Is John Bolton Manipulating Trump to Attack Iran ?

Is Trump an obese, piece of shit?

You bet Bolton is manipulating him.

And with an IQ lightweight like Trump, that ain't too difficult.

Look at all the crazy stuff that went on before Trump finally woke up to the reality?
So Hillary manipulated Obama right ?

No idea what that has to do with this - but I doubt it.

Obama is very intelligent and no one is as much of a neocon as Bolton.
no idea what "is trump an obese piece of shit" has to do with it either other than shows your 4th grade bias.
I'm all for war getting rid of the Mullahs in Iran. The Iranian Citizens would help do this.

So you are for risking the lives of tens of thousands of brave American soldiers just to 'get rid of the Mullahs of Iran'?

Any other places you want brave Americans to die just so they can fulfill your neocon fantasies?
Soldiers die in war. They know that's a possibility when they sign up.
I know - but that doesn’t mean their lives should be just thrown away for neocon goals. Or die in the middle of nowhere trying to fight a war that makes no sense.
Iran has killed over 1000 American military And harassed the US and Israel since 1979. You may think that's okay, but many Americans are fed up.

Prove that?? over 1000 Americans, and also how they harassed us since 1979, have you forgot about the coup we did on them?
If you're that uninformed, I can't help you, nor do I want to. You're an idiot.
The simplistic, paranoid interpretation of what’s happening with Iran — wherein the U.S. is floating plans for an invasion and hyping intelligence of Iranian attacks — is that ultrahawkish aides are trying to manipulate their toddler president into war. Unfortunately, there is a lot of evidence suggesting this interpretation is correct.

The driving force is national security adviser John Bolton. During the Bush administration, Bolton sought without success to ramp up conflict with Iran. President Trump hired Bolton because he liked his tough-talking Fox News persona, but made him promise when he took the national security adviser job not to start any wars. Trump has repeatedly expressed his concern in private that Bolton is in fact trying to start wars, especially with Iran.
Is John Bolton Manipulating Trump to Attack Iran?

The voice of sanity as usual, Bernie Sanders;

Sanders introduces petition to prohibit war with Iran without Congress' approval
Sucka Mullah Dickah All Dayah for Ayatollah?
The simplistic, paranoid interpretation of what’s happening with Iran — wherein the U.S. is floating plans for an invasion and hyping intelligence of Iranian attacks — is that ultrahawkish aides are trying to manipulate their toddler president into war. Unfortunately, there is a lot of evidence suggesting this interpretation is correct.

The driving force is national security adviser John Bolton. During the Bush administration, Bolton sought without success to ramp up conflict with Iran. President Trump hired Bolton because he liked his tough-talking Fox News persona, but made him promise when he took the national security adviser job not to start any wars. Trump has repeatedly expressed his concern in private that Bolton is in fact trying to start wars, especially with Iran.
Is John Bolton Manipulating Trump to Attack Iran?

The voice of sanity as usual, Bernie Sanders;

Sanders introduces petition to prohibit war with Iran without Congress' approval

Yes. In fact, the Pentagon report was written by Bolton.

Whats worse is that Bolten is giving Trump his morning briefing while Trump now literally tells the defense department to keep it to one sentence.

How screwed up is that?

That is how this got this far, I believe.

Bolton - who maybe a sick neocon - is a smart guy. He knows that Trump is out of the loop constantly. He also knows that if he can keep the build up out of the main news...he can hopefully force Iran to make a move, kill some innocent civilians somewhere and get Trump all pissed off at the Iranians.

Also, those attacks on those tankers that no one seems to be taking responsibility for screams of 'false flag' to me.

I will at least give Trump credit for not being a neocon. He DEFINITELY is not as 'America First ' as he claims. But I do believe he is basically against a war with Iran.

Thank goodness.

I'm all for war getting rid of the Mullahs in Iran. The Iranian Citizens would help do this.

So you are for risking the lives of tens of thousands of brave American soldiers just to 'get rid of the Mullahs of Iran'?

Any other places you want brave Americans to die just so they can fulfill your neocon fantasies?
Soldiers die in war. They know that's a possibility when they sign up.
I know - but that doesn’t mean their lives should be just thrown away for neocon goals. Or die in the middle of nowhere trying to fight a war that makes no sense.
Iran has killed over 1000 American military And harassed the US and Israel since 1979. You may think that's okay, but many Americans are fed up.

Save the attitude know damn well I did not in any way say killing Americans is okay.
But those Americans should not have been there in the first place. They should not have been in Iraq or Syria (I assume that is what you are referring to).
If America simply minded it’s own business...most/all of those soldiers you mentioned would still be alive.

Outside of mass genocide, what goes on in the Middle East is NONE of America’s business. Same with NATO (that should have disbanded after the Soviet Union did) and the same with North Korea and Venezuela and every other place in the world that is not called America.

You want to play neocon - go ahead. I am 100% against it.

If you have anything more to say about it - I suggest you contact/listen to Dr. Ron Paul. I don’t agree with everything he says - but on foreign policy? I agree with his present stances 100% and he can talk about them far better then I.
Also, I sense your mind is closed on this - you seem to want Iranian blood/vengeance on Iran.
I do not.

We are done here (for now).

Good day.

well nailed it.

So you are for risking the lives of tens of thousands of brave American soldiers just to 'get rid of the Mullahs of Iran'?

Any other places you want brave Americans to die just so they can fulfill your neocon fantasies?

amen to that.

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