Is Joe Biden finished - poll

Then came Covid. Remember we fired Trump because he wasn't doing a good job.

Mortgage rates were under 3%? Didn't Trump say Obama's economy was "fake" because interest was so low? The Feds are raising rates to fix Trump's inflation.

Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie Call Out Trump for Adding to Federal Debt​

"He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have."​

Neither want to tell the truth that Trump only did that to rebuild the military and the wall. He could not get those funds any other way because of the established system they abused while ignoring the citizen and national security.
Trump lost because you got the liberal media to blame him for the economic downturn caused by liberal Governors shutting down their States! The truth is that the Fed had to raise interest rates continually BEFORE Covid because the Trump economy was overheated. They're having to raise interest rates NOW because inflation is so out of control because of President Potato Head's economic policies!
Without COVID Trump would have been re-elected with ease.
Ah, pretty sure California has an ocean and warm weather and they're losing people just like Michigan is! Care to try again? :)
When people retire from their great paying job in California or Michigan, often they move to a low tax/low cost of living state. Not that they want to. They can't afford to stay.

I can't imagine leaving MI

Is it really that much cheaper to live in Ohio?

Births are plummeting and deaths are rising. More people pack up and leave the state every year than residents of other states move in. Ohio is growing faster than Michigan. So is Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and every other state in the Midwest.

younger workers see the auto industry as staid and old-fashioned.

Michigan has been losing population amid slowing birth rates that don’t replace deaths as people are aging. Post-pandemic, experts at the Citizens Research Council expect Michigan births to slightly outpace deaths over the next decade, but as the population ages, that gap will grow smaller and, by 2040-45, deaths are expected to routinely outnumber births.

They were asked to rank 12 factors on a scale of 1 to 10. The cost of housing/rent (8.6), low crime rates (8.3), and the affordability and availability of higher education or job training (7.9) were given greatest importance, while living around people their own age (6.2), the weather (6.3) and good public transportation and walkable communities (6.6) also were ranked.
Then came Covid. Remember we fired Trump because he wasn't doing a good job.

Mortgage rates were under 3%? Didn't Trump say Obama's economy was "fake" because interest was so low? The Feds are raising rates to fix Trump's inflation.

Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie Call Out Trump for Adding to Federal Debt​

"He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have."​

I just Gave you facts and you threw a temper tantrum. Turns out many regret “firing” Trump as shown in the recent polls.

The debt was unfortunate. Don’t disagree there. Did Biden stop spending?
Trump lost because you got the liberal media to blame him for the economic downturn caused by liberal Governors shutting down their States! The truth is that the Fed had to raise interest rates continually BEFORE Covid because the Trump economy was overheated. They're having to raise interest rates NOW because inflation is so out of control because of President Potato Head's economic policies!

I don't believe the Feds raised interest rates on Trump's watch. I'm going to call BULLSHIT.

It’s easy to forget that the Fed was holding the federal funds rate at around zero as recently as the first quarter of 2022.

So you just made that part about raising interest rates before covid to deal with trump's "overheated" economy? You just make shit up?

You just lied and made that up? Pulled that out of your ass?

Trump only had 2.3% growth in 2019 idiot. And it was because he was losing a trade war with China.
With abortion being the reason Republicans are going to lose next year, I would go with Gretchen Whitmer

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Pritzker all recently launched national political groups — "Fight Like Hell PAC," "Campaign for Democracy," and "Think Big America," respectively.

  • Newsom's group has focused on gun safety while Whitmer and Pritzker's groups have honed in on abortion rights.
Abortion has run its course. No one is demonstrating about it anymore. The middle-class white women who were most upset are now far more upset because their Household economies have gone south under Biden.
Abortion has run its course. No one is demonstrating about it anymore. The middle-class white women who were most upset are now far more upset because their Household economies have gone south under Biden.
Ha! We haven't even had a general election since Roe was overturned. No it hasn't run it's course. But now I see why you did it before the last midterm. Hoping women will forget by next year. They won't.

I was just watching a story last night about Ohio and abortion. Boy are you in for a rude awakening

As Ohio votes on abortion rights in Issue 1, CBS News poll finds widespread concerns among Americans about reproductive care access​

It's issue one on the ballot and you say it's "run it's course"? LOL

As Ohioans cast their votes Tuesday on Issue 1, a ballot measure on abortion access, there is widespread public concern, particularly among women, about the potential impact of new abortion restrictions imposed in some states.

A majority nationwide are concerned about pregnant women being more at risk and maternity care centers closing in states that have passed new restrictions. Many are worried that doctors will leave states that have more restrictive laws.

Overall, more women think access to reproductive care is getting harder, not easier, in the wake of the overturning of Roe v. Wade — and more than half of women say that being pregnant in the U.S. today is becoming more dangerous from a health-care perspective. Few think it is becoming safer.

When people retire from their great paying job in California or Michigan, often they move to a low tax/low cost of living state. Not that they want to. They can't afford to stay.

I can't imagine leaving MI

Is it really that much cheaper to live in Ohio?

Births are plummeting and deaths are rising. More people pack up and leave the state every year than residents of other states move in. Ohio is growing faster than Michigan. So is Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and every other state in the Midwest.

younger workers see the auto industry as staid and old-fashioned.

Michigan has been losing population amid slowing birth rates that don’t replace deaths as people are aging. Post-pandemic, experts at the Citizens Research Council expect Michigan births to slightly outpace deaths over the next decade, but as the population ages, that gap will grow smaller and, by 2040-45, deaths are expected to routinely outnumber births.

They were asked to rank 12 factors on a scale of 1 to 10. The cost of housing/rent (8.6), low crime rates (8.3), and the affordability and availability of higher education or job training (7.9) were given greatest importance, while living around people their own age (6.2), the weather (6.3) and good public transportation and walkable communities (6.6) also were ranked.
Bro, people are moving to red states not to retire but to raise families there and Trump is up 5pts in Michigan over your corpse
I don't believe the Feds raised interest rates on Trump's watch. I'm going to call BULLSHIT.

It’s easy to forget that the Fed was holding the federal funds rate at around zero as recently as the first quarter of 2022.

So you just made that part about raising interest rates before covid to deal with trump's "overheated" economy? You just make shit up?

You just lied and made that up? Pulled that out of your ass?

Trump only had 2.3% growth in 2019 idiot. And it was because he was losing a trade war with China.
You're calling "BULLSHIT" on the Fed raising rates during Trump's Presidency? Really, Sealy? Did you want to possibly check on that before you make an even bigger ass of yourself than you already have? I'll wait.

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