Is Obama To Stupid To Learn?

It's not stupidity. It's lack of respect and disdain for our military and this country.

Seeing as how the asshole just sent MORE US troops back to Iraq to help take back part of the country he allowed ISIS to take over, after our military had liberated the country at great cost, he would show a little more respect.
He's not stupid, he's evil: He acts stupid one day and the next day he acts another way, depending on his nasty agenda .

Oh he's stupid AND evil, and a snob who thinks his shit doesn't stink which is incredible considering his pathetic career before going on the public dole.
Definition of snob= Black man who rises to the Presidency and stays there for two terms.
the greatest any repub has seen in their lifetimes kept us safe and no wars,,, bs wars that killed 1000's of our soldiers like the moron repub bush did
So because the leader of the free world doesn't prat about with some silly protocol with the ceremonial cannon fodder who has to stand next to his aircraft he's stupid?

Maybe he has better things on his mind, like running the country, balancing the safety of the people and the invasive powers of the people he tasks with keeping us safe or even the difference between to, too and two.

Maybe so.

But the evidence suggests otherwise.

Nay, the distraction is another wet dream of.................................GOLF!
maybe u should move out of America if u hate it so much or even better, KYS so no other country has too deal with ur libtarded stupidety.
Obama isnt running the country, hes ruininf it by letting muslims in 2 suicide bomb us.

So because the leader of the free world doesn't prat about with some silly protocol with the ceremonial cannon fodder who has to stand next to his aircraft he's stupid?

Maybe he has better things on his mind, like running the country, balancing the safety of the people and the invasive powers of the people he tasks with keeping us safe or even the difference between to, too and two.

Maybe so.

But the evidence suggests otherwise.

Nay, the distraction is another wet dream of.................................GOLF!
is their a bullshit emogee??
maybe u should move out of America if u hate it so much or even better, KYS so no other country has too deal with ur libtarded stupidety.
Obama isnt running the country, hes ruininf it by letting muslims in 2 suicide bomb us.

you fn moron It wasn't obama on 9/11 It wasn't obama that started a bullshit war killing so many UNNECESSARILY it wasn't obama giving tax cuts to billionaires Take the blame you gd coward you republican ,,But I repeat myself
He's not stupid, he's evil: He acts stupid one day and the next day he acts another way, depending on his nasty agenda .

Oh he's stupid AND evil, and a snob who thinks his shit doesn't stink which is incredible considering his pathetic career before going on the public dole.
He was voted in TWICE to be on the "public dole" by We The People.... we wanted him just where he is.

Obamacare is falling apart, one of many failures. Why don't you step up and take a measure of responsibility for his idiocy and incompetence since you put the loser in charge.
He's not stupid, he's evil: He acts stupid one day and the next day he acts another way, depending on his nasty agenda .

Oh he's stupid AND evil, and a snob who thinks his shit doesn't stink which is incredible considering his pathetic career before going on the public dole.
Definition of snob= Black man who rises to the Presidency and stays there for two terms.

Oh give the race card a rest, just admit you cannot explain Obama's incompetence, lies, and pathetic record.
He's not stupid, he's evil: He acts stupid one day and the next day he acts another way, depending on his nasty agenda .

Oh he's stupid AND evil, and a snob who thinks his shit doesn't stink which is incredible considering his pathetic career before going on the public dole.
He was voted in TWICE to be on the "public dole" by We The People.... we wanted him just where he is.

Obamacare is falling apart, one of many failures. Why don't you step up and take a measure of responsibility for his idiocy and incompetence since you put the loser in charge.
Obamacare isn't falling apart, your RW masters just told you it was. And I will take full responsibility for his idiocy to include all of these "idiotic" things listed below; and, this is only a small list. Over 350 of his accomplishments can be found at this LINK!

Improved Conditions for Consumers and Small Businesses

Signed the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure (CARD) Act, to protect consumers from unfair and deceptive credit card practices. Fact Sheet: Reforms to Protect American Credit Card Holders

Guided the housing market all the way back from total collapse, which led to a rally for housing starts. U.S. housing data signals economic strength; manufacturing weak U.S. housing data signals economic strength; manufacturing weak

Brought airline industry back to their highest profitability since before the recession. Airlines report $9.3 billion net profits, highest since 2006

Blocked a monopolistic merger of Staples and Office Depot, to preserve at least some competition. Staples Goes On the Attack in Attempt to Win Office Depot

Stock market has reached record highs, restoring most of the economic losses felt during the Bush Recession. Dow Jones Industrial Average - 10 Year Daily Chart

Created and Implemented the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Bill Text - 111th Congress (2009-2010) - THOMAS (Library of Congress) Wall Street Reform: A Summary of What's In the Bill

Consumer confidence continues to inch up to its highest level more than a decade. United States Consumer Confidence Grows to 3-Month High

Initiated a $15 billion plan designed to encourage increased lending to small businesses. Remarks by the President to small business owners community lenders and members of Congress

Created, to allow online collaboration between small businesses and experts re managing a business. (The program has since merged with

Addressed Wrongdoing in the Financial Sector

Signed the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act giving the federal government more tools to investigate and prosecute fraud in every corner of the financial system, and create a bipartisan Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission to investigate the financial fraud that led to the economic meltdown. Obama Signs Housing and Fraud Bill, Praises Congress for "Most Productive" Period

Ordered 65 executives who took bailout money to cut their own pay until they paid back all bailout money.

