Is Racism Over Yet?

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And shitskins like you commit more crimes against mathematics.
And pink monkeys like you commit more crimes against nature.
More? Are you saying you learned to recognize numbers/count?
Of course. How do you think we taught you whites math if we didnt know it ourselves?
Are you still dragging out the dead horse of an argument about ancient Egyptians being sub-Saharan shitskins? They already did the DNA testing. They weren't. If they were, they'd likely be as retarded as you are and incapable of grasping things like DNA testing and math.
Hey monkey. The DNA shows that not only are the Egyptians Black Rameses II is from the interior of Africa.
Here you go, you dumb shitskin:

Mummy DNA unravels ancient Egyptians’ ancestry

The findings show that the mummies’ closest kin were ancient farmers from a region that includes present-day Israel and Jordan. Modern Egyptians, by contrast, have inherited more of their DNA from central Africans.

And so explain to me how I am a racist.
Child's play. Blaming all your failures on racism instead of manning up, which makes you a racist and a coward to boot.

That's not racism. But this is just how stupid whites like you are. I blame racism for what it has done, not for what your mentally deficient ass imagines.
You're blaming racism for the failures of blacks. Since that failure is a world-wide, it becomes a puny excuse and nothing else. Most of the worst shit holes are populated by blacks. That's just a fact.
The only people that have failed world wide are whites. Every single place they have gone they have fucked up majorly.
I take it you live in a country that is ruled and mostly populated by blacks then?
Because only white people know how to grow crops. And mechanized agriculture is such a complicated science that can only be understood by whites. B*tch please (lol)! This superiority complex is the exact reason for so much of the problems in South Africa and in Africa in general

What happened to agricultural productivity in Zimbabwe when white farmers were kicked off their land?
Expect the same to happen in South Africa.

7 Contributions of Black Farmers to Agriculture

Thanks! You should send that info to Zimbabwe.

It wasn't until 2000 that Mugabe's campaign gathered strength and he forced 4,000 white farmers to give up their land. Zimbabwe's agricultural output dropped almost overnight.

"There was an immediate food shortage," remembers Akinluyi. "People went hungry."

The move was followed by two years of bad harvests and an extended dry spell, leading to the country's worst famine in 60 years.

How Robert Mugabe killed Zimbabwe's economy

Maybe they need some black farmers?
Mugabe is a hero for getting rid of the white people. The country will recover. It was fine before whites invaded and long after whites cease to exist it will be fine again.

Look at Zimbabwe, a fk'n disaster. South Africa is on it's way to becoming another Zimbabwe.

2 examples of what white colonization has done to Africa.

(X) And two things that white South Afrikaners brought to SA is civilization and to help blacks from killing each other in tribal wars.

Thanks! You should send that info to Zimbabwe.

It wasn't until 2000 that Mugabe's campaign gathered strength and he forced 4,000 white farmers to give up their land. Zimbabwe's agricultural output dropped almost overnight.

"There was an immediate food shortage," remembers Akinluyi. "People went hungry."

The move was followed by two years of bad harvests and an extended dry spell, leading to the country's worst famine in 60 years.

How Robert Mugabe killed Zimbabwe's economy

Maybe they need some black farmers?
Mugabe is a hero for getting rid of the white people. The country will recover. It was fine before whites invaded and long after whites cease to exist it will be fine again.

Look at Zimbabwe, a fk'n disaster. South Africa is on it's way to becoming another Zimbabwe.

2 examples of what white colonization has done to Africa.

(X) And two things that white South Afrikaners brought to SA is civilization and to help blacks from killing each other in tribal wars.
If Apefreaka was so great before colonization, then why did free Ethiopia get crushed by a numerically inferior Italian force right before World War II?

Thanks! You should send that info to Zimbabwe.

It wasn't until 2000 that Mugabe's campaign gathered strength and he forced 4,000 white farmers to give up their land. Zimbabwe's agricultural output dropped almost overnight.

"There was an immediate food shortage," remembers Akinluyi. "People went hungry."

The move was followed by two years of bad harvests and an extended dry spell, leading to the country's worst famine in 60 years.

How Robert Mugabe killed Zimbabwe's economy

Maybe they need some black farmers?
Mugabe is a hero for getting rid of the white people. The country will recover. It was fine before whites invaded and long after whites cease to exist it will be fine again.

Look at Zimbabwe, a fk'n disaster. South Africa is on it's way to becoming another Zimbabwe.

2 examples of what white colonization has done to Africa.

