Is there a god?

for 1, your whole post here is not evidence for god
the evolution theory is a theory not a belief as religion is
  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
  1. a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained.
totally different things--again your analogy is bad

Harm, don't parse words. The only REAL difference between religion and scientific theory is that the former is mainly predicated on the inward proof seen by the individual while the other is based on the outward demonstration of a set of graphable facts to society as a whole. History is replete with examples of things which in their time could not be PROVEN yet were undeniably accurate. Just because you haven't the evidence to convince you of God, don't judge others who feel they do. You are in NO POSITION to place judgement on the efficacy of things which you have not seen any evidence of for yourself.
I can judge whoever I want whenever I want ...
there is no evidence of god --plain and simple
unless you have evidence of god :shutupsmiley:

Yes, I have evidence of God. But its not anything I can hold out, lay on a table for you to measure. Get your own evidence. But you will never find it because you are not even looking. You think God is supposed to come to YOU and prove Himself while you balance on one leg. So you remain much like a tribesman in Borneo who when asked about automobiles and TV replies: I see no evidence they exist! Lack of any evidence of a thing one way or another (to you) is not proof of its non-existence.
you don't have evidence is what you mean

READ AGAIN: I have amazing, irrefutable, undeniable proof. God is real. God is beyond words, beyond description. You OTOH are just an ass.
so god is ok with you using vulgar, hateful language??!!
you just proved you don't truly believe in god
so you just admitted you don't have proof--he is beyond description/etc

this is easy/simple--just admit you don't have proof/evidence
Harm, don't parse words. The only REAL difference between religion and scientific theory is that the former is mainly predicated on the inward proof seen by the individual while the other is based on the outward demonstration of a set of graphable facts to society as a whole. History is replete with examples of things which in their time could not be PROVEN yet were undeniably accurate. Just because you haven't the evidence to convince you of God, don't judge others who feel they do. You are in NO POSITION to place judgement on the efficacy of things which you have not seen any evidence of for yourself.
I can judge whoever I want whenever I want ...
there is no evidence of god --plain and simple
unless you have evidence of god :shutupsmiley:

Yes, I have evidence of God. But its not anything I can hold out, lay on a table for you to measure. Get your own evidence. But you will never find it because you are not even looking. You think God is supposed to come to YOU and prove Himself while you balance on one leg. So you remain much like a tribesman in Borneo who when asked about automobiles and TV replies: I see no evidence they exist! Lack of any evidence of a thing one way or another (to you) is not proof of its non-existence.
you don't have evidence is what you mean

READ AGAIN: I have amazing, irrefutable, undeniable proof. God is real. God is beyond words, beyond description. You OTOH are just an ass.
so god is ok with you using vulgar, hateful language??!!

Your a childlike ass.

you just proved you don't truly believe in god

See! You finally found "proof" of something that you can really believe in! I KNEW you had it in you.

so you just admitted you don't have proof--he is beyond description/etc

Sorry, asshole, I calls them like I see them. Now I've told you that God is real. You can do with that what you want. You can play games with my words like a little boy. There might be some event out there that is proof of something supernatural, I don't know, but it would just be denied by skeptics like you. All I can tell you is that God lives in the heart, what some call the Atman and Paratman, that only the heart has the infinite capacity to know God, but no one, not me, not you, can show another person what they know and have in their heart. You will probably never know, just my hunch, but all I can tell you is that when you KNOW, when you've experienced that direct knowledge, it is like a lightning bolt and you have NO DOUBT about what you've seen and feel. Now good luck to you.
I come to ask questions about god because I'm curious, it's your answers that are funny. :biggrin:
When one calls someone "feeble minded" one is NOT looking for serious discussion. One is looking for a fight.
dingbat proves me right.
Your refusal to accept the reality here is duly noted. Name call all you like, the fact remains you are being dishonest when you imply that you want a serious discussion to satisfy your curiosity. What you are looking for is a venue to attempt to discredit and impune the character of those who disagree with you.
The arguments for the god of the bible at this forum are of a feeble minded level. I came here looking for serious discussion, unfortunately I have found none, it's pretty much all nonsense that believers spout here. Which led me to my conclusion. That you can't accept it is your problem, not mine. maybe you can up god's side of the discussion here. Have any proof?
If it is proof you are looking for, I have what I believe and nothing more. One can "see" proof if one wishes, or one can "see" no proof, if that is what one wishes. Whether or not there is proof is not the point here. If you do not believe there is a god that's just fine with me. What I want to know from you, then, is what does that mean to you?
I'm agnostic, I see no proof either way for or against the possibility of a god(s), but am open to changing my mind given empirical proof either way. That's why I first came here, to see if there was anything concrete that people believed in. Apparently, there's not. Not here, anyways.
I can judge whoever I want whenever I want ...
there is no evidence of god --plain and simple
unless you have evidence of god :shutupsmiley:

