Is Racism Over Yet?

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Lincoln was not rabidly :anti slavery"
You know that. Try to produce a link that says otherwise.

My not being "grateful" for white people fighting a war to force white people to ejote the to remain a part

You CAN'T tell me how to behave nor do I give a fuck what you think.

It sounds like you actually believe that my so called "behavior" is for you to judge.

As I often some of the other assholes here, if you don't like what I have to say, use your ignore button, because what you think is insignificant to me.

That's why you get your ass handed to you so often and get your feelings hurt, because you present yourself as some kind of moral authority on what is right or wrong.

This country at that time was a hostile and hateful land that black people ended up in because of an oppresive institution that never should have existed.

No one fought to FREE the blsck population and you know it.

The war wsd fought to preserve a union created for white people, by white people.

Blacks were the equivalent of farm animals by law.

No debt of gratitude is owed nor will any be acknowledged as even sensible.

You have no point that is even .worth discussing.

And Lincoln was in no way a "A rabid anti slaver"

If you can produce even one shred of evidence that validates that he was, then I will acknowledge that you are correct.

Get to work.


THe majority of people voted for that guy.

The South feared that he would end slavery and rebelled. Funny how they turned out to be right that.

Oh, and yes, I am judging your behavior. People judge other people's behavior all the time.

It is part of the human condition.

Judge as you wish. I have stated re
Lincoln was not rabidly :anti slavery"
You know that. Try to produce a link that says otherwise.

My not being "grateful" for white people fighting a war to force white people to ejote the to remain a part

You CAN'T tell me how to behave nor do I give a fuck what you think.

It sounds like you actually believe that my so called "behavior" is for you to judge.

As I often some of the other assholes here, if you don't like what I have to say, use your ignore button, because what you think is insignificant to me.

That's why you get your ass handed to you so often and get your feelings hurt, because you present yourself as some kind of moral authority on what is right or wrong.

This country at that time was a hostile and hateful land that black people ended up in because of an oppresive institution that never should have existed.

No one fought to FREE the blsck population and you know it.

The war wsd fought to preserve a union created for white people, by white people.

Blacks were the equivalent of farm animals by law.

No debt of gratitude is owed nor will any be acknowledged as even sensible.

You have no point that is even .worth discussing.

And Lincoln was in no way a "A rabid anti slaver"

If you can produce even one shred of evidence that validates that he was, then I will acknowledge that you are correct.

Get to work.


THe majority of people voted for that guy.

The South feared that he would end slavery and rebelled. Funny how they turned out to be right that.

Oh, and yes, I am judging your behavior. People judge other people's behavior all the time.

It is part of the human condition.

Let's redirect your thinking:

"It is part of the CONDITION" of one who dwells in a glass house house, and is foolish enough to believe that the opinion of a complete stranger has any value"


"Abraham Lincoln repeatedly stated his war was caused by taxes only, and not by slavery, at all.

"My policy sought only to collect the Revenue (a 40 percent federal sales tax on imports to Southern States under the Morrill Tariff Act of 1861)." reads paragraph 5 of Lincoln's First Message to the U.S. Congress, penned July 4, 1861."

"I have no purpose, directly or in-directly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so," Lincoln said it his first inaugural on March 4 of the same year."

The words of a rabid anti slaver? Or those of a fence sitter?

The capitalist business model of America has always taken precedence.

People like you are the kind who ruin the curriculum of teaching the real truth in public schools, by being given a voice.

1. Yes, moral, ethical judgements on the behaviors of others is a part of the human condition.

2. Soo, we have a politician with conflicting statements. That happens a lot. How to tell which are true and which are false?

It is telling that I have to explain this to you.

A rational person would look at the politicians ACTIONS to judge which of his words are true.

Lincoln DID abolish slavery.

THis reveals his anti-slavery words to be true and his statements to the contrary to be "political", ie false.


Slavery was abolished because
the country was moving towards industrialization, and could not do so being divided. It was business.

Sure it could. Indeed, industrialization was very slow in the South even after the Civil War, didn't slow down the North at all.

