Is Racism Over Yet?

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I don't call white people racist, I call whites who are racists racist. So are you saying all whites are racists Correll?

I am laughing at you. That's what I am saying.

YOu call white people racist without anything that any reasonable person would consider an actual reason.

You love doing that. You love calling white people vile names without just cause, while knowing that they are not allowed to respond in kind.

Hey, you ever talk to any white person like that in person?

Yes. And I called you a racist starting with your claim blacks should be grateful to whites for dying for us in the civil war. Now I can pile on, but that's all I really need to say.

Are you really so stupid that you can't understand that what you just said, in no way meets the definition of racism?

That is all the reason you think you need to call me one of most toxic slurs in our society, yet, I am not allowed to respond by calling your similarly vile names in response.

Even though, your actions is slandering good people for no reason, shows that unlike me, you deserve to be called very vile names.

People like you, are tearing this nation apart.

Since his nation has never been together because of people like yourself, It is again an example of psychosis for you to say the things you have.

By people like myself, you mean people that want people to be treated equally, not with different rules for different races?

Because you are the one that supports the current system of discrimination in favor of blacks against whites.
Even if that was true whites had legal discrimination for centuries. Because of that, on average they have more wealth. When the wealth gap is closed then we will be on equal footing. Just like the NBA.
Says the person that loves to call white people racist.

Does everyone agree that in our society, calling someone "racist" is a very vile insult?

I don't call white people racist, I call whites who are racists racist. So are you saying all whites are racists Correll?

I am laughing at you. That's what I am saying.

YOu call white people racist without anything that any reasonable person would consider an actual reason.

You love doing that. You love calling white people vile names without just cause, while knowing that they are not allowed to respond in kind.

Hey, you ever talk to any white person like that in person?

Yes. And I called you a racist starting with your claim blacks should be grateful to whites for dying for us in the civil war. Now I can pile on, but that's all I really need to say.

Indeed. I recall that delusional bullshit. Anyone who is not too lazy can validate that the Civil War was fought to preserve the union.

And black people being set "free" was NOT the primary intent.

Otherwise, Jim Crow would not have immediately taken the place of slavery and remained in effect for the next 100 years. There is no debt of gratitude that is owned for something that should have never existed being abolished.

That is like saying a man who is wrongly imprisoned should be grateful to the same people who release him after finding out that he was actually innocen of commuting a crime.

1. Abe Lincoln was obviously being political when he said that.

2. Sure. Just a coincidence that the Civil War happened to break out after the election of a rabid anti-slaver.

3. JIm Crow was not slavery, but your inability to feel gratitude for people that died for you, is noted and held against you.

4. Your analogy is based on judging all white people as a single entity. That's racism.

No. I do not regard all white people as a "single entity", but that type of ignorance is played out daily here by quite a few here who regard ALL BLACK people as inferior.

Your problem is that I will not allow YOU or anyone else to dictate to me what I will be grateful for.
What you'll find even more amusing is that he uses the FBI as a source without any qualms when their info suits him.
The problem for you is that you try to go logical with your racism. Once a white supremacist tries to go logical in trying to justify racism then it's easy.

Why does America and Canada have a Black History Month but white people cannot have a White History Month? That is racism, fella, against the white people of America and Canada. I remember one time an MLA in New Brunswick wanted to have a Caucasian European Day but it was struck down. The cowardly politically correct politicians were pretty much forced by many Jewish organizations to back down and not allow it to happen as to those organization's it would be seen as promoting white supremacy.

Racism is alive and well but it is only happening against the white people. White people need to wake up and smell the bloody hatred going on towards them. :icon_cry:

We need to stop caring whether or not what the other side does qualifies as racism, because they don't. They expect us to abide by their rules which don't apply to them. Discrimination is fine, as long as it is against white people. Don't expect that to change any time soon.

There is no discrimination against white people. Unless they are LGBTQ. And I am against that discrimination as well.

