Is It Wrong to Think Homosexuality is a Sin?

I am saying that humankind in general are the cause their own miseries. You apparently seem to want to lay that off on God instead of putting the fault where it belongs with failed human precepts.

God isn't going to stand in the way of you walking out in front of a bulldozer if that is what you determine you want to do. After all the Lord does give each its hearts desire and if you give yourself over to the son of perdition side in you and you desire to walk away from the spirit of truth or look the other way when it is there in front of you that is on you not the spirit of God.
Humankind is the cause of down Syndrome?

What the hell is wrong with you?
Are your mutated chromosomes having a meltdown?
So you do or do not believe that? A high intellect like yours should have no problem with this question.
I already stated what I believe if you do not like that statement press on.
Yes, you stated that humanity is responsible for it's own problems. By inclusion, that would include Down Syndrome. Since this makes you seem like a fucking moron, we are giving you the chance to clarify your comments .

So....go ahead.
You are entitled to your opinion and your thoughts.
Humankind is the cause of down Syndrome?

What the hell is wrong with you?
Are your mutated chromosomes having a meltdown?
So you do or do not believe that? A high intellect like yours should have no problem with this question.
I already stated what I believe if you do not like that statement press on.
Yes, you stated that humanity is responsible for it's own problems. By inclusion, that would include Down Syndrome. Since this makes you seem like a fucking moron, we are giving you the chance to clarify your comments .

So....go ahead.
You are entitled to your opinion and your thoughts.
That's adorable, but you avoided the question.

As of now, your stated position is that humans are responsible for their own problems, which includes things like down syndrome and cancer

Would you like to double down on this bizarre set of beliefs, or would you like to better articulate your thoughts?
Deformed babies, disease and cancer were happening a long time before the industrial revolution. Want to try again?
No need to try again. People have screwed (cursed) themselves up for ages.
How does a baby that hasn't been born yet screw things up for itself?
Its parents play a part in that.
So you're saying that parents are always responsible for a child with downs syndrome or cancer or deformed?
I am saying that humankind in general are the cause their own miseries. You apparently seem to want to lay that off on God instead of putting the fault where it belongs with failed human precepts.

God isn't going to stand in the way of you walking out in front of a bulldozer if that is what you determine you want to do. After all the Lord does give each its hearts desire and if you give yourself over to the son of perdition side in you and you desire to walk away from the spirit of truth or look the other way when it is there in front of you that is on you not the spirit of God.
We're not talking about an adult making a bad decision, but rather a baby that hasn't lived yet and is born deformed, retarded or with cancer. It's not always the fault of the parents, sometimes it's genetic. That's on god. God doesn't have to let that happen.
Are your mutated chromosomes having a meltdown?
So you do or do not believe that? A high intellect like yours should have no problem with this question.
I already stated what I believe if you do not like that statement press on.
Yes, you stated that humanity is responsible for it's own problems. By inclusion, that would include Down Syndrome. Since this makes you seem like a fucking moron, we are giving you the chance to clarify your comments .

So....go ahead.
You are entitled to your opinion and your thoughts.
That's adorable, but you avoided the question.

As of now, your stated position is that humans are responsible for their own problems, which includes things like down syndrome and cancer

Would you like to double down on this bizarre set of beliefs, or would you like to better articulate your thoughts?
I didn't avoid anything and my beliefs are merely bizarre in your opinion. Humans are allowed to make choices. Those choices create certain circumstances for the humans. Pretty simple. Humans subject themselves.
No need to try again. People have screwed (cursed) themselves up for ages.
How does a baby that hasn't been born yet screw things up for itself?
Its parents play a part in that.
So you're saying that parents are always responsible for a child with downs syndrome or cancer or deformed?
I am saying that humankind in general are the cause their own miseries. You apparently seem to want to lay that off on God instead of putting the fault where it belongs with failed human precepts.

God isn't going to stand in the way of you walking out in front of a bulldozer if that is what you determine you want to do. After all the Lord does give each its hearts desire and if you give yourself over to the son of perdition side in you and you desire to walk away from the spirit of truth or look the other way when it is there in front of you that is on you not the spirit of God.
We're not talking about an adult making a bad decision, but rather a baby that hasn't lived yet and is born deformed, retarded or with cancer. It's not always the fault of the parents, sometimes it's genetic. That's on god. God doesn't have to let that happen.
"Genetics" is merely a phrase used by humans who do not have a full understand of the mechanism of the reactions that the humans make from humankind's own choices. I suppose next you'll be blaming God for creating nuclear reactor breakdowns? Even though humans knew that they were taking a risk when they built the facilities that break down.
I didn't avoid anything and my beliefs are merely bizarre in your opinion.
Hmm, no , I think we can safely say that it is objectively bizarre to blame humans for down syndrome and all cancers.