A poster with a quote does not prove anything.

Just as valid as your Lincoln quote, indeed, far more valid because it matches with his actual ACTIONS.

There was too much at stake economically to NOT abolish slavery.

The conflict on trade policy was part of the divide.

Had slavery been allowed to expand to the north, it would have had a detrimental impact on a WHITE workforce.

Expanding slavery to the North was not on the table.

It is INDEED telling that you are actually an adult who cannot comprehend the difference between the romanticizing of a historical figure and the truth.

The Republican Party was founded to fight slavery. Lincoln was their anti-slavery choice. Lincoln had a long history of being against slavery.

He did indeed end it.

That you can find some quotes of him saying otherwise, while trying to avoid the Civil War, does not change that.

That is the Truth, not a "romanticizing".

Understanding "why" the civil war was fought it not avoiding it.

My refusal to accept your inaccurate interpretation of history as a means for you to glorify those who fought in a war to save a country that collectively viewed those enslaved as less than human is what it is.

Your "version" of the truth is to misrepresent the abolishment of slavery as a humanitarian act, in order support your belief that there is some debt of gratitude owed for the president at the time preserving the union. and as a consequence the slaves being freed.

Genuiune anti slavers and abolisionists were not for the "gradual end" of slavery. Their ideology was for an IMMEDIATE end.

The truth is that the emancipation proclamation did not end slavery.

The 13th amendment did, at a later date.

Lincoln had a "long history" of QUIETLY being against slavery and just as long a history of belief that blacks wete fundamentally inferior to whites.

For you, clearly it isn't.
You are either a racist or a white liberal apologist...who knows which, or cares.
My guess you are indeed, a racist. A racist who trips all over his own problems trying to judge everyone else.
Your the guy with a tree in your eye pointing out every one else's speck in theirs.

Racism could be dead by now. At least should be. But it is kept alive and well by the race baiters and race peddlers doing all they can to make everyone still think this is 1948. You are the opposite of true great race changers like MLK. He would despise you and all like you.
Yeah....and crime would be over by now if it was not for the police REACTING to crime. Its crime baiters that go around LOOKING for crime....and guess will find it if you are looking for just stop looking for crime and it would have gone away long ago. Yes....that IS as ignorant as YOU sound. Your effort is just another attempt at defending the white race at the expense of black people's nature. It's not racism and it has never been racism....its just the nature of black people themselves. Now you want to make black people the racist so you can feel better about yourself.
You are obliged to hold whatever hurts your fragile little feelings against me. I don't care.

And no, I feel not a shred of gratitude for ANYONE who died in a war to salvage and preserve THEIR country long before my own parents were born.

Just like you don't feel any guilt for slavery, I don't owe anyone anything for it being ended.

It NEVER should have happened in the first place. And as far as "Jim Crow", No shit. It wasn't sure as hell was not freedom as viewed by those who were not subjected to it.

You are entitled to romanticize Lincoln as a "rabid anti slavee if you wish.

Its your idealistic illusion. Not mine.

1. It's not about my feelings, it's about what type of person is incapable of gratitude for those that fought and died for them.

2. I have no personal responsibility for slavery's existence, you however do have personal benefit from it being ended.

3. Thank you for stopping in your conflation of slavery and jim crow.

4. Noting idealistic about dealing with the documented historical fact that Lincoln was rabidly anti-slavery.

5. All wars are fought for varied reasons. Your desire to focus on the causes of the war, that gives you an excuse to not give credit where credit is due, reflects on you personally.

Lincoln was not rabidly :anti slavery"
You know that. Try to produce a link that says otherwise.

My not being "grateful" for white people fighting a war to force white people to ejote the to remain a part

No. I do not regard all white people as a "single entity", but that type of ignorance is played out daily here by quite a few here who regard ALL BLACK people as inferior.

Your problem is that I will not allow YOU or anyone else to dictate to me what I will be grateful for.

The only way it makes sense for you to NOT give cred for the abolish of "something" that should not have existed, is if you are blaming the white guys that ended it, for the actions of the white guys that started it. ie considering all white people one entity.