Along with Congressional Democrats, pushed through and got passed Dodd-Frank, one of the largest and most comprehensive Wall Street reforms since the Great Depression.

Created and implemented rules to reduce the influence of speculators in the oil market.

Created and implemented rules so banks can no longer use depositors’ money to invest in high-risk financial instruments that work against depositors’ interests.

Strengthened the Middle Class and Fought Poverty

Worked to provide affordable, high-quality child care to working families.

Through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, cut taxes for 95% of America’s working families.

Tax rates for average working families are the lowest since 1950.

Extended and fully funded the patch for the Alternative Minimum Tax for 10 years.

Extended discounted health coverage under the COBRA health insurance law for the unemployed from 9 months to 15 months, and he’s also extended unemployment benefits more than a few times.

Provided a $20 billion increase for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps).

Signed an Executive Order that established the White House Office of Urban Affairs.
So because the leader of the free world doesn't prat about with some silly protocol with the ceremonial cannon fodder who has to stand next to his aircraft he's stupid?

Maybe he has better things on his mind, like running the country, balancing the safety of the people and the invasive powers of the people he tasks with keeping us safe or even the difference between to, too and two.

Maybe so.

But the evidence suggests otherwise.

Nay, the distraction is another wet dream of.................................GOLF!
I wonder how he found time to do all of THIS if golf is all he did.
He's not stupid, he's evil: He acts stupid one day and the next day he acts another way, depending on his nasty agenda .

Oh he's stupid AND evil, and a snob who thinks his shit doesn't stink which is incredible considering his pathetic career before going on the public dole.
Definition of snob= Black man who rises to the Presidency and stays there for two terms.

Oh give the race card a rest, just admit you cannot explain Obama's incompetence, lies, and pathetic record.
I explained his "incompetence" in post #71. I just wish more politicians were as incompetent...heh heh heh!
He's not stupid, he's evil: He acts stupid one day and the next day he acts another way, depending on his nasty agenda .

Oh he's stupid AND evil, and a snob who thinks his shit doesn't stink which is incredible considering his pathetic career before going on the public dole.
Definition of snob= Black man who rises to the Presidency and stays there for two terms.

Oh give the race card a rest, just admit you cannot explain Obama's incompetence, lies, and pathetic record.
I explained his "incompetence" in post #71. I just wish more politicians were as incompetent...heh heh heh!

Get real the guy is a retard.
He's not stupid, he's evil: He acts stupid one day and the next day he acts another way, depending on his nasty agenda .

Oh he's stupid AND evil, and a snob who thinks his shit doesn't stink which is incredible considering his pathetic career before going on the public dole.
Definition of snob= Black man who rises to the Presidency and stays there for two terms.

Oh give the race card a rest, just admit you cannot explain Obama's incompetence, lies, and pathetic record.
I explained his "incompetence" in post #71. I just wish more politicians were as incompetent...heh heh heh!

Get real the guy is a retard.
If Obama is a retard what does your lower IQ make YOU!
Oh he's stupid AND evil, and a snob who thinks his shit doesn't stink which is incredible considering his pathetic career before going on the public dole.
Definition of snob= Black man who rises to the Presidency and stays there for two terms.

Oh give the race card a rest, just admit you cannot explain Obama's incompetence, lies, and pathetic record.
I explained his "incompetence" in post #71. I just wish more politicians were as incompetent...heh heh heh!

Get real the guy is a retard.
If Obama is a retard what does your lower IQ make YOU!

Don't worry you will get over it, in time.
Definition of snob= Black man who rises to the Presidency and stays there for two terms.

Oh give the race card a rest, just admit you cannot explain Obama's incompetence, lies, and pathetic record.
I explained his "incompetence" in post #71. I just wish more politicians were as incompetent...heh heh heh!

Get real the guy is a retard.
If Obama is a retard what does your lower IQ make YOU!

Don't worry you will get over it, in time.
It would seem so because after SEVEN YEARS boarding Marine 1 that idiot STILL does not follow protocol. Walks right past the Marine like he was NOTHING.
After entering and being told his STUPID mistake and slight. He goes back outside and STILL NO SALUTE but shakes the Marines hand like a parking lot attendant.

Seven years and millions of dollars and he has the class of a Watermelon rind.


So glad to see he'll be getting under wingnuts' skin long after he leaves office.
Anybody else find it ironic that OP didn't use proper grammar while calling out somebody who has a better education than him "stupid"?

It is pretty clear that there is a stupid person here...and it might be the person unable to tell the difference between "too" and "to"...something we generally learn in elementary school.

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