(X)So, why is there no White History Month to celebrate white people's culture and traditions and heritage? White people are forced to have to celebrate Black, Latino. Native Indian culture and queers(sick perverted whites). Can you explain this one to me?
What you'll find even more amusing is that he uses the FBI as a source without any qualms when their info suits him.
The problem for you is that you try to go logical with your racism. Once a white supremacist tries to go logical in trying to justify racism then it's easy.

Why does America and Canada have a Black History Month but white people cannot have a White History Month? That is racism, fella, against the white people of America and Canada. I remember one time an MLA in New Brunswick wanted to have a Caucasian European Day but it was struck down. The cowardly politically correct politicians were pretty much forced by many Jewish organizations to back down and not allow it to happen as to those organization's it would be seen as promoting white supremacy.

Racism is alive and well but it is only happening against the white people. White people need to wake up and smell the bloody hatred going on towards them. :icon_cry:

We need to stop caring whether or not what the other side does qualifies as racism, because they don't. They expect us to abide by their rules which don't apply to them. Discrimination is fine, as long as it is against white people. Don't expect that to change any time soon.

In America, discrimination was first against Blacks, not Whites. We kind of reap what we sew. No hands are clean in this war.

(X)Now it's white people that are being discriminated against. Whites are reaping what they have sown because they have allowed liberals and communist to convince us that we are the problem and are the racists. If white people were so racist then why would white people allow more non-white immigration and less white immigration. For decades now in Canada 80 - 85% of our new immigrants are coming from the third world countries. That is a recipe for white genocide. This is also happening in white countries in Europe where they are being flooded by non-whites. In time when non-whites become the minority then whites will really see what racism is all about.

In South Africa the black communist government has just decided that they are now going to take all white farmers lands away from them. That is racist against white people.
I don't call white people racist, I call whites who are racists racist. So are you saying all whites are racists Correll?

I am laughing at you. That's what I am saying.

YOu call white people racist without anything that any reasonable person would consider an actual reason.

You love doing that. You love calling white people vile names without just cause, while knowing that they are not allowed to respond in kind.

Hey, you ever talk to any white person like that in person?

Yes. And I called you a racist starting with your claim blacks should be grateful to whites for dying for us in the civil war. Now I can pile on, but that's all I really need to say.

Indeed. I recall that delusional bullshit. Anyone who is not too lazy can validate that the Civil War was fought to preserve the union.

And black people being set "free" was NOT the primary intent.

Otherwise, Jim Crow would not have immediately taken the place of slavery and remained in effect for the next 100 years. There is no debt of gratitude that is owned for something that should have never existed being abolished.

That is like saying a man who is wrongly imprisoned should be grateful to the same people who release him after finding out that he was actually innocen of commuting a crime.

1. Abe Lincoln was obviously being political when he said that.

2. Sure. Just a coincidence that the Civil War happened to break out after the election of a rabid anti-slaver.

3. JIm Crow was not slavery, but your inability to feel gratitude for people that died for you, is noted and held against you.

4. Your analogy is based on judging all white people as a single entity. That's racism.

You are obliged to hold whatever hurts your fragile little feelings against me. I don't care.

And no, I feel not a shred of gratitude for ANYONE who died in a war to salvage and preserve THEIR country long before my own parents were born.

Just like you don't feel any guilt for slavery, I don't owe anyone anything for it being ended.

It NEVER should have happened in the first place. And as far as "Jim Crow", No shit. It wasn't sure as hell was not freedom as viewed by those who were not subjected to it.

You are entitled to romanticize Lincoln as a "rabid anti slavee if you wish.

Its your idealistic illusion. Not mine.

1. It's not about my feelings, it's about what type of person is incapable of gratitude for those that fought and died for them.

2. I have no personal responsibility for slavery's existence, you however do have personal benefit from it being ended.

3. Thank you for stopping in your conflation of slavery and jim crow.

4. Noting idealistic about dealing with the documented historical fact that Lincoln was rabidly anti-slavery.

5. All wars are fought for varied reasons. Your desire to focus on the causes of the war, that gives you an excuse to not give credit where credit is due, reflects on you personally.
What you'll find even more amusing is that he uses the FBI as a source without any qualms when their info suits him.
The problem for you is that you try to go logical with your racism. Once a white supremacist tries to go logical in trying to justify racism then it's easy.

