Is It Wrong to Think Homosexuality is a Sin?

People need to be left alone to make their own choices in the matter. If they sin or are an abomination in the lord's sight that is between their god(s) and themselves. To attempt to force others find it acceptable is as bad as trying to get someone else to accept that drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution and all the other traps that humans can fall into is good for you and all fine and dandy.

I think the open sexual society in your face shit is disgusting regardless of who is doing it.
Yea they will just go to hell and drown in a lake of fire.
I am sure if the Lord desires to save them from their self destruction and self subjection HE can do it.
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?

Actually the worst thing is this.

The Bible says things about Homosexuality, and this means that homosexuals shouldn't be considered first class citizens.

The Bible also says things about divorce and many other things, yet the religious people seem to ignore this.
Everyone does not ignore this --- though I'm sure homosexuals do.

Well, you find me someone who thinks gay marriage is bad and will protest against this, and will do the same for divorcees too. I'm sure they're out there.

Also, adulterers don't have their own flag and run around announcing it

So what? Also adulterers don't get treated badly by society, treated like second class citizens, and also adulterers weren't born as adulterers. They had a choice.

But then you have a problem with people who try and gain an identity huh?

There was a time when adulterers- heck even divorced people were treated badly by society.

Now we elect them as President.
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?

Actually the worst thing is this.

The Bible says things about Homosexuality, and this means that homosexuals shouldn't be considered first class citizens.

The Bible also says things about divorce and many other things, yet the religious people seem to ignore this.
Everyone does not ignore this --- though I'm sure homosexuals do.

President Trump
Married and divorced twice.

Your dear leader ignored this- and you voted for him.

And the alternative was Hillary "The Abortionist" Clinton who should have been indicted but skated under Barry and who had been selling out the country for years. Trump was a no-brainer choice.

So you elected Donald "The Abortionist" Trump- who has been selling out the United States for years.

Trump was certainly a no-brainer for those with no brains.
She said that evolution explains how the universe came into existence. That is a lie.
More of a misunderstanding. That still doesn't explain why a self-avowed Christian would spread hate and call someone a fucking liar.

As for Evolution: An all powerful God can certainly cause the Big Bang almost 14 Billion years ago and know what fruit it would bear.

I think it was a natural occurrence. Nature is an amazing thing.
From whence did the Universe come?

It created itself.


A rationale, logically thinking atheist
LOL Yes, that does seem to be the prevailing atheist theory although a secondary one is "It just popped into existence on its own just like presents under the Christmas tree".

Nothing happens in our universe without something else causing it to happen. Something had to come first. I believe it points to a power that is beyond our universe and which is not bound by it. That would be our creator. I'd like to believe that the universe created itself and that life just spontaneously appeared out of nowhere but, I just don't have the faith.
Actually the worst thing is this.

The Bible says things about Homosexuality, and this means that homosexuals shouldn't be considered first class citizens.

The Bible also says things about divorce and many other things, yet the religious people seem to ignore this.
Everyone does not ignore this --- though I'm sure homosexuals do.

Well, you find me someone who thinks gay marriage is bad and will protest against this, and will do the same for divorcees too. I'm sure they're out there.

Also, adulterers don't have their own flag and run around announcing it

So what? Also adulterers don't get treated badly by society, treated like second class citizens, and also adulterers weren't born as adulterers. They had a choice.

But then you have a problem with people who try and gain an identity huh?

There was a time when adulterers- heck even divorced people were treated badly by society.

Now we elect them as President.

Well, a faithful spouse doesn't necessarily mean a person will be good at the job either. Faithfulness is a requirement of marriage and perhaps even friendship but not of politicians, I suppose.
Actually the worst thing is this.

The Bible says things about Homosexuality, and this means that homosexuals shouldn't be considered first class citizens.

The Bible also says things about divorce and many other things, yet the religious people seem to ignore this.
Everyone does not ignore this --- though I'm sure homosexuals do.

Well, you find me someone who thinks gay marriage is bad and will protest against this, and will do the same for divorcees too. I'm sure they're out there.

Also, adulterers don't have their own flag and run around announcing it

So what? Also adulterers don't get treated badly by society, treated like second class citizens, and also adulterers weren't born as adulterers. They had a choice.

But then you have a problem with people who try and gain an identity huh?

There was a time when adulterers- heck even divorced people were treated badly by society.

Now we elect them as President.

Trump certainly doesn't have the moral fiber of the Clintons.
Why do you care if someone else is homosexual?