(X) And two things that white South Afrikaners brought to SA is civilization and to help blacks from killing each other in tribal wars.
The only thing whites brought to south africa is more head lice. There were already civilizations there.
  • Thanks
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And pink monkeys like you commit more crimes against nature.
More? Are you saying you learned to recognize numbers/count?
Of course. How do you think we taught you whites math if we didnt know it ourselves?
Are you still dragging out the dead horse of an argument about ancient Egyptians being sub-Saharan shitskins? They already did the DNA testing. They weren't. If they were, they'd likely be as retarded as you are and incapable of grasping things like DNA testing and math.
Hey monkey. The DNA shows that not only are the Egyptians Black Rameses II is from the interior of Africa.
Here you go, you dumb shitskin:

Mummy DNA unravels ancient Egyptians’ ancestry

The findings show that the mummies’ closest kin were ancient farmers from a region that includes present-day Israel and Jordan. Modern Egyptians, by contrast, have inherited more of their DNA from central Africans.
Sorry monkey. Read it and weep :laugh:

These results indicate that both Ramesses III a
nd Unknown Man E (possibly his son Pentawer)
shared an ancestral component with present day popul
ations of Sub-Saharan Africa. This preliminary
analysis based on eight STR markers does not identif
y the percentages of Sub-Saharan African ancestry
for these ancient individuals. This preliminary an
alysis also does not exclude additional ancestral
components (such as Near Eastern or Mediterranean
related components) for these ancient pharaonic
In addition, these DNA match results in present day world regions might in part express
population changes in Africa after the time of Rame
sses III. In particular, DNA matches in present day
populations of Southern Africa and the African Great
Lakes might to some degree reflect genetic links
with ancient populations (formerly living closer to
New Kingdom Egypt) that ha
ve expanded southwards
in the Nilotic and Bantu migrations of the past 3,000 years"
Whites commit more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, and all other offenses excluding traffic, disorderly conduct and suspicion.

And blacks commit more murders and more robberies.
Despite being only 13% of the population.

Whites commit more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, and all other offenses excluding traffic, disorderly conduct and suspicion.

Despite having more money, opportunity and resources than blacks.

So let me show you more of why your argument is a loser Toddy.


Murder and robbery made up 28 percent of all violent crime in 2016. Crimes where whites lead made up 72 percent if all violent crimes and 100 percent of all property crimes in 2016. Toddy you really need to just end trying to argue before you suffer further ass whippins.

Murder and robbery made up 28 percent of all violent crime in 2016.

And blacks commit more murders and more robberies than whites.
Despite being only 13% of the population, versus whites who are 61% of the population.

Crimes where whites lead made up 72 percent if all violent crimes

Sounds serious!!
Why don't you post the number of those offenses committed by whites and the number committed by blacks?

Whites commit more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, and all other offenses excluding traffic, disorderly conduct and suspicion.

Whites commit more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, and all other offenses excluding traffic, disorderly conduct and suspicion.

There are nearly 5 times as many whites as blacks.
How many of those crimes did whites commit 5 times as many or more?
Whites commit the most crimes,

Blacks commit more murders and more robberies.

Whites commit more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, and all other offenses excluding traffic, disorderly conduct and suspicion.

And blacks commit more murders and more robberies.
Despite being only 13% of the population.

Whites commit more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, and all other offenses excluding traffic, disorderly conduct and suspicion.

Despite having more money, opportunity and resources than blacks.

So let me show you more of why your argument is a loser Toddy.


Murder and robbery made up 28 percent of all violent crime in 2016. Crimes where whites lead made up 72 percent if all violent crimes and 100 percent of all property crimes in 2016. Toddy you really need to just end trying to argue before you suffer further ass whippins.

Murder and robbery made up 28 percent of all violent crime in 2016.

And blacks commit more murders and more robberies than whites.
Despite being only 13% of the population, versus whites who are 61% of the population.

Crimes where whites lead made up 72 percent if all violent crimes

Sounds serious!!
Why don't you post the number of those offenses committed by whites and the number committed by blacks?

Whites commit more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, and all other offenses excluding traffic, disorderly conduct and suspicion.

Is that all whites ahve done? Geez,
Thanks! You should send that info to Zimbabwe.

It wasn't until 2000 that Mugabe's campaign gathered strength and he forced 4,000 white farmers to give up their land. Zimbabwe's agricultural output dropped almost overnight.

"There was an immediate food shortage," remembers Akinluyi. "People went hungry."

The move was followed by two years of bad harvests and an extended dry spell, leading to the country's worst famine in 60 years.

How Robert Mugabe killed Zimbabwe's economy

Maybe they need some black farmers?
Mugabe is a hero for getting rid of the white people. The country will recover. It was fine before whites invaded and long after whites cease to exist it will be fine again.

Look at Zimbabwe, a fk'n disaster. South Africa is on it's way to becoming another Zimbabwe.

2 examples of what white colonization has done to Africa.