Why does America and Canada have a Black History Month but white people cannot have a White History Month? That is racism, fella, against the white people of America and Canada. I remember one time an MLA in New Brunswick wanted to have a Caucasian European Day but it was struck down. The cowardly politically correct politicians were pretty much forced by many Jewish organizations to back down and not allow it to happen as to those organization's it would be seen as promoting white supremacy.

Racism is alive and well but it is only happening against the white people. White people need to wake up and smell the bloody hatred going on towards them. :icon_cry:
Another use of the false equivalence by whites pertains to the issues of history and cultural identification. For example, whites have been whining for years about why they cannot have a white history month. To ask this question, one must either be severely mentally challenged, suffering from psychosis, or are a racist purposefully building a strawman. I’m serious when I say that. I am always stumped when I am asked that question. Are these people really that stupid? Do they not pay attention to how American history has been portrayed? Is it that just because it’s not called white history do they not think that whites have not been described as part of history?

How much plainer does it need to be made? The founders of this nation were all white men. Do we need to say that 55 white men founded this nation for whites to feel they have been given their accurate place in American history? Do we describe George Washington as the first white president and continue to name 44 presidents as the white presidents for some whites to understand just how much white history has been taught? They whine about February but what do we call the other months in reference to American history? Should we call the 11 other months of the year white history month so that whites can understand?

(X)You are not getting the picture. There is no White History Month celebrated something that says we are here. That is always kept hidden. Why would white people want to celebrate Black or Latino months but not be allowed to celebrate their own white history month. It is not racist to want to do so. After all it was the white people that found and built up North America and why cannot they celebrate that fact. The people that are against a White History Month are people who hate white people. Short, sweet and simple.
I am laughing at you. That's what I am saying.

YOu call white people racist without anything that any reasonable person would consider an actual reason.

You love doing that. You love calling white people vile names without just cause, while knowing that they are not allowed to respond in kind.

Hey, you ever talk to any white person like that in person?

Yes. And I called you a racist starting with your claim blacks should be grateful to whites for dying for us in the civil war. Now I can pile on, but that's all I really need to say.

Are you really so stupid that you can't understand that what you just said, in no way meets the definition of racism?

That is all the reason you think you need to call me one of most toxic slurs in our society, yet, I am not allowed to respond by calling your similarly vile names in response.

Even though, your actions is slandering good people for no reason, shows that unlike me, you deserve to be called very vile names.

People like you, are tearing this nation apart.

Since his nation has never been together because of people like yourself, It is again an example of psychosis for you to say the things you have.

By people like myself, you mean people that want people to be treated equally, not with different rules for different races?

Because you are the one that supports the current system of discrimination in favor of blacks against whites.

That's life. There will always be different rules for different races. Im old enough to recall when it was expected that black people refer to white people as "Sir and Ma'am", and it was acceptable for even younger whites to refer to blacks who were much older as "boy and gal".

Black citizens of this country have a history of less than 60 years of equality and freedom in the 200 plus years of this countries existence.

You are not a victim, and there IS NO anti white discrimination.

Sorry that you are so old.

There is certainly anti-white discrimination today. THe hard numbers documenting it have been posted many times on this very site.

YOur denial is just a dishonest way of stating that you support that racist discrimination.
I am laughing at you. That's what I am saying.

YOu call white people racist without anything that any reasonable person would consider an actual reason.

You love doing that. You love calling white people vile names without just cause, while knowing that they are not allowed to respond in kind.

Hey, you ever talk to any white person like that in person?

Yes. And I called you a racist starting with your claim blacks should be grateful to whites for dying for us in the civil war. Now I can pile on, but that's all I really need to say.

Are you really so stupid that you can't understand that what you just said, in no way meets the definition of racism?

That is all the reason you think you need to call me one of most toxic slurs in our society, yet, I am not allowed to respond by calling your similarly vile names in response.

