Is the process of Impeachment tantamount to a "coup d'etat"???


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Apparently, Trump has convinced his CULT that were he to be impeached, that would basically be a coup (as he has often stated) of his administration.

This buffoon-in-chief is asking his base to ignore Article I of our Constitution and existing laws, and yield to him the powers of a wanna-be despot for whom laws are irrelevant.
Apparently, Trump has convinced his CULT that were he to be impeached, that would basically be a coup (as he has often stated) of his administration.

This buffoon-in-chief is asking his base to ignore Article I of our Constitution and existing laws, and yiled to him the powers of a wanna-be despot for whom laws are irrelevant.

the exact opposite of what they said when they impeached obama.....

IMPEACH TRUMP, PLEASE!! Your OP is totally wrong. Here are the facts:
1. The Obama admin illegally spied on the Trump campaign and then setup the "Russian Collusion" hoax including the Mueller Investigation. The setup of Trump was by what is called the "Deep State", that was the attempted coup, aka McCabe's and Strozk's "insurance policy"..
2. An impeachment is easy to do by the House, it only takes a simple majority. The Senate would never remove Trump without serious justification. Being impeached unjustly would help Trump get re-elected.
3. Barr and Horowitz and the FISA court will soon be indicting the "deep state" perps, stay tuned....
Seeing as embarking on that path would likely give Trump a boost towards re-election, without the slightest chance of an actual conviction in the Senate I am going with "No"
'Is the process of Impeachment tantamount to a "coup d'etat"???'

Of course not.

Only an ignoramus like Trump and his idiotic supporters would believe such nonsense.

Just as idiotic is the Trump/rightwing lie that the Mueller investigation as a ‘coup attempt.’
Apparently, Trump has convinced his CULT that were he to be impeached, that would basically be a coup (as he has often stated) of his administration.

This buffoon-in-chief is asking his base to ignore Article I of our Constitution and existing laws, and yield to him the powers of a wanna-be despot for whom laws are irrelevant.
What a barrel of hog shit. Trump has publicly stated he doesn't even consider being impeached. Pelosi stated publicly that impeachment isn't going to be considered. You really need to stop smoking that stuff.
Hope you know, Nat...of all the things in the world that is going are probably the only human (opps...subhuman) that is talking about this "Impeachment" issue. I am sure the Democrats have moved on from this.
But you keep chalking it up, Big Boy :)
'Is the process of Impeachment tantamount to a "coup d'etat"???'

Of course not.

Only an ignoramus like Trump and his idiotic supporters would believe such nonsense.

Just as idiotic is the Trump/rightwing lie that the Mueller investigation as a ‘coup attempt.’

Is it as idiotic as believing Trump was/is a Russian asset?

or how about, after 2 years and 30+ million dollars, still believing the 'collusion' canard?
1. The Obama admin illegally spied on the Trump campaign and then setup the "Russian Collusion" hoax including the Mueller Investigation. The setup of Trump was by what is called the "Deep State", that was the attempted coup, aka McCabe's and Strozk's "insurance policy"..

You really SHOULD wipe yourself thoroughly, flush and wash your hands after "ejecting" the above "conclusion".....

BTW, moron........was Trump OPENLY told that the FBI was investigating Russian meddling into his campaign??
WOuld THAT be a wise approach by Obama to "spy" on the orange clown?
Seeing as embarking on that path would likely give Trump a boost towards re-election, without the slightest chance of an actual conviction in the Senate I am going with "No"

Well, thank you..........You may notice that my thread was NOT a call for impeachment.....but a simple search for a DEFINITION if the legal process of impeachment is now equivalent to what Trump is spewing as a possible on-going "coup."
Impeachment is equivalent to a coup if there are no logical charges and the intent is to overturn the results of an election. It's ironic that Mueller's investigation showed that the Russians intended to disrupt the election and the post election and the orderly transfer of political power just like democrats are doing as we speak.
that is talking about this "Impeachment"

Had you graduated from elemetary may have noticed that my thread is NOT a call for impeachment, but a simple question if impeachment is tantamount to a "coup."

I know you're going to have to look up the definition of quite a few words in my retort......Take your time.
Ernest T. Say: they really set the hook in this one up above. Mercy! This one needs serious help. Probably no way to fix em?

Elimination reccommended.
Is it as idiotic as believing Trump was/is a Russian asset?

Interesting........I have always believed that Trump is too fucking dumb and too sporadic for Putin to have trusted him to be a "Russian asset".....................RATHER, the ol KGB thug wanted and succeeded to surround Trump WITH Russian assets....

Hell, Kushner wanted a back-channel discourse with the Kremlin....away from the CIA and FBI and NSA prying scrutiny.
Apparently, Trump has convinced his CULT that were he to be impeached, that would basically be a coup (as he has often stated) of his administration.

This buffoon-in-chief is asking his base to ignore Article I of our Constitution and existing laws, and yield to him the powers of a wanna-be despot for whom laws are irrelevant.
The reason people think it's a coup is because, the Democrats left no doubt their goal was to remove trump. Even before an investigation had started, the dems had him pegged as guilty and were talking removal. Heck, I think even before his inauguration there were some already talking about methods of removing him.

You see, impeachment is necessary for high crimes, but when you broadcast how badly you want him gone, and all of the rhetoric and hate that has been pointed his direction, its starts to look more like a coup.
Is it as idiotic as believing Trump was/is a Russian asset?

Interesting........I have always believed that Trump is too fucking dumb and too sporadic for Putin to have trusted him to be a "Russian asset".....................RATHER, the ol KGB thug wanted and succeeded to surround Trump WITH Russian assets....

Hell, Kushner wanted a back-channel discourse with the Kremlin....away from the CIA and FBI and NSA prying scrutiny.

well, good, then we agree making such a claim would be idiotic.
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