is obama the biggest whiner ever elected president?

is obama the whiniest president ever?

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Nah. Clinton wanted to kill Osama. He didn't want to make deals with fascist regimes. But the Bushies had Osama and his family on the payroll.

See now what I said actually happened. Care to provide any evidence of your claims?

Oh and STFU about Conservatives not caring about New Yorkers Dying ass hat. I care, and I know people personally who lost loved ones on that day. So please stop lumping groups together and making claims you can not back up.

Conservatives "cared" enough to make it a cause to attack a country not responsible for the event.

We, as in people born in New York, get that.

Palin was on the tube saying we didn't matter.

So fuck off.

you're a bigger whiner than obama.
Nah. Clinton wanted to kill Osama. He didn't want to make deals with fascist regimes. But the Bushies had Osama and his family on the payroll.

See now what I said actually happened. Care to provide any evidence of your claims?

Oh and STFU about Conservatives not caring about New Yorkers Dying ass hat. I care, and I know people personally who lost loved ones on that day. So please stop lumping groups together and making claims you can not back up.

Conservatives "cared" enough to make it a cause to attack a country not responsible for the event.

We, as in people born in New York, get that.

Palin was on the tube saying we didn't matter.

So fuck off.
First you blame Clinton, then Bush, then all non-New Yorkers, now Palin. Are you angling for Obama's job? :eek:
care to offer up an example or is that too much work?

Why don't we just limit it to October 1982, i.e. the October before the midterms in his first term. What was he saying during that analog of now in his first term?

October 1

"Despite stonewalling by the Democratic leadership of the House of Representatives, a majority of Members finally forced a vote on the balanced budget-tax limitation amendment. Tragically and for purely partisan reasons, these same House Democrats who didn't want the vote have again played politics with the will of the people."​

October 4

"Less than 2 years ago we had inherited an economy that was on the brink of disaster. I don't think anyone can remember any other time in this country when we faced double-digit inflation, 211/2-percent prime interest rate, and an unprecedented tax burden, all at the same time. [...]

The grim results of high taxing and spending between 1976 and 1980 were a decline in the real wages and weekly earnings of all the working people of this country."​

Same day, different event:

"Despite the hysterical cries of the opposition, the people of Ohio understand the economic mess this administration inherited when we took office. I hate to dredge up unpleasant memories, but we'd had inflation in double digits for 2 years in a row -- the first time in 60 years that had happened. Interest rates had shot as high as 21 1/2 percent. The rate of growth in the gross national product had gone down for the third year in a row. And the money supply had increased at a 13-percent annual rate in the last half of 1980. That was the fastest increase in our history. Unemployment was already a serious problem; business failures were increasing."​

October 6

"Now, when Gerald Ford left office in January of 1977, he left behind an economy recovering from one of those bouts of high inflation and recession, caused by government living beyond its means. Inflation had actually reached double digits in 1974, but by 1976 it was back down to 4.8 [percent]. The prime rate was under 7 percent. You could get a home mortgage for 9 percent, and consumers could afford auto loans.

Then we took a giant step backward. Spending like there was no tomorrow, opening the floodgates of printing-press money, government pushed inflation all the way back up to 18 percent in January of 1980. 1979 and 1980 witnessed back-to-back years of double-digit price increases, the first time that had happened in over 60 years. We saw the national debt climbing to $1 trillion. Interest rates soared to an unbelievable level -- 21 1/2 percent was the prime. That was the highest peak in more than a century. And for the first time in our history, productivity dropped -- 2 years in a row. The savings rate plunged, the rate of increase in industrial production dropped every year, and the rate of increase in the gross national product dropped 3 years in a row.