Yes, I have evidence of God. But its not anything I can hold out, lay on a table for you to measure. Get your own evidence. But you will never find it because you are not even looking. You think God is supposed to come to YOU and prove Himself while you balance on one leg. So you remain much like a tribesman in Borneo who when asked about automobiles and TV replies: I see no evidence they exist! Lack of any evidence of a thing one way or another (to you) is not proof of its non-existence.
you don't have evidence is what you mean

READ AGAIN: I have amazing, irrefutable, undeniable proof. God is real. God is beyond words, beyond description. You OTOH are just an ass.
so god is ok with you using vulgar, hateful language??!!

Your a childlike ass.

you just proved you don't truly believe in god

See! You finally found "proof" of something that you can really believe in! I KNEW you had it in you.

so you just admitted you don't have proof--he is beyond description/etc

Sorry, asshole, I calls them like I see them. Now I've told you that God is real. You can do with that what you want. You can play games with my words like a little boy. There might be some event out there that is proof of something supernatural, I don't know, but it would just be denied by skeptics like you. All I can tell you is that God lives in the heart, what some call the Atman and Paratman, that only the heart has the infinite capacity to know God, but no one, not me, not you, can show another person what they know and have in their heart. You will probably never know, just my hunch, but all I can tell you is that when you KNOW, when you've experienced that direct knowledge, it is like a lightning bolt and you have NO DOUBT about what you've seen and feel. Now good luck to you.
A baby being born is supernatural.
Ask any obstetrician.
I can judge whoever I want whenever I want ...
there is no evidence of god --plain and simple
unless you have evidence of god :shutupsmiley:

Yes, I have evidence of God. But its not anything I can hold out, lay on a table for you to measure. Get your own evidence. But you will never find it because you are not even looking. You think God is supposed to come to YOU and prove Himself while you balance on one leg. So you remain much like a tribesman in Borneo who when asked about automobiles and TV replies: I see no evidence they exist! Lack of any evidence of a thing one way or another (to you) is not proof of its non-existence.
you don't have evidence is what you mean

READ AGAIN: I have amazing, irrefutable, undeniable proof. God is real. God is beyond words, beyond description. You OTOH are just an ass.
so god is ok with you using vulgar, hateful language??!!

Your a childlike ass.

you just proved you don't truly believe in god

See! You finally found "proof" of something that you can really believe in! I KNEW you had it in you.

so you just admitted you don't have proof--he is beyond description/etc

Sorry, asshole, I calls them like I see them. Now I've told you that God is real. You can do with that what you want. You can play games with my words like a little boy. There might be some event out there that is proof of something supernatural, I don't know, but it would just be denied by skeptics like you. All I can tell you is that God lives in the heart, what some call the Atman and Paratman, that only the heart has the infinite capacity to know God, but no one, not me, not you, can show another person what they know and have in their heart. You will probably never know, just my hunch, but all I can tell you is that when you KNOW, when you've experienced that direct knowledge, it is like a lightning bolt and you have NO DOUBT about what you've seen and feel. Now good luck to you.
very funny--keep it's been boring today, but you are very hilarious
there are no supernatural events
there is/are no:
loch ness monster
boogie man
etc etc
the heart is a physical part of the body--there is nothing else to the heart
I first came here, to see if there was anything concrete that people believed in. Apparently, there's not. Not here, anyways.

