Is It Wrong to Think Homosexuality is a Sin?

Well, I really don't see how homosexuality is a sin at all. You can't help that. You aren't treating anyone else badly because of it.

Whether or not someone considers my life sinful is entirely irrelevant to me, that is until they attempt to use or craft laws to harm me.
Seems to me the trend is laws passed to protect you, which, is as is should be if that is what "we the people" feel is best
Well, gay people are tax paying American citizens, not criminals. They should be able to enjoy all the rights and privileges (including marriage) that any other American citizen gets to enjoy. Otherwise we are NOT the "land of the free" or the "home of the brave."
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In a sense, yet, if talking with people I know, at work etc., if someone is cheating on their mate, people are disgusted and talk badly about them, but if talking about a gay couple, it's looked at as a nice thing or at a minimum a too each their own thing

Cheating should be looked down upon, gay or straight. Breaking an oath is one of the most dishonorable things one can do; however, they are both sins at the end of the day if you're religious.

That is what SOME of the religious folks think apparently. They just love judging except when it's done to them. Lol.

Yeah, some certainly do. Those types sure love to throw your sins in your face, but suddenly change their tune to "we're all sinners" when it's thrown back at them.
That may be the dumbest and most defensive post I've ever seen from you....

I agree with him
Okay, well...I admit some for sure do don't say I never admit I'm wrong....
So anyway, the question was are people wrong for believing Homosexuality is a sin? Simple yes or no question
Well, gay people are tax paying American citizens, not criminals. They should be able to enjoy all the rights and privileges (including marriage) that any other American citizen gets to enjoy. Otherwise we are NOT the "land of the free" or the "home of the brave."
And they do
Well, gay people are tax paying American citizens, not criminals. They should be able to enjoy all the rights and privileges (including marriage) that any other American citizen gets to enjoy. Otherwise we are NOT the "land of the free" or the "home of the brave."
And they do

Yet they had to fight for it, and they still have to fight against people who wish to condemn them to "second class citizenry" because they are "sinners" or because of another person's belief system. Absurd! :rolleyes:
Some do, but someone truly vested in the Christian belief system would only want to not have it condoned by the government would not like it because they believe (rightly or wrongly) that God will remove a hedge of protection on our Nation.
These same people, if they had their way, would prohibit divorce as well, except for situations specified by Jesus himself
So anyway, the question was are people wrong for believing Homosexuality is a sin? Simple yes or no question

People can believe anything they want to believe as long as they don't infringe on another person's rights or privileges as an American citizen because of their beliefs. So, no, I can't say that their thoughts and/or opinions are "wrong" per se. I think they are misguided and rather ignorant though.
Well, I really don't see how homosexuality is a sin at all. You can't help that. You aren't treating anyone else badly because of it.

Whether or not someone considers my life sinful is entirely irrelevant to me, that is until they attempt to use or craft laws to harm me.
Seems to me the trend is laws passed to protect you, which, is as is should be if that is what "we the people" feel is best

In some states that is the case. I neither want nor require the law to advantage me for being gay, but it certainly shouldn't disadvantage me either.
Some do, but someone truly vested in the Christian belief system would only want to not have it condoned by the government would not like it because they believe (rightly or wrongly) that God will remove a hedge of protection on our Nation.
These same people, if they had their way, would prohibit divorce as well, except for situations specified by Jesus himself

And so? You are a religious person. What are you opinions on these matters? Why don't you make some contributions to your thread?
So anyway, the question was are people wrong for believing Homosexuality is a sin? Simple yes or no question

Yes, they are wrong. I suspect God would have less puerile interests....

It is evidence of an indwelling perversion that makes people assume the law is about sexual conduct when there are many instances where men lie down with another man as if they were a submissive wife that has nothing whatever to do with gay sex..

Look at shimons obsession with Hashevs butt. Isn't that queer?

Many men make their livings submitting to what some other man tells them to do....isn't that gay?

How many men won't fart without consulting their pastor. Isn't that a little light in the loafers?

Many men who claim to never have had sex give up natural relations with women and swear obedience to the Pope and as if they were a woman and he was their husband and master...for life. isn't that an abomination?

Other peoples sexual preferences should be the least of these hypocrites concerns.

If four men were standing before God and two were married sexually active gay men that never went to church and the other two were married to the Pope, never had sex, and screwed up peoples minds as a religious duty, who do you think God would have an issue with?
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Some do, but someone truly vested in the Christian belief system would only want to not have it condoned by the government would not like it because they believe (rightly or wrongly) that God will remove a hedge of protection on our Nation.
These same people, if they had their way, would prohibit divorce as well, except for situations specified by Jesus himself

And so? You are a religious person. What are you opinions on these matters? Why don't you make some contributions to your thread?
Personally, I'm pretty much a flake ... So, that being said, people will live how they want. I believe in a higher power and that there are ways to live and rules that if follow would give a society a better chance of being productive and healthy. But no, I don't think it's "wrong" to believe anything.

I don't think anyone can "force" beliefs on anyone either.

