Is Obama a liar?

I'm not in the conversation and I dunno if you lied or if you're a troll but you are annoying as hell.

I can understand why ~

You don't like the fact that one of your ilk got owned?

You're next Gramps! ;)

You understand? You're a fucking noob who just joined. You dont know anyone much less their motives. And the only thing getting owned is your rep.

have a nice day smart ass

LMAO! Thanks - It's nice to be here!


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Is Obama a liar?

Very much so

Americans want to trust a President
Papa Obama has broken that trust

Since his lies will impact millions of Americans
It will be impossible for him to overcome

It will drag down the whole left
Obama lied.

By and large those losing coverage will come out well ahead of where they were but that isn't the point. They should delay the bill, introduce a grandfather clause to allow you to keep your plan if you like it (though it may be inferior), and slowly weed out the sub-standard plans in favor of better ones.

But the point is did he lie? If that wasn't a lie "You can keep your plan", I don't know what is.

On the whole, the ACA is a fantastic piece of legislation however. I'm not trying to de-rail the thread into you guys lobbing grenades at me now but that remains an honest assessment.

Obama lied.
Holy shit! An Obama supporting liberal has admitted that Obama lied.

I should go outside an see if there are any pigs flying around!

If you do, look up and wave [MENTION=25451]tinydancer[/MENTION]
Is Obama a liar?

You be the judge

[ame=]Obama: Premiums Will Decrease 3000% So You Should Get A Raise When H'care Is Passed - YouTube[/ame]

Obama knew (from the HHS as early as 2010) what he said wasn't true, yet he said it dozens of times. In any normal, non-politics-polluted universe, yes, that would be considered a "lie". A pretty big one too, considering the political ramifications.

So, we're getting two kinds of defense - First is, "oh, well, all politicians lie", which at least is an admission, even if it includes some standard partisan deflection.

The second, my personal favorite, is the outright denial game. "He didn't lie". Followed by all sorts of predictable spin, diversion, deflection, distortion. Always fun.

Did he lie? Yup. A great big one. Over and over and over.

Billyrockhead is living proof that you can lead a moonbat to the truth, but you can't make them think......
Anyone who can't admit he lied has serious problems.
We're fucked. Sold down the Chicago river. By a semi-negro whose sole intent is dismantling America.

The 47%'ers have spoken by their vote. Get the fucking groove on, bitches. Stay home and suck tit.

Far easier than getting a job.

I think you're right...and then they are going to finish us off by voting in another Obama/progressive/socialist/commie...One in a pantsuit, Shrillary

Obama has taken lying to new heights...He takes his lying show on the road circuit traveling all around the country to SPREAD it all on our dime...

hope you all enjoyed getting screwed with no lubricant
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what the fuck....!!
Is Obama a liar?
is water wet ?
is the sky blue ?
is the Sun hot ?
is a rock hard ?
are watermelons green ?
is milk white ?
are trees wood ?

Is Obama a liar? to the point he needs the boot, impeach the son-of-a-bitch :up:
Billyrockhead is living proof that you can lead a moonbat to the truth, but you can't make them think......

reminds you of a cult member?

Obama has many of them that's for sure

It's damn scary actually this is happening in our country

Hitler anyone
Billyrockhead is living proof that you can lead a moonbat to the truth, but you can't make them think......

reminds you of a cult member?

Obama has many of them that's for sure

It's damn scary actually this is happening in our country

Hitler anyone
No, not Hitler. And I should think the reference is insulting to Hitlers real victims and their families.

I wish you guy's would stop making the reference, it makes us all look stupid
Billyrockhead is living proof that you can lead a moonbat to the truth, but you can't make them think......

reminds you of a cult member?

Obama has many of them that's for sure

It's damn scary actually this is happening in our country

Hitler anyone
No, not Hitler. And I should think the reference is insulting to Hitlers real victims and their families.

I wish you guy's would stop making the reference, it makes us all look stupid

that's your feeling and that's fine
but Hitler was able to mesmerize people into things they wished they hadn't...that is why I use, Hitler
Billyrockhead is living proof that you can lead a moonbat to the truth, but you can't make them think......

reminds you of a cult member?

Obama has many of them that's for sure

It's damn scary actually this is happening in our country

Hitler anyone
No, not Hitler. And I should think the reference is insulting to Hitlers real victims and their families.

I wish you guy's would stop making the reference, it makes us all look stupid

You are correct on this.

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