Is there a BIBLICAL argument for attending church services?

Why do you ask?
People pay tithes and church taxes, but Jesus made a whip of cords, and drove the money-changers, alms-collectors, and booksellers out of the temple of Jerusalem.
And then he rode on the back of a scorpion across the water. Alas, the scorpion bit him anyway. But he rose from the dead 3 days later, just in time to remove a thorn from a lion's foot. As a way of thanking Jesus, the lion didn't eat him when they recreated the famous scenes from the Ridley Scott epic 'Gladiator'.
If you cannot address the post or believe in church or God or gods...get out. Thats what is wrong with this forum. Too many invade it to make fun of believers.

Keep in mind many who make fun of Christians and Jews also believe that paying higher taxes to Democrat politicians will change the weather. They also believe a child isn't alive until it exits the mother's birth canal. They also believe a man putting on a dress becomes a woman. These aren't smart, or even sane, people.
They believe a child isn't alive or maybe not human even if it exits the birth canal and is breathing on its own. Does The Infant Born Alive Protection Act ring a bell?

Yes, the preborn need protection from the Satanic left.
It's clearly a social theology, and it would be pretty difficult to obey the callings to provide for the care of widows, orphans, the sick, the poor, etc., without a strong social organization, and in fact that more or less successful operation in the face of truly brutal persecutions is what impressed most people, and was the key reason Constantine to put them in charge of the Empire's social programs. The assorted pagans and other religious sects were ordered by the other Co-emperors to set up their own program to compete with the Evul Xians and they failed miserably at it.

But hey, if Breezewood couldn't demand a free pony then none of that stuff matters.
In the first couple centuries of Christian history, congregations gathered regularly in people’s homes and other places that were currently in existence, including catacombs that had been excavated below the terrain. They had to, for as far as we know, no building dedicated to Christian worship existed until the middle of the third century.

But the church didn't begin in the third century. The church - the living temple within the kingdom of God - began worshipping God shortly after the Cross and not strictly at appointed times and places, but always and everywhere, day and night, as the Revelator proclaimed (Rv 7:15).

Christians worship when they please. Ultimately they had developed a tradition of weekly services, and so of course many pastors and elders stress the importance of evangelism and service throughout the week.

In the end, the Sabbath was an observance of ethnic Israel, not of the new Israel.
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Not really. Jesus said that wherever two or more are gathered together in His name, there He is.

Doesn't say anything about where, just as long as there are two or more gathered together. And, it doesn't specify the number above 3.
So single people are screwed?
Not really. Jesus said that wherever two or more are gathered together in His name, there He is.

Doesn't say anything about where, just as long as there are two or more gathered together. And, it doesn't specify the number above 3.
So Jesus doesn't show up for one person asking for help.

Kind of what I always thought
Why do you ask?
People pay tithes and church taxes, but Jesus made a whip of cords, and drove the money-changers, alms-collectors, and booksellers out of the temple of Jerusalem.
I have a feeling JC would be very disappointed in those religious institutions that get rich off of their "flocks"

Which is all of them
Why do you ask?
People pay tithes and church taxes, but Jesus made a whip of cords, and drove the money-changers, alms-collectors, and booksellers out of the temple of Jerusalem.
I have a feeling JC would be very disappointed in those religious institutions that get rich off of their "flocks"

Which is all of them
Tithing is another law that vanished with the Jewish Age. It's not a requirement. (All of Israel's laws burned up in the fire).

If people want to support a local assembly, that's their prerogative, of course. But yea, when "preachers" are making more money than their congregations are, they're surely just fleecing them.
Why do you ask?
People pay tithes and church taxes, but Jesus made a whip of cords, and drove the money-changers, alms-collectors, and booksellers out of the temple of Jerusalem.
I have a feeling JC would be very disappointed in those religious institutions that get rich off of their "flocks"

Which is all of them
Tithing is another law that vanished with the Jewish Age. It's not a requirement. (All of Israel's laws burned up in the fire).

If people want to support a local assembly, that's their prerogative, of course. But yea, when "preachers" are making more money than their congregations are, they're surely just fleecing them.

All of them do make money off their sheep. It's what shepherds do
Why do you ask?
People pay tithes and church taxes, but Jesus made a whip of cords, and drove the money-changers, alms-collectors, and booksellers out of the temple of Jerusalem.
I have a feeling JC would be very disappointed in those religious institutions that get rich off of their "flocks"

Which is all of them

Blatant lie, which is why Richard Dawkin's attempt to compete with Christians in providing charities and the like was such an hilarious failure and Da Evul Xians still soldier on providing millions of tons in aid around the globe, many times at great personal risk, while the assorted deviants and sociopaths cry and snivel constantly over that.
Au contraire! Personally, I love goodness and love.

Most people love "goodness" as in what's good for them. :)
Me too.

Those who claim otherwise are usually disingenuous, misguided, and/or just plain stupid IMO.
Most people love "goodness" as in what's good for them.
Me too.

Those who claim otherwise are usually disingenuous, misguided, and/or just plain stupid IMO.
the definition of the desert religions ... written scriptures.

- too bad, there are those that claim otherwise.
Why do you ask?
People pay tithes and church taxes, but Jesus made a whip of cords, and drove the money-changers, alms-collectors, and booksellers out of the temple of Jerusalem.
I have a feeling JC would be very disappointed in those religious institutions that get rich off of their "flocks"

Which is all of them
Tithing is another law that vanished with the Jewish Age. It's not a requirement. (All of Israel's laws burned up in the fire).