Yes, you are avoiding my question. Is this your belief? yes or no will suffice.
I didn't avoid anything and my beliefs are merely bizarre in your opinion.
Hmm, no , I think we can safely say that it is objectively bizarre to blame humans for down syndrome and all cancers.

Yes, you are avoiding my question. Is this your belief? yes or no will suffice.
That humans create the conditions for cancers and downs syndrome? Is that you question? Maybe you need to be less furtive or get better at articulating your questions instead of blathering about your personal opinions concerning me or my thoughts.

Yes humans create their own problems through choices made by humankind and then whine sometimes that God did that to them or created their self subjection's. That includes cancers, diseases and mutations in their DNA, Genes and Chromosomes. Is that specific enough for you on my position?
ha, so you do feel humans are responsible for down syndrome.

Now, you get to regale us by telling us HOW they are responsible. Which choices did they -- er, I mean WE -- make, which caused this?
Look dumb ass if you want to design your life around red-light district rules then go there, stay there and live by the choices or errors that you make. You are making the decisions then you live the consequences.
Look dumb ass if you want to design your life around red-light district rules then go there, stay there and live by the choices or errors that you make. You are making the decisions then you live the consequences.
That certainly was whiny and way off topic. Let's try again:

What choices did human beings make that deem them responsible for Down Syndrome?

Come on man, what's taking so long? Did you not think this through?
Look dumb ass if you want to design your life around red-light district rules then go there, stay there and live by the choices or errors that you make. You are making the decisions then you live the consequences.
That certainly was whiny and way off topic. Let's try again:

What choices did human beings make that deem them responsible for Down Syndrome?

Come on man, what's taking so long? Did you not think this through?
Do you desire to talk about the causation of Downs Syndrome or do you desire to talk about who is responsible for it humankind or God. Be specific and get a topic for causation of Downs Syndrome if that is what you wish to discuss. I am not into playing ring around the rosey with some dumb ass that can't think that through.
I'l try this again:

By what choices made by huimans do you deem humans responsible for Down Syndrome?

No, of course I do not think humans are responsible, or any fake gods, either. How silly it is even to invoke fake magical spirits in this discussion. See what I did there? i answered your concerns directly, with a minimum of effort, with no little self-serving tap dance. Now, you try.
For the sake of argument let's stipulate that there is a God.
Then we must believe that God was the one who came up with the idea of having thinking human beings on a planet.
Fine. So God must have also included the gays in the human race and Hitler and Bill Clinton and Charlie Manson.....only God knows why......right?
I don't give a flying fuck what people do with their genitals.
The upside is the gays aren't passing on their DNA to the next generation.
Maybe that's God's way of fucking with people's heads.
I'l try this again:

By what choices made by huimans do you deem humans responsible for Down Syndrome?

No, of course I do not think humans are responsible, or any fake gods, either. How silly it is even to invoke fake magical spirits in this discussion. See what I did there? i answered your concerns directly, with a minimum of effort, with no little self-serving tap dance. Now, you try.
You are the one that jumped into the conversation post I made concerning humankind making choices and subjecting themselves. You'll have to try again and don't conflate chit to try to fit it all into your own opinions. The forum thread is about religion. Religions have a belief system which includes God.

Again if you want to discuss causation of Downs start another thread. That is a very simple solution to your problem. I would suggest putting your quest for answers in the health section forum.
You are the one that jumped into the conversation post I made concerning humankind making choices and subjecting themselves.
Yes, because, as it turns out, this is a public forum,. Your words were quite clear: you said humanity is responsible for its problems.

And that this is being scrutinized, you are doing everything you can to avoid dealing with the very nauseating reality of what you said.

have you ever ONCE considered just admitting that what you said was stupid and that, upon further, review, you don't actually believe it? This would be a good time to do exactly that.
Because believing that humans are responsible for down syndrome, and at the same time crediting god for the design of nature, is fucking painfully stupid. Come on man, you cannot be this stupid.
You are the one that jumped into the conversation post I made concerning humankind making choices and subjecting themselves.
Yes, because, as it turns out, this is a public forum,. Your words were quite clear: you said humanity is responsible for its problems.