THere is nothing in that that suggests that I am judging other black people based on your behavior.

I did not bring up the civil war, but it came up in conversation once and I offered my opinion on the matter.

My problem with your behavior is not that I want to tell you how to behave, but just that it is bad behavior.

You CAN'T tell me how to behave nor do I give a fuck what you think.

It sounds like you actually believe that my so called "behavior" is for you to judge.

As I often some of the other assholes here, if you don't like what I have to say, use your ignore button, because what you think is insignificant to me.

That's why you get your ass handed to you so often and get your feelings hurt, because you present yourself as some kind of moral authority on what is right or wrong.

This country at that time was a hostile and hateful land that black people ended up in because of an oppresive institution that never should have existed.

No one fought to FREE the blsck population and you know it.

The war wsd fought to preserve a union created for white people, by white people.

Blacks were the equivalent of farm animals by law.

No debt of gratitude is owed nor will any be acknowledged as even sensible.

You have no point that is even .worth discussing.

And Lincoln was in no way a "A rabid anti slaver"

If you can produce even one shred of evidence that validates that he was, then I will acknowledge that you are correct.

Get to work.


THe majority of people voted for that guy.

The South feared that he would end slavery and rebelled. Funny how they turned out to be right that.

Oh, and yes, I am judging your behavior. People judge other people's behavior all the time.

It is part of the human condition.

Judge as you wish. I have stated re
You are obliged to hold whatever hurts your fragile little feelings against me. I don't care.

And no, I feel not a shred of gratitude for ANYONE who died in a war to salvage and preserve THEIR country long before my own parents were born.

Just like you don't feel any guilt for slavery, I don't owe anyone anything for it being ended.

It NEVER should have happened in the first place. And as far as "Jim Crow", No shit. It wasn't sure as hell was not freedom as viewed by those who were not subjected to it.

You are entitled to romanticize Lincoln as a "rabid anti slavee if you wish.

Its your idealistic illusion. Not mine.

1. It's not about my feelings, it's about what type of person is incapable of gratitude for those that fought and died for them.

2. I have no personal responsibility for slavery's existence, you however do have personal benefit from it being ended.

3. Thank you for stopping in your conflation of slavery and jim crow.

4. Noting idealistic about dealing with the documented historical fact that Lincoln was rabidly anti-slavery.

5. All wars are fought for varied reasons. Your desire to focus on the causes of the war, that gives you an excuse to not give credit where credit is due, reflects on you personally.

Lincoln was not rabidly :anti slavery"
You know that. Try to produce a link that says otherwise.

My not being "grateful" for white people fighting a war to force white people to ejote the to remain a part

No. I do not regard all white people as a "single entity", but that type of ignorance is played out daily here by quite a few here who regard ALL BLACK people as inferior.

Your problem is that I will not allow YOU or anyone else to dictate to me what I will be grateful for.

The only way it makes sense for you to NOT give cred for the abolish of "something" that should not have existed, is if you are blaming the white guys that ended it, for the actions of the white guys that started it. ie considering all white people one entity.

THere is nothing in that that suggests that I am judging other black people based on your behavior.

I did not bring up the civil war, but it came up in conversation once and I offered my opinion on the matter.

My problem with your behavior is not that I want to tell you how to behave, but just that it is bad behavior.

You CAN'T tell me how to behave nor do I give a fuck what you think.

It sounds like you actually believe that my so called "behavior" is for you to judge.

As I often some of the other assholes here, if you don't like what I have to say, use your ignore button, because what you think is insignificant to me.

That's why you get your ass handed to you so often and get your feelings hurt, because you present yourself as some kind of moral authority on what is right or wrong.

This country at that time was a hostile and hateful land that black people ended up in because of an oppresive institution that never should have existed.

No one fought to FREE the blsck population and you know it.

The war wsd fought to preserve a union created for white people, by white people.

Blacks were the equivalent of farm animals by law.

No debt of gratitude is owed nor will any be acknowledged as even sensible.

You have no point that is even .worth discussing.

And Lincoln was in no way a "A rabid anti slaver"

If you can produce even one shred of evidence that validates that he was, then I will acknowledge that you are correct.

