Is the Occupation of the West Bank Morally Justified?

Is the Occupation of the West Bank Morally Justified?

  • yes

    Votes: 11 91.7%
  • no

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • maybe

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Not sure what you are getting at, Rosie, Israel made a preemptive attack. While the initial occupation can be justified as moral, the continued occupation can't.

I am getting at FACT ----the war of 1967 was THE AGENDA of Gamal Abdul Nasser in conjunction with
Russia ------as to Jordan------Nasser dragged that country into the Fray. Nasser's telephone call to King
Hussein was intercepted. The preemptive strike to which you gleefully refer happened AFTER Nasser blocked the Straits of Tiran and massed the Russian armed and trained and DIRECTED army on the border with Israel and dismissed the UN peace keeping troops and issued mob cheering rants about "KILLIN' DA JOOS" The aggression was ALL EGYPT until Syria HAPPILY joined up-----Lebanon a bit less enthusiactically, and Jordan sorta dragged in. Logically it could be called the 1967 Russian, Nasser War of Aggression. (russia was a very big factor----
the russians, at that time, LOVED BAATHISM)
I am getting at FACT ----the war of 1967 was THE AGENDA of Gamal Abdul Nasser in conjunction with
Russia ------as to Jordan------Nasser dragged that country into the Fray. Nasser's telephone call to King
Hussein was intercepted. The preemptive strike to which you gleefully refer happened AFTER Nasser blocked the Straits of Tiran and massed the Russian armed and trained and DIRECTED army on the border with Israel and dismissed the UN peace keeping troops and issued mob cheering rants about "KILLIN' DA JOOS" The aggression was ALL EGYPT until Syria HAPPILY joined up-----Lebanon a bit less enthusiactically, and Jordan sorta dragged in. Logically it could be called the 1967 Russian, Nasser War of Aggression. (russia was a very big factor----
the russians, at that time, LOVED BAATHISM)
Sure and Israel fired the first shot.

What does that have to do with the continued occupation?
Why is it that people need to rationalize the occupation as good and moral and just?

Why can't they just say it is bad and immoral?
What's so wrong with being unlawful and unjust occupiers?
I guess people just need to see themselves as good.
when was the "first shot" in the conflict between
muslims and jews in the Levant FIRED ??
Don't know and don't care.

I only care that you need to see Israel's actions as moral and just when they aren't.
Why is it that people need to rationalize the occupation as good and moral and just?

Why can't they just say it is bad and immoral?

what occupation? -----is that like the jewish crucifixion of some guy named Jesus?
Is the US occupation of CHAZ morally justifiable?

A friend wants to know...:dunno:
Don't know and don't care.

I only care that you need to see Israel's actions as moral and just when they aren't.

You "CARE" ??? I never see actions that are not moral and just as moral and just. I do recognize
propaganda from people who are so idiotic that they believe that the US congress passed a SPECIAL LAW
conferring Israeli citizenship on all american jews who are now called "DUALIES" in various churches in the USA and people who are so bereft of brain that
they are easily convinced that the word phonetically
pronounced as "goy" is a hebrew word meaning
"animal" See? ----I know your reading material
You "CARE" ??? I never see actions that are not moral and just as moral and just. I do recognize
propaganda from people who are so idiotic that they believe that the US congress passed a SPECIAL LAW
conferring Israeli citizenship on all american jews who are now called "DUALIES" in various churches in the USA and people who are so bereft of brain that
they are easily convinced that the word phonetically
pronounced as "goy" is a hebrew word meaning
"animal" See? ----I know your reading material
You don't know my reading material. You are playing a movie in your head that is pleasing to your itching ears and eyes.

My turn... you turn your back on truth and logic whenever it creates conflict in your beliefs. You are no different than any far left or far right idiot who pledges allegiance to his team rather than God.
The definition of ethics is a moral principle that govern behavior or the conducting of an activity; the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles.

The purpose of this OP is to discuss the morality/ethics of the occupation of the West Bank.

"The world recently marked fifty years since the end of the 1967 Arab-Israeli “Six Day” War and the beginning of the indefinite military occupation of Palestinian West Bank. It was one of the shortest wars; it has been one of the longest occupations. The international community continues to ask, how much longer should it go on? When will it finally end?

Countries that support Israel with military aid, such as the United States, have a duty to question the validity of this ongoing intervention. Some question aspects of its legal validity—focusing on treaties between Israel and its neighbors or citing the Fourth Geneva Convention’s prohibition against transferring civilian population into occupied territories. However, it is also important to consider moral validity. Is Israel morally justified in continuing its indefinite military occupation of Palestine? If not, countries like the United States should exercise moral leadership in helping its ally end the occupation..."

Of course it’s justified. They won all wars against them and are able to hold onto the lands they own by force. Other have tried to take it from them, and failed.

Who else would be “justified” in occupying it?

Every peace initiative offered by Israel to the Palestinian people have been utterly rejected by the Palestinian Authority.
can we hit you up for a little contribution for a bowling alley for CHAZ?

I save it for the day when Gaza opens an embassy in CHAZ(A)
and both celebrate their 25th anniversary of joint Space Program.
Of course it’s justified. They won all wars against them and are able to hold onto the lands they own by force. Other have tried to take it from them, and failed.

Who else would be “justified” in occupying it?

Every peace initiative offered by Israel to the Palestinian people have been utterly rejected by the Palestinian Authority.
So rule of capture is moral?

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