Is The President of the United States Above The Law?

Is a President of the United States above the law?

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For the others trump supporters who choose to ignore a simple question, admit you believe Trump is above the law and make up some reason. It's not an honest response, but no one expects honesty from a trump supporter.
I've wondered about this myself. I'm not sure they believe the President is above the law per se.

I think they don't care if THIS PARTICULAR President breaks the law. For some unknowable reason, they've decided everything Trump says and does is fine. It's truly bizarre and a little fascinating.
The H. of Rep. and the Senate as well as the Supreme Court and every person within US Jurisdiction - other than a foreign diplomat -are not above the law
Obstruction of justice, in United States jurisdictions, is a crime consisting of obstructing prosecutors, investigators, or other government officials.
So... why wasn't Clinton removed from office?
He wasn't convicted by a 2/3 vote in the Senate.
And so, obstruction is not a removable offense; a President can commit the federal felonies of obstruction and perjury and not be removed from office.

That is up to the Congress to determine. The Constitution places the sole power to determine what is an impeachable offense in the hands of the House and the sole power to convict the President of those offenses in the hands of the Senate. There is no other authority which can determine what is or is not an impeachable offense.
That is up to the Congress to determine. The Constitution places the sole power to determine what is an impeachable offense in the hands of the House and the sole power to convict the President of those offenses in the hands of the Senate. There is no other authority which can determine what is or is not an impeachable offense.
And, Congress determined obstruction is not a removable offense; a President can commit the federal felonies of obstruction and perjury and not be removed from office.

Explain and cite any authority if you believe a President of the United States is above the law.
This is a loaded question.
First of all.....the idiots that ask it today believe Hillary is above the law.
When Obama made deals with our enemies and gave them billions, he wasn't giving aid to our enemies. He was president. He's above the law.

Now.....a tweet is grounds for impeachment.

Is it a loaded question? Even if is was it deserves an honest response (something I do not expect to come from you). The DOJ memo suggests a president is above the law, quite an ambiguity since COTUS speaks to High Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Obstruction of justice, in United States jurisdictions, is a crime consisting of obstructing prosecutors, investigators, or other government officials.

We have seen this year the President, and this week Sect. Pompeo, directing subordinates to ignore subpoenas legally issued by The Congress.

The corollary question to this thread is, does obstruction of justice meet the standard of a High Crime or a Misdemeanor; and if the subpoenas are legal.
For the others trump supporters who choose to ignore a simple question, admit you believe Trump is above the law and make up some reason. It's not an honest response, but no one expects honesty from a trump supporter.

You're whining. How can I treat you with respect when you whine like a child.

You're mistaken, I was being totally honest, something which is alien to you, and thus, you went to your safe harbor, the ad hominem.
For the others trump supporters who choose to ignore a simple question, admit you believe Trump is above the law and make up some reason. It's not an honest response, but no one expects honesty from a trump supporter.

You're whining. How can I treat you with respect when you whine like a child.

You're mistaken, I was being totally honest, something which is alien to you, and thus, you went to your safe harbor, the ad hominem.
And so, being totally honest, you'll agree that Clinton should have been removed from office for perjury and obstruction, and that the Senate's failure to so convict him was based on partisan politics and not the law.
For the others trump supporters who choose to ignore a simple question, admit you believe Trump is above the law and make up some reason. It's not an honest response, but no one expects honesty from a trump supporter.

STFU Corn Pop. You post a dumbass question and get pissy when you don’t get the answers you want. Not our problem.

Tissue? You recognized yourself in the last sentence, to wit: "It's not an honest response, but no one expects honesty from a trump supporter."
That is up to the Congress to determine. The Constitution places the sole power to determine what is an impeachable offense in the hands of the House and the sole power to convict the President of those offenses in the hands of the Senate. There is no other authority which can determine what is or is not an impeachable offense.
And, Congress determined obstruction is not a removable offense; a President can commit the federal felonies of obstruction and perjury and not be removed from office.

No. Congress did determine it was an impeachable offense. Rather, that Congress did. Otherwise, it wouldn't have ended up in the Senate. The Senate just didn't convict. But the Constitution does not say the current Congress is required to follow what prior Congresses did. The House can do whatever it wants in terms of impeachment, because it has the sole power to do so. The Senate can convict or not convict, because it has the sole power to do so. Neither is subject to control by any other organization, including the courts.
The H. of Rep. and the Senate as well as the Supreme Court and every person within US Jurisdiction - other than a foreign diplomat -are not above the law
Obstruction of justice, in United States jurisdictions, is a crime consisting of obstructing prosecutors, investigators, or other government officials.
So... why wasn't Clinton removed from office?
He wasn't convicted by a 2/3 vote in the Senate.
And so, obstruction is not a removable offense; a President can commit the federal felonies of obstruction and perjury and not be removed from office.