Taxes on the people actually doubled in the 5 years before we came to Washington. People were hit with the single highest peacetime tax increase in the history of the Republic. That was passed in 1977. The government sat back while inflation kicked taxpayers relentlessly into higher tax brackets."​

October 7

"Well, you know, there are times when I think some of our critics and our opponents must have been hit by something -- meteors or something else. They've developed a very interesting case of amnesia. They can't remember a thing that was bad about the economy prior to my taking the oath of office. [Laughter] They make you think that everything economically that's bad started on January 21st, 1981. They don't remember that in the 4 years before we got to Washington, the entire Government of the United States was in their hands.

They controlled the Presidency, the United States Senate, the House of Representatives, and all the committees of Congress, the executive branch, the hundreds of departments and agencies responsible for running the Federal establishment. They had the whole enchilada. They controlled everything except inflation, interest rates, taxes, and an economy that was on a toboggan slide.

And in their political amnesia, they've forgotten that under their leadership inflation went up from 4.8 percent in 1976 to 18 percent by January of 1980, and that at the same time the interest rates climbed from 7 percent to 21 1/2 percent and our taxes doubled in 5 years. Well, I can't blame them; if I were in their place, I guess I'd try to forget a lot of things, too."​

October 11

"Now, lest I be accused of exaggerating, or even being partisan, let me quote a Democratic Senator from Massachusetts. [Laughter] In May of 1980, Teddy Kennedy warned that under Jimmy Carter America was sliding into the worst recession since the Great Depression. Of course, he was a candidate himself then when he said that, and he didn't add that for years he has continued to be one of the biggest spenders in the United States Senate.

The bottom line in 1980 was an unacceptable decline in the wealth of the working families and senior citizens of America -- the very people that our critics claim they care so much about. [...]

Well, let me tell you something. Despite their resistance, we are beginning to succeed. We've pulled America back from the edge of disaster. Yes, I'd hoped that we'd be further along by now. But make no mistake, we're better off than we were 20 months ago. The problems that were destroying America in 1980 are being confronted today, and they're paving the way for recovery."​

October 13

"Now, I don't pretend for a moment that, in 21 months, we've been able to undo all the damage to our economy that has built up over more than 20 years. The first part of our program has been in the books only 1 year and 13 days. Much of the legislation we need has still not been enacted. We've still got a long way to go before we restore our prosperity. "​

October 14

"We Republicans are doing a good job cleaning up a mess that built up for decades, and I'm genuinely convinced the American people understand that and will show it on election day. The economic issue that the opposition is trying to bully us with is like the bully himself -- once you stand up to him, he slinks away. Five economic problems, as I said last night, were beating this country over the head when we came to Washington 20 months ago: runaway spending; double-digit inflation, 2 years of it, back to back, for the first time in 60 years; the worst interest rates in 100 years; the highest peacetime tax burden in our history as a nation; and high unemployment. [...]

"Well, the demagogue from Michigan held me personally responsible for causing 10.1 percent of our work force to be unemployed. But 7.4 percent of them were unemployed when we got here. By my figures, we're only responsible for 2.7 percent." [for comparison, the unemployment rate was 7.6% in January 2009 and was at 9.8% last month.]

October 20

"You know, before we went to Washington, those in charge of the economy ran it with the accelerator to the floor; then they'd slam on the brakes; then they'd swerve to miss the oncoming crisis; then they'd swerve back; and then they'd floor it again. But you can't run an economy or a car that way without eventually wrecking it. And that's exactly what was happening.

In January of 1977, just after Jerry Ford left the White House, inflation was at 4.8 percent. The prime interest rate was under 7 percent. You could get a home mortgage for 9 percent, and consumers could afford not only mortgages but auto loans. But then America took a giant step backward."​

October 26

"Today's Monday morning quarterbacks have already forgotten the monster that they left us: spending shooting up at an annual rate of 17 percent; double-digit inflation; high unemployment; a 21 1/2-percent prime interest rate, the highest in more than a hundred years; nearly a trillion dollars in debt; and the highest peacetime tax burden this country had ever known."​