Get to work.


THe majority of people voted for that guy.

The South feared that he would end slavery and rebelled. Funny how they turned out to be right that.

Oh, and yes, I am judging your behavior. People judge other people's behavior all the time.

It is part of the human condition.

Let's redirect your thinking:

"It is part of the CONDITION" of one who dwells in a glass house house, and is foolish enough to believe that the opinion of a complete stranger has any value"


"Abraham Lincoln repeatedly stated his war was caused by taxes only, and not by slavery, at all.

"My policy sought only to collect the Revenue (a 40 percent federal sales tax on imports to Southern States under the Morrill Tariff Act of 1861)." reads paragraph 5 of Lincoln's First Message to the U.S. Congress, penned July 4, 1861."

"I have no purpose, directly or in-directly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so," Lincoln said it his first inaugural on March 4 of the same year."

The words of a rabid anti slaver? Or those of a fence sitter?

The capitalist business model of America has always taken precedence.

People like you are the kind who ruin the curriculum of teaching the real truth in public schools, by being given a voice.

1. Yes, moral, ethical judgements on the behaviors of others is a part of the human condition.

2. Soo, we have a politician with conflicting statements. That happens a lot. How to tell which are true and which are false?

It is telling that I have to explain this to you.

A rational person would look at the politicians ACTIONS to judge which of his words are true.

Lincoln DID abolish slavery.

THis reveals his anti-slavery words to be true and his statements to the contrary to be "political", ie false.


Corwin Amendment - Wikipedia

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Lincoln was not rabidly :anti slavery"
You know that. Try to produce a link that says otherwise.

My not being "grateful" for white people fighting a war to force white people to ejote the to remain a part

You CAN'T tell me how to behave nor do I give a fuck what you think.

It sounds like you actually believe that my so called "behavior" is for you to judge.

As I often some of the other assholes here, if you don't like what I have to say, use your ignore button, because what you think is insignificant to me.

That's why you get your ass handed to you so often and get your feelings hurt, because you present yourself as some kind of moral authority on what is right or wrong.

This country at that time was a hostile and hateful land that black people ended up in because of an oppresive institution that never should have existed.

No one fought to FREE the blsck population and you know it.

The war wsd fought to preserve a union created for white people, by white people.

Blacks were the equivalent of farm animals by law.

No debt of gratitude is owed nor will any be acknowledged as even sensible.

You have no point that is even .worth discussing.

And Lincoln was in no way a "A rabid anti slaver"

If you can produce even one shred of evidence that validates that he was, then I will acknowledge that you are correct.

Get to work.


THe majority of people voted for that guy.

The South feared that he would end slavery and rebelled. Funny how they turned out to be right that.

Oh, and yes, I am judging your behavior. People judge other people's behavior all the time.

It is part of the human condition.

Judge as you wish. I have stated re
Lincoln was not rabidly :anti slavery"
You know that. Try to produce a link that says otherwise.

My not being "grateful" for white people fighting a war to force white people to ejote the to remain a part

You CAN'T tell me how to behave nor do I give a fuck what you think.

It sounds like you actually believe that my so called "behavior" is for you to judge.

As I often some of the other assholes here, if you don't like what I have to say, use your ignore button, because what you think is insignificant to me.

That's why you get your ass handed to you so often and get your feelings hurt, because you present yourself as some kind of moral authority on what is right or wrong.

This country at that time was a hostile and hateful land that black people ended up in because of an oppresive institution that never should have existed.

No one fought to FREE the blsck population and you know it.

The war wsd fought to preserve a union created for white people, by white people.

Blacks were the equivalent of farm animals by law.

No debt of gratitude is owed nor will any be acknowledged as even sensible.

You have no point that is even .worth discussing.

And Lincoln was in no way a "A rabid anti slaver"

If you can produce even one shred of evidence that validates that he was, then I will acknowledge that you are correct.

Get to work.


THe majority of people voted for that guy.

The South feared that he would end slavery and rebelled. Funny how they turned out to be right that.