Even though, your actions is slandering good people for no reason, shows that unlike me, you deserve to be called very vile names.

People like you, are tearing this nation apart.

Since his nation has never been together because of people like yourself, It is again an example of psychosis for you to say the things you have.

By people like myself, you mean people that want people to be treated equally, not with different rules for different races?

Because you are the one that supports the current system of discrimination in favor of blacks against whites.
Even if that was true whites had legal discrimination for centuries. Because of that, on average they have more wealth. When the wealth gap is closed then we will be on equal footing. Just like the NBA.

I know that that is the closest you can come to admitting that you support racist discrimination to A pay back those you hate, and B. to benefit blacks at the expense of whites.

THanks for you nod towards honesty.

Your racism and hatred is noted and held against you.
The problem for you is that you try to go logical with your racism. Once a white supremacist tries to go logical in trying to justify racism then it's easy.

Why does America and Canada have a Black History Month but white people cannot have a White History Month? That is racism, fella, against the white people of America and Canada. I remember one time an MLA in New Brunswick wanted to have a Caucasian European Day but it was struck down. The cowardly politically correct politicians were pretty much forced by many Jewish organizations to back down and not allow it to happen as to those organization's it would be seen as promoting white supremacy.

Racism is alive and well but it is only happening against the white people. White people need to wake up and smell the bloody hatred going on towards them. :icon_cry:

We need to stop caring whether or not what the other side does qualifies as racism, because they don't. They expect us to abide by their rules which don't apply to them. Discrimination is fine, as long as it is against white people. Don't expect that to change any time soon.

In America, discrimination was first against Blacks, not Whites. We kind of reap what we sew. No hands are clean in this war.

Mine are. I never enslaved anybody or denied anybody's grandpappy a loan or none of that SHIT

My meaning was that no race's hands are clean as a whole; I don't think every individual has been guilty.

(X)In South Africa white apartheid was abolished. Now the black Africans are going to do to the white people what the white people were suppose to have done to them even though it was the white people who went to SA and did something with the place. This is called reverse racism. White farmers in SA are about to lose all their white farms and all to be handed over to blacks. This is called reverse racism. This is what happens when white people give up an inch. They end up losing a mile. White people must not be brainwashed into believing that they are the problem. As a matter of fact white people are the solution to the problem. Sure white people have done some bad things to non-whites in the past but those days are over. White people need to start showing some pride in who they are and stop acting like a bunch of liberal bleeding hearts, and puutting up with this white guilt that liberals like to heap upon our white race. Either white people are going to get involved or they are going to not like what the future will have in store for them when they become a minority in their own countries. White people only make up about approx. 8 - 9% of world population. We are already a minority in the world.
I don't call white people racist, I call whites who are racists racist. So are you saying all whites are racists Correll?

I am laughing at you. That's what I am saying.

YOu call white people racist without anything that any reasonable person would consider an actual reason.

You love doing that. You love calling white people vile names without just cause, while knowing that they are not allowed to respond in kind.

Hey, you ever talk to any white person like that in person?

Yes. And I called you a racist starting with your claim blacks should be grateful to whites for dying for us in the civil war. Now I can pile on, but that's all I really need to say.

Indeed. I recall that delusional bullshit. Anyone who is not too lazy can validate that the Civil War was fought to preserve the union.

And black people being set "free" was NOT the primary intent.

Otherwise, Jim Crow would not have immediately taken the place of slavery and remained in effect for the next 100 years. There is no debt of gratitude that is owned for something that should have never existed being abolished.

That is like saying a man who is wrongly imprisoned should be grateful to the same people who release him after finding out that he was actually innocen of commuting a crime.

1. Abe Lincoln was obviously being political when he said that.

2. Sure. Just a coincidence that the Civil War happened to break out after the election of a rabid anti-slaver.

3. JIm Crow was not slavery, but your inability to feel gratitude for people that died for you, is noted and held against you.