Curious why you say that? Of course there is! But it is unique to every individual and you must find your own way. The spiritual path isn't like a diet that someone can recommend and you simple follow steps A, B and C and get there. The soul measures progress in its own way---- for some it might take many lifetimes; for others, they might realize God in an instant. The best way to find God is to first find someone else who has found God, a bonafide aspirant you have faith in who can guide you.
I, personally, believe that there is a god. What that means, though, I have been struggling with for quite some time. Therefore, I pose the questions:

  1. If there is a god, what does that mean?
  2. If there is not a god, what does that mean?
I am looking for opinion, obviously, I do not believe there will ever be proof, or empirical evidence (at least not until rapture, assuming that there is a god). What I am looking for here is what people believe. What leads you to believe what you do? Why?

Let me be clear, I am NOT looking for evangelism of any kind here. I am looking for what the presence of god (or lack of a god) means to you. I know this is a pretty ambiguous thread, and I do that on purpose, because I do not ant to influence the way anyone responds. I want to open a discussion about what your beliefs (whatever they are) have shaped who you are, how you look at religion (in general), and how you look at the world.
"God Wouldn't Let Us Believe in Him If He Didn't Exist"

No true God would let people do evil in His Name. Low-IQ preachers would excuse it as free will, but that does not apply to allowing the freedom of taking advantage of believers. Which illustrates another reason for disbelieving: too much stupidity by His apologists. A true God would be disgusted by all that.
IIf there is a god, what does that mean?

Great question. One people usually aren't willing to explore. I see gods as social "memes" of a sort. A god is a construct representing a set of values, beliefs and goals shared by believers.
Great question. One people usually aren't willing to explore.
As shown by many of the responses so far.

So, assuming there is a god of some sort, what does that mean? By which I mean, "What does that mean to you in your life?"
Love God’s creation and God will love you.
Nature Is Not Supernatural

Tree-hugging nature-worship by misfits who know they don't belong is actually primitive and pagan.
IIf there is a god, what does that mean?

Great question. One people usually aren't willing to explore. I see gods as social "memes" of a sort. A god is a construct representing a set of values, beliefs and goals shared by believers.
Great question. One people usually aren't willing to explore.
As shown by many of the responses so far.

So, assuming there is a god of some sort, what does that mean? By which I mean, "What does that mean to you in your life?"
Love God’s creation and God will love you.
Nature Is Not Supernatural

Tree-hugging nature-worship by misfits who know they don't belong is actually primitive and pagan.
Atheist Liberals hug trees.
really --no one has the answer on if there is a god---it's beyond our comprehension and even beyond our imagination
but since you can't prove there is a god--there is no proof of one
Nor is there proof that there is not. Therefore, simply put, goes back to faith. That is at the core of what I am attempting to get at.'s is up to those who claim there is a god to prove it--not the other way court cases, the prosecution claims someone committed a crime--they have to prove it...
..I can claim all kinds of crap:
there are aliens kidnapping me
the bunny rabbit stole by homework
you can't prove these are not true
What do law proceedings have to do with spiritual faith? You can believe what you like, just don't go around saying I need to prove anything to you for you to believe.

It's about faith!!!!!
View attachment 187716

Faith has NO PLACE in a courtroom, and man's law has NO PLACE in faith.
so you should be saying '' I believe there is a god'', not ''there is a god''
Asked in a Way That Tries to Make You Feel Like a Bad Person

That brings up another way preachers twist language. They ask, "Do you believe in God?" when they mean "Do you believe God exists?" The first, like "Do you believe in (some leader)?" already leans towards implying that God or the leader already exists.

But it is not completely dishonest, because "Do you believe in ghosts?" has the same form. The difference is that those who believe in them are desperate to have you accept them, while theists have an accusatory tone about what they're pushing.
I first came here, to see if there was anything concrete that people believed in. Apparently, there's not. Not here, anyways.

Curious why you say that? Of course there is! But it is unique to every individual and you must find your own way. The spiritual path isn't like a diet that someone can recommend and you simple follow steps A, B and C and get there. The soul measures progress in its own way---- for some it might take many lifetimes; for others, they might realize God in an instant. The best way to find God is to first find someone else who has found God, a bonafide aspirant you have faith in who can guide you.
They’re just going to spout a bunch of bible stuff without any serious proof. I have yet to find anyone who has actually found god, they might say they have, but when questioned, it’s obvious that they haven’t found shit.
I first came here, to see if there was anything concrete that people believed in. Apparently, there's not. Not here, anyways.