(X) And two things that white South Afrikaners brought to SA is civilization and to help blacks from killing each other in tribal wars.
The only thing whites brought to south africa is more head lice. There were already civilizations there.

Africa is well known for having more than just head lice crawling and flying around. And they were there long before white people ever showed up. The blacks may be considered a civilization but they were certainly not civilized until old whitey came along. White people introduced them into the modern world. Today thanks to the white man they now get to own cars,TV's and cellphones and so much more. The blacks of today don't realize just how lucky they are to have been born in this century and the last one.
And blacks commit more murders and more robberies.
Despite being only 13% of the population.

Whites commit more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, and all other offenses excluding traffic, disorderly conduct and suspicion.

Despite having more money, opportunity and resources than blacks.

So let me show you more of why your argument is a loser Toddy.


Murder and robbery made up 28 percent of all violent crime in 2016. Crimes where whites lead made up 72 percent if all violent crimes and 100 percent of all property crimes in 2016. Toddy you really need to just end trying to argue before you suffer further ass whippins.

Murder and robbery made up 28 percent of all violent crime in 2016.

And blacks commit more murders and more robberies than whites.
Despite being only 13% of the population, versus whites who are 61% of the population.

Crimes where whites lead made up 72 percent if all violent crimes

Sounds serious!!
Why don't you post the number of those offenses committed by whites and the number committed by blacks?

Whites commit more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, and all other offenses excluding traffic, disorderly conduct and suspicion.

Whites commit more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, and all other offenses excluding traffic, disorderly conduct and suspicion.

There are nearly 5 times as many whites as blacks.
How many of those crimes did whites commit 5 times as many or more?
Whites commit more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, and all other offenses excluding traffic, disorderly conduct and suspicion.

And blacks commit more murders and more robberies.
Despite being only 13% of the population.

Whites commit more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, and all other offenses excluding traffic, disorderly conduct and suspicion.

Despite having more money, opportunity and resources than blacks.

So let me show you more of why your argument is a loser Toddy.


Murder and robbery made up 28 percent of all violent crime in 2016. Crimes where whites lead made up 72 percent if all violent crimes and 100 percent of all property crimes in 2016. Toddy you really need to just end trying to argue before you suffer further ass whippins.

Murder and robbery made up 28 percent of all violent crime in 2016.

And blacks commit more murders and more robberies than whites.
Despite being only 13% of the population, versus whites who are 61% of the population.

Crimes where whites lead made up 72 percent if all violent crimes

Sounds serious!!
Why don't you post the number of those offenses committed by whites and the number committed by blacks?

Whites commit more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, and all other offenses excluding traffic, disorderly conduct and suspicion.

Is that all whites ahve done? Geez,
Mugabe is a hero for getting rid of the white people. The country will recover. It was fine before whites invaded and long after whites cease to exist it will be fine again.

Look at Zimbabwe, a fk'n disaster. South Africa is on it's way to becoming another Zimbabwe.

2 examples of what white colonization has done to Africa.

(X) And two things that white South Afrikaners brought to SA is civilization and to help blacks from killing each other in tribal wars.
The only thing whites brought to south africa is more head lice. There were already civilizations there.

Africa is well known for having more than just head lice crawling and flying around. And they were there long before white people ever showed up. The blacks may be considered a civilization but they were certainly not civilized until old whitey came along. White people introduced them into the modern world. Today thanks to the white man they now get to own cars,TV's and cellphones and so much more. The blacks of today don't realize just how lucky they are to have been born in this century and the last one.

Gimme a break pink monkey. You whites were eating each other in europe before you were civilized by us.
And blacks commit more murders and more robberies.
Despite being only 13% of the population.

Whites commit more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, and all other offenses excluding traffic, disorderly conduct and suspicion.

Despite having more money, opportunity and resources than blacks.

So let me show you more of why your argument is a loser Toddy.


Murder and robbery made up 28 percent of all violent crime in 2016. Crimes where whites lead made up 72 percent if all violent crimes and 100 percent of all property crimes in 2016. Toddy you really need to just end trying to argue before you suffer further ass whippins.

Murder and robbery made up 28 percent of all violent crime in 2016.

And blacks commit more murders and more robberies than whites.
Despite being only 13% of the population, versus whites who are 61% of the population.

Crimes where whites lead made up 72 percent if all violent crimes

Sounds serious!!
Why don't you post the number of those offenses committed by whites and the number committed by blacks?

Whites commit more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, and all other offenses excluding traffic, disorderly conduct and suspicion.

Whites commit more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, and all other offenses excluding traffic, disorderly conduct and suspicion.

There are nearly 5 times as many whites as blacks.
How many of those crimes did whites commit 5 times as many or more?
Whites commit more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, and all other offenses excluding traffic, disorderly conduct and suspicion.

