Is there anyone else besides me who now feels uncomfortable in the company of Democrats?

OK….we’ve had a slew of Democrats do a good job of demonstrating the depth and unjustified contempt they have for people who chose Trump over Biden, which helps demonstrate the attitude that we face when in their company, but let’s get back to the topic:

How do we - good, decent, responsible people who realized Trump was a better option than Biden - deal with the contemptuous remarks issued by Democrats about Trump voters in our presence?
Point out the most obvious bullshit. :D
We sure love it when you go into your "Mac1958 is so cool" routine. They all say, "Look at what Mac1958 said! Isn't Mac1958 a clever one?"

Be honest. That's the reason you hang out here -- because the people all think you're so wonderful!
Mac is the most arrogant member of this forum - too stupid to know that he’s average, at best - and that his sanctimonious attitude just puts people off.
OK….we’ve had a slew of Democrats do a good job of demonstrating the depth and unjustified contempt they have for people who chose Trump over Biden, which helps demonstrate the attitude that we face when in their company, but let’s get back to the topic:

How do we - good, decent, responsible people who realized Trump was a better option than Biden - deal with the contemptuous remarks issued by Democrats about Trump voters in our presence?
Speak the truth but do not be surprised that the opposition will not learn, cannot learn, does not WANT to learn. That would require them to admit that they were wrong, and that is something they never do. Evil is like that. It always doubles down.
Oh? What's that morality and "common sense" based on?

Faggotry and "Climate Change" religion? G'luck with that!
Before meeting you, I'd never met anyone who thought that morality was built on faggotry.

Now I have.

So, I've learned something today. It's not something I wanted to learn, but that's how life rolls.

I do understand why you can't understand liberal ethics. They're built on empathy and common sense, qualities possessed by normal people, but which are totally alien to Trump cultists.

And since you're here, go on and tell us more about your faggotry ethics. How does that work? Do you earn credits with God for homosexual acts?

And how do people around you react when you start preaching to them about faggotry ethics?
Then the democrats got into office. Lockdowns masking, shut down of the ports, schools, shortages, empty shelves. Democrats even took away toilet paper. The murders of the elderly in nursing homes. Businesses destroyed. On and on and on as Fauci milked every cent he could. Forced vaccinations, destroyed military.
All for NOTHING. In the end it was over, like a miracle when people said NO MORE. Just like Trump said. He was right all along. But, democrats had to grind it in first.

If there could be a glaring reason why democrats should never have power again, the Covid Catastrophe is a big one.
Thanks for the vax etc hoax, so dupes around the world kept Covid going and wrecked the supply chain. What a load of total hateful crap you're full of, hater dupe...All that stuff happened under Trump. DUHHH....
Like, for instance, the precious snowflake rube cultists who think Trump won the election.
Now trump is trying to install election deniers in SoS positions in key states to oversee the he can steal future elections. This is not is full out fascism.
Stop lying.
Nobody here is lying, but the hater dupes like you are totally misinformed by greedy idiot megarich GOP lying swine...Murdoch Trump and internet insanity from them and Russians, Chinese, Iranians. Try reality and journalism instead of garbage propaganda- outside you bubble of crap, the entire world agrees you're technically insane politically....
No. I would have responded with "oh really ..tell me more" or if less talkative "Thanks! I will remember that," and go back to eating.
Agreed. Personally, at this stage in my life, I refuse to endure any discomfort that I am in control of averting.
I would simply say goodbye, and get up and leave. Or I never would have attended in the first place if I had prior knowledge that certain people who are prone to certain behavior were going to be there.

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