4. Your analogy is based on judging all white people as a single entity. That's racism.

No. I do not regard all white people as a "single entity", but that type of ignorance is played out daily here by quite a few here who regard ALL BLACK people as inferior.

Your problem is that I will not allow YOU or anyone else to dictate to me what I will be grateful for.

The only way it makes sense for you to NOT give cred for the abolish of "something" that should not have existed, is if you are blaming the white guys that ended it, for the actions of the white guys that started it. ie considering all white people one entity.

THere is nothing in that that suggests that I am judging other black people based on your behavior.

I did not bring up the civil war, but it came up in conversation once and I offered my opinion on the matter.

My problem with your behavior is not that I want to tell you how to behave, but just that it is bad behavior.
The problem for you is that you try to go logical with your racism. Once a white supremacist tries to go logical in trying to justify racism then it's easy.

Why does America and Canada have a Black History Month but white people cannot have a White History Month? That is racism, fella, against the white people of America and Canada. I remember one time an MLA in New Brunswick wanted to have a Caucasian European Day but it was struck down. The cowardly politically correct politicians were pretty much forced by many Jewish organizations to back down and not allow it to happen as to those organization's it would be seen as promoting white supremacy.

Racism is alive and well but it is only happening against the white people. White people need to wake up and smell the bloody hatred going on towards them. :icon_cry:

We need to stop caring whether or not what the other side does qualifies as racism, because they don't. They expect us to abide by their rules which don't apply to them. Discrimination is fine, as long as it is against white people. Don't expect that to change any time soon.

In America, discrimination was first against Blacks, not Whites. We kind of reap what we sew. No hands are clean in this war.

Mine are. I never enslaved anybody or denied anybody's grandpappy a loan or none of that SHIT

You also likely never invented sh!t, never done anything to advance humanity, technology, life, etc. However, because some OTHER white persons did in history......then it becomes a team sport again and as a member of the team you seek transference of the accomplishment to you vicariously. I read it all the time from white posters talking about how whites have achieved and invented this and that while blacks have not, when these individuals who are bragging have not invented or accomplished jack sl!t....but they link themselves to the accomplishment because of the color of their skin. Yet, when it comes to slavery and all the evil slit that whites have done to claim no connection. Fcking hypocrites.

(X)It was the white people that ended Indians killing other Indians in North America just for sport. White people went to Africa and brought civilization there. White people made their lives much easier and more livable and all we get for doing this is get crap thrown in our faces. There is nothing wrong with white people being proud of their race and saying so. I personally wish that white people had just dealt with other white people and nations and left the non-white world alone. But it is too late for that now.
Please, it is too sad to watch YOU, brag about your math skills.

I mean, really. I don't know how you passed 2cd grade.

I'm certain my math skills are superior to yours and the other racists. .

It's funny that you call me a racist, when you are the one that supports racist discrimination as a national policy.

I wonder, is this your dishonesty speaking, or are you really so deluded that you believe the silly pap you spew?

You are a racist. I don't support racist discrimination as a national policy. What you claim is such policy is not.

I am not a racist, you are an asshole for falsely accusing me of that.

You do support racist discrimination, you have been very clear in that.

How are you not a racist when you believe that the black race is in an economically inferior condition to whites due to something INNATE within blacks not shared to the same degree and kind within whites? That alone makes you a racist.

Those who think they are not racist because their belief is based upon TRUTHS....are the MOST racist of them all.

(X) So, just what have black people done to advance the American society and made America great? What did they ever invent that made life easy for the white people? I do believe that they did create and invented welfare. But hey.
Is Racism over yet? As long as white people keep making little white girls and as long as little white girls keep craving dark meat, I think its kinda over for those two, what do you think? There are very very very few white families in America that don't have a Deshaun at their family reunions.

(X)White people can thank Jewish Hollywood for making little white girls want to marry a black person. Hollywood also has been pushing homo TV shows to try and convince white people that the white gay life is fantastic. As long as white people can be convinced that they should marry a black or become queer then this shit will only get worse and white people will destroy themselves. Even feminazism had a hand in producing women who were told that they did not need a man to survive. Yet some of these idiots think that they do not need a man to have a baby. The mixing of the races is a recipe for genocide.