And blacks commit more murders and more robberies.
Despite being only 13% of the population.

Whites commit more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, and all other offenses excluding traffic, disorderly conduct and suspicion.

Despite having more money, opportunity and resources than blacks.

So let me show you more of why your argument is a loser Toddy.


Murder and robbery made up 28 percent of all violent crime in 2016. Crimes where whites lead made up 72 percent if all violent crimes and 100 percent of all property crimes in 2016. Toddy you really need to just end trying to argue before you suffer further ass whippins.

Murder and robbery made up 28 percent of all violent crime in 2016.

And blacks commit more murders and more robberies than whites.
Despite being only 13% of the population, versus whites who are 61% of the population.

Crimes where whites lead made up 72 percent if all violent crimes

Sounds serious!!
Why don't you post the number of those offenses committed by whites and the number committed by blacks?

Whites commit more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, and all other offenses excluding traffic, disorderly conduct and suspicion.

Is that all whites ahve done? Geez,
Mugabe is a hero for getting rid of the white people. The country will recover. It was fine before whites invaded and long after whites cease to exist it will be fine again.

Look at Zimbabwe, a fk'n disaster. South Africa is on it's way to becoming another Zimbabwe.

2 examples of what white colonization has done to Africa.

(X) And two things that white South Afrikaners brought to SA is civilization and to help blacks from killing each other in tribal wars.
The only thing whites brought to south africa is more head lice. There were already civilizations there.

Africa is well known for having more than just head lice crawling and flying around. And they were there long before white people ever showed up. The blacks may be considered a civilization but they were certainly not civilized until old whitey came along. White people introduced them into the modern world. Today thanks to the white man they now get to own cars,TV's and cellphones and so much more. The blacks of today don't realize just how lucky they are to have been born in this century and the last one.

Thanks! You should send that info to Zimbabwe.

It wasn't until 2000 that Mugabe's campaign gathered strength and he forced 4,000 white farmers to give up their land. Zimbabwe's agricultural output dropped almost overnight.

"There was an immediate food shortage," remembers Akinluyi. "People went hungry."

The move was followed by two years of bad harvests and an extended dry spell, leading to the country's worst famine in 60 years.

How Robert Mugabe killed Zimbabwe's economy

Maybe they need some black farmers?
Mugabe is a hero for getting rid of the white people. The country will recover. It was fine before whites invaded and long after whites cease to exist it will be fine again.

Look at Zimbabwe, a fk'n disaster. South Africa is on it's way to becoming another Zimbabwe.

2 examples of what white colonization has done to Africa.

(X) And two things that white South Afrikaners brought to SA is civilization and to help blacks from killing each other in tribal wars.
If Apefreaka was so great before colonization, then why did free Ethiopia get crushed by a numerically inferior Italian force right before World War II?

Because that did not happen.

Thanks! You should send that info to Zimbabwe.

It wasn't until 2000 that Mugabe's campaign gathered strength and he forced 4,000 white farmers to give up their land. Zimbabwe's agricultural output dropped almost overnight.

"There was an immediate food shortage," remembers Akinluyi. "People went hungry."

The move was followed by two years of bad harvests and an extended dry spell, leading to the country's worst famine in 60 years.

How Robert Mugabe killed Zimbabwe's economy

Maybe they need some black farmers?
Mugabe is a hero for getting rid of the white people. The country will recover. It was fine before whites invaded and long after whites cease to exist it will be fine again.

Look at Zimbabwe, a fk'n disaster. South Africa is on it's way to becoming another Zimbabwe.

2 examples of what white colonization has done to Africa.

(X) And two things that white South Afrikaners brought to SA is civilization and to help blacks from killing each other in tribal wars.

I guess the Saxons, Cetlics and Norse fighting all the time were not tribal wars. And certainly there were no Germanic tribes who fought each other.
More? Are you saying you learned to recognize numbers/count?
Of course. How do you think we taught you whites math if we didnt know it ourselves?
Are you still dragging out the dead horse of an argument about ancient Egyptians being sub-Saharan shitskins? They already did the DNA testing. They weren't. If they were, they'd likely be as retarded as you are and incapable of grasping things like DNA testing and math.
Hey monkey. The DNA shows that not only are the Egyptians Black Rameses II is from the interior of Africa.
Here you go, you dumb shitskin:

Mummy DNA unravels ancient Egyptians’ ancestry

The findings show that the mummies’ closest kin were ancient farmers from a region that includes present-day Israel and Jordan. Modern Egyptians, by contrast, have inherited more of their DNA from central Africans.
Sorry monkey. Read it and weep :laugh:

