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Is The Republican Party Gone (w/ Charlie Sykes)

Biden does not support reparations, defunding police or confiscating guns. You are welcome to show where he does
You know the game.

Their media tells them this stuff, so they buy it 100%. Show them where he clearly says otherwise, and it's fake news.

They are now a completely isolated ideological island. You can't get there from here.
The GOP is DEAD. It’s been on life support for decades. Now we, Revolutionary Conservatives, have taken that old, decrepit party off life support, let it die, and allow us to take over.

We have proven in the last 160 years that the idea of a Democratic Republic doesn’t work with this population. It’s time to move on. It’s time for the ADULTS to take over and spank the children as hard as necessary to bring them back into line.
Think about it, Kennedy sounded more like a conservative, and one that today's leftest would reject....

Conservative propaganda trying to make JFK one of their own.

JFK supported Civil Rights, universal healthcare, welfare, social programs.

View attachment 375296

I'm not saying that he wasn't a liberal Democrat, however, in that day and age they were far different from today's Marxist/Socialist that has overtaken the Democrat party...
The Republican Party being described doesn't/didn't exist. Balanced Budgets, conservative values, free trade, just didn't happen. As they described, Reagan tripled the Debt, and GOP presidents ever since grew the Debt.
Conservative values, like in US Supreme court justices. Trump passes that test.
Free Trade? Bullshit. The old GOP only wants to move US factories overseas, and have unfair trade deals.

The Old GOP is dead. Its been replaced by the new "non-racist" populist GOP.
Trump actually did more for minorities than the Obama admin did in their 8-years.

So IMHO Never-Trumpers can just drop dead.

Pack your bags. You are going on a very looooooong vacation. And a very lonely one.
How so? You counting on the USPS to decide the election?

I expect the VOTERS to decide the election. And I don't want Rump to keep trying to throw the election. He's back peddling now. He didn't get away with his latest "Here Hold my Beer" moment to steal the election.
Charlie Sykes sounds very much like I do. He skirts around it but it looks like he would support rolling back the GOP to the Eisenhower 1956 Republican Party Plank.

It surely isn't what it was. It's been overtaken, for now at least, by people who don't worry about promoting "conservative values" or "limited government". They're thrown their lot behind a vulgar, flamboyant, un-conservative, authoritarian, nationalist strongman who is essentially his own party.

We'll see how it recovers once he's gone. But we need it to recover, because we need two strong, viable, credible parties. At LEAST two.

in 2024...and by then..BAR RAG obama BEIJING joe and those retarded---i can get away with anything i want clintons should be locked up...one can only hope justice will make theses assholes rot in prison---by the way---WHERES THE LINK you democrat troll...lol

Wow, let's do another 33 years of "Lock her Up". Sorry, but a Judge just ended that yesterday.
There is no going back to the 1950s and early 1960s for either “party” — because there is no going back to the situation of the U.S. after WWII at the dawn of the Cold War, before the Civil Rights Movement changed American politics, before Vietnam, when U.S. industry dominated the world and our country was still sleepily enamored of itself, its press, its “freedoms” and its two party system.

That once prevailing consensus in which Jim Crow and God-fearing anti-communism prevailed has today been replaced by hysterical conspiracy thinking about every subject imaginable. Today Americans obsess about our own supposedly “communist” Deep State “globalists” (original John Birch Society thinking), evangelicals obsess about our society being run by atheists or even Satanist Democrats, and everybody who isn’t a nut worries about racial & party partisanship. Gun madness grows apace, regionalism takes morbid forms, the public commons disappears, and all see enemies and competitors everywhere, especially abroad.

This is after we patted ourselves on the back for “winning” hands down the Cold War with the USSR. Some even bragged we had entered the “end of history” under benign U.S. ideological and economic domination. The “American Century” does not have to, indeed almost certainly will not end in a ... “Chinese Century.” But we are sure heading for disaster with men like Trump leading us. We should be aware there are even sicker politicians and demagogues waiting in the wings.

Our problems are a lot deeper than anybody here has discussed. They cannot be overcome by restoring the two parties to their status in the past.
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Charlie Sykes sounds very much like I do. He skirts around it but it looks like he would support rolling back the GOP to the Eisenhower 1956 Republican Party Plank.

What do you do when the money runs out?
The choice this election is not difficult, Democrats have vowed to massively RAISE TAXES so they are toast imo.

Informed and Rational people understand that cutting taxes and spending more is not fiscally responsible. That occurred in the Bush II Administration and led to a Great Recession, and now the Trump Administration has done the same thing and we may be looking at a Greater Recession than what hit us in the final years of the Bush II Administration.

