Zone1 Is Jesus God?

Isaiah certainly believed it.
Isaiah believed that God would become a human being? Now thats just flat out insane.

I am truly amazed by the many wonderful things religiously defying the law of God and brazenly desecrating the teachings of Jesus Christ every other Sunday and high holiday, has done for you

And some people do not believe in curses. Imagine that!
Doesn't your church teach that the bread becomes the body of Christ in actuality, after the priest goes hocus-pocus, presto mundo, alakazam, for a nominal service charge of course.
Actually it's the only time man initiates and God responds. No hocus pocus necessary. It's literally dependent upon man's faith in asking and God's generosity in providing. And since you have no faith that God will respond to you, God will never manifest himself for you like he does for me.
Isaiah believed that God would become a human being? Now thats just flat out insane.

I am truly amazed by the many wonderful things religiously defying the law of God, every other Sunday and high holiday, has done for you.
You don't strike me as a person who knows God.
No, you posting the flesh is of no avail revealed that what Jesus taught flew right over your head
Not even close. Jesus sacrificed his flesh and blood because the flesh is of no avail. Jesus offers us his flesh and blood because the flesh is of no avail. By accepting his sacrifice (i.e. partaking in his body, blood, death and defeat of death) we acknowledge our complicity in his death and share in his defeat of death. It draws us closer to him than any words could possibly do. You have never experienced it. I have.
Jesus sacrificed his flesh and blood because the flesh is of no avail.
No, Jesus was explaining to his remaining disciples that flesh was irrelevant, of no avail, because his words are the subject of the metaphor, words from God that are both spirit and life.
Isn't that what you think you are doing by worshipping and eating a lifeless matzo in church? Doesn't your church teach that the bread becomes the body of Christ in actuality, after the priest goes hocus-pocus, presto mundo, alakazam, for a nominal service charge of course.

I eat his flesh, accept his teaching, and drink his blood, act on it, every single day of my life..

I always do exactly as God commands as taught by Jesus and so I continuously dwell in their love

Communion services are for the dead in hells keeping, diverted by superstitious archaic lore and entombed by ritualistic trickery. Always dying at every single mass, never finding peace in death.
No, my church does not teach that I literally consume flesh and blood during communion. We also don't have priests. Now, you say you consume human flesh and blood daily. How do you escape the authorities?
Isaiah believed that God would become a human being? Now thats just flat out insane.

I am truly amazed by the many wonderful things religiously defying the law of God and brazenly desecrating the teachings of Jesus Christ every other Sunday and high holiday, has done for you

And some people do not believe in curses. Imagine that!
Isaiah 9:

6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Let me guess, you're going to pretend everything he had to say was a metaphor, not to be taken seriously. It's very clear, Isaiah believed exactly that God would become human, in fact be born as a child.
No, my church does not teach that I literally consume flesh and blood during communion. We also don't have priests.
We? how many of you are there?

Now, you say you consume human flesh and blood daily.

Wrong. I dine on heavenly meat. I see and hear the words of the living God and act on it daily

I didn't stutter. Human flesh? I am very impressed by how low you will stoop to perpetuate lies.

How do you escape the authorities?
Ha ha.

Escape authorities? Why? They are on my side. I have vorpel sword in hand to slay the scarlet beast. I am Hobelim, destroyer of vineyards tended by faithless stewards and spineless worms.
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Is Jesus Good?​

In fairness he was probably well intentioned but nothing ever went right for him
He had lots of stories about his Dad but he never showed and never contributed anything to his poor lad's wretched career . J was a fantasy merchant .
All of his frends were imprisoned and killed so it is hardly surprising that the same fate befel him
Best summed up as a loser with a Messianic complex .
Meant well but did irreparable damage
Thats prophecy was about the future king Hezekiah. Thats why you should ask yourself,

Wrong, no one called Hezekiah "Mighty God" or "Everlasting Father". You know, the more I hear from you, the weirder you get. You have to twist every part of scripture to mean something other than what it says, and your favorite dodge is to claim it's only a metaphor. Is there nothing in Scripture you take at face value?

Tell you what, give me your source that says Isaiah was talking about Hezekiah and not Yeshua, and let's see if it comes from Scripture.

Is Jesus Good?​

In fairness he was probably well intentioned but nothing ever went right for him
He had lots of stories about his Dad but he never showed and never contributed anything to his poor lad's wretched career . J was a fantasy merchant .
All of his frends were imprisoned and killed so it is hardly surprising that the same fate befel him
Best summed up as a loser with a Messianic complex .
Meant well but did irreparable damage
Well, except for that resurrection thing. That was pretty cool. That and founding a church that extends to all corners of the globe, the miracles He did, the people healed and raised from the dead. You know, those things.
Tell you what, give me your source that says Isaiah was talking about Hezekiah and not Yeshua, and let's see if it comes from Scripture.
No, I'll tell you what. piss off. You're an actor and lying fraud too deluded to realize you're busted
Nonsense I am always in communion with God because I always do exactly as he commands
That doesn't sound anything like you are in communion with God. That sounds like self aggrandizing bullshit to me. My conversations with God or more like two friends who can tell each other anything and still remain friends. I laugh with God. I cry with God. I curse out God. I praise God. For his part he consoles me, he encourages me and he keeps me on the straight and narrow as best he can.

You can't fake what you are trying to fake. I see right through it. You don't love God. You don't even believe in him. You are only here to fulfill your perverted and sick pleasures.

When I read your posts I don't picture someone in love with God. I picture someone in love with themselves.

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