These results indicate that both Ramesses III a
nd Unknown Man E (possibly his son Pentawer)
shared an ancestral component with present day popul
ations of Sub-Saharan Africa. This preliminary
analysis based on eight STR markers does not identif
y the percentages of Sub-Saharan African ancestry
for these ancient individuals. This preliminary an
alysis also does not exclude additional ancestral
components (such as Near Eastern or Mediterranean
related components) for these ancient pharaonic
In addition, these DNA match results in present day world regions might in part express
population changes in Africa after the time of Rame
sses III. In particular, DNA matches in present day
populations of Southern Africa and the African Great
Lakes might to some degree reflect genetic links
with ancient populations (formerly living closer to
New Kingdom Egypt) that ha
ve expanded southwards
in the Nilotic and Bantu migrations of the past 3,000 years"
E1b1a can be present outside of sub-Saharan Africa, even if it may be present in greater concentrations in sub-Saharan Africa. If you actually read the BMJ study (the supposed source of your article), they make pretty much no conclusion regarding the race of Ramesses. On the other hand, my article actually references research involving numerous mummies. Obviously, the researches of the BMJ article understood the limitations of their research (unlike you, who uses the research like a blunt object).
Of course. How do you think we taught you whites math if we didnt know it ourselves?
Are you still dragging out the dead horse of an argument about ancient Egyptians being sub-Saharan shitskins? They already did the DNA testing. They weren't. If they were, they'd likely be as retarded as you are and incapable of grasping things like DNA testing and math.
Hey monkey. The DNA shows that not only are the Egyptians Black Rameses II is from the interior of Africa.
Here you go, you dumb shitskin:

Mummy DNA unravels ancient Egyptians’ ancestry

The findings show that the mummies’ closest kin were ancient farmers from a region that includes present-day Israel and Jordan. Modern Egyptians, by contrast, have inherited more of their DNA from central Africans.
Sorry monkey. Read it and weep :laugh:

These results indicate that both Ramesses III a
nd Unknown Man E (possibly his son Pentawer)
shared an ancestral component with present day popul
ations of Sub-Saharan Africa. This preliminary
analysis based on eight STR markers does not identif
y the percentages of Sub-Saharan African ancestry
for these ancient individuals. This preliminary an
alysis also does not exclude additional ancestral
components (such as Near Eastern or Mediterranean
related components) for these ancient pharaonic
In addition, these DNA match results in present day world regions might in part express
population changes in Africa after the time of Rame
sses III. In particular, DNA matches in present day
populations of Southern Africa and the African Great
Lakes might to some degree reflect genetic links
with ancient populations (formerly living closer to
New Kingdom Egypt) that ha
ve expanded southwards
in the Nilotic and Bantu migrations of the past 3,000 years"
E1b1a can be present outside of sub-Saharan Africa, even if it may be present in greater concentrations in sub-Saharan Africa. If you actually read the BMJ study (the supposed source of your article), they make pretty much no conclusion regarding the race of Ramesses. On the other hand, my article actually references research involving numerous mummies. Obviously, the researches of the BMJ article understood the limitations of their research (unlike you, who uses the research like a blunt object).

Of course it can be present outside of Africa. Its in the US and Europe but the vast vast majority are Black people. Obviously you didnt read the study. This is why I laugh at you white monkeys when you say you are smart.

The King Tut Gene - DNA Consultants

"Tutankhamun (also spelled Tutenkhamen) is the most famous of all pharaohs. He was the son and successor of Akhenaten, grandson of Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye and great-grandson of the royal matriarch Queen Thuya. Archeologist Howard Carter’s opening of his intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings in 1922 ranks among the most splendid discoveries of history. In 2010, genetic fingerprinting of his mummy determined that he died at the early age of 19 as the result of violence or an accident to which the incestuous relationship of his parents and several genetic defects contributed. Tutankhamun actually carries a “double dose” of the allele named for him. Like most of the other genes in the family, it is Central African in ancient origin, but unlike the other markers it has a sparse distribution outside Africa with a worldwide average frequency of 4%. Still, Africans and African-influenced populations (1 in about 10) are about twice or three times as likely to have it as non-Africans."
And pink monkeys like you commit more crimes against nature.
More? Are you saying you learned to recognize numbers/count?
Of course. How do you think we taught you whites math if we didnt know it ourselves?
Are you still dragging out the dead horse of an argument about ancient Egyptians being sub-Saharan shitskins? They already did the DNA testing. They weren't. If they were, they'd likely be as retarded as you are and incapable of grasping things like DNA testing and math.
Hey monkey. The DNA shows that not only are the Egyptians Black Rameses II is from the interior of Africa.
Here you go, you dumb shitskin:

Mummy DNA unravels ancient Egyptians’ ancestry

The findings show that the mummies’ closest kin were ancient farmers from a region that includes present-day Israel and Jordan. Modern Egyptians, by contrast, have inherited more of their DNA from central Africans.
Also I already told you your link only sampled 90 people during a time when foriegners were in Egypt. Basically your link is invalid as evidence. From your link....

