Zone1 Is Jesus God?

No, I'll tell you what. piss off. You're an actor and lying fraud too deluded to realize you're busted
And there it is, you won't divulge your sources, only claim things. I've given you my sources straight out of Scripture.
No, Jesus was explaining to his remaining disciples that flesh was irrelevant, of no avail, because his words are the subject of the metaphor, words from God that are both spirit and life.
Not even close. They were appalled at what he said and gave him a chance to soften it, to make it symbolic. What did he do? He doubled down and told them in even more gory detail that unless they chomped on his flesh like animals they had no life in them.
That doesn't sound anything like you are in communion with God. That sounds like self aggrandizing bullshit to me. My conversations with God or more like two friends who can tell each other anything and still remain friends. I laugh with God. I cry with God. I curse out God. I praise God. For his part he consoles me, he encourages me and he keeps me on the straight and narrow as best he can.

You can't fake what you are trying to fake. I see right through it. You don't love God. You don't even believe in him. You are only here to fulfill your perverted and sick pleasures.

When I read your posts I don't picture someone in love with God. I picture someone in love with themselves.
What a lot of people don't realize is that God already knows every thought you have in your head, so there's no purpose in trying to pretend or hide anything. When you're in prayer with Him, you're spiritually naked, hiding absolutely nothing. It's a sobering thought.
We? how many of you are there?
You're revealing yourself a piece at a time. You already know the answer to that one.
Wrong. I dine on heavenly meat. I see and hear the words of the living God and act on it daily
Except you ignore the extremely vital parts of His Word that tell you who Yeshua was and why you should worship Him. You are simultaneously claiming Yeshua blasphemed when He claimed divinity AND claiming we should follow Him to be with the Father. If Yeshua was not God as He claimed, then He was a blasphemer, unworthy of praise or worship. I know, however, that He is who He said He is.
I didn't stutter. Human flesh? I am very impressed by how low you will stoop to perpetuate lies.

Ha ha.

Escape authorities? Why? They are on my side. I have vorpel sword in hand to slay the scarlet beast. I am Hobelim, destroyer of vineyards tended by faithless stewards and spineless worms.
You're continuing to reveal yourself. Keep it up.
That is correct, the Word (which was with God, was God, and which created all things) became flesh and dwelt among us, Yeshua is His name.
No the word is not God, he is called god in the Greek Lexicons. Meaning has godlike qualities.
My conversations with God or more like two friends who can tell each other anything and still remain friends. I laugh with God. I cry with God. I curse out God. I praise God. For his part he consoles me, he encourages me and he keeps me on the straight and narrow as best he can.
So, God tells you the straight path is to openly and brazenly defy the first command every mass?

You've been fooled by your own unrestrained imagination and perverted by demons

If Yeshua was not God as He claimed,
Jesus never claimed to be God..

Go and tell my brothers that I am ascending to my Father and your Father; My God and your God John 20:17

By saying that his God is our God Jesus effectively eliminated any possibility that he either claimed to be or thought of himself as God. Don't you believe Jesus? Its right there, not God.

And you accused me of providing no sources.

So, God tells you the straight path is to openly and brazenly defy the first command every mass?

You've been fooled by your own unrestrained imagination and perverted by demons

I question your communion with God and how do you respond? By arguing religious dogma. You just proved my point. Thanks.

You couldn't say one nice, sincere thing about God to save your life because you don't believe in God and you don't love God. You aren't here for God. You are here for yourself.
I see and hear the words of the living God and act on it daily
What is it that you do daily that shows your love for God?

I've yet to hear you sing God's praises one time. Tell me how great God is without making it about dogma. What has God done for you in your life?
Jesus never claimed to be God..

Go and tell my brothers that I am ascending to my Father and your Father; My God and your God John 20:17

By saying that his God is our God Jesus effectively eliminated any possibility that he either claimed to be or thought of himself as God. Don't you believe Jesus? Its right there, not God.

And you accused me of providing no sources.

I very accurately accused you of providing no sources that Isaiah wasn't speaking about Yeshua. You didn't provide a single thing. I've laid out multiple times where Yeshua did indeed claim divinity, being simultaneously one with the Father and separate from the Father. You choosing to ignore those or keep yelling "Metaphor" doesn't in any way negate them.
No the word is not God, he is called god in the Greek Lexicons. Meaning has godlike qualities.
Through Him everything was made that was made. Go back to Genesis and who is creating all things? God is. You cannot simultaneously claim that Yeshua created all things yet is not God when it's clear in the Scriptures that God created, full stop.
I very accurately accused you of providing no sources that Isaiah wasn't speaking about Yeshua. You didn't provide a single thing. I've laid out multiple times where Yeshua did indeed claim divinity, being simultaneously one with the Father and separate from the Father. You choosing to ignore those or keep yelling "Metaphor" doesn't in any way negate them.

You don't seem to understand that every single time you provided examples where you believe that Jesus was claiming to be God I answered with a rational explanation that refutes your belief.

Everything from "before Abraham was born I am, the Father and I are one, if you have seen me you have seen the Father, I am the alpha and the omega, to the Word became flesh." You are the one who ignored my answers. This just shows that you are under the curse, the death, the result of your idolatrous worship of a Jewish man who is the messiah but never was the living God.