October 28

"Well, the truth is, our opponents sometimes sound to me, particularly in this election year, as if they don't really want a recovery. Their only concern is a political victory. Well, we didn't create the grain embargo. We didn't create double-digit inflation. We didn't create the 21 1/2-percent interest rates which caused so much misery on Main Street and the farm; we ended them. "​

October 29

"Now, our critics are determined to beat their drums of doom and gloom. They say our economy is on its knees. Well, you know something? If the economy is on its knees, that's quite an improvement, because 2 years ago it was flat on its back. "​

October 30

"I find it hard to understand your unquestioning belief that our economic recovery program is not only responsible for unemployment -- which was already serious 2 years ago -- but that it threatens ``further collapse of the economy.''

My feelings of sorrow for those bearing the burden of unemployment are every bit as deep as yours. But you seem to write off or ignore the fact that unemployment was high in 1979 and went higher in 1980. Indeed, in the spring of '80, 1,400,000 workers were laid off or lost their jobs in a period of only a few months. In the last half of 1980, the money supply increased at an alltime high rate of 13 percent. Interest rates went right up with it to a 100-year high of 21 1/2 percent. And, of course, the inflation rate, the basic villain in all this, was in its second straight year of double digits -- 12.4 percent. [...]

Now, all of this was taking place before our administration had even taken office. During our first several months in office, the Federal Reserve was below its targeted growth rate in money supply. This had the effect of maintaining the high interest rates well into the summer of '81, when the recession worsened substantially. Our economic recovery program didn't go into effect until October of '81, and then only a part of the program. So, we've only had 13 months of the economic recovery program, and not the entire program at that."​

What a fucking whiner. That's a sampling of one month--one month of hand-wringing about the economy he inherited (his word), the unfairness of blaming him for the high unemployment rate, those mean old Democrats, and lots of implicit blaming of his Democratic predecessor who totally screwed up Gerald Ford's awesome economy.
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See now what I said actually happened. Care to provide any evidence of your claims?

Oh and STFU about Conservatives not caring about New Yorkers Dying ass hat. I care, and I know people personally who lost loved ones on that day. So please stop lumping groups together and making claims you can not back up.

Conservatives "cared" enough to make it a cause to attack a country not responsible for the event.

We, as in people born in New York, get that.

Palin was on the tube saying we didn't matter.

So fuck off.
First you blame Clinton, then Bush, then all non-New Yorkers, now Palin. Are you angling for Obama's job? :eek:

Never blamed Clinton.

And it was Palin that said that anyone not in her camp was un-american.
Never blamed Clinton.
You should...He kept Poppy Bush's economic embargo and unilaterally imposed "no fly zones" in place over Iraq.

Much as you may not like to face the fact, Bubba was an enabler.
See now what I said actually happened. Care to provide any evidence of your claims?

Oh and STFU about Conservatives not caring about New Yorkers Dying ass hat. I care, and I know people personally who lost loved ones on that day. So please stop lumping groups together and making claims you can not back up.

Conservatives "cared" enough to make it a cause to attack a country not responsible for the event.

We, as in people born in New York, get that.

Palin was on the tube saying we didn't matter.

So fuck off.

you're a bigger whiner than obama.

Obama doesn't "whine". He's rolling up his sleeves and doing the job. Like Clinton..he's working overtime.

Unlike the bitch GW who was like "Watch this putt". GW holds the record for presidential vacations.

So really. We have another workaholic in office. And things are getting done.
Conservatives "cared" enough to make it a cause to attack a country not responsible for the event.

We, as in people born in New York, get that.

Palin was on the tube saying we didn't matter.

So fuck off.

you're a bigger whiner than obama.

Obama doesn't "whine". He's rolling up his sleeves and doing the job. Like Clinton..he's working overtime.

Unlike the bitch GW who was like "Watch this putt". GW holds the record for presidential vacations.

So really. We have another workaholic in office. And things are getting done.