"The term Great Recession applies to both the U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009, and the ensuing global recession in 2009. The economic slump began when the U.S. housing market went from boom to bust, and large amounts of mortgage-backed securities (MBS's) and derivatives lost significant value."

The choice this election is not difficult, Democrats have vowed to massively RAISE TAXES so they are toast imo.

Dems want to remove the Trump tax cuts for the wealthy
Most Americans support it.

Lib please Dems have vowed to raise taxes on everyone including the poor, stop denying it. Green new deal. Destroying oil, gas, coal. Thousands of new government regulations. Reparations. I don't know how much money Dems have pre-spent $100 trillion??? :eusa_hand:
Informed and Rational people understand that cutting taxes and spending more is not fiscally responsible.

What are you people on the left smoking? Biden, Harris, and Dems have vowed TRILLIONS in new spending you could take every last dime the 'rich' own and it still wouldn't be enough to cover the increase in spending Dems are proposing. Don't pretend Dems are fiscally responsible. Hell look at the nearly trillion in debt Dem states have racked up. Dems and fiscal responsibility used in the same sentence :auiqs.jpg:
I think that the political global situation "after" the elections will be very different that "now" .
A lot of questions are asked, and firstly the question (for both parties) of the great voters .
But an other question will be posed : the responsability of each party in term of choice of a candidate.
The actual situation is not a surprise ,it's the direct and logic consequence of the choice of a so atipical personality .
The problems were not "previsible" but "sure", and thus the choice of that man has no other reason that to have the power without take care of the consequences ... Thus for me an explosion of the republican party is "possible" .

There is nothing at this time we can do to fix the Democratic Party. It's broken as well. But with the Republican party being even more shattered, there is no incentive to fix the Democratic Party. We need to have a decent opposition party to go against the Democratic Party and send them a message. If we go back to the 1956 plank like some of us want to, the Dems will go into a tailspin they have never experienced before.
The projection is STRONG with you
The choice this election is not difficult, Democrats have vowed to massively RAISE TAXES so they are toast imo.

Dems want to remove the Trump tax cuts for the wealthy
Most Americans support it.

I don't think that "most Americans" support that at all, or at least won't once they really consider the issue.

Almighty God once said in His Infinite Wisdom, "Thou shalt not covet".

He was definitely correct, IMHO. Forgetting your lust for the rich man's gold is the key to your own wealth and tranquillity.

The 'rich' don't have to sit there and take it, they can pass those tax increase on down to the middle class and poor, like always. Here's your typical dipshit Democrat...hurrah we really stuck it to the rich with that tax increase! Followed by, oh wait, they passed it down to me and I'm paying it?? :eusa_think:
The choice this election is not difficult, Democrats have vowed to massively RAISE TAXES so they are toast imo.

Dems want to remove the Trump tax cuts for the wealthy
Most Americans support it.

Lib please Dems have vowed to raise taxes on everyone including the poor, stop denying it. Green new deal. Destroying oil, gas, coal. Thousands of new government regulations. Reparations. I don't know how much money Dems have pre-spent $100 trillion??? :eusa_hand:

Tell you what, when I find anyone still living that was a slave at the end of 1865 I certainly would consider paying reparations.

As for the New Green Deal, we are already well on the way to accomplishing it. Not the Propaganda crap you keep spewing but the real New Green Deal. We have been working towards those ends for the last 120 years. In the last 60 years, we've worked on it with zest. And it shows in the air and water. I suggest you actually go read the New Green Deal and not what you are spoon fed by your propaganda ministers.
Think about it, Kennedy sounded more like a conservative, and one that today's leftest would reject....

Conservative propaganda trying to make JFK one of their own.

JFK supported Civil Rights, universal healthcare, welfare, social programs.

View attachment 375296

I'm not saying that he wasn't a liberal Democrat, however, in that day and age they were far different from today's Marxist/Socialist that has overtaken the Democrat party...

The Democratic Party is not dominated by Marxist/Socialist leaders. You are mistaken, the people you describe and our political are members of the Peace and Freedom Party and Communist Party USA:


Communist Party USA - Wikipedia.

Of course equal rights and equal justice are goals in both of these far left parties, which is something most Democrats support and most contemporary Republicans don't. See:

As for the New Green Deal, we are already well on the way to accomplishing it.

LMAO why don't you tree hugging hypocrites first clean up your environmental disaster in your Dem run cities then you can mouth off. Start with your boke ass sewage systems that routinely and illegally SPILL hundreds of millions of gallons of raw untreated sewage into rivers and oceans. So fouling the water with your human waste that swimming and beaches have to be closed. :eusa_hand:

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