or Clinton; both are scumbag liars. OTOH, most people voted for the two most viable candidates AKA "lesser of two evils" since 1) they felt it was a civic duty to vote and 2) those were the party choices.

Well, the choices were poor. A corrupt politician with a liberal agenda who wants to deny me one of my constitutional rights (the 2nd amendment) and who would appoint Supreme Court justices to accomplish those goals, or a clown like reality TV show actor/billionaire extraordinaire. Lol! I chose Trump. He wasn't threatening to take something away from me, and I agreed with a lot of what he said during his campaign. He also talked about what he was going to do for the country instead of specific little groups, like Hillary focused on so much. She tried to run her campaign using her old vagina basically. ;)
People need to be left alone to make their own choices in the matter. If they sin or are an abomination in the lord's sight that is between their god(s) and themselves. To attempt to force others find it acceptable is as bad as trying to get someone else to accept that drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution and all the other traps that humans can fall into is good for you and all fine and dandy.

I think the open sexual society in your face shit is disgusting regardless of who is doing it.
Yea they will just go to hell and drown in a lake of fire.
I am sure if the Lord desires to save them from their self destruction and self subjection HE can do it.
The Bible is very specific my friend.

The Bible is very specific about a few things. About homosexuals- not so much.

If you go by the Old Testament- well we should be stoning adulterers....If you go by the New Testament- our President is and continues to be an adulterer since he is married to his third wife.
Apparently you have failed in comprehension as even the Old Testament tells us that it is by His spirit. Perhaps people should do some more studying and prayer before applying their own precepts to the word.
People need to be left alone to make their own choices in the matter. If they sin or are an abomination in the lord's sight that is between their god(s) and themselves. To attempt to force others find it acceptable is as bad as trying to get someone else to accept that drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution and all the other traps that humans can fall into is good for you and all fine and dandy.

I think the open sexual society in your face shit is disgusting regardless of who is doing it.
Yea they will just go to hell and drown in a lake of fire.
I am sure if the Lord desires to save them from their self destruction and self subjection HE can do it.
The Bible is very specific my friend.

The Bible is very specific about a few things. About homosexuals- not so much.

If you go by the Old Testament- well we should be stoning adulterers....If you go by the New Testament- our President is and continues to be an adulterer since he is married to his third wife.

And what about the one getting a BJ in the oval office from an intern, who had no plans of ever leaving his wife to start up a life with said intern?! :lol:
I think it works the opposite for most people. They outgrow the fear of religion that was pounded into their brains as small children, the fear of gods, all mostly superstitious beliefs from ancient times, IMO.

I think it works the opposite for most people. They outgrow the fear of religion that was pounded into their brains as small children, the fear of gods, all mostly superstitious beliefs from ancient times, IMO.

I take it you're one of those scientific types that believes the universe created itself and that life just magically appeared out of nowhere. Am I right?

I'm not really a "scientific" type. No. I do believe in evolution though, yes. There are mountains of evidence to support evolution.

Evolution doesn't explain how life originated, let alone the universe. It's easier for you to believe that the universe created itself than it is to believe it was created by a super-intellect, right? You're smug with arrogance yet you have as much or as little proof as anyone else as to how the universe and life came to be. Step back; you're not that smart.

Evolution is a FACT
God is a Theory

Evolution has some holes in it. But that's not really what we're discussing. Does evolution explain how the universe came to be? Does evolution explain how life came into existence. The answer to both is - no.

Does it have to be valid? Of course not

We don't know is a legitimate response. Just because we do not know all the details does nothing to prove.....since you don't know, that proves there must be a God
Well, I think that at one time most atheists were religious folks or at least somewhat, who came to an epiphany or an awakening, like what is this shit? Lol! :)
Possibly. I think it varies. As mentioned before, I used to be an atheist...but outgrew it. ;)

I think it works the opposite for most people. They outgrow the fear of religion that was pounded into their brains as small children, the fear of gods, all mostly superstitious beliefs from ancient times, IMO.

Well, I think that at one time most atheists were religious folks or at least somewhat, who came to an epiphany or an awakening, like what is this shit? Lol! :)
Possibly. I think it varies. As mentioned before, I used to be an atheist...but outgrew it. ;)

I think it works the opposite for most people. They outgrow the fear of religion that was pounded into their brains as small children, the fear of gods, all mostly superstitious beliefs from ancient times, IMO.

I take it you're one of those scientific types that believes the universe created itself and that life just magically appeared out of nowhere. Am I right?

I'm not really a "scientific" type. No. I do believe in evolution though, yes. There are mountains of evidence to support evolution.

Evolution doesn't explain how life originated, let alone the universe. It's easier for you to believe that the universe created itself than it is to believe it was created by a super-intellect, right? You're smug with arrogance yet you have as much or as little proof as anyone else as to how the universe and life came to be. Step back; you're not that smart.

