Is there a BIBLICAL argument for attending church services?

Thanks in advance.

Yes, several.
For moral support:
Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
Matt. 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

For teaching:
Acts 2:42 They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
^ Notice who Jesus spoke to in Revelation. "To the angel of the church of XXXXXX." "To the angel of the church of XXXXX." There is a direct line to God there.

Because Jesus did it:
Luke 4:16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. And as was his custom, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and he stood up to read.

To reap the rewards of tithing. God said if you don't believe me, test me on this matter and see:
Malachi 3:10
Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,”
Says the Lord of hosts,
“If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.
^ Before you do it, learn how to do it and what constitutes a proper tithe.

Having said that, our churches have become about as corrupt as our government. At this point it might be better to find some small Bible studies and prayer groups to attend instead. Pray for discernment so you can recognize any false doctrine when it shows up, and correct it or shun it. There are false prophets everywhere, so take care...

Thank you for your heartfelt feedback.
Why do you ask?
People pay tithes and church taxes, but Jesus made a whip of cords, and drove the money-changers, alms-collectors, and booksellers out of the temple of Jerusalem.
And then he rode on the back of a scorpion across the water. Alas, the scorpion bit him anyway. But he rose from the dead 3 days later, just in time to remove a thorn from a lion's foot. As a way of thanking Jesus, the lion didn't eat him when they recreated the famous scenes from the Ridley Scott epic 'Gladiator'.
If you cannot address the post or believe in church or God or gods...get out. Thats what is wrong with this forum. Too many invade it to make fun of believers.

Keep in mind many who make fun of Christians and Jews also believe that paying higher taxes to Democrat politicians will change the weather. They also believe a child isn't alive until it exits the mother's birth canal. They also believe a man putting on a dress becomes a woman. These aren't smart, or even sane, people.
Catholics go to Mass to receive the Body of Christ. Sure, you can watch Mass on EWTN but it isn't the same. If someone who attended Mass again and again doesn't know the Biblical reason for the Sacraments, he evidently choose to be bored rather than listen and learn.
Be sure and tell the next President because he will have prayers at his inauguration just like every President does.

I'm not saying it should never be done. A presidential inauguration is fine, as long as it's done faithfully and isn't a circus. What I dislike are the pictures and videos of Trump surrounded by preachers participating in some public prayer display. Trump probably doesn't know better, but those preachers definitely should know better.
They're practicing their faith in a free country. Get over it.
Why do you ask?
People pay tithes and church taxes, but Jesus made a whip of cords, and drove the money-changers, alms-collectors, and booksellers out of the temple of Jerusalem.
Sounds like felony armed bank robbery to me.

And then people wonder why they crucified the annoying hippie bastard.
He was crucified because shit for brains cockroaches like you can't stand goodness and love.
LOL! Can’t you just feel the goodness and love here?
Feelings are for wimps.
Why do you ask?
People pay tithes and church taxes, but Jesus made a whip of cords, and drove the money-changers, alms-collectors, and booksellers out of the temple of Jerusalem.
Sounds like felony armed bank robbery to me.

And then people wonder why they crucified the annoying hippie bastard.
He was crucified because shit for brains cockroaches like you can't stand goodness and love.
LOL! Can’t you just feel the goodness and love here?
Feelings are for wimps.
Then once again, why are you in this thread?
Why do you ask?
People pay tithes and church taxes, but Jesus made a whip of cords, and drove the money-changers, alms-collectors, and booksellers out of the temple of Jerusalem.
Sounds like felony armed bank robbery to me.

And then people wonder why they crucified the annoying hippie bastard.
He was crucified because shit for brains cockroaches like you can't stand goodness and love.
LOL! Can’t you just feel the goodness and love here?
Feelings are for wimps.
Then once again, why are you in this thread?
Because I have something to say.
is there a biblical argument for attending church services?
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

sortof a mute point - from that book, attendance to it is mandatory, as a church (bible) service. - per belief in forgeries.

to say over the internet isn't the same is a stretch.

* what was the inquisition ...
Why do you ask?
People pay tithes and church taxes, but Jesus made a whip of cords, and drove the money-changers, alms-collectors, and booksellers out of the temple of Jerusalem.
Sounds like felony armed bank robbery to me.

And then people wonder why they crucified the annoying hippie bastard.
He was crucified because shit for brains cockroaches like you can't stand goodness and love.
Au contraire! Personally, I love goodness and love.

Catholics go to Mass to receive the Body of Christ. Sure, you can watch Mass on EWTN but it isn't the same. If someone who attended Mass again and again doesn't know the Biblical reason for the Sacraments, he evidently choose to be bored rather than listen and learn.
And yet you do not post a biblical argument to go to church.

So far no one has posted one. Irish Ram is the closest as he did post a few relevant verses but no actual rationalization as to why they are relevant or how they support going to an institution with a preacher who tells you what the bible says rather than just gathering at your friends house to give glory to God.

That the Catholics do it is not a biblical argument. Most of what they do is not even in the bible but rather spelled out in the Cathecism. Much of the Catholic dogma is traditional rather than biblical.
They're practicing their faith in a free country. Get over it.
Why do you ask?
People pay tithes and church taxes, but Jesus made a whip of cords, and drove the money-changers, alms-collectors, and booksellers out of the temple of Jerusalem.
And then he rode on the back of a scorpion across the water. Alas, the scorpion bit him anyway. But he rose from the dead 3 days later, just in time to remove a thorn from a lion's foot. As a way of thanking Jesus, the lion didn't eat him when they recreated the famous scenes from the Ridley Scott epic 'Gladiator'.
If you cannot address the post or believe in church or God or gods...get out. Thats what is wrong with this forum. Too many invade it to make fun of believers.

Keep in mind many who make fun of Christians and Jews also believe that paying higher taxes to Democrat politicians will change the weather. They also believe a child isn't alive until it exits the mother's birth canal. They also believe a man putting on a dress becomes a woman. These aren't smart, or even sane, people.

Brilliant, true, AND funny! Thanks!

Matthew 21:13

“It is written: ‘My house shall be a house of prayer,’ but you are making it a den of thieves.”




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Why do you ask?
People pay tithes and church taxes, but Jesus made a whip of cords, and drove the money-changers, alms-collectors, and booksellers out of the temple of Jerusalem.
And then he rode on the back of a scorpion across the water. Alas, the scorpion bit him anyway. But he rose from the dead 3 days later, just in time to remove a thorn from a lion's foot. As a way of thanking Jesus, the lion didn't eat him when they recreated the famous scenes from the Ridley Scott epic 'Gladiator'.
If you cannot address the post or believe in church or God or gods...get out. Thats what is wrong with this forum. Too many invade it to make fun of believers.

Keep in mind many who make fun of Christians and Jews also believe that paying higher taxes to Democrat politicians will change the weather. They also believe a child isn't alive until it exits the mother's birth canal. They also believe a man putting on a dress becomes a woman. These aren't smart, or even sane, people.
They believe a child isn't alive or maybe not human even if it exits the birth canal and is breathing on its own. Does The Infant Born Alive Protection Act ring a bell?
Not really. Jesus said that wherever two or more are gathered together in His name, there He is.
Interesting. How can that not be construed to mean one can not have an individual personal relationship with him but only a communal relationship?

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