"The study, published on 30 May in Nature Communications1, includes data from 90 mummies buried between 1380 bc, during Egypt’s New Kingdom, and ad 425, in the Roman era"
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Are you still dragging out the dead horse of an argument about ancient Egyptians being sub-Saharan shitskins? They already did the DNA testing. They weren't. If they were, they'd likely be as retarded as you are and incapable of grasping things like DNA testing and math.
Hey monkey. The DNA shows that not only are the Egyptians Black Rameses II is from the interior of Africa.
Here you go, you dumb shitskin:

Mummy DNA unravels ancient Egyptians’ ancestry

The findings show that the mummies’ closest kin were ancient farmers from a region that includes present-day Israel and Jordan. Modern Egyptians, by contrast, have inherited more of their DNA from central Africans.
Sorry monkey. Read it and weep :laugh:

These results indicate that both Ramesses III a
nd Unknown Man E (possibly his son Pentawer)
shared an ancestral component with present day popul
ations of Sub-Saharan Africa. This preliminary
analysis based on eight STR markers does not identif
y the percentages of Sub-Saharan African ancestry
for these ancient individuals. This preliminary an
alysis also does not exclude additional ancestral
components (such as Near Eastern or Mediterranean
related components) for these ancient pharaonic
In addition, these DNA match results in present day world regions might in part express
population changes in Africa after the time of Rame
sses III. In particular, DNA matches in present day
populations of Southern Africa and the African Great
Lakes might to some degree reflect genetic links
with ancient populations (formerly living closer to
New Kingdom Egypt) that ha
ve expanded southwards
in the Nilotic and Bantu migrations of the past 3,000 years"
E1b1a can be present outside of sub-Saharan Africa, even if it may be present in greater concentrations in sub-Saharan Africa. If you actually read the BMJ study (the supposed source of your article), they make pretty much no conclusion regarding the race of Ramesses. On the other hand, my article actually references research involving numerous mummies. Obviously, the researches of the BMJ article understood the limitations of their research (unlike you, who uses the research like a blunt object).

Of course it can be present outside of Africa. Its in the US and Europe but the vast vast majority are Black people. Obviously you didnt read the study. This is why I laugh at you white monkeys when you say you are smart.

The King Tut Gene - DNA Consultants

"Tutankhamun (also spelled Tutenkhamen) is the most famous of all pharaohs. He was the son and successor of Akhenaten, grandson of Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye and great-grandson of the royal matriarch Queen Thuya. Archeologist Howard Carter’s opening of his intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings in 1922 ranks among the most splendid discoveries of history. In 2010, genetic fingerprinting of his mummy determined that he died at the early age of 19 as the result of violence or an accident to which the incestuous relationship of his parents and several genetic defects contributed. Tutankhamun actually carries a “double dose” of the allele named for him. Like most of the other genes in the family, it is Central African in ancient origin, but unlike the other markers it has a sparse distribution outside Africa with a worldwide average frequency of 4%. Still, Africans and African-influenced populations (1 in about 10) are about twice or three times as likely to have it as non-Africans."
In other words, non-Africans can still have it, which means he could have been non-African. That's precisely why real researchers (intelligent whites) look at much larger groups of mummies before making such conclusions, unlike dumb shitskins like you.
More? Are you saying you learned to recognize numbers/count?
Of course. How do you think we taught you whites math if we didnt know it ourselves?
Are you still dragging out the dead horse of an argument about ancient Egyptians being sub-Saharan shitskins? They already did the DNA testing. They weren't. If they were, they'd likely be as retarded as you are and incapable of grasping things like DNA testing and math.
Hey monkey. The DNA shows that not only are the Egyptians Black Rameses II is from the interior of Africa.
Here you go, you dumb shitskin:

Mummy DNA unravels ancient Egyptians’ ancestry

The findings show that the mummies’ closest kin were ancient farmers from a region that includes present-day Israel and Jordan. Modern Egyptians, by contrast, have inherited more of their DNA from central Africans.
Also I already told you your link only sampled 90 people during a time when foriegners were in Egypt. Basically your link is invalid as evidence. From your link....