Evolution doesn't explain how life originated- just how life as it currently exist came to be.

As an atheist- I don't feel a need to have faith on how life came into being or how the universe came into being- though I find the current scientific theories more plausible- and fitting the known evidence better than any religious creation myths.
Possibly. I think it varies. As mentioned before, I used to be an atheist...but outgrew it. ;)

I think it works the opposite for most people. They outgrow the fear of religion that was pounded into their brains as small children, the fear of gods, all mostly superstitious beliefs from ancient times, IMO.

Possibly. I think it varies. As mentioned before, I used to be an atheist...but outgrew it. ;)

I think it works the opposite for most people. They outgrow the fear of religion that was pounded into their brains as small children, the fear of gods, all mostly superstitious beliefs from ancient times, IMO.

I take it you're one of those scientific types that believes the universe created itself and that life just magically appeared out of nowhere. Am I right?

I'm not really a "scientific" type. No. I do believe in evolution though, yes. There are mountains of evidence to support evolution.

Evolution doesn't explain how life originated, let alone the universe. It's easier for you to believe that the universe created itself than it is to believe it was created by a super-intellect, right? You're smug with arrogance yet you have as much or as little proof as anyone else as to how the universe and life came to be. Step back; you're not that smart.

Evolution doesn't explain how life originated- just how life as it currently exist came to be.

As an atheist- I don't feel a need to have faith on how life came into being or how the universe came into being- though I find the current scientific theories more plausible- and fitting the known evidence better than any religious creation myths.

I feel the same. It just makes a lot more sense to me.
I take it you're one of those scientific types that believes the universe created itself and that life just magically appeared out of nowhere. Am I right?

I'm not really a "scientific" type. No. I do believe in evolution though, yes. There are mountains of evidence to support evolution.

Evolution doesn't explain how life originated, let alone the universe. It's easier for you to believe that the universe created itself than it is to believe it was created by a super-intellect, right? You're smug with arrogance yet you have as much or as little proof as anyone else as to how the universe and life came to be. Step back; you're not that smart.

Evolution is a FACT
God is a Theory

Evolution has some holes in it. But that's not really what we're discussing. Does evolution explain how the universe came to be? Does evolution explain how life came into existence. The answer to both is - no.

Does it have to be valid? Of course not

We don't know is a legitimate response. Just because we do not know all the details does nothing to prove.....since you don't know, that proves there must be a God

Dude, you're free to believe that the universe came into existence because of evolution. I don't share that belief, but that doesn't matter.
I think it works the opposite for most people. They outgrow the fear of religion that was pounded into their brains as small children, the fear of gods, all mostly superstitious beliefs from ancient times, IMO.

I think it works the opposite for most people. They outgrow the fear of religion that was pounded into their brains as small children, the fear of gods, all mostly superstitious beliefs from ancient times, IMO.

I take it you're one of those scientific types that believes the universe created itself and that life just magically appeared out of nowhere. Am I right?

I'm not really a "scientific" type. No. I do believe in evolution though, yes. There are mountains of evidence to support evolution.

Evolution doesn't explain how life originated, let alone the universe. It's easier for you to believe that the universe created itself than it is to believe it was created by a super-intellect, right? You're smug with arrogance yet you have as much or as little proof as anyone else as to how the universe and life came to be. Step back; you're not that smart.

I'm just giving my opinion on the matter like anyone else. I don't have to step back or do anything else for that matter. Get over yourself.

You don't have a theory. You just parrot mindless drivel that you've heard from your atheist masters. Get back to me when you can form an independent thought.

LOL- you are an angry little person.

Tell us more about your fairy in the sky and how you believe he created the universe.
I take it you're one of those scientific types that believes the universe created itself and that life just magically appeared out of nowhere. Am I right?

I'm not really a "scientific" type. No. I do believe in evolution though, yes. There are mountains of evidence to support evolution.

Evolution doesn't explain how life originated, let alone the universe. It's easier for you to believe that the universe created itself than it is to believe it was created by a super-intellect, right? You're smug with arrogance yet you have as much or as little proof as anyone else as to how the universe and life came to be. Step back; you're not that smart.

I'm just giving my opinion on the matter like anyone else. I don't have to step back or do anything else for that matter. Get over yourself.

You don't have a theory. You just parrot mindless drivel that you've heard from your atheist masters. Get back to me when you can form an independent thought.

LOL- you are an angry little person.

Tell us more about your fairy in the sky and how you believe he created the universe.

He said "let there be light!" and Poof! Der it is.
The theory of evolution makes a lot more sense to me than some big angry man who lives in the sky.

How did evolution create the universe?

How did a god create the universe? Since you seem to have all the answers. How does a big angry man in the sky controlling things make more sense than a natural occurrence?

