*Is Revolution Possible?*

*Are we headed for civil war?*

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 23 59.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Revolution is not coming. Civil war is. Not with the clashing of armies but the attacks on individuals.

The only difference between civil war and revolution is which side wins.

We are already in a civil war. It is a cold war at the moment, but rapidly heating.
You are a bunch of generals waiting for someone else to die for you on TV. None of you see yourselves facing down tanks in your civil war fantasies.

People who advocate such violence are way too old, fat and lazy to actually do that violence.
They have this theory that the threat of them rising up is enough to scare the pussy liberals into submission.
Our form of Revolution occurs non violently every even year in November.

No it doesn't. Not even close. Trump may be a small anomaly, but generally the game is RIGGED. Just changing the players doesn't do any good, as both parties, the Establishment Republicans, and Democrats largely are beholden to their Master. Big government, and those that want to keep it in place.

What do you propose? And, who has "RIGGED" what and how? Who is their "Master"? You haven't written anything of substance.
Sorry bout that,

1. I have my thoughts and I am interested in hearing yours.
2. There are some really smart people on here, and you know who you are, and I want to read your thoughts on this.
3. I will add my thoughts too, but first I want your thoughts and counter thoughts, as to why there is no possible way a revolution will happen.
4. And I already know there are a certain group of people here who will do nothing but mock this thread.
5. Those who don't have their eyes open to conversation on this important topic could be crushed under it, if it does indeed take place.

Well it is written into the Constitution and we have done it in the past. I will not happen as long as the rule of law is follow equally for all real Citizens of this Nation. Illegals are not directly protected under this Nations Law. The are only protected by the writings of the Courts. Law are made to be changed by the People only on this one very important Document. Yes the Nation only as a last resort pickup the gun to protect themselves from the Government criminal acts. I have to admit that there have been several acts committed that could be listed as this type of intrusion. I don't think it will be a mass incident but will start small and get big. To many common people which I am one, President Trump is supported for this reason. Time will tell and I won't be around to see it go down.
They have this theory that the threat of them rising up is enough to scare the pussy liberals into submission.

You leftists are basically like rodents. You skulk and sneak, defecating and destroying any place you infest.

The greatest fear you have is getting caught, having the lights turned on before you can scurry away like cockroaches.

Normals rising up has more to do with exposing you for what you are, liars and thieves, than anything else.
Men will rise up against the women

This is already started with the big gender gap in polling

Take it from someone who has worked an election or four or five, it's rigged.

The party bosses control who gets to debate. If we go back to the 2014 Mid-Term right before Trump's 2016 election, for instance, 50% of the electorate were not registered with either party. 50%. And that number is growing ever year. It's why Trump was elected. People are geting tired of this fake two-party system.

We saw independent, libertarian, green party candidates poll as high as 50%. It's unprecedented. Those were the highest polling numbers we've seen from those candidates in modern history. Those candidates were being blocked from the debates even after they'd won the right to debate the establishments candidates. John Kasich, for instance, didn't have to debate the libertarian candidate even after that candidate won the right to debate, just because they were afraid to debate. And many more similar instances of this occured.

And don't think for one second that the establishment didn't notice it and that they weren't going to do something about it.

If we pay attention, they're setting up the old guard to move right back in after Trump's first office has passed.

That's what you're up against. That's where the real fight exists.
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No, revolution is not coming.

Not at this point in time. Everything is coming along now in a copacetic way.

But things could easily turn for the worst, and all bets will be off. Nuts like AOC really want to destroy America as we know it. If that becomes the case, and unemployment rises back up to Obama levels and new draconian gun control takes effect, the people could easily rebel.
Wrong. Shit is still pretty fucked up, young idealist congresscritters like Ocasio-Cortez are the ones who are going to fix it. The reason revolution isn't coming is because conservitards will not get off their assets and do anything about anything. They aren't doer's, they are whiners.
Right-wingers do not have revolutions, they have military coups.

well, to be fair, barring a coup you can always conspire with a foreign government adversary/enemy to subvert the election process.

Oh, wait ............
A foreign government might be necessary to liberate us from the Democrat tyranny.
Stupid, Russia did not help Trump because he would be good for America. They want to diminish us. I'd say that's mission accomplished.
The russian collusion conspiracy knuttjobs are pathetic
Sorry bout that,

1. I have my thoughts and I am interested in hearing yours.
2. There are some really smart people on here, and you know who you are, and I want to read your thoughts on this.
3. I will add my thoughts too, but first I want your thoughts and counter thoughts, as to why there is no possible way a revolution will happen.
4. And I already know there are a certain group of people here who will do nothing but mock this thread.
5. Those who don't have their eyes open to conversation on this important topic could be crushed under it, if it does indeed take place.


