Is this a fair representative of Christianity?

that's a bit harsh

people need to die for posting the dictionary definition of a word.... :eusa_eh:

churches (all) are full of needless rituals designed to bring tons of money in and create conformity

governments too...

Civil marriage is a marriage performed, recorded, and recognized by a government official.[1]
The 7 Catholic Sacraments

jezuz krist there's 7 of them
I've done them all but anointing the sick and holy orders.
well get off your ass or it's hell for you.

or is getting baptized your get out of hell free card?

been to so many different churches, it's hard to keep all that straight.
The only get out of jail card (for Catholics anyway) is penance. But you have to mean it.

For other Christian sects, as long as you accept Jesus as your savior you can pretty much do as you please.
That is incorrect. "Doing as you please" means you are a Christian. A Christian puts his will under God's will.
Not at all. I'm curious to know if that is a fair representative of Christianity.

When Christ walked the earth he:

1) Was baptized, commanded baptism in his name.
2) Forgave sins
3) Said he was the bread of life, and that people should celebrate the Last Supper in remembrance of him.
4) Taught God's original intentions for marriage
5) Sent the Holy Spirit upon his disciples
6) Appointed/Anointed Twelve Apostles to continue his work
7) Healed the sick and dying.

The early Church set up a ministry that revolved around these actions and teachings of Christ. They came to be known as the seven sacraments.

Fast forward to the Reformation when Protestants chose to remove observances such as Confession, life-time marriage, priesthood dating back to the anointing of the Apostles, the Sacrament of the sick and dying, Confirmation (anointing by the Holy Spirit). In other words, Protestants announced that Sacraments were a "Catholic thing" and Catholics had gotten everything wrong.

Catholics lives and ministries continue to revolve around these seven mains ministries and teachings of Christ, so yes, Catholics would say that the Sacraments are an accurate depiction of what Christ did and taught (i.e. 'Christianity').

However, many non-Catholic Christians are still convinced Catholics got it all wrong, and they would be quite offended to hear of Sacraments being associated with 'their' Christianity. That's how Catholics do things! Not all Christians! :)
The 7 Catholic Sacraments

jezuz krist there's 7 of them
I've done them all but anointing the sick and holy orders.
well get off your ass or it's hell for you.

or is getting baptized your get out of hell free card?

been to so many different churches, it's hard to keep all that straight.
The only get out of jail card (for Catholics anyway) is penance. But you have to mean it.

For other Christian sects, as long as you accept Jesus as your savior you can pretty much do as you please.

ravi---don't be crude----you have been a very nice boy so far------so COOL IT.....
The 7 Catholic Sacraments

jezuz krist there's 7 of them
I've done them all but anointing the sick and holy orders.
well get off your ass or it's hell for you.

or is getting baptized your get out of hell free card?

been to so many different churches, it's hard to keep all that straight.
The only get out of jail card (for Catholics anyway) is penance. But you have to mean it.

For other Christian sects, as long as you accept Jesus as your savior you can pretty much do as you please.

ravi---don't be crude----you have been a very nice boy so far------so COOL IT.....
I'm not a boy and how was that crude?
Why is it that so many people are concerned as to ones personal beliefs? What do they fear? Is it guilt, lack of personal accountability, morality, or is it that they are just afraid of being held accountable when all is said and done? I have known a great number of people that justify their existence by how they conduct themselves and yet when its time to give of themselves or their precious money they don't.
Why is it that so many people are concerned as to ones personal beliefs? What do they fear? Is it guilt, lack of personal accountability, morality, or is it that they are just afraid of being held accountable when all is said and done? I have known a great number of people that justify their existence by how they conduct themselves and yet when its time to give of themselves or their precious money they don't.
Thanks for the non answer.
You're trying to say a sacrament defines Christianity?

No. I was talking about this part:

"Nope. You don't. Now go sit down, you piece of shit. You need to look up words before you presume to tell people what they mean.

You people do need to die."

I included the entire post to include context.

Oh, so you're butt hurt. Carry on
Not at all. I'm curious to know if that is a fair representative of Christianity.
I believe it's a fair representative of the kind of christianity we see a lot of here.
The 7 Catholic Sacraments

jezuz krist there's 7 of them
I've done them all but anointing the sick and holy orders.
well get off your ass or it's hell for you.

or is getting baptized your get out of hell free card?

been to so many different churches, it's hard to keep all that straight.
The only get out of jail card (for Catholics anyway) is penance. But you have to mean it.