"The study, published on 30 May in Nature Communications1, includes data from 90 mummies buried between 1380 bc, during Egypt’s New Kingdom, and ad 425, in the Roman era"
90 is how many more times than the number of subjects your study sampled?
Hey monkey. The DNA shows that not only are the Egyptians Black Rameses II is from the interior of Africa.
Here you go, you dumb shitskin:

Mummy DNA unravels ancient Egyptians’ ancestry

The findings show that the mummies’ closest kin were ancient farmers from a region that includes present-day Israel and Jordan. Modern Egyptians, by contrast, have inherited more of their DNA from central Africans.
Sorry monkey. Read it and weep :laugh:

These results indicate that both Ramesses III a
nd Unknown Man E (possibly his son Pentawer)
shared an ancestral component with present day popul
ations of Sub-Saharan Africa. This preliminary
analysis based on eight STR markers does not identif
y the percentages of Sub-Saharan African ancestry
for these ancient individuals. This preliminary an
alysis also does not exclude additional ancestral
components (such as Near Eastern or Mediterranean
related components) for these ancient pharaonic
In addition, these DNA match results in present day world regions might in part express
population changes in Africa after the time of Rame
sses III. In particular, DNA matches in present day
populations of Southern Africa and the African Great
Lakes might to some degree reflect genetic links
with ancient populations (formerly living closer to
New Kingdom Egypt) that ha
ve expanded southwards
in the Nilotic and Bantu migrations of the past 3,000 years"
E1b1a can be present outside of sub-Saharan Africa, even if it may be present in greater concentrations in sub-Saharan Africa. If you actually read the BMJ study (the supposed source of your article), they make pretty much no conclusion regarding the race of Ramesses. On the other hand, my article actually references research involving numerous mummies. Obviously, the researches of the BMJ article understood the limitations of their research (unlike you, who uses the research like a blunt object).

Of course it can be present outside of Africa. Its in the US and Europe but the vast vast majority are Black people. Obviously you didnt read the study. This is why I laugh at you white monkeys when you say you are smart.

The King Tut Gene - DNA Consultants

"Tutankhamun (also spelled Tutenkhamen) is the most famous of all pharaohs. He was the son and successor of Akhenaten, grandson of Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye and great-grandson of the royal matriarch Queen Thuya. Archeologist Howard Carter’s opening of his intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings in 1922 ranks among the most splendid discoveries of history. In 2010, genetic fingerprinting of his mummy determined that he died at the early age of 19 as the result of violence or an accident to which the incestuous relationship of his parents and several genetic defects contributed. Tutankhamun actually carries a “double dose” of the allele named for him. Like most of the other genes in the family, it is Central African in ancient origin, but unlike the other markers it has a sparse distribution outside Africa with a worldwide average frequency of 4%. Still, Africans and African-influenced populations (1 in about 10) are about twice or three times as likely to have it as non-Africans."
In other words, non-Africans can still have it, which means he could have been non-African. That's precisely why real researchers (intelligent whites) look at much larger groups of mummies before making such conclusions, unlike dumb shitskins like you.

And that's why your real researchers have determined Egyptians were black.
Here you go, you dumb shitskin:

Mummy DNA unravels ancient Egyptians’ ancestry

The findings show that the mummies’ closest kin were ancient farmers from a region that includes present-day Israel and Jordan. Modern Egyptians, by contrast, have inherited more of their DNA from central Africans.
Sorry monkey. Read it and weep :laugh:

These results indicate that both Ramesses III a
nd Unknown Man E (possibly his son Pentawer)
shared an ancestral component with present day popul
ations of Sub-Saharan Africa. This preliminary
analysis based on eight STR markers does not identif
y the percentages of Sub-Saharan African ancestry
for these ancient individuals. This preliminary an
alysis also does not exclude additional ancestral
components (such as Near Eastern or Mediterranean
related components) for these ancient pharaonic
In addition, these DNA match results in present day world regions might in part express
population changes in Africa after the time of Rame
sses III. In particular, DNA matches in present day
populations of Southern Africa and the African Great
Lakes might to some degree reflect genetic links
with ancient populations (formerly living closer to
New Kingdom Egypt) that ha
ve expanded southwards
in the Nilotic and Bantu migrations of the past 3,000 years"
E1b1a can be present outside of sub-Saharan Africa, even if it may be present in greater concentrations in sub-Saharan Africa. If you actually read the BMJ study (the supposed source of your article), they make pretty much no conclusion regarding the race of Ramesses. On the other hand, my article actually references research involving numerous mummies. Obviously, the researches of the BMJ article understood the limitations of their research (unlike you, who uses the research like a blunt object).

Of course it can be present outside of Africa. Its in the US and Europe but the vast vast majority are Black people. Obviously you didnt read the study. This is why I laugh at you white monkeys when you say you are smart.

