Is the destruction of the US Republic worth protecting Donald Trump?

Don't see what the problem is

I like the way Mr Trump is making America red, white and blue again

Don't worry. The dimocrats will come up with some way of demonizing all those extra Armageddon dollars in millions and millions and millions of voters' paychecks. It won't work of course because dims are about as out of touch with what's going on in the real world of today's America as they can be.

So, sit back and enjoy the lunacy. It's free and will likely provide some good giggles.

It's the other way around dude. The Republic is under attack from the obummer admin. It is people he placed in positions of power who have been dismantling the protections that we as Americans have enjoyed for over two hundred years. Anything that "protects trump" also protects US. Idiots, like you, can't seem to figure that fact out.
So Republicans control all three branches of govt and still Obama is magically still in control. You guys really are going off the deep end.
----------------------------------------------------- NO , its just that 'mrobama' has traitorous curs still embedded as Government Employees WAddict .
It's the other way around dude. The Republic is under attack from the obummer admin. It is people he placed in positions of power who have been dismantling the protections that we as Americans have enjoyed for over two hundred years. Anything that "protects trump" also protects US. Idiots, like you, can't seem to figure that fact out.
So Republicans control all three branches of govt and still Obama is magically still in control. You guys really are going off the deep end.

Yeah, they do. And thanks to obummers abuse of power it is looking more and more like the Dems are not going to be able to take very many seats in either the House, or the Senate. Historically the Party that doesn't hold the Presidency gains seats. It is looking more and more like that won't happen.
Ah so the "deep state" excuse is a crap then.

No, the deep state refers to the bureaucrats. But you knew that, you're just dishonest so playing dumb is the best you can do.
So the supposed deep state, which I'm going to guess you mean the FBI and CIA, are all suddenly Obama lackeys that are in control of everything. Do you know how insane that sounds? People in intelligence have been there for years doing their job through different administrations, doing tough jobs as well, and you want to throw them all under the buss? Do you really think if all these people were in on a conspiracy there wouldn't be defectors that would sound the alarm? Please just think about it.
--------------------------------------------------------- many / Some are simply in these agencies for the money , the perks , benefits and retirement plus as employees that get to LORD it over their employers , the taxpaying American citizen WAddict .

It's the other way around dude. The Republic is under attack from the obummer admin. It is people he placed in positions of power who have been dismantling the protections that we as Americans have enjoyed for over two hundred years. Anything that "protects trump" also protects US. Idiots, like you, can't seem to figure that fact out.
So Republicans control all three branches of govt and still Obama is magically still in control. You guys really are going off the deep end.
----------------------------------------------------- NO , its just that 'mrobama' has traitorous curs still embedded as Government Employees WAddict .
I'm not the most stable person in the world as I am always trying to wheelie but seriously, for some trump is a cult. It makes me sad.
So Republicans control all three branches of govt and still Obama is magically still in control. You guys really are going off the deep end.

Yeah, they do. And thanks to obummers abuse of power it is looking more and more like the Dems are not going to be able to take very many seats in either the House, or the Senate. Historically the Party that doesn't hold the Presidency gains seats. It is looking more and more like that won't happen.
Ah so the "deep state" excuse is a crap then.

No, the deep state refers to the bureaucrats. But you knew that, you're just dishonest so playing dumb is the best you can do.
So the supposed deep state, which I'm going to guess you mean the FBI and CIA, are all suddenly Obama lackeys that are in control of everything. Do you know how insane that sounds? People in intelligence have been there for years doing their job through different administrations, doing tough jobs as well, and you want to throw them all under the buss? Do you really think if all these people were in on a conspiracy there wouldn't be defectors that would sound the alarm? Please just think about it.
--------------------------------------------------------- many / Some are simply in these agencies for the money , the perks , benefits and retirement plus as employees that get to LORD it over their employers , the taxpaying American citizen WAddict .
------------------------------------------------------------------------------as i said just above , many official gov types are init for the money WAddict . Many are the governments ELITE and 'mrobama; was seen as the Head or the KING . Its always been that way all over the world . USA is supposed to be different and under the Rule of Law WAddict . .

It's the other way around dude. The Republic is under attack from the obummer admin. It is people he placed in positions of power who have been dismantling the protections that we as Americans have enjoyed for over two hundred years. Anything that "protects trump" also protects US. Idiots, like you, can't seem to figure that fact out.
So Republicans control all three branches of govt and still Obama is magically still in control. You guys really are going off the deep end.

Faceless government drones making policy to fight the duly elected government.

And you dems are stupid enough to be happy about that.
Mid terms are coming up.

Fascist race baiters must be defeated.

Yes, it is looking bad for the Dems. That's for sure.
Why, the very definition of Fascist is white only.
The GOP is 90% white.

See the connection?
Why, the very definition of Fascist is white only.

Where did you find that definition?

Probably in one of those computer games. :)

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