I don't. But I care that people who believe in a religion that believes it is sinful and destructive are chastised or criticized for it.
You poor things, maybe tolerance would be a nice thing also, like Jesus taught, instead of homophobes which authored parts of the Bible...
Tolerance needs to be shown on ALL sides. Like, not sue if someone doesn't wanna bake a cake with two grooms on it. Instead of suing and FORCING them, go to a damn baker that wants their money! Common sense.

How many people have been 'sued' for refusing to cater a homosexual wedding? 1? 5?

How many homosexuals have been refused the right to marry?


Remember- the only reason that homosexuals can marry is because they went to court to be able to enjoy that right.

There was no 'tolerance' in the majority of states.
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?

Actually the worst thing is this.

The Bible says things about Homosexuality, and this means that homosexuals shouldn't be considered first class citizens.

The Bible also says things about divorce and many other things, yet the religious people seem to ignore this.
Everyone does not ignore this --- though I'm sure homosexuals do.

President Trump
Married and divorced twice.

Your dear leader ignored this- and you voted for him.

And the alternative was Hillary "The Abortionist" Clinton who should have been indicted but skated under Barry and who had been selling out the country for years. Trump was a no-brainer choice.

So you elected Donald "The Abortionist" Trump- who has been selling out the United States for years.

Trump was certainly a no-brainer for those with no brains.

Has Slick Willie given any more $500K speeches lately and, if not, why not?
I suppose faithfulness does reflect on the overall integrity and trustworthiness of the individual in some cases though. I think there are some reasons why people may cheat on their spouses (even though they should be honest with their spouse about their feelings or even break off the relationship even if on a temporary basis), but for others they are just dogs. Lol.
Why do you care if someone else is homosexual?

I don't. But I care that people who believe in a religion that believes it is sinful and destructive are chastised or criticized for it.
They should be criticized for it.

After all doesn't the bible have a saying judge not lest ye be judged?

Or how about the age old wisdom of do unto others.... If people criticize and discriminate others shouldn't they themselves be criticized and discriminated against?

they don't dislike gay people, they feel the lifestyle is counter productive to Godly living and a healthy community. their opinion.... which they have a right to

Well not all of them dislike gay people- but reading the posters here at USMB it is quite clear that a sizable portion despise homosexuals.
Why do you care if someone else is homosexual?

I don't. But I care that people who believe in a religion that believes it is sinful and destructive are chastised or criticized for it.
You poor things, maybe tolerance would be a nice thing also, like Jesus taught, instead of homophobes which authored parts of the Bible...
Tolerance needs to be shown on ALL sides. Like, not sue if someone doesn't wanna bake a cake with two grooms on it. Instead of suing and FORCING them, go to a damn baker that wants their money! Common sense.

Tell me which is against our current laws?

Denying service or suing those that illegally deny service

We have these things called public accommodation laws and business are bound to follow them
Not in my book or in MY store. I pay the damn rent. I pay for the overhead. I have the right to refuse service to anyone. Period. And that is exactly how I ran my store.

And you could get prosecuted for refusing to serve Christians or Muslims because of their faith- and you could get prosecuted for refusing to serve African Americans or Chinese for the color of their skin- or refusing to serve women because of their gender.

And in a few states and communities- for refusing to serve a homosexual because of his or her sexual orientation.
Its a slippery slope. What if a muslim goes in a restaurant and demands they serve no bacon or pork? Is the restaurant to comply?

You really need to learn how public accommodation laws work.

You can't refuse to serve someone because of their religion, or their race, or their gender, or their national origin. In some communities you can't refuse to serve someone because of their sexual orientation or because of their military status.

That is it. Not going out and providing services or product you don't normally provide.

Its not complicated- no more complicated than not refusing to rent to African Americans.
It seems that whenever a point is made that exposes hypocrisy, deception or some other unpleasant fact about religion some prick always accuses you of being a commie trying to stamp it out,, never mind if the point made is the irrefutable truth.

Unscrupulous bastards who do despicable things in the dark always hate the person who turns on the lights....
Agreed. Especially if they are militant atheists who claim to know more about religion than any person who is religious.

Militant? give me a break..

Most atheists do know more about other peoples religions than believers know about their own.

Believers don't like being schooled because its embarrassing. like a person suddenly realizing that the invisible clothes that they invested everything they had in were a sham and they have been prancing around in public completely naked for decades .

