Is King trump preparing to defy the USSC....census question?

Trump Vows to Move Forward With Citizenship Question on Census Justice Department Reverses Course on Citizenship Question on Census, Citing Trump’s Orders

Does he think Barr will protect him? If he defies the USSC.....IMPEACH!

Don't impeach. Go another way that leaves the Senate and the Justice Department completely out of it. Have the Court System issue a contempt citation and then try him in the supreme court. If found Guilty, have the Marshals Service lock his butt up in a Federal Prison. Can you imagine the US having a sitting President doing 2 to 5 while still president? I imagine Article 25 will take care of it.

The Supreme Court doesnt try people. It doesn't even have trials. It hears arguments and issues opinions. The Executive Branch is independent of the Supreme Court...ever hear of separation of powers? We didnt elect Trump to serve under a politburo called the Supreme Court. According to our founders the executive need only ignore the opinions issued by the Supreme Court. In that case the third branch could get involved, the Legislative, and either support the president or impeach him. Game over.

For instance...Congress has passed a series of laws banning Mexicans from walking across the border. As the executive the President is legally obligated to enforce this law by any means necessary. But we have a situation where the judicial branch is blocking his ability to carry out his constitutional mandate..and Congress stands by and allows it to happen. Two branches have stymied the third despite the law being clear.

So Trump should add the citizenship question anyhow and dare the legislative branch to take a side. Elections are next year.

Since Trump and his criminals are trying to rewrite how the Federal Government works then what's to stop Congress and the Supreme Court from doing a little rewriting of their own. When you have a complete failure of the Executive Branch with no end in sight in order to keep the Government going, something has to be done. If the Justice Department refuses to do their job and, instead, protects the Orange One above all else then it's time to rearrange things. Keep the options open at all times.

Trump has a pen and a phone and if Congress and SCOTUS won't do it, he will
So if the SCOTUS says a thing is illegal and can't be done...and the President orders it done anyway....that sounds like a Constitutional
How many years can you shout "impeach" with no results? Sooner or later a deep depression will settle on you and you will be hauled off to the funny farm. Probably about Nov 10 2020 :)
Ah, but if Trump does this, the Democrats will finally have a REASON to impeach.

Not impeachable. You can run it by an Obama judge and try to get it reversed
Not impeachable.
Why? Are you saying because it could be appealed? Can't all criminal convictions be appealed? Doesn't stop folks going to prison, though.

SCOTUS never ruled on it. There goes your "impeachable" out the window
Hey, listen to this .....

President Donald Trump is expected to announce later Thursday he is backing down from his effort to include a citizenship question on the 2020 census, and will instead take executive action that instructs the Commerce Department to obtain an estimate of U.S. citizenship through other means, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.
Trump expected to end his fight to add citizenship question to census, sources say

Maybe Trump's not so stupid as he seems.

I love it when people you think are stupid kick your ass.
Trump Vows to Move Forward With Citizenship Question on Census Justice Department Reverses Course on Citizenship Question on Census, Citing Trump’s Orders

Does he think Barr will protect him? If he defies the USSC.....IMPEACH!

Don't impeach. Go another way that leaves the Senate and the Justice Department completely out of it. Have the Court System issue a contempt citation and then try him in the supreme court. If found Guilty, have the Marshals Service lock his butt up in a Federal Prison. Can you imagine the US having a sitting President doing 2 to 5 while still president? I imagine Article 25 will take care of it.

The Supreme Court doesnt try people. It doesn't even have trials. It hears arguments and issues opinions. The Executive Branch is independent of the Supreme Court...ever hear of separation of powers? We didnt elect Trump to serve under a politburo called the Supreme Court. According to our founders the executive need only ignore the opinions issued by the Supreme Court. In that case the third branch could get involved, the Legislative, and either support the president or impeach him. Game over.

