Is Joe Biden a threat to national security?


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
South Carolina
President Biden and his allies have released several reasons for his poor performance in the presidential debate, but one reporter on Wednesday argued their explanations don’t make sense.

Biden's showing in last week’s presidential debate has sent the Democratic Party into a panic about his chances in November against former President Trump. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre in the following days maintained that the president’s poor debate performance was due to his having "a cold" and echoed his own explanation from Tuesday night — that he was still recovering from "jet lag" following his trip to Europe for the G-7 summit. MSN

We have heard reports now from liberal defenders that are NOT GOOD for Biden. Earlier last week, Politico put out the report that is devastating for Joe, that he's only reliably engaged from 10 am to 4 pm. Now we have this report from Axios basically saying that the "cold, and jet lag" excuse are ridiculous....

I don't think any reasonable, and honest person, regardless of their political affiliation can say with a straight face that Joe Biden is capable of taking that 3 am phone call....

And that is a risk....
We have heard reports now from liberal defenders that are NOT GOOD for Biden. Earlier last week, Politico put out the report that is devastating for Joe, that he's only reliably engaged from 10 am to 4 pm. Now we have this report from Axios basically saying that the "cold, and jet lag" excuse are ridiculous....

I don't think any reasonable, and honest person, regardless of their political affiliation can say with a straight face that Joe Biden is capable of taking that 3 am phone call....

And that is a risk....
compared to the other guy? lol
compared to the other guy? lol
You mean the other guy that had inflation under control, gas prices below $2 at times, lowest unemployment in history, and no wars started on his watch? Oh, and the guy that paved the way for a vax to be produced in record time, in the midst of a pandemic? That guy?

Yeah, compare away...What'd Joe do? Subsidize Pharma to the tune of $100 Billion to lower the cost of ONE drug? Yeah ok... :rolleyes:
We have heard reports now from liberal defenders that are NOT GOOD for Biden. Earlier last week, Politico put out the report that is devastating for Joe, that he's only reliably engaged from 10 am to 4 pm. Now we have this report from Axios basically saying that the "cold, and jet lag" excuse are ridiculous....

I don't think any reasonable, and honest person, regardless of their political affiliation can say with a straight face that Joe Biden is capable of taking that 3 am phone call....

And that is a risk....

Many of us have been saying he's been "compromised" and is a threat to national security, since the day he took office. I guess we were right after all.
Many of us have been saying he's been "compromised" and is a threat to national security, since the day he took office. I guess we were right after all.
Yes, it’s been apparent since the beginning…And now those libs who’ve been trying to say he was just fine all that time are exposed as hacks, liars, and frauds.

We’re just lucky some tyrant like Chi hasn’t mounted an invasion on American soil in our time of treasonous vulnerability…
Yes, it’s been apparent since the beginning…And now those libs who’ve been trying to say he was just fine all that time are exposed as hacks, liars, and frauds. We’re just lucky some tyrant like Chi hasn’t mounted an invasion on American soil in our time of treasonous vulnerability…
Actually Xi and Putin may have BOTH mounted invasions thanks to Biden's open borders.
100,000 Chinese, 50,000 Russians, and thousands of criminals and terrorists have entered the US on Biden's watch.
All thanks to the 51 "National Security" TRAITORS who said that Hunter's laptop was "Russian Disinformation", thereby swinging a very close election to Traitor Joe Biden.

All those Chinese and Russians are here. China bought land adjacent to many US military facilities.
Did Biden allow "5th Columns" into the US?
Actually Xi and Putin may have BOTH mounted invasions thanks to Biden's open borders.
100,000 Chinese, 50,000 Russians, and thousands of criminals and terrorists have entered the US on Biden's watch.
All thanks to the 51 "National Security" TRAITORS who said that Hunter's laptop was "Russian Disinformation", thereby swinging a very close election to Traitor Joe Biden.

All those Chinese and Russians are here. China bought land adjacent to many US military facilities.
Did Biden allow "5th Columns" into the US?
That, along with at least 60K Palestinians…Joe doesn’t care if we’re attacked.
We have heard reports now from liberal defenders that are NOT GOOD for Biden. Earlier last week, Politico put out the report that is devastating for Joe, that he's only reliably engaged from 10 am to 4 pm. Now we have this report from Axios basically saying that the "cold, and jet lag" excuse are ridiculous....

I don't think any reasonable, and honest person, regardless of their political affiliation can say with a straight face that Joe Biden is capable of taking that 3 am phone call....

And that is a risk....

You are correct....and the face he made in the after debate party was very telling.

3AM phone calls and situations are common with international problems. Terrorists and splinter groups do things on their time and not ours.

Getting Joe awake, cognizant and thinking clearly at 3AM? Especially when he couldn't even debate Trump with easy comebacks gift wrapped is the problem.

It's not that Joe Biden doesn't have moments of clarity....he has moments. And that's the's only moments.

There are non-stop decisions daily that are complicated....EVERY DAY. Most past Presidents have commented on the brutal schedule and decisions needing to be made every day with 15 minutes per topic and then its on to the next completely different topic and problem...just as complicated and nuanced as the last one.

Joe can't keep up anymore. No one at his aged cognitive level can be. He never was a smart guy to begin with as his first Presidential nomination proved. (Plagerizing famous speeches and doing the same thing for college papers)

Then, needing his son Hunter to provide insight for debate and campaign prep? And this is the best he can do? (Unless he wants Hunter's nefarious contacts to do something untoward)

It's not just a little problem....this is a huge one. Especially since he refuses to step aside willingly. He is going to face a mean caucus...and he may not come out with the nomination.
We have heard reports now from liberal defenders that are NOT GOOD for Biden. Earlier last week, Politico put out the report that is devastating for Joe, that he's only reliably engaged from 10 am to 4 pm. Now we have this report from Axios basically saying that the "cold, and jet lag" excuse are ridiculous....

I don't think any reasonable, and honest person, regardless of their political affiliation can say with a straight face that Joe Biden is capable of taking that 3 am phone call....

And that is a risk....
That's not his job. He will be advised and he will do and say what he's directed. Basically the same with Trump too. The quality of current presidents isn't up to a standard in which they can make big decisions.

What have you people been thinking?
I do. King Donald revealed his true nature at the debate and has terrified America, which will vote for Team Biden.
Terrified America?

I think that's a lot of wishful thinking. With the rampant inflation and terrorist waltzing across the southern border the voters are having a huge amount of buyer's remorse for electing Joe to begin with.

Where Donald isn't the best of America he is the best they got at the moment. And with EVERYONE feeling the pinch at the grocery store and elsewhere....back pocket politics is usually the strongest motivator for conservative voters and anti-motivational for liberal voters.
So you want a better Dem candidate with better chances of beating King Donald.

No, you don't.
I'm not really political.
Both parties have some good ideals as well as bad ideals. Neither has the lock on truth. Seen liberals enact conservative agenda items and vice versa. And neither is really good at representing my ideals.

My wish is just to survive the next 5 years....because both candidates can only last for a single term. Both are lame ducks.

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