You just said that evolution explains how the universe came into existence. Now you don't want to talk about it. You're intellectually lazy, narrow-minded and disingenuous.

Of course it explains everything that came into being, from the Big Bang theory to how human beings evolved. Didn't you learn any of these things in school?

You're a liar and a coward.

One angry little person......
When have I done this? YOu are delusional.

You're a fucking liar.
What part of the Bible is that from?

She said that evolution explains how the universe came into existence. That is a lie.
More of a misunderstanding. That still doesn't explain why a self-avowed Christian would spread hate and call someone a fucking liar.

As for Evolution: An all powerful God can certainly cause the Big Bang almost 14 Billion years ago and know what fruit it would bear.

I think it was a natural occurrence. Nature is an amazing thing.

Matter cannot be created or destroyed.....meaning it always existed
The elements in the periodic table have always been the same
The basic building blocks of the universe
I'm not really a "scientific" type. No. I do believe in evolution though, yes. There are mountains of evidence to support evolution.

Evolution doesn't explain how life originated, let alone the universe. It's easier for you to believe that the universe created itself than it is to believe it was created by a super-intellect, right? You're smug with arrogance yet you have as much or as little proof as anyone else as to how the universe and life came to be. Step back; you're not that smart.

I'm just giving my opinion on the matter like anyone else. I don't have to step back or do anything else for that matter. Get over yourself.

You don't have a theory. You just parrot mindless drivel that you've heard from your atheist masters. Get back to me when you can form an independent thought.

LOL- you are an angry little person.

Tell us more about your fairy in the sky and how you believe he created the universe.

He said "let there be light!" and Poof! Der it is.

Apparently an 'interesting conversation with him/her means mindlessly accepting whatever he/she posts. FYI- appreciate your comments in this thread.
Possibly. I think it varies. As mentioned before, I used to be an atheist...but outgrew it. ;)

I think it works the opposite for most people. They outgrow the fear of religion that was pounded into their brains as small children, the fear of gods, all mostly superstitious beliefs from ancient times, IMO.

Possibly. I think it varies. As mentioned before, I used to be an atheist...but outgrew it. ;)

I think it works the opposite for most people. They outgrow the fear of religion that was pounded into their brains as small children, the fear of gods, all mostly superstitious beliefs from ancient times, IMO.

I take it you're one of those scientific types that believes the universe created itself and that life just magically appeared out of nowhere. Am I right?

I'm not really a "scientific" type. No. I do believe in evolution though, yes. There are mountains of evidence to support evolution.

Evolution doesn't explain how life originated, let alone the universe. It's easier for you to believe that the universe created itself than it is to believe it was created by a super-intellect, right? You're smug with arrogance yet you have as much or as little proof as anyone else as to how the universe and life came to be. Step back; you're not that smart.

Evolution doesn't explain how life originated- just how life as it currently exist came to be.

As an atheist- I don't feel a need to have faith on how life came into being or how the universe came into being- though I find the current scientific theories more plausible- and fitting the known evidence better than any religious creation myths.

So believing that the universe created itself is scientific and believing that a higher power created the universe is a myth. LOL. Ok.
People need to be left alone to make their own choices in the matter. If they sin or are an abomination in the lord's sight that is between their god(s) and themselves. To attempt to force others find it acceptable is as bad as trying to get someone else to accept that drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution and all the other traps that humans can fall into is good for you and all fine and dandy.

I think the open sexual society in your face shit is disgusting regardless of who is doing it.
Yea they will just go to hell and drown in a lake of fire.
I am sure if the Lord desires to save them from their self destruction and self subjection HE can do it.
The Bible is very specific my friend.

The Bible is very specific about a few things. About homosexuals- not so much.

If you go by the Old Testament- well we should be stoning adulterers....If you go by the New Testament- our President is and continues to be an adulterer since he is married to his third wife.

And what about the one getting a BJ in the oval office from an intern, who had no plans of ever leaving his wife to start up a life with said intern?! :lol:

Well according to Christians, any adultery can be forgiven if the the transgressor seeks forgiveness. Of course not being a Christian, that wasn't an issue for me when I voted for Bill

But according to the New Testament- Trump can't seek forgiveness for his ongoing adultery with this third wife- because he lives a life of adultery right now.
You're a fucking liar.
What part of the Bible is that from?

She said that evolution explains how the universe came into existence. That is a lie.
More of a misunderstanding. That still doesn't explain why a self-avowed Christian would spread hate and call someone a fucking liar.

As for Evolution: An all powerful God can certainly cause the Big Bang almost 14 Billion years ago and know what fruit it would bear.

I think it was a natural occurrence. Nature is an amazing thing.

Matter cannot be created or destroyed.....meaning it always existed
The elements in the periodic table have always been the same
The basic building blocks of the universe

So the universe wasn't created, it's just always been?

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