You are the one who ignores the entire law and the prophets whose testimony is that God is not human, never was and never will be, not to mention your complete lack of response to the words of Jesus himself in John 20:17, "I am ascending to my Father and your Father; My God and your God" which irrefutably proves that Jesus did not claim to be or think of himself as God...Why?

You are perpetuating the lies of his enemies who said Jesus claimed to be God to discredit his teachings of which you know nothing. If Jesus did claim to be God he was insane. If he didn't you are a liar perpetuating lies that brings the name of Jesus into disrepute among the intelligent

Again, how is it that you don't know the right course to take?
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Through Him everything was made that was made. Go back to Genesis and who is creating all things? God is. You cannot simultaneously claim that Yeshua created all things yet is not God when it's clear in the Scriptures that God created, full stop.
Genesis is about the creation of heaven and earth, not the universe, the solar system, the earth, or the first plants animals or human beings and it never was. It also says the world was flat. Is that false or does that statement reflect a deeper truth about the fact that before the creation everyone was equal, just former slaves, and there were no rich or poor, masters and slaves, judges and sinners, no law at all which is what is meant by "the world was without shape or form and void." and then light was spoken into existence which caused division between night and day, clean and unclean, right and wrong, good and evil, life, a blessing, and death, a curse.

What do you thing Jesus meant by saying he didn't come to bring peace but division if it was not a reference to the creation story, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so."
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They were appalled at what he said and gave him a chance to soften it, to make it symbolic. What did he do? He doubled down and told them in even more gory detail that unless they chomped on his flesh like animals they had no life in them.
:auiqs.jpg: Jesus did clarify it in John 6:63, "The flesh is of no avail; My words are both Spirit and life" and the disciples confirmed their belief in his explanation when he asked if they would leave too.

Simon Peter replied, " Lord to whom shall we go? Your words are words of eternal life. We have faith and know that you are the Holy One of God." (not God). Jn 6:68. Eat that you filthy animal.

"They pay no heed to the real hidden meaning of things, but divert themselves instead with all kinds of iniquitous arcane lore. They do not know the hidden meaning of what is actually taking place, nor have they ever understood the lessons of the past. Consequently, they have no knowledge of what is coming upon them and have done nothing to save their souls from the deeper implications of present events."
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:auiqs.jpg: Jesus did clarify it in John 6:63, and in John 6:68 the disciples confirmed their belief in his explanation when he asked if they would leave him too.

Simon Peter replied, " Lord to whom shall we go? Your words are words of eternal life. We have faith and know that you are the Holy One of God. " (not God)... Eat that you filthy animal.

"They pay no heed to the real hidden meaning of things, but divert themselves instead with all kinds of iniquitous arcane lore. They do not know the hidden meaning of what is actually taking place, nor have they ever understood the lessons of the past. Consequently, they have no knowledge of what is coming upon them and have done nothing to save their souls from the deeper implications of present events."
Are you quoting from a book you claim was made up by Rome?
You don't seem to understand that every single time you provided examples where you believe that Jesus was claiming to be God I answered with a rational explanation that refutes your belief.
You have not. What you have done repeatedly is claim, "Oh, that's just a metaphor" when you don't have any substantive rebuttal, AND you refuse to show the source that claims Isaiah was talking about some earthly kind or other and not Messiah. Now, I have pointed out that in Genesis, God is creating. There is no doubt that's exactly who the writer is referring to. In John, moreover, the Word is creating, is creating EVERYTHING that was created, AND He became flesh. And, yes, Isaiah said Yeshua was given to us as a baby. That means that the Word (Yeshua) is indeed God. You can't escape that. I do not, however, expect you to ever waver from your position, because to do so means you have to jettison everything that you have come to believe in your lifetime.
Everything from "before Abraham was born I am, the Father and I are one, if you have seen me you have seen the Father, I am the alpha and the omega, to the Word became flesh." You are the one who ignored my answers. This just shows that you are under the curse, the death, the result of your idolatrous worship of a Jewish man who is the messiah but never was the living God.
And therein lies your problem. You are attempting to make the argument about me. That is a very weak tactic and merely underscores its lack.
You are the one who ignores the entire law and the prophets whose testimony is that God is not human, never was and never will be, not to mention your complete lack of response to the words of Jesus himself in John 20:17, "I am ascending to my Father and your Father; My God and your God" which irrefutably proves that Jesus did not claim to be or think of himself as God...Why?
Scripture also tells that Yeshua did not think it robbery to be equal with God. You know, the thing that got Lucifer kicked out of heaven.
You are perpetuating the lies of his enemies who said Jesus claimed to be God to discredit his teachings of which you know nothing.
And who were those enemies, the early Church leaders who certainly believed He was divine?
If Jesus did claim to be God he was insane. If he didn't you are a liar perpetuating lies that brings the name of Jesus into disrepute among the intelligent
Again, how is it that you don't know the right course to take?
Obviously, I do. I know what He claimed. Now, why do you feel the need to make the argument about me?
Obviously, I do. I know what He claimed. Now, why do you feel the need to make the argument about me?

I am not making the argument about you. I am asking why you are clinging to lies like a baby clings to its bottle and not renouncing the work of the devil which has fucked up your mind so thoroughly that you don't even have an inkling how insane it is to believe that God became a sacrificial man so you can sin, and not die, and continue be an asshole for life with impunity.

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