Is the justice department involved in voter suppression?


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
WASHINGTON – Barack Obama’s legal team wants a special prosecutor to determine whether partisan politics is at play in a reported though unconfirmed Justice Department investigation of a voter registration effort which has been the target of numerous complaints of late, including one in Michigan.

With the election just over two weeks away, Bob Bauer, Obama’s chief lawyer, said in a conference call with reporters this afternoon that he is asking U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey to to hand over to special prosecutor Nora Dannehy any probe into what Bauer called “bogus claims of vote fraud” that mirror concerns raised by Republicans two years ago.

According to a recent Justice Department report, those issues played a role in the controversy over the forced resignations of nine former federal prosecutors.

That report – performed by the inspector general overseeing the Justice Department and others – found that David Iglesias, the former U.S. attorney in New Mexico, “was removed because of complaints to the Department of Justice and the White House … about Iglesias’ handling of voter fraud” cases. He had been pushed to bring a case against ACORN – the Association of Community Activists for Reform Now, the group at the center of the current controversy.

“Are we seeing a repeat now?” said Bauer. “It would seem that we are.”

Justice Department didn’t immediately have a comment about Bauer’s letter – though it was unclear they would given that no investigation has publicly been announced and would not be. In his letter, Bauer noted that in citing unnamed sources for the report, the Associated Press said “Justice Department regulations forbid discussing ongoing investigations particularly close to an election.”

Bauer said there appears to be an “unholy alliance” between law enforcement officials and Republican officials, including presidential nominee John McCain’s campaign. In his letter, Bauer said in a footnote that several of the nominee’s supporters in Congress have written to the Justice Department “pressuring them to investigate ACORN.”

Also, word of the investigation was leaked within a day of McCain’s saying at Wednesday’s final presidential debate that the group “is now on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of our democracy.”

with Obama neck deep in the voter fraud with ACORN, he isnt one that should be complaining

with Obama neck deep in the voter fraud with ACORN, he isnt one that should be complaining

The fraud charges are bogus.

The purpose is to suppress Democratic votes. Bush did the same thing in 2004, but this time Obama was ready and is calling for a special prosecutor. The firing of the attorneys general is part of this as well. The special prosecutor in that case is already on the job.
The fraud charges are bogus.

The purpose is to suppress Democratic votes. Bush did the same thing in 2004, but this time Obama was ready and is calling for a special prosecutor. The firing of the attorneys general is part of this as well. The special prosecutor in that case is already on the job.
yeah, sure they are

thats why ACORN pled guilty and paid a fine on several of them
and its not over yet
Dude I spend at least 2 days a week at my local office for the last 4 months... That's far from the truth. We have voter reg cards with us up until the cut off date. We have them on all the tables at our offices.

I am not sure what you are talking about.

Did you read the link?
yo-bama speak's no evil, hear's no evil, see's no evil. how could he be involved with acorn?
because mediamatters is a lying left wing moonbat site
the reason USA Today ignore the "voter suppression" thing is because its a MYTH
Yup suddenly the Justice Department which is FILLED with career employees that are both liberal and conservative ( Though I suspect more liberals) is going to be able to secretly suppress votes and NO ONE will be the wiser.
Wasn't it the DOJ that got all those inner city dwellers hooked on crack?
We could be on to something here, Quick! Let's call acorn and ask them what we should do about it.
because mediamatters is a lying left wing moonbat site
the reason USA Today ignore the "voter suppression" thing is because its a MYTH

That's why the U.S. Supreme Court had to strike down Republican voter suppression last week.......

Because it's a myth.

Trying to strike 200,000 voters from the rolls in Ohio is not a myth.
That's why the U.S. Supreme Court had to strike down Republican voter suppression last week.......

Because it's a myth.

Trying to strike 200,000 voters from the rolls in Ohio is not a myth.
thats not voter suppression
its voter verification
anhd where did the supreme court rule that it was voter suppression???

it didnt
you LIE

When the Supreme Court ruled against striking 200,000 voters from the rolls, they were ruling against voter suppression.
because mediamatters is a lying left wing moonbat site
the reason USA Today ignore the "voter suppression" thing is because its a MYTH

Right, like that judge bitchsmacking those Montana GOP reps was a myth too, eh?

Your deluded.
Yup suddenly the Justice Department which is FILLED with career employees that are both liberal and conservative ( Though I suspect more liberals) is going to be able to secretly suppress votes and NO ONE will be the wiser.

Right, the DoJ is filled with liberals. You do know that there is a glass ceiling for liberals in Bush's DoJ, right? You do know that DoJ applicants under Bush are screened for political views, right? You do know that DoJ applicants tend to be of a law enforcement type, and hence generally Republican anyway, right?

The DoJ that illegally leaked the fact that they just started an investigation into ACORN, a few weeks before the presidential election is Liberal, right? By the way, where is the outrage on the right for that?

I know of at least two liberal individuals who left DoJ because they were liberals and hit the glass ceiling in the DoJ.
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Right, the DoJ is filled with liberals. You do know that there is a glass ceiling for liberals in Bush's DoJ, right? You do know that DoJ applicants under Bush are screened for political views, right? You do know that DoJ applicants tend to be of a law enforcement type, and hence generally Republican anyway, right?

I know of at least two liberal individuals who left DoJ because they were liberals and hit the glass ceiling in the DoJ.
or is this just another opinion?

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