Is Obama the worst POTUS in Aerican history ?

The truth of the matter is that reagan was probably a traitor to America. Consider this, the hostages in Iran were sitting in planes on the runways in Iran while reagan took the oath of office. Immediately after it was official reagan was president the planes were allowed to take off. To me that looks like Iran was sending America a message and that message was, we have struck a deal with the US. Want some proof of a deal? Immediately after the hostages were safe, what did reagan do to a country that had committed an act of war against the US. reagan did NOTHING about the attack and hostage taking. Ooops, I forgot something, he did take action. He sold arms to the country that attacked us (Iran/Contra). Don't tell me a deal was not struck. reagan's behavior toward Iran doesn't pass the smell test.

I think the message was, oh, shit, that pussy Carter isn't president anymore, we'd better release the hostages before Reagan bombs the crap out of us.
You have explained nothing. iran committed an act of war against the US. Carter could not act for fear of the hostages being killed. Once the hostages were free reagan COULD have acted. HE DID NOTHING ABOUT THE ACT OF WAR. What he did do was to sell the very people who had attacked us arms. Boy, did he ever show them how tough the US was!!! The bottom line here is that reagan was willing to use Americans as bargining chips to win the president. You republicans call that patriotism! I call that being a traitor.
I remember the hostages not being freed until Reagan took office. Prove other wise commie idiot.
Yes, I can see exactly why so many of you hate Obama.
He took action that led to the US avoiding a major depression that was predicted by 90% of the economists.
He stopped the 750,000 job loss per month that bush had.
He hasn't looked away and allowed 3000 to be killed in a terrorist attack on American soil.
He has gotten us out of one war and is working on ending another.
He hasn't lied us into any wars.
He helped millions of people gain health care for the first time.
He succeeded where bush failed to get bin Laden.
He helped bring down Kadaffi without puting an American boot on the ground.
He forced Syria to admit to having WMD and getting those weapons destroyed.
He didn't look the other way when a natural disaster struck.
He put policies in place that helped double the stock market from 8000 under bush to around 17,000 today.
He will probably hand off a far, far better America than he was given.
Yes, I can see why you hate him. You hate him because the better he looks the worse bush and your party looks.
Now, some of the dead heads on this board will go to the ultra right sewer sites and try to find blogs proving what I have written is wrong. Write what you will, you cannot change history no matter how hard you try or how many lies you post. What is, IS.


Obama is corrupt, incompetent, a failure, a liar, a fraud, and not to mention but a piece-of shit as well.

Liberal shit-for-brains like yourself proudly stand by Obama defending him, making excuses, and blaming others for him no matter what. :cuckoo:

BTW: What is, IS? WTF are you talking about?
You have proven you can call people names and be obnoxious. What you haven't done is proven a single thing you said OR disproven a single thing I posted. Sputtering and making wild, unfounded statements shows a weak mind. Come back when you can prove my statements wrong. And none of that bullshit with ultra right sewer sites that people like you like. Give me non partisan proof.
Write what you will, you cannot change history no matter how hard you try or how many lies you post. What is, IS.

Write what you will, you cannot change history no matter how hard you try or how many lies you post. What is, IS.


Come back when you can prove my statements wrong.

You claim:
He succeeded where bush failed to get bin Laden.

What a load of crap!

:arrow: Osama died in 2001: MSNBC hit piece unwittingly reveals corroboration for Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik?s assertion | Global Research

Sputtering and making wild, unfounded statements shows a weak mind
Says the one who's been drinking the Kool-Aid. :cuckoo:
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I think the message was, oh, shit, that pussy Carter isn't president anymore, we'd better release the hostages before Reagan bombs the crap out of us.
You have explained nothing. iran committed an act of war against the US. Carter could not act for fear of the hostages being killed. Once the hostages were free reagan COULD have acted. HE DID NOTHING ABOUT THE ACT OF WAR. What he did do was to sell the very people who had attacked us arms. Boy, did he ever show them how tough the US was!!! The bottom line here is that reagan was willing to use Americans as bargining chips to win the president. You republicans call that patriotism! I call that being a traitor.
I remember the hostages not being freed until Reagan took office. Prove other wise commie idiot.

What was it, like 30 minutes after he was sworn in?
You have explained nothing. iran committed an act of war against the US. Carter could not act for fear of the hostages being killed. Once the hostages were free reagan COULD have acted. HE DID NOTHING ABOUT THE ACT OF WAR. What he did do was to sell the very people who had attacked us arms. Boy, did he ever show them how tough the US was!!! The bottom line here is that reagan was willing to use Americans as bargining chips to win the president. You republicans call that patriotism! I call that being a traitor.
I remember the hostages not being freed until Reagan took office. Prove other wise commie idiot.

What was it, like 30 minutes after he was sworn in?
Sometimes I read 5 minutes, either way they were on their way to freedom before Reagan was sworn in. Maybe his joke about bombing the USSR* was taken seriouslyi the Iraq dead US soldiers don't matter, just those diplomatic workers 34 years ago. The Reagan lovers like his grin, and homilies, that is all he offered, but it was something needed at the time, by those whose connection with US history begins and ends with TV ads.

*That remains one of the dumbest things ever said by a candidate, but it slid off Teflon Ronnie.
Benghazi, IRS targeting, Fast and Furious, Terror groups taking over Iraq, The Taliban on the rise again, Putin rebuilding the soviet union, Iraq will soon be a nuclear power and a threat to the world, several countries in the Middle east being taken over by extremist groups, high energy and food costs, a sluggish economy, thousands loosing coverage because of Obama care ...... and so on and so on . The man is not qualified to lead this country .

He's not number 1, that is still James Buchanan, but he is far from the top tier.
Solyndra. obamacare. The bombing in Boston. The unlawful arrest and detention of Andrew Tamhoreesi. Abdullah Bergdahl. Screwing up Syria. Making a fool of the country over Crimea. Helping president Putin take charge. Opening the borders. Destroying the dollar with unlimited QE. The end of DOMA and DADT. The legalization of same sex marriage. Reducing the military to levels where the country cannot be defended. Changing the rules of engagement for combat troops so more die. Hillary Clinton and John Kerry as secretaries of state.


Showing the world some incredibly knobby knees.
Great thread! Thanks!

Most of those who thinks he is couldn't pass the US citizenship test, I took ot to see what it is like, not a snap, by any means. A tough one is the Harvard History General exam, featured in "The 50 Toughest Tests You'll Never Have To Take". I won't share my real life experience with that test except to say PASSED, with Honors score.

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