Here in Canada just about all commercials will show a white gay couple(never a black or Asian gay couple)or some white guy or gal linked up with a say a black and Asian man or woman. Even in America they are doing this also. Just watch and you will see it. There is no doubt that there is a program and agenda to make North America less white and more non-white. Just look at all the non-whites that are being allowed to immigrate to white countries all over the world. White people are under attack and many cannot or refuse to see this happening. They do this at their own peril. If most white people wnat to play dumb and stupid well that will be that but White people need to think about their children and grandchildren. They are the ones who are going to pay the price for our white stupidity and will they will reap what we sow. It's time for old whitey to wake the hell up now.
What you'll find even more amusing is that he uses the FBI as a source without any qualms when their info suits him.
The problem for you is that you try to go logical with your racism. Once a white supremacist tries to go logical in trying to justify racism then it's easy.

Why does America and Canada have a Black History Month but white people cannot have a White History Month? That is racism, fella, against the white people of America and Canada. I remember one time an MLA in New Brunswick wanted to have a Caucasian European Day but it was struck down. The cowardly politically correct politicians were pretty much forced by many Jewish organizations to back down and not allow it to happen as to those organization's it would be seen as promoting white supremacy.

Racism is alive and well but it is only happening against the white people. White people need to wake up and smell the bloody hatred going on towards them. :icon_cry:

We need to stop caring whether or not what the other side does qualifies as racism, because they don't. They expect us to abide by their rules which don't apply to them. Discrimination is fine, as long as it is against white people. Don't expect that to change any time soon.

There is no discrimination against white people. Unless they are LGBTQ. And I am against that discrimination as well.

(X)So, why is there no White History Month to celebrate white people's culture and traditions and heritage? White people are forced to have to celebrate Black, Latino. Native Indian culture and queers(sick perverted whites). Can you explain this one to me?
White people have no real culture of their own. They steal everything from Black people albeit 10 years later for their pop culture. I mean what else would you guys celebrate? Pig wrestling?
I'm certain my math skills are superior to yours and the other racists. .

It's funny that you call me a racist, when you are the one that supports racist discrimination as a national policy.

I wonder, is this your dishonesty speaking, or are you really so deluded that you believe the silly pap you spew?

You are a racist. I don't support racist discrimination as a national policy. What you claim is such policy is not.

I am not a racist, you are an asshole for falsely accusing me of that.

You do support racist discrimination, you have been very clear in that.

How are you not a racist when you believe that the black race is in an economically inferior condition to whites due to something INNATE within blacks not shared to the same degree and kind within whites? That alone makes you a racist.

Those who think they are not racist because their belief is based upon TRUTHS....are the MOST racist of them all.

(X) So, just what have black people done to advance the American society and made America great? What did they ever invent that made life easy for the white people? I do believe that they did create and invented welfare. But hey.
How about education? Black people educated your ancestors on 2 different occasions. Without Blacks you would still be scratching your hairy asses outside your caves after snacking on your neighbors.
The problem for you is that you try to go logical with your racism. Once a white supremacist tries to go logical in trying to justify racism then it's easy.

Why does America and Canada have a Black History Month but white people cannot have a White History Month? That is racism, fella, against the white people of America and Canada. I remember one time an MLA in New Brunswick wanted to have a Caucasian European Day but it was struck down. The cowardly politically correct politicians were pretty much forced by many Jewish organizations to back down and not allow it to happen as to those organization's it would be seen as promoting white supremacy.

Racism is alive and well but it is only happening against the white people. White people need to wake up and smell the bloody hatred going on towards them. :icon_cry:

We need to stop caring whether or not what the other side does qualifies as racism, because they don't. They expect us to abide by their rules which don't apply to them. Discrimination is fine, as long as it is against white people. Don't expect that to change any time soon.

There is no discrimination against white people. Unless they are LGBTQ. And I am against that discrimination as well.