Curious why you say that? Of course there is! But it is unique to every individual and you must find your own way. The spiritual path isn't like a diet that someone can recommend and you simple follow steps A, B and C and get there. The soul measures progress in its own way---- for some it might take many lifetimes; for others, they might realize God in an instant. The best way to find God is to first find someone else who has found God, a bonafide aspirant you have faith in who can guide you.
They’re just going to spout a bunch of bible stuff without any serious proof. I have yet to find anyone who has actually found god, they might say they have, but when questioned, it’s obvious that they haven’t found shit.

A couple had two mischievous little boys, ages eight and 10. At their wits' end, the parents contacted a clergyman who had been successful in rehabilitating bad children in the past.

The clergyman asked to see the boys individually. The eight-year-old was sent to meet with him first. The clergyman sat the boy down and asked him sternly, "Where is God?"

The boy made no response, so the clergyman repeated the question in an even sterner tone, "Where is God?"

Again the boy made no attempt to answer, so the clergyman raised his voice even more and shook his finger in the boy's face, "WHERE IS GOD?"

At that, the boy bolted from the room, ran directly home, and slammed himself in his closet. His older brother followed him into the closet and asked what happened.

The younger brother replied, "We are in big trouble this time. God is missing, and they think we did it!"'s is up to those who claim there is a god to prove it--not the other way court cases, the prosecution claims someone committed a crime--they have to prove it...
..I can claim all kinds of crap:
there are aliens kidnapping me
the bunny rabbit stole by homework
you can't prove these are not true
What do law proceedings have to do with spiritual faith? You can believe what you like, just don't go around saying I need to prove anything to you for you to believe.

It's about faith!!!!!
View attachment 187716

Faith has NO PLACE in a courtroom, and man's law has NO PLACE in faith.
the law proceedings is how we prove things
yes you have to prove there is a god or else it is pure speculation/fantasy
  1. 1.
    the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.
not true
  1. 1.
    complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
    "this restores one's faith in politicians"
    synonyms: trust, belief, confidence, conviction; More

  2. 2.
    strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.
just like law proceedings --no proof--no nothing--no god
yes you have to prove there is a god or else it is pure speculation/fantasy
That is the very essence of faith. I am truly sorry that you find it so difficult to believe in something that you cannot prove.

As for whether or not there is a god, simply because no one can prove the existence, would you say that there is proof that there is life outside of our planet? Does that mean it doesn't exist? Just because I cannot prove something, does not mean it is not true, it only means I cannot prove it.
it's easy--I live in reality....not in fairytale land
jesus as son of god/rising from the dead/born to a virgin---all impossible to humans
let's be real here
we die and that's it...there are no floating spirits/energy/etc heaven or hell to go to

I believe that this is an accurate depiction of the pyramids of giza:
View attachment 188383
However, as I have never been there, I have little choice but to either believe the evidence, or disbelieve it. All the photos I have ever seen may well be part of a huge "fake news" conspiracy, How is that any different from faith in a higher power, or god??
Why Should We Go Down That Path?

Your dishonesty in using such a strawman example is more evidence that your faith leads you into pushing absurdity. Ironically, it would take supernatural powers to fake all the evidence and testimony that the Giza pyramid exists.
I, personally, believe that there is a god. What that means, though, I have been struggling with for quite some time. Therefore, I pose the questions:

  1. If there is a god, what does that mean?
  2. If there is not a god, what does that mean?
I am looking for opinion, obviously, I do not believe there will ever be proof, or empirical evidence (at least not until rapture, assuming that there is a god). What I am looking for here is what people believe. What leads you to believe what you do? Why?

Let me be clear, I am NOT looking for evangelism of any kind here. I am looking for what the presence of god (or lack of a god) means to you. I know this is a pretty ambiguous thread, and I do that on purpose, because I do not ant to influence the way anyone responds. I want to open a discussion about what your beliefs (whatever they are) have shaped who you are, how you look at religion (in general), and how you look at the world.

If you believe there is a God then quite the barest means you arent Him.