Oh, and yes, I am judging your behavior. People judge other people's behavior all the time.

It is part of the human condition.

Let's redirect your thinking:

"It is part of the CONDITION" of one who dwells in a glass house house, and is foolish enough to believe that the opinion of a complete stranger has any value"


"Abraham Lincoln repeatedly stated his war was caused by taxes only, and not by slavery, at all.

"My policy sought only to collect the Revenue (a 40 percent federal sales tax on imports to Southern States under the Morrill Tariff Act of 1861)." reads paragraph 5 of Lincoln's First Message to the U.S. Congress, penned July 4, 1861."

"I have no purpose, directly or in-directly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so," Lincoln said it his first inaugural on March 4 of the same year."

The words of a rabid anti slaver? Or those of a fence sitter?

The capitalist business model of America has always taken precedence.

People like you are the kind who ruin the curriculum of teaching the real truth in public schools, by being given a voice.

1. Yes, moral, ethical judgements on the behaviors of others is a part of the human condition.

2. Soo, we have a politician with conflicting statements. That happens a lot. How to tell which are true and which are false?

It is telling that I have to explain this to you.

A rational person would look at the politicians ACTIONS to judge which of his words are true.

Lincoln DID abolish slavery.

THis reveals his anti-slavery words to be true and his statements to the contrary to be "political", ie false.


Slavery was abolished because
the country was moving towards industrialization, and could not do so being divided. It was business.

Sure it could. Indeed, industrialization was very slow in the South even after the Civil War, didn't slow down the North at all.

A poster with a quote does not prove anything.

Just as valid as your Lincoln quote, indeed, far more valid because it matches with his actual ACTIONS.

There was too much at stake economically to NOT abolish slavery.

The conflict on trade policy was part of the divide.

Had slavery been allowed to expand to the north, it would have had a detrimental impact on a WHITE workforce.

Expanding slavery to the North was not on the table.

It is INDEED telling that you are actually an adult who cannot comprehend the difference between the romanticizing of a historical figure and the truth.

The Republican Party was founded to fight slavery. Lincoln was their anti-slavery choice. Lincoln had a long history of being against slavery.

He did indeed end it.

That you can find some quotes of him saying otherwise, while trying to avoid the Civil War, does not change that.

That is the Truth, not a "romanticizing".
The problem with your bullshit is that Lincoln authored a long forgotten amendment that is still pending ratification today. This amendment would have made slavery legal for eternity. If the south had not been stupid there would have never been a civil war.

For you, clearly it isn't.
You are either a racist or a white liberal apologist...who knows which, or cares.
My guess you are indeed, a racist. A racist who trips all over his own problems trying to judge everyone else.
Your the guy with a tree in your eye pointing out every one else's speck in theirs.

Racism could be dead by now. At least should be. But it is kept alive and well by the race baiters and race peddlers doing all they can to make everyone still think this is 1948. You are the opposite of true great race changers like MLK. He would despise you and all like you.

Keep Dr. Kings name out your mouth. For I don know what Dr. King you at talking about, the one I saw would be patting me on the back and would tell me to keep on. Racism is alive because people like you and others here are a racists and you keep it alive.

You have a forrest in your eye trying to say something. You are just another white person with psychosis.
There are nearly 5 times as many whites as blacks.
How many of those crimes did whites commit 5 times as many or more?

That doesn't matter. But if you keep making that excuse I am prepared to put my foot up your ass again.

Whites commit more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, and all other offenses excluding traffic, disorderly conduct and suspicion.
And shitskins like you commit more crimes against mathematics.
And pink monkeys like you commit more crimes against nature.
More? Are you saying you learned to recognize numbers/count?
Of course. How do you think we taught you whites math if we didnt know it ourselves?
Are you still dragging out the dead horse of an argument about ancient Egyptians being sub-Saharan shitskins? They already did the DNA testing. They weren't. If they were, they'd likely be as retarded as you are and incapable of grasping things like DNA testing and math.

THe majority of people voted for that guy.

The South feared that he would end slavery and rebelled. Funny how they turned out to be right that.

