Is there anyone else besides me who now feels uncomfortable in the company of Democrats?

I hate them.

I'm lucky that I don't have to hang out with them much. The only place I have to go in my neck of the woods where I'm likely to run into a pack of them is shopping in Sioux Falls. I grocery shop at the co-op and other organic markets where the employees are generally okay and some are genuinely likable, but the patrons stink like democrats. Almost everywhere else I've shopped -- the furniture store, the hardware store, the appliance store, the fabric/craft store -- everybody is pretty normal.
You‘re lucky. It’s pretty bad around here, where government employees are protected with secure jobs, tied to inflation, and don’t have to face the consequences of their vote.
You‘re lucky. It’s pretty bad around here, where government employees are protected with secure jobs, tied to inflation, and don’t have to face the consequences of their vote.
Well at least you're starting to learn your place. 😁
That troll NEVER passes up an opportunity to make yet another lame attempt at insulting someone it disagrees with politically. That's why I have it in the quiet corner all the time.
Maybe I should put it there now, but it did help demonstrate the pure, unadulterated, and unjustified demonization for its fellow citizens, much like 1930s Germans felt to Jews.
They cheered, and still cheer, and adored, and still adore, a vulgar man-child who has spent the last six years insulting and name-calling anyone who dared to cross him.

And they say they're nice people.

Sometimes all you can do is shake your head.
Comfy up on that fence, Mr. Moderate?
And that is a law where?

Yep. It's why I don't pay her any attention. I read her posts and move on (well, except for this one :)) This is just a whiny, bitchfest.
"Why are liberals so MEAN to Trump supporters?". Answer, because you usually can't help but make asshats out of yourself.
Damn, I wish I was as good at something -- ANYTHING -- as you are at projecting.

First rule of your kind -- try to convince your opponent that they are as bad as YOU ACTUALLY ARE.

I used to work with victims of domestic abuse and every single one of them reported that their partner did that -- accused them of that which they, the abusers, were guilty of.

We see through you and are kind of amused by the fact that you don't realize how transparent you are.
Maybe I should put it there now, but it did help demonstrate the pure, unadulterated, and unjustified demonization for its fellow citizens, much like 1930s Germans felt to Jews.
Run to your safe spaces and backwoods you cuck whites. I don't mind at all you signaling your retreat. I imagine trumpets blaring as you fuck off into the woods. 😄

So... I ask for laws in how a company must behave and follow Tham impact their customers and you give me employment laws.


LOL now and say I am saying or feeling things I am not.
^^^ And here we have an example of a Democrat who claims I “adore” Trump when the plain truth is that he was the preferred option over Biden, as the past 18 months have shown.

The false beliefs that some of these Democrat posters are exhibiting demonstrate what I am talking about.
^^^ And here we have yet another Trumpster who is ignorant about my politics.

You people are terribly boring. If you don't like my posts, don't read them.
So... I ask for laws in how a company must behave and follow Tham impact their customers and you give me employment laws.


LOL now and say I am saying or feeling things I am not.

It is not just employment, they also cannot discriminate against their customers along those lines.

How do you not know these things?
It is not just employment, they also cannot discriminate against their customers along those lines.

How do you not know these things?
Dunno dude. How do you not know so many things you don't seem to know.

Show me where in the equal employment opp laws it says they can censure political views of their customers.

This should be fun.
Dunno dude. How do you not know so many things you don't seem to know.

Show me where in the equal employment opp laws it says they can censure political views of their customers.

This should be fun.

Political views are not a protected class. The Laws to do not list what you CAN do, but what they cannot do. Again, how do you not know these things?

Political views are not a protected class. The Laws to do not list what you CAN do, but what they cannot do. Again, how do you not know these things?

This is so cute!!!

It seems like just yesterday, because it was, you said you do not know the rules a platform must follow.

Suddenly you are an expert.

How did I.kt see this coming??? Oh, I did.

LOL amd get all pompous now. It's what you do.
The fact that a person who adores and follows the most vulgar, juvenile, pugilistic political figure America has ever seen, would even TRY a thread like this is a study in self delusion. A study in pathology.

There is simply no reconciling those two spectacularly contrasting and contradictory conditions.

But worst and most dangerous of all, she and they believe every word.
Your TDS is showing, Mac.
Your TDS is showing, Mac.

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