No sarcasm. This is where you should start and consider the implications.
it's easy--I live in reality....not in fairytale land
jesus as son of god/rising from the dead/born to a virgin---all impossible to humans
let's be real here
we die and that's it...there are no floating spirits/energy/etc heaven or hell to go to
I, too, live in reality. Sadly it is a reality where some people, like you, refer to my beliefs as "fantasy" simply because you do not agree, or understand. Sad really. When one stops to really think about it, what do you really know, and what do you believe because of the "proof" you have be presented with? Take, for instance, any event that you did not personally witness. Did it happen? Well, one can show lots of "proof" that it did, one can also show "proof" that it did not, hence the abundance of "conspiracy theories".

I believe that this is an accurate depiction of the pyramids of giza:
View attachment 188383
However, as I have never been there, I have little choice but to either believe the evidence, or disbelieve it. All the photos I have ever seen may well be part of a huge "fake news" conspiracy, but the evidence is quite substantial that that is untrue, so I believe. How is that any different from faith in a higher power, or god? I cannot prove, nor disprove the existence, but I choose to believe the evidence that there is. You choose to disbelieve the evidence. How does that equate to one being the truth, and one being a "fantasy"?
sad??!! sad?? !!! what??? sad?? are wrong--we know the Twin Towers were destroyed on 9-11--there is video proof as well as chain of custody witnesses
...we know the A bombs destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki
..we know the Titanic sank
  1. 1.
    the faculty or activity of imagining things, especially things that are impossible or improbable.
until you can prove there is a god, your beliefs are fantasy

the pyramid analogy is so ridiculous
the pyramids are REAL
Well, prove it then, not with pictures (that can be doctored) but with hard, irrefutable evidence. Did you SEE any of those things happen? Are you a witness? No? Then you are taking other peoples' word for it, plain and simple. The fact that there are far more people saying one thing than the other does not make it true. If you recall your history, it was once the consensus that the Earth was flat. The vast majority of people said so, and believed it. Did that make it true? Of course not. Thus, my point. Anything you did not, personally, experience/witness, you have to have a certain amount of faith to believe. Same is true for religious/spiritual faith.

The difference here is that you CHOOSE to believe that 9/11 happened, the Atomic bombs were dropped, and the Titanic sank. It is a well informed choice, as there is quite a bit of evidence that those things happened. There is also quite a bit of evidence that there is a god. You just choose not to believe it.
travel to Egypt for one
I can't travel somewhere to see god
start being reasonable --the pyramid analogy is nonsensical
You are completely missing my point here. Yes, I could travel to Egypt and, supposedly, see the pyramids. I can also look outside and see what I believe is evidence that there IS a god. The point I am trying to make here is that we believe what we do based on the evidence we have been presented with. For you, it would seem, you have not been presented with the evidence you desire to believe there is a god. Yet, I have no doubt, there are things that you have been provided with similar evidence of that you do believe. I have no doubt that there have been cases in which you believe someone has seen something/someone that can provide no further evidence than their word, and yet you believe them. Why, then, do you not believe those who say they have "seen" their god? What is the difference?
Omniscience Is an Insult to Human Intelligence

Witnesses from a primitive era aren't worth paying attention to. Besides, the narrative comes to illogical conclusions. If so many people had seen Jesus's miracles, certainly they would have stopped his crucifixion. They would have believed they'd go straight to Heaven if they lost their lives doing so. Yet even his apostles chickened out. And how can you explain Judas, supposedly seeing all the proof of JC's divinity and yet still betraying Him? Doesn't add up. As with many other useless degrees, those who aren't good at math go into Theology.
IIf there is a god, what does that mean?

Great question. One people usually aren't willing to explore. I see gods as social "memes" of a sort. A god is a construct representing a set of values, beliefs and goals shared by believers.
Great question. One people usually aren't willing to explore.
As shown by many of the responses so far.

So, assuming there is a god of some sort, what does that mean? By which I mean, "What does that mean to you in your life?"
Love God’s creation and God will love you.
Nature Is Not Supernatural

Tree-hugging nature-worship by misfits who know they don't belong is actually primitive and pagan.
Atheist Liberals hug trees.
what about atheist conservatives?
I, too, live in reality. Sadly it is a reality where some people, like you, refer to my beliefs as "fantasy" simply because you do not agree, or understand. Sad really. When one stops to really think about it, what do you really know, and what do you believe because of the "proof" you have be presented with? Take, for instance, any event that you did not personally witness. Did it happen? Well, one can show lots of "proof" that it did, one can also show "proof" that it did not, hence the abundance of "conspiracy theories".