The democrats are already waging civil war against the United States and the Constitution.

When they are thwarted, they become violent and send their brown shirts, BLM and ANTIFA out to engage in Kristalnacht.

IF the vile traitors were smart, they would continue to destroy the nation as a cancer, as they have been doing for the last 50 years.

But the radical fringe in charge of the party now has no patience and seeks to push their racism and socialism. States have started kicking in doors to disarm citizens, a shooting war is inevitable and close.

Both Marxists Obama and Hillary raised their arms covenanting to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Then they broke that solemn oath by following Saul Alinsky’s plan to des troy it (numbered below). 1. Healthcare - Control healthcare and you control the people 2. Poverty - Increase the poverty level as high as possible; poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live. 3. Debt - Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty. 4. Gun Control - Remove the ability of the citizens to defend themselves from the government. That way you are able to create a police state. 5. Welfare - Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income). 6. Education - Take control of what people read and listen to - take control of what children learn in school. 7. Religion - Remove the belief in God from the government and schools. Create hate for religion in general. In other words remove any mention of beleif in God from the Government. No mention of God will be tolerated. 8. Class Warfare - Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to tax the wealthy
Men will rise up against the women

This is already started with the big gender gap in polling

Take it from someone who has worked an election or four or five, it's rigged.

Th party bosses control who gets to debate. If we go back to the 2014 Mid-Term right before Trump's 2016 electio, for instance, 50% of the electorate were not registered with either party. 50%. And that number is growing ever year. It's why Trump was elected. People are geting tired of this fake two-party system.

We saw independent, libertarian, green party candiates poll as high as 50%. It's unprecedented. Those were the highest polling nimbers we've seen from those candidates in modern history. Those candidates were being blocked from the debates even after they'd won the right to debate the establishments candidates. John Kasich, for instance, didn't have to debate the libertarian candidate even after that candidate won the right to debate, just because they were afraid to debate. And many more similar intances of this occured.

And don't think for one second that the establishment didn't notice it and that they weren't going to do something about it.

That's what you're up against. That's where the real fight exists.


You are in California, correct?

We have one party rule and the rigged elections expected in China or North Korea here. I believe most of the states still have free and fair elections.
No, revolution is not coming.

Not at this point in time. Everything is coming along now in a copacetic way.

But things could easily turn for the worst, and all bets will be off. Nuts like AOC really want to destroy America as we know it. If that becomes the case, and unemployment rises back up to Obama levels and new draconian gun control takes effect, the people could easily rebel.
Wrong. Shit is still pretty fucked up, young idealist congresscritters like Ocasio-Cortez are the ones who are going to fix it. The reason revolution isn't coming is because conservitards will not get off their assets and do anything about anything. They aren't doer's, they are whiners.

Maybe you're right, AOC might embrace the 2nd Amendment, the Right to Life and the Private Sector.

But look at what happened in Venezuela- it shows everyone what the problem with ultraliberalism and what it can do to a country.
It's already started and can't be stopped
Men will make logic tests for voters
The left is totally powerless to stop this
Will you please walk us through this? What we can expect, step by step? And maybe a time frame on this?
Would anyone else like to explain this?


Trump is setting everything up for this test

Trump has the men and military on his side

Trump is letting the men see just how crazy and crooked the deep state is

Trump will declare a broken govt right before senate can vote to remove him

Trump will call the military to help set up wisdom tests for voters and declare this congress as too bought off by the crooks

A new election for all of govt

With only the most wise doing the voting. This goes with the founders intent of only the most wise to vote

He will declare that crooks has brought treason against the founders and their intent
No, revolution is not coming.

Not at this point in time. Everything is coming along now in a copacetic way.

But things could easily turn for the worst, and all bets will be off. Nuts like AOC really want to destroy America as we know it. If that becomes the case, and unemployment rises back up to Obama levels and new draconian gun control takes effect, the people could easily rebel.
Wrong. Shit is still pretty fucked up, young idealist congresscritters like Ocasio-Cortez are the ones who are going to fix it.


The only thing she'll fix is a Seven and Seven or Black Russian at the bar, or maybe a Mai-Tai for the occasional weird person.
Sorry bout that,

1. Does anyone else support the idea it's the women vote?


In a way I do but not the way that poster sees it.