Its a simple as that.
I don't know about other religions but we were taught about other religions, so it was not hidden from us. Not that it really matters

What I am talking about isn't really about what you believed or don't believe. If you read a story where a talking serpent is introduced and don't immediately understand that it is a metaphor for a type of human being but instead imagine an invisible disembodied malevolent entity from another dimension speaking through a snake or dismiss the entire thing as some imaginary mythological creature the teaching is just as effectively kept from your comprehension as if was locked in a vault and buried 12 feet under a vast and featureless field.

so it doesn't matter at all what you believe about it if what you believe or don't believe is't even what the story is about.
Written like a 17 year old soon-to-be Senior in High School. I'm sure you know it all, kid.

another example of divine wind?

oozing bile and giving off putrid smells?

Was it something I said?
Anyone know of any news stories of a christian going into a muslim cafe and demanding sausage or pork chops and when told they do not serve that and are refused, then SUE that cafe? I haven't heard of such a thing.

You haven't because it would be incredibly stupid and ignorant.
Why do you care if someone else is homosexual?

I don't. But I care that people who believe in a religion that believes it is sinful and destructive are chastised or criticized for it.
They should be criticized for it.

After all doesn't the bible have a saying judge not lest ye be judged?

Or how about the age old wisdom of do unto others.... If people criticize and discriminate others shouldn't they themselves be criticized and discriminated against?

they don't dislike gay people, they feel the lifestyle is counter productive to Godly living and a healthy community. their opinion.... which they have a right to

Well not all of them dislike gay people- but reading the posters here at USMB it is quite clear that a sizable portion despise homosexuals.
You always appear so confused. You do not seem to know the difference between rejection of someone who has determined to put themselves into that situation and hatred. The two words are very different.
Everyone does not ignore this --- though I'm sure homosexuals do.

Well, you find me someone who thinks gay marriage is bad and will protest against this, and will do the same for divorcees too. I'm sure they're out there.

Also, adulterers don't have their own flag and run around announcing it

So what? Also adulterers don't get treated badly by society, treated like second class citizens, and also adulterers weren't born as adulterers. They had a choice.

But then you have a problem with people who try and gain an identity huh?

There was a time when adulterers- heck even divorced people were treated badly by society.

Now we elect them as President.

Well, a faithful spouse doesn't necessarily mean a person will be good at the job either. Faithfulness is a requirement of marriage and perhaps even friendship but not of politicians, I suppose.

I agree frankly- I don't care that Trump is an adulterer, or has been married three times.

I do find it rather hypocritical of anyone who opposes gay marriage and also voted for Trump though- since Jesus is very clear in the Bible on adultery and divorce and remarriage.
another example of divine wind?

oozing bile and giving off putrid smells?

Was it something I said?

1) You don't have a clue as to the origin of my username.

2) Thanks for proving my previous point about your posts being like a 17 year old's.
People need to be left alone to make their own choices in the matter. If they sin or are an abomination in the lord's sight that is between their god(s) and themselves. To attempt to force others find it acceptable is as bad as trying to get someone else to accept that drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution and all the other traps that humans can fall into is good for you and all fine and dandy.

I think the open sexual society in your face shit is disgusting regardless of who is doing it.
Yea they will just go to hell and drown in a lake of fire.
I am sure if the Lord desires to save them from their self destruction and self subjection HE can do it.
The Bible is very specific my friend.
AND, I want them to have the SAME RIGHTS married couple have. Just don't DEMAND it be called a marriage. Its a civil union contract that protects them. THAT is being TOLERANT.

Americans don't have a right to a civil union. And Christians fought very hard to prevent gays from even having that alternative to legal marriage- look at Georgia's anti-gay marriage law- it specifically denied recognition of civil unions.

But Americans do have a right to a legal marriage. So gays fought for their right- and eventually the courts came through for them- just as they had done before in Loving v. Virginia.
People need to be left alone to make their own choices in the matter. If they sin or are an abomination in the lord's sight that is between their god(s) and themselves. To attempt to force others find it acceptable is as bad as trying to get someone else to accept that drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution and all the other traps that humans can fall into is good for you and all fine and dandy.

I think the open sexual society in your face shit is disgusting regardless of who is doing it.
Yea they will just go to hell and drown in a lake of fire.
I am sure if the Lord desires to save them from their self destruction and self subjection HE can do it.
The Bible is very specific my friend.
Yes it is and it is the Lord that chooses the time that he will awaken that adam "human" that is asleep in the garden of his own pleasure.

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