Is Senator Ted Cruz Our New McCarthy?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Senator Ted Cruz, Communists, Harvard Law School, and Joe McCarthy. : The New Yorker

Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, called Cruz’s inquiry into Hagel’s past associations “out of bounds, quite frankly.” The Times reported that Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, rebuked Cruz for insinuating, without evidence, that Hagel may have collected speaking fees from North Korea.

Read more: Senator Ted Cruz, Communists, Harvard Law School, and Joe McCarthy. : The New Yorker

Funny to see these two old whores shaming Cruz. Gives a real idea of just how vile Cruz is. I think he would like to be the next McCarthy, chasing commies where there are none but, there just aren't that many fools left in the US. There are not that many who are stupid enough follow him over that cliff.

Hopefully, this will be his first, last and only stint in the US Congress. We've let too many of these knee jerker teepotters shame our country.
I'ts hard to believe that Mr.Cruz was able to receive enough votes to win an elective
position in Congress. He certainly does not display any intelligence to hold his position
in Congress.
McCarthy was in fact understating the extent to which the WH and State were infiltrated by genuine Communist spies
I'ts hard to believe that Mr.Cruz was able to receive enough votes to win an elective
position in Congress. He certainly does not display any intelligence to hold his position
in Congress.

That's how gerrymandered Texas districts work. All you need is the R after your name.
I'ts hard to believe that Mr.Cruz was able to receive enough votes to win an elective
position in Congress. He certainly does not display any intelligence to hold his position
in Congress.

That's how gerrymandered Texas districts work. All you need is the R after your name.

Schoolhouse Rock must have some video that teach the difference between the House and the Senate
Senator Ted Cruz, Communists, Harvard Law School, and Joe McCarthy. : The New Yorker

Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, called Cruz’s inquiry into Hagel’s past associations “out of bounds, quite frankly.” The Times reported that Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, rebuked Cruz for insinuating, without evidence, that Hagel may have collected speaking fees from North Korea.

Read more: Senator Ted Cruz, Communists, Harvard Law School, and Joe McCarthy. : The New Yorker

Funny to see these two old whores shaming Cruz. Gives a real idea of just how vile Cruz is. I think he would like to be the next McCarthy, chasing commies where there are none but, there just aren't that many fools left in the US. There are not that many who are stupid enough follow him over that cliff.

Hopefully, this will be his first, last and only stint in the US Congress. We've let too many of these knee jerker teepotters shame our country.

It's true, the world is upside down and inside out to radical libs. Only the profoundly ignorant victims of today's union based education system would compare the HUAC proceedings to the freaking Constitutional duty to examine candidates for presidential appointments.
I'ts hard to believe that Mr.Cruz was able to receive enough votes to win an elective
position in Congress. He certainly does not display any intelligence to hold his position
in Congress.

oh well, a lot of people said that about Obama becoming Preisdent..

such is life huh
oh luddy is stuck on the Cruz being the new McCarthy gig..

you can bury your head dear you believe there are no commies around, the adults will take of things
Give him his due.

Cruz is smart and well educated.

I suspect he is a real weasel of a human being but at least hes not stupid
Ted Cruz is one of the most brilliant attorneys in the country today. He's argued and won several cases before the Supreme Court which obama never advanced beyond second chair in the law firm he briefly worked for.

It should be expected that democrats would say Cruz has no intelligence, he's an idiot. He doesn't know what he's doing. Character assassination is the democrat stock. Sometimes it is all they have.
I'ts hard to believe that Mr.Cruz was able to receive enough votes to win an elective
position in Congress. He certainly does not display any intelligence to hold his position
in Congress.

That's how gerrymandered Texas districts work. All you need is the R after your name.

Schoolhouse Rock must have some video that teach the difference between the House and the Senate

Right, I was thinking about an almost-identical extremist representing one of the state's disctricts. Either way, Texas politics are as corrupt as 8-month-old head cheese.
Senator Ted Cruz, Communists, Harvard Law School, and Joe McCarthy. : The New Yorker

Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, called Cruz’s inquiry into Hagel’s past associations “out of bounds, quite frankly.” The Times reported that Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, rebuked Cruz for insinuating, without evidence, that Hagel may have collected speaking fees from North Korea.

Read more: Senator Ted Cruz, Communists, Harvard Law School, and Joe McCarthy. : The New Yorker

Funny to see these two old whores shaming Cruz. Gives a real idea of just how vile Cruz is. I think he would like to be the next McCarthy, chasing commies where there are none but, there just aren't that many fools left in the US. There are not that many who are stupid enough follow him over that cliff.

Hopefully, this will be his first, last and only stint in the US Congress. We've let too many of these knee jerker teepotters shame our country.

I suppose communists don't like to be called communists.
Articles: We Have Ted Cruz's List: Harvard Law Really Is Littered with Communists
And Publius1787 hates being called un-American.

If Ted Cruz is the new Joe McCarthy, then Ted will destroy himself as surely as Tail Gunner Joe shot his own ass off politically.
Senator Ted Cruz, Communists, Harvard Law School, and Joe McCarthy. : The New Yorker

Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, called Cruz’s inquiry into Hagel’s past associations “out of bounds, quite frankly.” The Times reported that Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, rebuked Cruz for insinuating, without evidence, that Hagel may have collected speaking fees from North Korea.

Read more: Senator Ted Cruz, Communists, Harvard Law School, and Joe McCarthy. : The New Yorker

Funny to see these two old whores shaming Cruz. Gives a real idea of just how vile Cruz is. I think he would like to be the next McCarthy, chasing commies where there are none but, there just aren't that many fools left in the US. There are not that many who are stupid enough follow him over that cliff.

Hopefully, this will be his first, last and only stint in the US Congress. We've let too many of these knee jerker teepotters shame our country.

McCarthy vastly understated the extend to which the White House and State reported directly to Moscow
Genuine Communist spies during McCarthy Era

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