Oh, and yes, I am judging your behavior. People judge other people's behavior all the time.

It is part of the human condition.

Judge as you wish. I have stated re

THe majority of people voted for that guy.

The South feared that he would end slavery and rebelled. Funny how they turned out to be right that.

Oh, and yes, I am judging your behavior. People judge other people's behavior all the time.

It is part of the human condition.

Let's redirect your thinking:

"It is part of the CONDITION" of one who dwells in a glass house house, and is foolish enough to believe that the opinion of a complete stranger has any value"


"Abraham Lincoln repeatedly stated his war was caused by taxes only, and not by slavery, at all.

"My policy sought only to collect the Revenue (a 40 percent federal sales tax on imports to Southern States under the Morrill Tariff Act of 1861)." reads paragraph 5 of Lincoln's First Message to the U.S. Congress, penned July 4, 1861."

"I have no purpose, directly or in-directly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so," Lincoln said it his first inaugural on March 4 of the same year."

The words of a rabid anti slaver? Or those of a fence sitter?

The capitalist business model of America has always taken precedence.

People like you are the kind who ruin the curriculum of teaching the real truth in public schools, by being given a voice.

1. Yes, moral, ethical judgements on the behaviors of others is a part of the human condition.

2. Soo, we have a politician with conflicting statements. That happens a lot. How to tell which are true and which are false?

It is telling that I have to explain this to you.

A rational person would look at the politicians ACTIONS to judge which of his words are true.

Lincoln DID abolish slavery.

THis reveals his anti-slavery words to be true and his statements to the contrary to be "political", ie false.


Slavery was abolished because
the country was moving towards industrialization, and could not do so being divided. It was business.

Sure it could. Indeed, industrialization was very slow in the South even after the Civil War, didn't slow down the North at all.

A poster with a quote does not prove anything.

Just as valid as your Lincoln quote, indeed, far more valid because it matches with his actual ACTIONS.

There was too much at stake economically to NOT abolish slavery.

The conflict on trade policy was part of the divide.

Had slavery been allowed to expand to the north, it would have had a detrimental impact on a WHITE workforce.

Expanding slavery to the North was not on the table.

It is INDEED telling that you are actually an adult who cannot comprehend the difference between the romanticizing of a historical figure and the truth.

The Republican Party was founded to fight slavery. Lincoln was their anti-slavery choice. Lincoln had a long history of being against slavery.

He did indeed end it.

That you can find some quotes of him saying otherwise, while trying to avoid the Civil War, does not change that.

That is the Truth, not a "romanticizing".
The problem with your bullshit is that Lincoln authored a long forgotten amendment that is still pending ratification today. This amendment would have made slavery legal for eternity. If the south had not been stupid there would have never been a civil war.

The boy lives in a lie thinking h can repost this crap over and over and that's supposed to mean something. He's under he pretense that for most of American history whites have been on the side of making certain blacks had equality. He's got to have some kind of organic brain disorder.
That doesn't matter. But if you keep making that excuse I am prepared to put my foot up your ass again.

Whites commit more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, and all other offenses excluding traffic, disorderly conduct and suspicion.
And shitskins like you commit more crimes against mathematics.
And pink monkeys like you commit more crimes against nature.
More? Are you saying you learned to recognize numbers/count?
Of course. How do you think we taught you whites math if we didnt know it ourselves?
Are you still dragging out the dead horse of an argument about ancient Egyptians being sub-Saharan shitskins? They already did the DNA testing. They weren't. If they were, they'd likely be as retarded as you are and incapable of grasping things like DNA testing and math.

Shut the hell up.
And shitskins like you commit more crimes against mathematics.
And pink monkeys like you commit more crimes against nature.
More? Are you saying you learned to recognize numbers/count?
Of course. How do you think we taught you whites math if we didnt know it ourselves?
Are you still dragging out the dead horse of an argument about ancient Egyptians being sub-Saharan shitskins? They already did the DNA testing. They weren't. If they were, they'd likely be as retarded as you are and incapable of grasping things like DNA testing and math.