For instance...Congress has passed a series of laws banning Mexicans from walking across the border. As the executive the President is legally obligated to enforce this law by any means necessary. But we have a situation where the judicial branch is blocking his ability to carry out his constitutional mandate..and Congress stands by and allows it to happen. Two branches have stymied the third despite the law being clear.

So Trump should add the citizenship question anyhow and dare the legislative branch to take a side. Elections are next year.

Since Trump and his criminals are trying to rewrite how the Federal Government works then what's to stop Congress and the Supreme Court from doing a little rewriting of their own. When you have a complete failure of the Executive Branch with no end in sight in order to keep the Government going, something has to be done. If the Justice Department refuses to do their job and, instead, protects the Orange One above all else then it's time to rearrange things. Keep the options open at all times.

go ahead and try. You dont control any of the three branches thanks to the ass kicking you got in 2016
Trump Vows to Move Forward With Citizenship Question on Census Justice Department Reverses Course on Citizenship Question on Census, Citing Trump’s Orders

Does he think Barr will protect him? If he defies the USSC.....IMPEACH!
I would love it if people would actually read the US Constitution, but since you won’t I’ll post the pertinent section:

Article 1 § 2 of the US Constitution:

“Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.“

Section 2 of the 14th Amendment amended Article I, Section 2 to include that the "respective Numbers" of the "several States" will be determined by "counting the whole number of persons in each State... excluding Indians not taxed...”

Second thought:

TaxWatch says Florida could lose billions if undercounted in 2020 census

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (CAPITOL NEWS SERVICE) - Florida could lose out on billions of dollars from the federal government if the state’s population is undercounted in the 2020 Census. That’s the message Florida’s lead fiscal watchdog, Florida TaxWatch, is emphasizing ahead of the constitutionally mandated headcount.

Now we all know that most if not at all that are not citizens will either not answer the question of just throw the form away. So how much will your states lose if the question is included? Not to mention sales tax they pay when the purchase a product.
Well essentially Roberts said "you lie," now go back and tell the DC a better reason if you have one, and one that doesn't involve intentionally undercounting non-citizens to deprive the dems of seats. Trump's new reason is an executive order that makes no mention of why.

I gotta give Trump credit for not lying. And Roberts has said gerrymandering even with race is cool.
Trump Vows to Move Forward With Citizenship Question on Census Justice Department Reverses Course on Citizenship Question on Census, Citing Trump’s Orders

Does he think Barr will protect him? If he defies the USSC.....IMPEACH!

Don't impeach. Go another way that leaves the Senate and the Justice Department completely out of it. Have the Court System issue a contempt citation and then try him in the supreme court. If found Guilty, have the Marshals Service lock his butt up in a Federal Prison. Can you imagine the US having a sitting President doing 2 to 5 while still president? I imagine Article 25 will take care of it.

The Supreme Court doesnt try people. It doesn't even have trials. It hears arguments and issues opinions. The Executive Branch is independent of the Supreme Court...ever hear of separation of powers? We didnt elect Trump to serve under a politburo called the Supreme Court. According to our founders the executive need only ignore the opinions issued by the Supreme Court. In that case the third branch could get involved, the Legislative, and either support the president or impeach him. Game over.

For instance...Congress has passed a series of laws banning Mexicans from walking across the border. As the executive the President is legally obligated to enforce this law by any means necessary. But we have a situation where the judicial branch is blocking his ability to carry out his constitutional mandate..and Congress stands by and allows it to happen. Two branches have stymied the third despite the law being clear.

So Trump should add the citizenship question anyhow and dare the legislative branch to take a side. Elections are next year.

An Authoritarian wannabe defying the Highest Court in the Land.

That is all you need to know about King trump.....
All I need to know is he is doing better than any stupid demoncrap lib.

You know that for sure? My, My, those voices in your head told you so.
Yep. Obviously the demoncraps can't do anything good for America
Idiots all of them.
Trump Vows to Move Forward With Citizenship Question on Census Justice Department Reverses Course on Citizenship Question on Census, Citing Trump’s Orders

Does he think Barr will protect him? If he defies the USSC.....IMPEACH!

