Is there anyone who still believes in gun control?

You have a factually incorrect statement in your post. In all but 17 States one CAN legally own a fully Automatic weapon. All they need do is apply for and pay for a permit from the Federal Government. They will do a background check and if you are clean they will issue said Permit. You need one for every specific weapon you have that has full auto capability.

Don't you also need the approval of local law enforcement? So basically in rural texas sherriff Bob will sign off on it, and probably join you for your target shooting, but in Austin you a pretty much out of luck, as the PD would never sign off on it.

I don't think so. Would depend on laws about specific firearms. For example in NC you need a sheriffs permit to get a handgun but not for a shotgun or a long gun. The application and permit are Federal not State. Again though there may be a specific State law about some hoop you need to jump through for them.

The point is ONLY 17 States actually ban fully automatic weapons.

Found something about it. Basically Sherriff Bob has to say you arent going to ventilate the local 7-11 before you can get your Ma-Deuce. There is a way around it though.

International Police Supply
I don't think so. Would depend on laws about specific firearms. For example in NC you need a sheriffs permit to get a handgun but not for a shotgun or a long gun. The application and permit are Federal not State. Again though there may be a specific State law about some hoop you need to jump through for them.

The point is ONLY 17 States actually ban fully automatic weapons.

Like everything else firearms related it depends greatly on what State you are in.

For example, here in MA, you CAN get a machinegun license in certain towns, but not in others. In some places, to discharge the firearm in full-auto mode you must inform the local PD at least 24 hours in advance of the shooting activity. That's the way it is at the Pistol & Rifle club I used to belong to. West Boylston requires a 24 hour notice of any full-auto shooting activity. They log it in their records.

Now, if you're in Springfield, Boston, Worcester, or most other large cities in Massachusetts you can't even get a pistol permit, nevermind a machinegun license. Forget about it. It just isn't going to happen. The local PD WILL NOT ISSUE THEM. The only way to even have a chance to possess one is to have a Dealer's License and FFL; and the state is even cracking down on those. If you don't have a business license and a storefront they're giving people crap over renewing the licenses.
Federal law regarding fully automatic weapons requires the owner to keep the Federal Government informed of where the weapon is stored at all times. This may be true of local authorities also.
Everyone believes in gun control. Even people who believe in the 2nd Amendment also believe that there has to be legitimate control over the posession and use of deadly weapons. You can't legally posess a fully automatic weapon and crazy people and convicted felons are prohibited from purchasing firearms. The dirty little secret is that when liberals use the word "control" they really mean "confiscation". Libs aren't satisfied with the thousands of pages of firearms laws already on the books. They want total control.

Actually you're wrong about the machine gun part. I own several machine guns (legally) and there are well over one million of them in private hands. The last time I checked there were only 4 states where machine guns were totally illegal for civilians to own. There is a requirement for the CLEO (Chief Law Enforcement Official, whether Sheriff or Chief of Police, depends on if you live in the city or not) of the area where you live to sign off on the transfer of your machine gun. There are some CLEO's who won't sign for any reason but there is a way around that. I don't remember what it is because I've never had the issue.
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We don't need more laws, that is the problem now. We have laws. What we lack are people with spines that will fry the people who abuse the freedom. I got my first 410 when I was 9 almost 60 years ago, not one gum of mine has ever been involved in any illegal activity or gone off accidentally.

The gun problem comes from people who do not and will not obey any law we already have, remove them from society, not dinner, no medical just a short electrical bill and they are done.
Everyone believes in gun control. Even people who believe in the 2nd Amendment also believe that there has to be legitimate control over the posession and use of deadly weapons. You can't legally posess a fully automatic weapon and crazy people and convicted felons are prohibited from purchasing firearms. The dirty little secret is that when liberals use the word "control" they really mean "confiscation". Libs aren't satisfied with the thousands of pages of firearms laws already on the books. They want total control.

no. control seems to mean control at least for normal people.

most rightwingnuts don't acknowledge that there should be ANY controls. Crazy people aren't supposed to have to get background checked b/c they have a "right" to a gun.

btw, i think it's pretty safe to say i'm considered a "liberal".

my husband and son shoot. *shrug*
I am a right wing nut to use your words and I believe in background checks but I also believe in accountability and punishment for misuse This is about personal responsibility..
Everyone believes in gun control. Even people who believe in the 2nd Amendment also believe that there has to be legitimate control over the posession and use of deadly weapons.
I fully supprt any gun control that does two things:
-Keeps guns from those who cannot legally have them
-Does not infringe on the rights of the law abiding.
To this date, I have found none.

You can't legally posess a fully automatic weapon
Yes you can. I have two.

and crazy people and convicted felons are prohibited from purchasing firearms
No issues with that - they have lost their right thru due process.

The dirty little secret is that when liberals use the word "control" they really mean "confiscation".
That's the end-game, yes.
I believe in gun control.
I believe in making laws that severally punish law breakers, and keeps them from getting guns.
But I not not believe in taking away guns for law abider's.
I do not like gun activities who think that guns must be outlawed from all because the minority abuse the use of guns.

If you're out there, please tell us why!

I support gun control, but not in the US. The only reason I do not support it here is that we have a Constitution that guarantees us a right to own guns. As for countries that do have gun control laws, their crime rates are considerably lower. It's just a simple fact that having more guns leads to more deaths. Now, do I support full registration of guns? Yes, and I think you should have to pass significant background checks before being permitted to purchase a gun.

If you're out there, please tell us why!

Sure...if it means holding it with two hands....

Here's a better idea:

[ame=]YouTube - Chris Rock - Bullet Control[/ame]
most rightwingnuts don't acknowledge that there should be ANY controls.
Show this to be true.

Crazy people aren't supposed to have to get background checked b/c they have a "right" to a gun.
More head-in-assery.
No one is supposed to get a background check because background checks violate the constitution.

btw, i think it's pretty safe to say i'm considered a "liberal".
Indeed- you -do- exhibit all the classical sympotms of that affliction, from the acute inability formulate and then support a sound premise to the pathological need to lie about your education and credentials to as to make up for the rather mundane nature of your true existence.
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most rightwingnuts don't acknowledge that there should be ANY controls.
Show this to be true.

Crazy people aren't supposed to have to get background checked b/c they have a "right" to a gun.
More head-in-assery.
No one is supposed to get a background check becaus ebackground checks violate the constitution.

btw, i think it's pretty safe to say i'm considered a "liberal".
Indeed- you -do- exhibit all the classical sympotms of that affliction, from the acute inability formulate and then support a sound premise to the pathological need to lie to others about your education and credentials in order to make of for the rather mundane nature of your true existence.

it doesn't "violate the constitution" to have background checks. but thanks for proving my point.


do you really think that engages me in any type of discussion. or does it get you rep points from your fellow imbeciles?

and, unlike you, i don't lie. but it's sad that you're so insecure and have such teeny weeny genitalia that the only way you can engage is to pretend that i do lie.

tell me, do your guns make up for not having a working shwinky?
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I wonder how many blacks belong to the NRA?

I don't know, but I do know that one black man that is a tea partier owns a gun.
You know the one, that the left media tried to say was white and did not show his whole body that proved he was black.
What does the color of your skin have to do with our constitutional rights to own guns, got to do with anything?
Why not ask - how many browns or yellows belong to the NRA?

If you're out there, please tell us why!

Yeah, I believe in it.

Waiting periods are good. Tough background checks are good. Harsh penalties for gun owners who don't behave responsibly are good. Disqualification for those with certain categories of criminal record are good.

I don't think those are unreasonable positions, but I won't be surprised to be in a minority.

I'm with you on this.

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