And that this is being scrutinized, you are doing everything you can to avoid dealing with the very nauseating reality of what you said.

have you ever ONCE considered just admitting that what you said was stupid and that, upon further, review, you don't actually believe it? This would be a good time to do exactly that.
Because believing that humans are responsible for down syndrome, and at the same time crediting god for the design of nature, is fucking painfully stupid. Come on man, you cannot be this stupid.
You do seem to like to rattle on don't you. You don't believe in God so you say and apparently you don't like the idea that humankind creates problems for its self. Thus you haven't got anything better to do than spout off.

I do not need to consider what I said to be stupid. You apparently do not think that humans are not responsible for their own choices when those choices are made in error. Too bad for you as that is the way it is. Eat poison and you and yours will reap the rewards of whatever comes with it. Again pretty simple but that fails for some reason to click in that head of yours.
You don't believe in God so you say and apparently you don't like the idea that humankind creates problems for its self.
You sure do spend a lot of time trying to guess my motivations. You need to come to the realization that what I had for breakfast has ZERO bearing on the objective idiocy of your claim. Let's try this again:

By what human choices do you deem humans responsible for Down Syndrome? Go on, stop being a coward. Either answer the question, or alter your previous comments that lead directly to this bizarre position.

I predict you will never answer this question, because you honestly believe that you can dance and prance and preen and make yourself "feel" like you wiggled out of the idiotic corner into which yo have painted yourself.

You will never answer my question, nor will you ever alter your previous, moronic comment. this is what religion does to the human brain ... you WELCOME self-delusion. You actually see it as a virtue, which is nauseating and as anti-intellectual as it gets.
You don't believe in God so you say and apparently you don't like the idea that humankind creates problems for its self.
You sure do spend a lot of time trying to guess my motivations. You need to come to the realization that what I had for breakfast has ZERO bearing on the objective idiocy of your claim. Let's try this again:

By what human choices do you deem humans responsible for Down Syndrome? Go on, stop being a coward. Either answer the question, or alter your previous comments that lead directly to this bizarre position.
I already told you by the choices that they make they subject themselves. And again if you want to talk about the causation of Downs Syndrome start a thread on it in the health section. Is that too hard for you to comprehend?
The problem with "perfect" is that one would have to have a comparison. So, if we say no one is perfect, we mean we know what a perfect person would be while also saying such a being cannot be.
So, how do we know we aren't perfect? Isn't that really just saying we aren't satisfied? And, perhaps, being unsatisfied is the perfect thing to be. me, humans are imperfect
..we murder for any number of reasons--nonsensical reasons
..humans do the most nonsensical things--one of them is committing suicide along with murdering wives/children
..they do things like jumping from cliffs/buildings/etc--that sometimes result in death
..most airplane crashes are human error
..we know we are imperfect
...and we have wars--that kill millions/destroy/etc--!!!! ''god creates'' humans that kill millions of other humans ??!!

no--we are imperfect and god creating us as ''perfect''' makes no reasonable sense
The moral law is what we ought to do, not what we do do.

Why would you think that unless everything were perfect there could be no God?
Nobody expected god to be perfect. :biggrin:
We are to never think of God's power or perfection in terms of sheer omnipotence. We are to think of God's power and perfection in terms of purpose. Could God create perfection through his sheer omnipotence? Sure, but then it would defeat his purpose which in reality would be a weakness. God's purpose isn't to achieve a certain outcome. God's purpose is to achieve a certain outcome under certain conditions. You are being tested; purified. It isn't virtuous for you to be made to be virtuous, Taz. You have to choose to be virtuous to actually be virtuous.
"God's purpose isn't to achieve a certain outcome. God's purpose is to achieve a certain outcome" :coffee:

You peeps sure have a lot of dumb excuses to scapegoat god's deficiencies. So god's not actually perfect, that's why we have deformed babies and cancer?
God's purpose isn't to achieve a certain outcome. God's purpose is to achieve a certain outcome under certain conditions.

Your intentional misstating of what I wrote is how I know you are a militant atheist.

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