Women are the majority sex in America. The republicans know they have to split that vote to make it ineffective.

What the republicans didn't think would happen is women finally reaching the "enough" point.

We've had enough.

We see our children being murdered by crazy people in our schools while republicans offer "thought and prayers" we want something concrete done.

We see our children's future being thrown away with our schools being gutted and reduced to a fraction of what we had when we were in school. We see our tax dollars going to private schools while our public schools are ignored. We see the cost for a college eduction skyrocket with so many being denied that eduction.

We see the rich becoming richer while those of us in the middle class and poverty level see our wages either decrease or stagnate. While the cost of everything increases. We see the concentration of wealth in much fewer hands harming our nation and taking opportunity from more Americans.

We see republicans do all they can to take insurance and health care from millions of Americans.

We see republicans endless and relentless attack on our reproductive freedom and our freedom to self determination through taking birth control from us by closing the health care centers where millions get their contraception. We see republicans wanting to actually force women to die because their pregnancy went wrong.

We see republicans remove necessary regulations that protect humans and our planet. We see our water, air and environment being polluted causing Americans to suffer unnecessary diseases and early death.

We see republicans spending our tax dollars on unnecessary wars and walls while our infrastructure is falling apart.

We've had enough and are coming together to put a stop to all of it and more. We are tired of seeing our nation being destroyed.

The last thing republicans like the person you replied to want is for women to not be divided. If we come together as one voting block, republicans will not win elections for a very long time.

What's that republican's answer to that? It's certainly not looking at the situation and adjusting their policy so that more people and women will vote for them.

That person's solution is to devise an unconstitutional test that will ensure women whose views don't match his, are not allowed to vote.

This is today's conservative republican.
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No, revolution is not coming.

Not at this point in time. Everything is coming along now in a copacetic way.

But things could easily turn for the worst, and all bets will be off. Nuts like AOC really want to destroy America as we know it. If that becomes the case, and unemployment rises back up to Obama levels and new draconian gun control takes effect, the people could easily rebel.
Wrong. Shit is still pretty fucked up, young idealist congresscritters like Ocasio-Cortez are the ones who are going to fix it. The reason revolution isn't coming is because conservitards will not get off their assets and do anything about anything. They aren't doer's, they are whiners.

Maybe you're right, AOC might embrace the 2nd Amendment, the Right to Life and the Private Sector.

But look at what happened in Venezuela- it shows everyone what the problem with ultraliberalism and what it can do to a country.
Venezuela is an example of a dictatorship run wild. That's your team kid.
Sorry bout that,

1. I have my thoughts and I am interested in hearing yours.
2. There are some really smart people on here, and you know who you are, and I want to read your thoughts on this.
3. I will add my thoughts too, but first I want your thoughts and counter thoughts, as to why there is no possible way a revolution will happen.
4. And I already know there are a certain group of people here who will do nothing but mock this thread.
5. Those who don't have their eyes open to conversation on this important topic could be crushed under it, if it does indeed take place.


Sadly, yes. I see one coming far sooner than I ever imagined.
What do you propose? And, who has "RIGGED" what and how? Who is their "Master"? You haven't written anything of substance.

Really, I have to connect the obvious dots for you? Who profits from big government? Who profits, and gains more power with bigger, and bigger government?

Term limits for a start. Give the President the Line Item Veto like most Governors have. Put a balance budget law into place like many states have. "Right size" the government, and stop all the Social Engineering crap. That's just a start.
They have this theory that the threat of them rising up is enough to scare the pussy liberals into submission.

You leftists are basically like rodents. You skulk and sneak, defecating and destroying any place you infest.

The greatest fear you have is getting caught, having the lights turned on before you can scurry away like cockroaches.

Normals rising up has more to do with exposing you for what you are, liars and thieves, than anything else.
I can't fault anyone for fighting the power just quit being stupid about it.
No, revolution is not coming.

Not at this point in time. Everything is coming along now in a copacetic way.

But things could easily turn for the worst, and all bets will be off. Nuts like AOC really want to destroy America as we know it. If that becomes the case, and unemployment rises back up to Obama levels and new draconian gun control takes effect, the people could easily rebel.
Wrong. Shit is still pretty fucked up, young idealist congresscritters like Ocasio-Cortez are the ones who are going to fix it.


The only thing she'll fix is a Seven and Seven or Black Russian at the bar, or maybe a Mai-Tai for the occasional weird person.

Because that's what you think congresscritters do.

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