Is Now The Time For A "Tax Revolt"?

Gandhi organized strikes till the British left India

Why not have people organize strikes till the DNC leaves?
Their like cockroaches, always there, running from the light and eating your paycheck.
Damn, I just checked and my gop congress critter didn't either......Sadly the same can't be said of Virginia senators Warner and Timid Kane.....But I did not vote for either of them.

— -- By a vote of 51-49, Senate Republicans passed a fiscal 2018 budget right along party lines, with every single Democrat voting against the budget framework, and all Republicans, save for one, voting for it.

Breaking down the fiscal 2018 budget passed by Senate
No, I just have a far better working knowledge of what taxes are spent on. You should read up. We are a dead beat nation. Fortunately we have one of the best economies on the planet and a currency to match, but that can change.

I don't support us being a dead beat nation.
No, I just have a far better working knowledge of what taxes are spent on. You should read up. We are a dead beat nation. Fortunately we have one of the best economies on the planet and a currency to match, but that can change.
That is changing....Since Visa, Paypal, cut off doing business with Russia, they've turned to Chinese credit agencies.

The USD ceases being the world's reserve currency, and Murica becomes Argentina.
What is left of the middle class is being destroyed by taxes in all their ugly forms, state, local, federal, and now we have the additional burden of the "Biden Tax" on food/gas, 7.50% inflation, and a looming recession.

Maybe a general strike or some other peaceful action to get the point across. Use the social media mogul's sites against our tormenters.

Of course, anyone who participates would be dubbed a domestic "terrorist" committing "sedition" by the dems because its patriotic to sit at home and "sacrifice" while Biden burns thru trillions in paying off cronies and destroying entire sectors of our economy.

What say you?
Great idea, bot not likely....Too many Muricans working as employees with tax withholding.
What is left of the middle class is being destroyed by taxes in all their ugly forms, state, local, federal, and now we have the additional burden of the "Biden Tax" on food/gas, 7.50% inflation, and a looming recession.

Maybe a general strike or some other peaceful action to get the point across. Use the social media mogul's sites against our tormenters.

Of course, anyone who participates would be dubbed a domestic "terrorist" committing "sedition" by the dems because its patriotic to sit at home and "sacrifice" while Biden burns thru trillions in paying off cronies and destroying entire sectors of our economy.

What say you?

2 Chronicles 10:18: “Then king Rehoboam [Biden] sent Hadoram that was over the tribute [taxes]; and the children of Israel stoned him with stones, that he died. But king Rehoboam made speed to get him up to his chariot, to flee to Jerusalem.”
Or maybe government needs to stop wasting so much of what we the people work so hard to produce.
Well that’s not gonna happen. Few people care about debt because taxes keep going down. Only way debt will go down is if taxes go up and make people care about debt.

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