I believe that this is an accurate depiction of the pyramids of giza:
View attachment 188383
However, as I have never been there, I have little choice but to either believe the evidence, or disbelieve it. All the photos I have ever seen may well be part of a huge "fake news" conspiracy, but the evidence is quite substantial that that is untrue, so I believe. How is that any different from faith in a higher power, or god? I cannot prove, nor disprove the existence, but I choose to believe the evidence that there is. You choose to disbelieve the evidence. How does that equate to one being the truth, and one being a "fantasy"?
sad??!! sad?? !!! what??? sad?? are wrong--we know the Twin Towers were destroyed on 9-11--there is video proof as well as chain of custody witnesses
...we know the A bombs destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki
..we know the Titanic sank
  1. 1.
    the faculty or activity of imagining things, especially things that are impossible or improbable.
until you can prove there is a god, your beliefs are fantasy

the pyramid analogy is so ridiculous
the pyramids are REAL
Well, prove it then, not with pictures (that can be doctored) but with hard, irrefutable evidence. Did you SEE any of those things happen? Are you a witness? No? Then you are taking other peoples' word for it, plain and simple. The fact that there are far more people saying one thing than the other does not make it true. If you recall your history, it was once the consensus that the Earth was flat. The vast majority of people said so, and believed it. Did that make it true? Of course not. Thus, my point. Anything you did not, personally, experience/witness, you have to have a certain amount of faith to believe. Same is true for religious/spiritual faith.

The difference here is that you CHOOSE to believe that 9/11 happened, the Atomic bombs were dropped, and the Titanic sank. It is a well informed choice, as there is quite a bit of evidence that those things happened. There is also quite a bit of evidence that there is a god. You just choose not to believe it.
travel to Egypt for one
I can't travel somewhere to see god
start being reasonable --the pyramid analogy is nonsensical
You are completely missing my point here. Yes, I could travel to Egypt and, supposedly, see the pyramids. I can also look outside and see what I believe is evidence that there IS a god. The point I am trying to make here is that we believe what we do based on the evidence we have been presented with. For you, it would seem, you have not been presented with the evidence you desire to believe there is a god. Yet, I have no doubt, there are things that you have been provided with similar evidence of that you do believe. I have no doubt that there have been cases in which you believe someone has seen something/someone that can provide no further evidence than their word, and yet you believe them. Why, then, do you not believe those who say they have "seen" their god? What is the difference?
..if the pyramids were fake--it would be all over the internet---so forget that ridiculous analogy
Tuts Are for Nuts!

But then what if all the people who post on the Internet are part of a vast conspiracy out there to prove that the pyramids are fake? With that in mind (or somewhere), I have to be agnostic about the pyramids.
I first came here, to see if there was anything concrete that people believed in. Apparently, there's not. Not here, anyways.

Curious why you say that? Of course there is! But it is unique to every individual and you must find your own way. The spiritual path isn't like a diet that someone can recommend and you simple follow steps A, B and C and get there. The soul measures progress in its own way---- for some it might take many lifetimes; for others, they might realize God in an instant. The best way to find God is to first find someone else who has found God, a bonafide aspirant you have faith in who can guide you.
They’re just going to spout a bunch of bible stuff without any serious proof. I have yet to find anyone who has actually found god, they might say they have, but when questioned, it’s obvious that they haven’t found shit.
they think they've found him--in their minds only
I have yet to find anyone who has actually found god, they might say they have, but when questioned, it’s obvious that they haven’t found shit.

Really! So you haven't "found God," so don't know the first thing about Him, but you sure as hell know when someone else tells you they did and are lying?" Gee.

The funny thing about threads like this is that even when presented with a genuine opportunity to learn, none of the people actually asking the questions want to take advantage of the opportunity when presented to them! Proof positive that those claiming "a lack of evidence" are really just saying: "a lack of desire" on their part. You don't want to know, you just want to try to discredit and knock holes in anyone who says that religion and faith are not a waste of time. In other words, YOU are a waste of time.
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