:lol: Oh brother....can't even be honest, huh?
Conservatives "cared" enough to make it a cause to attack a country not responsible for the event.

We, as in people born in New York, get that.

Palin was on the tube saying we didn't matter.

So fuck off.

you're a bigger whiner than obama.

Obama doesn't "whine". He's rolling up his sleeves and doing the job. Like Clinton..he's working overtime.

Unlike the bitch GW who was like "Watch this putt". GW holds the record for presidential vacations.

So really. We have another workaholic in office. And things are getting done.

Gone from blaming to whining to delusional in about 1/2 hour. That may be a board record!
Never blamed Clinton.
You should...He kept Poppy Bush's economic embargo and unilaterally imposed "no fly zones" in place over Iraq.

Much as you may not like to face the fact, Bubba was an enabler.

Well you got me. I was never lockstep with Clinton in alot of his policies. Bombing Iraq was a huge mistake. As well as the embargo.

I have never called a president "Teflon" before Obama. :eusa_whistle:
you're a bigger whiner than obama.

Obama doesn't "whine". He's rolling up his sleeves and doing the job. Like Clinton..he's working overtime.

Unlike the bitch GW who was like "Watch this putt". GW holds the record for presidential vacations.

So really. We have another workaholic in office. And things are getting done.

Gone from blaming to whining to delusional in about 1/2 hour. That may be a board record!


History doesn't work so well for
I doubt President Obama or President Bush are the biggest whiners ever elected President. They just happen to be two Presidents who's words are carried much more, much faster and to more people due to the internet. Can you imagine if we had the internet in the 1940's for example? First off, the American people would actually know that FDR couldn't walk. The media and FDR had come to a understanding about that. Something like that would never happen today.

These days, just about every single comment a President makes in front of somebody else will be told in some shape or form. Whether it be that day, the next day, or 10-30 years down the road in someone's biography.

Going forward, I think it will be very similar.
you're a bigger whiner than obama.

Obama doesn't "whine". He's rolling up his sleeves and doing the job. Like Clinton..he's working overtime.

Unlike the bitch GW who was like "Watch this putt". GW holds the record for presidential vacations.

So really. We have another workaholic in office. And things are getting done.

:lol: Oh brother....can't even be honest, huh?

I'm not your brother.

Never blamed Clinton.
You should...He kept Poppy Bush's economic embargo and unilaterally imposed "no fly zones" in place over Iraq.

Much as you may not like to face the fact, Bubba was an enabler.

Well you got me. I was never lockstep with Clinton in alot of his policies. Bombing Iraq was a huge mistake. As well as the embargo.


Yes...I'm always pleased...

Obama doesn't "whine". He's rolling up his sleeves and doing the job. Like Clinton..he's working overtime.

Unlike the bitch GW who was like "Watch this putt". GW holds the record for presidential vacations.

So really. We have another workaholic in office. And things are getting done.

:lol: Oh brother....can't even be honest, huh?

I'm not your brother.


That goes without saying....but I would have been keying on the honesty issue. :eusa_whistle:
You should...He kept Poppy Bush's economic embargo and unilaterally imposed "no fly zones" in place over Iraq.

Much as you may not like to face the fact, Bubba was an enabler.

Well you got me. I was never lockstep with Clinton in alot of his policies. Bombing Iraq was a huge mistake. As well as the embargo.


Yes...I'm always pleased...


I like you..I don't know why..

And it's I "just" like you. By this much. If I could show you my pinky and index would indicate the amount.

Perhaps it's we like the same movies..I dunno.
I'm not your brother.


That goes without saying....but I would have been keying on the honesty issue. :eusa_whistle:

I've been honest. And the problem with that is what?
Just this:

Obama doesn't "whine". He's rolling up his sleeves and doing the job. Like Clinton..he's working overtime.

Unlike the bitch GW who was like "Watch this putt". GW holds the record for presidential vacations.

So really. We have another workaholic in office. And things are getting done.

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