(X)So, why is there no White History Month to celebrate white people's culture and traditions and heritage? White people are forced to have to celebrate Black, Latino. Native Indian culture and queers(sick perverted whites). Can you explain this one to me?
White people have no real culture of their own. They steal everything from Black people albeit 10 years later for their pop culture. I mean what else would you guys celebrate? Pig wrestling?

We DO have a culture, it's just that the cultural marxist left has repressed it.
The race relations forum could be a place for interesting and important discussions. Instead, it has been very deliberately - from several directions - turned into a filthy, useless toilet.
Way to go, assholes. :fu:
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Why does America and Canada have a Black History Month but white people cannot have a White History Month? That is racism, fella, against the white people of America and Canada. I remember one time an MLA in New Brunswick wanted to have a Caucasian European Day but it was struck down. The cowardly politically correct politicians were pretty much forced by many Jewish organizations to back down and not allow it to happen as to those organization's it would be seen as promoting white supremacy.

Racism is alive and well but it is only happening against the white people. White people need to wake up and smell the bloody hatred going on towards them. :icon_cry:

We need to stop caring whether or not what the other side does qualifies as racism, because they don't. They expect us to abide by their rules which don't apply to them. Discrimination is fine, as long as it is against white people. Don't expect that to change any time soon.

There is no discrimination against white people. Unless they are LGBTQ. And I am against that discrimination as well.

(X)So, why is there no White History Month to celebrate white people's culture and traditions and heritage? White people are forced to have to celebrate Black, Latino. Native Indian culture and queers(sick perverted whites). Can you explain this one to me?
White people have no real culture of their own. They steal everything from Black people albeit 10 years later for their pop culture. I mean what else would you guys celebrate? Pig wrestling?

This kind of brainless, racist nonsense - no different AT ALL from counterparts like ptbw and such similar fools - are what have made this Race Relations forum a pointless, backed up toilet on this site.

Way to go, assholes. :fu:

What are "similar fools" supposed to do in response to rhetoric like this? Just ignore it and hope it goes away?
Why does America and Canada have a Black History Month but white people cannot have a White History Month? That is racism, fella, against the white people of America and Canada. I remember one time an MLA in New Brunswick wanted to have a Caucasian European Day but it was struck down. The cowardly politically correct politicians were pretty much forced by many Jewish organizations to back down and not allow it to happen as to those organization's it would be seen as promoting white supremacy.

Racism is alive and well but it is only happening against the white people. White people need to wake up and smell the bloody hatred going on towards them. :icon_cry:

We need to stop caring whether or not what the other side does qualifies as racism, because they don't. They expect us to abide by their rules which don't apply to them. Discrimination is fine, as long as it is against white people. Don't expect that to change any time soon.

There is no discrimination against white people. Unless they are LGBTQ. And I am against that discrimination as well.

(X)So, why is there no White History Month to celebrate white people's culture and traditions and heritage? White people are forced to have to celebrate Black, Latino. Native Indian culture and queers(sick perverted whites). Can you explain this one to me?
White people have no real culture of their own. They steal everything from Black people albeit 10 years later for their pop culture. I mean what else would you guys celebrate? Pig wrestling?

We DO have a culture, it's just that the cultural marxist left has repressed it.
If you have culture please name something cultural whites created that is not borrowed from other cultures.
We need to stop caring whether or not what the other side does qualifies as racism, because they don't. They expect us to abide by their rules which don't apply to them. Discrimination is fine, as long as it is against white people. Don't expect that to change any time soon.

There is no discrimination against white people. Unless they are LGBTQ. And I am against that discrimination as well.

(X)So, why is there no White History Month to celebrate white people's culture and traditions and heritage? White people are forced to have to celebrate Black, Latino. Native Indian culture and queers(sick perverted whites). Can you explain this one to me?
White people have no real culture of their own. They steal everything from Black people albeit 10 years later for their pop culture. I mean what else would you guys celebrate? Pig wrestling?

We DO have a culture, it's just that the cultural marxist left has repressed it.
If you have culture please name something cultural whites created that is not borrowed from other cultures.
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