Don't impeach. Go another way that leaves the Senate and the Justice Department completely out of it. Have the Court System issue a contempt citation and then try him in the supreme court. If found Guilty, have the Marshals Service lock his butt up in a Federal Prison. Can you imagine the US having a sitting President doing 2 to 5 while still president? I imagine Article 25 will take care of it.

The Supreme Court doesnt try people. It doesn't even have trials. It hears arguments and issues opinions. The Executive Branch is independent of the Supreme Court...ever hear of separation of powers? We didnt elect Trump to serve under a politburo called the Supreme Court. According to our founders the executive need only ignore the opinions issued by the Supreme Court. In that case the third branch could get involved, the Legislative, and either support the president or impeach him. Game over.

For instance...Congress has passed a series of laws banning Mexicans from walking across the border. As the executive the President is legally obligated to enforce this law by any means necessary. But we have a situation where the judicial branch is blocking his ability to carry out his constitutional mandate..and Congress stands by and allows it to happen. Two branches have stymied the third despite the law being clear.

So Trump should add the citizenship question anyhow and dare the legislative branch to take a side. Elections are next year.

Since Trump and his criminals are trying to rewrite how the Federal Government works then what's to stop Congress and the Supreme Court from doing a little rewriting of their own. When you have a complete failure of the Executive Branch with no end in sight in order to keep the Government going, something has to be done. If the Justice Department refuses to do their job and, instead, protects the Orange One above all else then it's time to rearrange things. Keep the options open at all times.

Trump has a pen and a phone and if Congress and SCOTUS won't do it, he will

Yes, that signature and his announcement of his resignation would just about settle it all.
Trump Vows to Move Forward With Citizenship Question on Census Justice Department Reverses Course on Citizenship Question on Census, Citing Trump’s Orders

Does he think Barr will protect him? If he defies the USSC.....IMPEACH!

Don't impeach. Go another way that leaves the Senate and the Justice Department completely out of it. Have the Court System issue a contempt citation and then try him in the supreme court. If found Guilty, have the Marshals Service lock his butt up in a Federal Prison. Can you imagine the US having a sitting President doing 2 to 5 while still president? I imagine Article 25 will take care of it.

The Supreme Court doesnt try people. It doesn't even have trials. It hears arguments and issues opinions. The Executive Branch is independent of the Supreme Court...ever hear of separation of powers? We didnt elect Trump to serve under a politburo called the Supreme Court. According to our founders the executive need only ignore the opinions issued by the Supreme Court. In that case the third branch could get involved, the Legislative, and either support the president or impeach him. Game over.

For instance...Congress has passed a series of laws banning Mexicans from walking across the border. As the executive the President is legally obligated to enforce this law by any means necessary. But we have a situation where the judicial branch is blocking his ability to carry out his constitutional mandate..and Congress stands by and allows it to happen. Two branches have stymied the third despite the law being clear.

So Trump should add the citizenship question anyhow and dare the legislative branch to take a side. Elections are next year.

Since Trump and his criminals are trying to rewrite how the Federal Government works then what's to stop Congress and the Supreme Court from doing a little rewriting of their own. When you have a complete failure of the Executive Branch with no end in sight in order to keep the Government going, something has to be done. If the Justice Department refuses to do their job and, instead, protects the Orange One above all else then it's time to rearrange things. Keep the options open at all times.

go ahead and try. You dont control any of the three branches thanks to the ass kicking you got in 2016

Keep living in the past. The present and the future will be quite a shock when you come out of that daze.
As our elected ruler Pres.Trump is right and the USSC is wrong. .. :cool:

That may be. But there IS NO SCOTUS RULING, they sent it back to the lower courts. Also, Trump said NOTHING to indicate he would "defy" anything. He suggested delaying the Census to allow the lower court to rehear the case.