The King Tut Gene - DNA Consultants

"Tutankhamun (also spelled Tutenkhamen) is the most famous of all pharaohs. He was the son and successor of Akhenaten, grandson of Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye and great-grandson of the royal matriarch Queen Thuya. Archeologist Howard Carter’s opening of his intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings in 1922 ranks among the most splendid discoveries of history. In 2010, genetic fingerprinting of his mummy determined that he died at the early age of 19 as the result of violence or an accident to which the incestuous relationship of his parents and several genetic defects contributed. Tutankhamun actually carries a “double dose” of the allele named for him. Like most of the other genes in the family, it is Central African in ancient origin, but unlike the other markers it has a sparse distribution outside Africa with a worldwide average frequency of 4%. Still, Africans and African-influenced populations (1 in about 10) are about twice or three times as likely to have it as non-Africans."
In other words, non-Africans can still have it, which means he could have been non-African. That's precisely why real researchers (intelligent whites) look at much larger groups of mummies before making such conclusions, unlike dumb shitskins like you.

And that's why your real researchers have determined Egyptians were black.
Modern ones are certainly more black, per the research.
Sorry monkey. Read it and weep :laugh:

These results indicate that both Ramesses III a
nd Unknown Man E (possibly his son Pentawer)
shared an ancestral component with present day popul
ations of Sub-Saharan Africa. This preliminary
analysis based on eight STR markers does not identif
y the percentages of Sub-Saharan African ancestry
for these ancient individuals. This preliminary an
alysis also does not exclude additional ancestral
components (such as Near Eastern or Mediterranean
related components) for these ancient pharaonic
In addition, these DNA match results in present day world regions might in part express
population changes in Africa after the time of Rame
sses III. In particular, DNA matches in present day
populations of Southern Africa and the African Great
Lakes might to some degree reflect genetic links
with ancient populations (formerly living closer to
New Kingdom Egypt) that ha
ve expanded southwards
in the Nilotic and Bantu migrations of the past 3,000 years"
E1b1a can be present outside of sub-Saharan Africa, even if it may be present in greater concentrations in sub-Saharan Africa. If you actually read the BMJ study (the supposed source of your article), they make pretty much no conclusion regarding the race of Ramesses. On the other hand, my article actually references research involving numerous mummies. Obviously, the researches of the BMJ article understood the limitations of their research (unlike you, who uses the research like a blunt object).

Of course it can be present outside of Africa. Its in the US and Europe but the vast vast majority are Black people. Obviously you didnt read the study. This is why I laugh at you white monkeys when you say you are smart.

The King Tut Gene - DNA Consultants

"Tutankhamun (also spelled Tutenkhamen) is the most famous of all pharaohs. He was the son and successor of Akhenaten, grandson of Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye and great-grandson of the royal matriarch Queen Thuya. Archeologist Howard Carter’s opening of his intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings in 1922 ranks among the most splendid discoveries of history. In 2010, genetic fingerprinting of his mummy determined that he died at the early age of 19 as the result of violence or an accident to which the incestuous relationship of his parents and several genetic defects contributed. Tutankhamun actually carries a “double dose” of the allele named for him. Like most of the other genes in the family, it is Central African in ancient origin, but unlike the other markers it has a sparse distribution outside Africa with a worldwide average frequency of 4%. Still, Africans and African-influenced populations (1 in about 10) are about twice or three times as likely to have it as non-Africans."
In other words, non-Africans can still have it, which means he could have been non-African. That's precisely why real researchers (intelligent whites) look at much larger groups of mummies before making such conclusions, unlike dumb shitskins like you.

And that's why your real researchers have determined Egyptians were black.
Modern ones are certainly more black, per the research.

The ones that started the Egyptian civilization and built it into a thriving center of enlightenment were all Black. Even the ancient Greeks have testified to them being Black.
Of course. How do you think we taught you whites math if we didnt know it ourselves?
Are you still dragging out the dead horse of an argument about ancient Egyptians being sub-Saharan shitskins? They already did the DNA testing. They weren't. If they were, they'd likely be as retarded as you are and incapable of grasping things like DNA testing and math.
Hey monkey. The DNA shows that not only are the Egyptians Black Rameses II is from the interior of Africa.
Here you go, you dumb shitskin:

Mummy DNA unravels ancient Egyptians’ ancestry

The findings show that the mummies’ closest kin were ancient farmers from a region that includes present-day Israel and Jordan. Modern Egyptians, by contrast, have inherited more of their DNA from central Africans.
Also I already told you your link only sampled 90 people during a time when foriegners were in Egypt. Basically your link is invalid as evidence. From your link....

"The study, published on 30 May in Nature Communications1, includes data from 90 mummies buried between 1380 bc, during Egypt’s New Kingdom, and ad 425, in the Roman era"
90 is how many more times than the number of subjects your study sampled?
So youre saying just the royal family was Black? You do realize white people dont produce Black people right?
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