If people want to support a local assembly, that's their prerogative, of course. But yea, when "preachers" are making more money than their congregations are, they're surely just fleecing them.

Very rares cases. the majority of pastors aren't paid, and most of the full time ones make an average of $15K-$25K a year. Almost none of them go into it for the money, and usually those are hired for their administrative and management skills, not just for giving sermons. It's a real job, an d they pay SS and every other payroll tax as if they're self-employed to boot. Many of the popular ones don't take a dime from their churches, like Billy Graham and Osteen and many others.
Why do you ask?
People pay tithes and church taxes, but Jesus made a whip of cords, and drove the money-changers, alms-collectors, and booksellers out of the temple of Jerusalem.
And then he rode on the back of a scorpion across the water. Alas, the scorpion bit him anyway. But he rose from the dead 3 days later, just in time to remove a thorn from a lion's foot. As a way of thanking Jesus, the lion didn't eat him when they recreated the famous scenes from the Ridley Scott epic 'Gladiator'.
If you cannot address the post or believe in church or God or gods...get out. Thats what is wrong with this forum. Too many invade it to make fun of believers.

Keep in mind many who make fun of Christians and Jews also believe that paying higher taxes to Democrat politicians will change the weather. They also believe a child isn't alive until it exits the mother's birth canal. They also believe a man putting on a dress becomes a woman. These aren't smart, or even sane, people.
They believe a child isn't alive or maybe not human even if it exits the birth canal and is breathing on its own. Does The Infant Born Alive Protection Act ring a bell?

Yes, the preborn need protection from the Satanic left.
Yes, the preborn need protection from the Satanic left.
yes they do from religious fanatics -

and the insanity, geed of humanity.

the Garden both flora and fauna.
Organized religion is the death of religion. It replaces it with greed for those who organize it, and confuses and muddles up what religion actually is supposed to be.
Going to church is the single worst thing you can do for your personal relationship with God.
Why do you ask?
People pay tithes and church taxes, but Jesus made a whip of cords, and drove the money-changers, alms-collectors, and booksellers out of the temple of Jerusalem.
I have a feeling JC would be very disappointed in those religious institutions that get rich off of their "flocks"

Which is all of them

Blatant lie, which is why Richard Dawkin's attempt to compete with Christians in providing charities and the like was such an hilarious failure and Da Evul Xians still soldier on providing millions of tons in aid around the globe, many times at great personal risk, while the assorted deviants and sociopaths cry and snivel constantly over that.

Yeah tell me again how much Vatican City is worth?
But yea, when "preachers" are making more money than their congregations are, they're surely just fleecing them.
Preachers of my former church -- before I was served off the property with a criminal trespass order -- preached all occupations and professions to be sinful, except for blue-collar unskilled labor or “simple Christian” work with the local labor union.

They drove nice cars and had large homes. I didn't, and I wasn't allowed to, in that church.
Why do you ask?
People pay tithes and church taxes, but Jesus made a whip of cords, and drove the money-changers, alms-collectors, and booksellers out of the temple of Jerusalem.
I have a feeling JC would be very disappointed in those religious institutions that get rich off of their "flocks"

Which is all of them

Blatant lie, which is why Richard Dawkin's attempt to compete with Christians in providing charities and the like was such an hilarious failure and Da Evul Xians still soldier on providing millions of tons in aid around the globe, many times at great personal risk, while the assorted deviants and sociopaths cry and snivel constantly over that.

Yeah tell me again how much Vatican City is worth?

Yeah, cuz the Vatican is 'all of them' ... Yet Catholic Charities distributes more to the poor around the world than any group you will ever belong to anyway.
Yeah, cuz the Vatican is 'all of them' ... Yet Catholic Charities distributes more to the poor around the world than any group you will ever belong to anyway.
Catholic social policies of mental health gun control, forced confession in court, institutionalized LGBT hate, abortion-on-demand after a counseling session, and extended FBI background checks create so much more poverty and misery than what can be alleviated by “giving” goods to the poor.
Catholics go to Mass to receive the Body of Christ. Sure, you can watch Mass on EWTN but it isn't the same. If someone who attended Mass again and again doesn't know the Biblical reason for the Sacraments, he evidently choose to be bored rather than listen and learn.
And yet you do not post a biblical argument to go to church.

So far no one has posted one. Irish Ram is the closest as he did post a few relevant verses but no actual rationalization as to why they are relevant or how they support going to an institution with a preacher who tells you what the bible says rather than just gathering at your friends house to give glory to God.

That the Catholics do it is not a biblical argument. Most of what they do is not even in the bible but rather spelled out in the Cathecism. Much of the Catholic dogma is traditional rather than biblical.

Our church is having toy give away this week. The church goers put it together, and stocked the tables in the foyer with mounds of toys for the less fortunate children in town.
What did you do for Christ today?

Before and after Christmas, the members of the churches pack their food bank shelves full of groceries for the hungry.
Who did you feed today?

On Tues. the clothes closet is open for those in need of a coat or new school clothes, or shoes and boots.
Who did you clothe last Tues?

In the church basement, on Mondays and Weds. the members of the church help pay bills. Gas bills, electric bills, doctor bills.
When is the last time you handed out money to the poor?

That is one church. We have a dozen of them doing the same thing.

If you join a congregation that works for Christ's sake, and not your own, go there often. There is a lot of work that needs done...

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