This whole thing is just made up by the demagogues of MSNBCNN/DNC.

More fraud to animate the stupid.
You are behind the times. The Trump administration withdrew its request for the question last week.

He's just covfefe-ing. Pay him no mind. His administration screwed it up by writing down their intent in an email, which of course got leaked, and by coming up with a stupid excuse that even the SC couldn't accept as a reason.

I'm not sure how the Trump people make a comeback from that, but the SC has left the door open because THERE IS NO INHERENT REASON NOT TO ASK IT.

And yet the drones are dispatched with a bullshit story about Trump "defying" the court.

The early morning programming of the hate brigades have the traitor retards spewing this made up shit both here and on twitter,
He WILL BE defying the Court if he puts that question on the census right now because they told him no. They told him no because of the malicious intent. It doesn't make a bit of difference if it has been asked before. They said NO. No means no in some universes.

Not the SUPREME COURT as the lie of the drones claimed - since the SCOTUS DECLINED TO RULE and sent it back to the lower court.
Ah, but if Trump does this, the Democrats will finally have a REASON to impeach.

Not impeachable. You can run it by an Obama judge and try to get it reversed
Not impeachable.
Why? Are you saying because it could be appealed? Can't all criminal convictions be appealed? Doesn't stop folks going to prison, though.

SCOTUS never ruled on it. There goes your "impeachable" out the window
Hey, listen to this .....

President Donald Trump is expected to announce later Thursday he is backing down from his effort to include a citizenship question on the 2020 census, and will instead take executive action that instructs the Commerce Department to obtain an estimate of U.S. citizenship through other means, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.
Trump expected to end his fight to add citizenship question to census, sources say

Maybe Trump's not so stupid as he seems.

I love it when people you think are stupid kick your ass.
He lost. He's got nuthin

As our elected ruler Pres.Trump is right and the USSC is wrong. .. :cool:

That may be. But there IS NO SCOTUS RULING, they sent it back to the lower courts. Also, Trump said NOTHING to indicate he would "defy" anything. He suggested delaying the Census to allow the lower court to rehear the case.

This whole thing is just made up by the demagogues of MSNBCNN/DNC.

More fraud to animate the stupid.
You are behind the times. The Trump administration withdrew its request for the question last week.

He's just covfefe-ing. Pay him no mind. His administration screwed it up by writing down their intent in an email, which of course got leaked, and by coming up with a stupid excuse that even the SC couldn't accept as a reason.

I'm not sure how the Trump people make a comeback from that, but the SC has left the door open because THERE IS NO INHERENT REASON NOT TO ASK IT.

And yet the drones are dispatched with a bullshit story about Trump "defying" the court.

The early morning programming of the hate brigades have the traitor retards spewing this made up shit both here and on twitter,
He WILL BE defying the Court if he puts that question on the census right now because they told him no. They told him no because of the malicious intent. It doesn't make a bit of difference if it has been asked before. They said NO. No means no in some universes.

Not the SUPREME COURT as the lie of the drones claimed - since the SCOTUS DECLINED TO RULE and sent it back to the lower court.
Yes, they ruled and Trump actually listened. No defiance, no EO. He'll go root around in the papers the government already has and come up with a (no doubt) highly inflated guestimate of the number of illegals here.
It will just be more assholery during a ripping, tearing, screaming campaign year. You watch.
Trump Vows to Move Forward With Citizenship Question on Census Justice Department Reverses Course on Citizenship Question on Census, Citing Trump’s Orders

Does he think Barr will protect him? If he defies the USSC.....IMPEACH!
You're a funny guy.
Damn, I thought we had him this time. I wonder who talked him out of it. Mitch? Jerod? His richest business buddy? It was not a pretty conversation, I can tell you that. Trump is going to be really pissed about this now, and you haven't seen vindictive yet, but you're going to. He will take it personally that he wasn't allowed to go after these illegals with a shotgun and bloodhounds, and he is going to take it out on them. You watch.

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