We all have a voice, and sometimes we just need to be patient with one another, but not allow ourselves to be doormats or someone's punching bag
Some do, but someone truly vested in the Christian belief system would only want to not have it condoned by the government would not like it because they believe (rightly or wrongly) that God will remove a hedge of protection on our Nation.
These same people, if they had their way, would prohibit divorce as well, except for situations specified by Jesus himself

And so? You are a religious person. What are you opinions on these matters? Why don't you make some contributions to your thread?
Personally, I'm pretty much a flake ... So, that being said, people will live how they want. I believe in a higher power and that there are ways to live and rules that if follow would give a society a better chance of being productive and healthy. But no, I don't think it's "wrong" to believe anything.

I don't think anyone can "force" beliefs on anyone either.

We all have a voice, and sometimes we just need to be patient with one another, but not allow ourselves to be doormats or someone's punching bag

Hmm. A very carefully worded post while still avoiding really giving your own opinions on whether or not homosexuality is wrong to you. Very clever. Touche. Lol.
Some do, but someone truly vested in the Christian belief system would only want to not have it condoned by the government would not like it because they believe (rightly or wrongly) that God will remove a hedge of protection on our Nation.
These same people, if they had their way, would prohibit divorce as well, except for situations specified by Jesus himself

And so? You are a religious person. What are you opinions on these matters? Why don't you make some contributions to your thread?
Personally, I'm pretty much a flake ... So, that being said, people will live how they want. I believe in a higher power and that there are ways to live and rules that if follow would give a society a better chance of being productive and healthy. But no, I don't think it's "wrong" to believe anything.

I don't think anyone can "force" beliefs on anyone either.

We all have a voice, and sometimes we just need to be patient with one another, but not allow ourselves to be doormats or someone's punching bag

Hmm. A very carefully worded post while still avoiding really giving your own opinions on whether or not homosexuality is wrong to you. Very clever. Touche. Lol.

Not really, I simply am not sure....I don't feel right making that judgment....
But the painter is the most complex thing in the room. Isn't that what you're going after?
Do you believe in God? If not, you are making an argument even you don't believe.
A favorite ploy by atheists. They claim to have rules, but will never prove what rules they live by or why they should live by any rules.

Okay- show me all the atheists who claim to have rules?

Matter of fact- use me as an example- when have I claimed to have rules- but will never prove what rules I live by.

Maybe I missed your response to this.....
Stalin and Mao were atheists and had rules.

Stalin and Mao were subject to no rules- they gave rules to others.

Here was your claim:

A favorite ploy by atheists. They claim to have rules, but will never prove what rules they live by or why they should live by any rules

I asked you to show how that applies to me- an atheist.

Remember you were the one who got your panties in a wad when I claimed that a large portion of USMB posters who posted against gays hate or detest gays.

You have claimed that 'atheists'- which includes all atheists- not a 'large portion' 'claim to have rules, but will never prove what rules they live by or why they should live by any rules'

Naming Mao and Stalin- infamous mass murderers- not only doesn't prove that they meet your claim- but has nothing to do with the millions and millions of atheists who are not murderers.

So prove that we atheists claim to have rules but will never prove what rules that they live by.

Start with me.
You can't prove your own claim? No surprise there.

Naming a few posters who have said hateful things doesn't equate to such even vague terms like "sizable portion" or equating posting "negatively" with "despise".

Example: It is quite clear that a sizable portion of the posters here at USMB who post negatively about Christians - despise Christians.

Now, like you said, "Prove me wrong".
Bump. Sorry, I must have missed your reply since I was working all day.

Nope- frankly I have been busy and have forgotten.

It is quite clear that a sizable portion of the posters here at USMB who post negatively about gays- despise gays.

As I said- sizable portion hate gays.

Do you have any disagreement that when Tipsy said the one thing she found positive about ISIS was their killing gays- we can agree she 'despises' gays?

I want to make sure we can find any agreement here.

So I will go ahead and start compiling that list for you.

I know little about "Tipsy" and cannot vouch an informed opinion. I can vouch the opinion that killing anyone for anything is wrong. I'm against the death penalty. I'm also against laws condemning actions between consenting adults.

So you can't have an informed opinion about whether someone 'hates' gays when they say:

Throwing gays off rooftops was the only decent thing Isis ever did.
Sure you can. Does an intelligent person question some asshole who gives a quote, but doesn't link the source? Your opinion, please.

You can use the search function at USMB like i can.

But please continue to rationalize about how this remark:
Throwing gays off rooftops was the only decent thing Isis ever did

Is not indicative of hatred towards gays. Hell- you haven't even disagreed with it.
(1) homosexual "sex" is a biological adsurdity. The commingling of the digestive system and the reproductive system may induce orgasm, but it's still sticking your dick up another man's ass, and engaging in a grotesque parody of sexual intercourse.

By that measure, masturbation, and oral sex are both 'biological absurdities'.

Basically you are just saying you find it 'icky'

While apparently having no problem with a man sticking his dick up a woman's ass in 'grotesque parody of sexual intercourse'.

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