Shut the hell up.
And pink monkeys like you commit more crimes against nature.
More? Are you saying you learned to recognize numbers/count?
Of course. How do you think we taught you whites math if we didnt know it ourselves?
Are you still dragging out the dead horse of an argument about ancient Egyptians being sub-Saharan shitskins? They already did the DNA testing. They weren't. If they were, they'd likely be as retarded as you are and incapable of grasping things like DNA testing and math.

Shut the hell up.

He doesn't get butt hurt anymore. It's well rounded by now.
More? Are you saying you learned to recognize numbers/count?
Of course. How do you think we taught you whites math if we didnt know it ourselves?
Are you still dragging out the dead horse of an argument about ancient Egyptians being sub-Saharan shitskins? They already did the DNA testing. They weren't. If they were, they'd likely be as retarded as you are and incapable of grasping things like DNA testing and math.

Shut the hell up.

He doesn't get butt hurt anymore. It's well rounded by now.

I'm not rhe one butthurt, you whites are.

And so explain to me how I am a racist.
Child's play. Blaming all your failures on racism instead of manning up, which makes you a racist and a coward to boot.

That's not racism. But this is just how stupid whites like you are. I blame racism for what it has done, not for what your mentally deficient ass imagines.

And so explain to me how I am a racist.
Child's play. Blaming all your failures on racism instead of manning up, which makes you a racist and a coward to boot.

That's not racism. But this is just how stupid whites like you are. I blame racism for what it has done, not for what your mentally deficient ass imagines.
You're blaming racism for the failures of blacks. Since that failure is a world-wide, it becomes a puny excuse and nothing else. Most of the worst shit holes are populated by blacks. That's just a fact.

And so explain to me how I am a racist.
Child's play. Blaming all your failures on racism instead of manning up, which makes you a racist and a coward to boot.

That's not racism. But this is just how stupid whites like you are. I blame racism for what it has done, not for what your mentally deficient ass imagines.
Those "stupid whites" are the only reason you live in comfort. You'd be starving in apefreaka or getting cannibalized if not for us.
That doesn't matter. But if you keep making that excuse I am prepared to put my foot up your ass again.

Whites commit more rapes, aggravated assaults, burglaries, vandalism, arson, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, crimes against property, violent crime, forgery, counterfeiting, buying, receiving selling and possessing stolen property, illegal weapons possession, prostitution, commercialized vice, sex offenses, drug violations, drunk driving, offenses involving family and children, driving under the influence, liquor laws, drunkenness, vagrancy, curfew and loitering, and all other offenses excluding traffic, disorderly conduct and suspicion.
And shitskins like you commit more crimes against mathematics.
And pink monkeys like you commit more crimes against nature.
More? Are you saying you learned to recognize numbers/count?
Of course. How do you think we taught you whites math if we didnt know it ourselves?
Are you still dragging out the dead horse of an argument about ancient Egyptians being sub-Saharan shitskins? They already did the DNA testing. They weren't. If they were, they'd likely be as retarded as you are and incapable of grasping things like DNA testing and math.
Hey monkey. The DNA shows that not only are the Egyptians Black Rameses II is from the interior of Africa.

And so explain to me how I am a racist.
Child's play. Blaming all your failures on racism instead of manning up, which makes you a racist and a coward to boot.

That's not racism. But this is just how stupid whites like you are. I blame racism for what it has done, not for what your mentally deficient ass imagines.
Those "stupid whites" are the only reason you live in comfort. You'd be starving in apefreaka or getting cannibalized if not for us.
Says the monkey that ate his own people due to lack of resources. :laugh:

And so explain to me how I am a racist.
Child's play. Blaming all your failures on racism instead of manning up, which makes you a racist and a coward to boot.

That's not racism. But this is just how stupid whites like you are. I blame racism for what it has done, not for what your mentally deficient ass imagines.
You're blaming racism for the failures of blacks. Since that failure is a world-wide, it becomes a puny excuse and nothing else. Most of the worst shit holes are populated by blacks. That's just a fact.
The only people that have failed world wide are whites. Every single place they have gone they have fucked up majorly.
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