That is up to the Congress to determine. The Constitution places the sole power to determine what is an impeachable offense in the hands of the House and the sole power to convict the President of those offenses in the hands of the Senate. There is no other authority which can determine what is or is not an impeachable offense.

The question is not about an impeachment, the question is, is the President above the law. Any president! The memo written and in effect by the DOJ has no legal merit, unless or until the Supreme Court decides it does.
For the others trump supporters who choose to ignore a simple question, admit you believe Trump is above the law and make up some reason. It's not an honest response, but no one expects honesty from a trump supporter.

Can Trump Bleachbit his servers as a response to SanFran Nan's "Subpoena"?


Silence, your post did not deserve anything more. Are you trying to compete with some of the stupidest other posters?
Yes because otherwise he wouldn't be able to do his job. How could the President run the country if he is tied up in court?
That is why the founders set up impeachment.
Could the president shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not be prosecuted?

Could the president use his personal properties as federal grounds for profit?

Could the president use the powers of his office for personal financial gain?

What laws, in your mind, do not apply to a president? Murder? Theft? Extortion? Bribery?
The H. of Rep. and the Senate as well as the Supreme Court and every person within US Jurisdiction - other than a foreign diplomat -are not above the law
Obstruction of justice, in United States jurisdictions, is a crime consisting of obstructing prosecutors, investigators, or other government officials.
So... why wasn't Clinton removed from office?
He wasn't convicted by a 2/3 vote in the Senate.
And so, obstruction is not a removable offense; a President can commit the federal felonies of obstruction and perjury and not be removed from office.

That is up to the Congress to determine. The Constitution places the sole power to determine what is an impeachable offense in the hands of the House and the sole power to convict the President of those offenses in the hands of the Senate. There is no other authority which can determine what is or is not an impeachable offense.

The question is not about an impeachment, the question is, is the President above the law. Any president! The memo written and in effect by the DOJ has no legal merit, unless or until the Supreme Court decides it does.

And the answer is no. But a different law applies to the President.
That is up to the Congress to determine. The Constitution places the sole power to determine what is an impeachable offense in the hands of the House and the sole power to convict the President of those offenses in the hands of the Senate. There is no other authority which can determine what is or is not an impeachable offense.
And, Congress determined obstruction is not a removable offense; a President can commit the federal felonies of obstruction and perjury and not be removed from office.
No. Congress did determine it was an impeachable offense. Rather, that Congress did. Otherwise, it wouldn't have ended up in the Senate. The Senate just didn't convict.
FYI..... Congress = House + Senate

The senate did not convict because, as is VERY clear form the records of the debate in the Senate and the House, the Democrats did not believe perjury and obstruction to be impeachable offenses.

Thus, Congress determined perjury and obstruction are not removable offenses; a President CAN commit the federal felonies of obstruction and perjury and not be removed from office.
But the Constitution does not say the current Congress is required to follow what prior Congresses did.
Having determined in 1998 that perjury and obstruction are not impeachable offenses, for what rational reason would the Democrats now argue otherwise?
For the others trump supporters who choose to ignore a simple question, admit you believe Trump is above the law and make up some reason. It's not an honest response, but no one expects honesty from a trump supporter.

Can Trump Bleachbit his servers as a response to SanFran Nan's "Subpoena"?


Silence, your post did not deserve anything more. Are you trying to compete with some of the stupidest other posters?

Yeah. Left you without a response. I get that a lot
The H. of Rep. and the Senate as well as the Supreme Court and every person within US Jurisdiction - other than a foreign diplomat -are not above the law
Obstruction of justice, in United States jurisdictions, is a crime consisting of obstructing prosecutors, investigators, or other government officials.
So... why wasn't Clinton removed from office?
He wasn't convicted by a 2/3 vote in the Senate.
And so, obstruction is not a removable offense; a President can commit the federal felonies of obstruction and perjury and not be removed from office.

That is up to the Congress to determine. The Constitution places the sole power to determine what is an impeachable offense in the hands of the House and the sole power to convict the President of those offenses in the hands of the Senate. There is no other authority which can determine what is or is not an impeachable offense.

The question is not about an impeachment, the question is, is the President above the law. Any president! The memo written and in effect by the DOJ has no legal merit, unless or until the Supreme Court decides it does.
This question was answered in 1998, where Congress determined perjury and obstruction are not removable offenses; as such, a President CAN commit the federal felonies of obstruction and perjury and not be removed from office.

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