For other Christian sects, as long as you accept Jesus as your savior you can pretty much do as you please.

ravi---don't be crude----you have been a very nice boy so far------so COOL IT.....
I'm not a boy and how was that crude?

ravi ----I am a mother-----to me all males are "boys" It is not nice to accuse Christians of ----EASILY getting out of sin by simply "confessing" it is not true. Christians do not take sin lightly
ravi---don't be crude----you have been a very nice boy so far------so COOL IT.....
I'm not a boy and how was that crude?

ravi ----I am a mother-----to me all males are "boys" It is not nice to accuse Christians of ----EASILY getting out of sin by simply "confessing" it is not true. Christians do not take sin lightly

and all females are not boys, speaking of crudeness...

she was responding to the previous poster who used the term ''get out of jail free card" so you ought to just cool it yourself.
The 7 Catholic Sacraments

jezuz krist there's 7 of them
I've done them all but anointing the sick and holy orders.
well get off your ass or it's hell for you.

or is getting baptized your get out of hell free card?

been to so many different churches, it's hard to keep all that straight.
The only get out of jail card (for Catholics anyway) is penance. But you have to mean it.

For other Christian sects, as long as you accept Jesus as your savior you can pretty much do as you please.
yea that's right

catholics have to go to confession, lutherans do a group ritual
Yeah, dumped in the water, lol.
yea, they get baptized, like the rest

but they have a group confession as a part of every service. they all stand up and say the same thing, it's WAY lamer than catholics
that's a bit harsh

people need to die for posting the dictionary definition of a word.... :eusa_eh:

churches (all) are full of needless rituals designed to bring tons of money in and create conformity

governments too...

Civil marriage is a marriage performed, recorded, and recognized by a government official.[1]
Two true

obama took an oath to uphold the Constitution

The 7 Catholic Sacraments

jezuz krist there's 7 of them
I've done them all but anointing the sick and holy orders.
well get off your ass or it's hell for you.

or is getting baptized your get out of hell free card?

been to so many different churches, it's hard to keep all that straight.
The only get out of jail card (for Catholics anyway) is penance. But you have to mean it.

For other Christian sects, as long as you accept Jesus as your savior you can pretty much do as you please.

ravi---don't be crude----you have been a very nice boy so far------so COOL IT.....
I've talked with plenty of people that had a strict heaven-hell view of baptism.

If hitler was baptised, hes in heaven
if a new born dies w/o being baptised it's in hell
Just how do gay couples go about destroying traditional marriage? I have no clue. In all of my years of practicing marriage and family therapy, I have never seen or heard of a straight marriage failing because two gay men or women wanted to get married. I've never really understood the logic behind this argument, probably because there is none.

No matter how loud the religious right may yell, gay marriage is not a threat to the institution of marriage. What does destroy marital relationships? Infidelity. Substance abuse. Addictions. Emotional and physical abuse. A lack of intimacy and mutual respect. Think any conservative Christians are guilty of any of these? Of course they are. But they are too busy throwing stones at others and less concerned about the plank in their own eyes. Tragically, gay men and women make a very attractive scapegoat for many congregations.

And what I found most troubling was the tweet sent out by former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee soon after the court's decision. His reaction on Twitter -- "Jesus wept" (which is a biblical reference to Jesus grieving the death of his friend Lazarus) -- is just absurd. Mr. Huckabee has absolutely no idea what he is talking about. No one, not even Mr. Huckabee, knows the emotional reaction of Christ to the demise of DOMA. And whether it's intended to or not, this type of language is a wink and nod to those who want to weaponize scripture so that they can advance their crusade of hate and intolerance in the name of God.

Instead of trying to determine the indeterminable, like Christ's emotional reaction to marriage equality, it would behoove all of us to look at what he actually said about same-sex relationships. And what we find in the Gospels is nothing, nada. Christ is silent on the subject. And where he is silent, we have no right to speak for him or try to remake him in our image.

What we do know is that Christ was an incredibly controversial figure in his day. He was a man who embraced the marginalized and challenged the established customs and caused so much anxiety among the Pharisees, the religious leaders who valued traditions over people (sound familiar?), that they tried to exterminate him by nailing him to a cross. They failed, the same way I think the pharisaical rants from Mr. Huckabee and others will fail to turn the growing tide of support for marriage equality.

Christ gave us two commandments to live by. First, love God. Second, love your neighbor as yourself. And our neighbor is just that, someone we share this planet with. And sadly, what we see in Huckabee's reaction and in so many others in the religious right is a faith not of love but of fear.

Christianity and Gay Marriage The Right Has It Wrong Brad Kennington
Just how do gay couples go about destroying traditional marriage? I have no clue. In all of my years of practicing marriage and family therapy, I have never seen or heard of a straight marriage failing because two gay men or women wanted to get married. I've never really understood the logic behind this argument, probably because there is none.

No matter how loud the religious right may yell, gay marriage is not a threat to the institution of marriage. What does destroy marital relationships? Infidelity. Substance abuse. Addictions. Emotional and physical abuse. A lack of intimacy and mutual respect. Think any conservative Christians are guilty of any of these? Of course they are. But they are too busy throwing stones at others and less concerned about the plank in their own eyes. Tragically, gay men and women make a very attractive scapegoat for many congregations.

And what I found most troubling was the tweet sent out by former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee soon after the court's decision. His reaction on Twitter -- "Jesus wept" (which is a biblical reference to Jesus grieving the death of his friend Lazarus) -- is just absurd. Mr. Huckabee has absolutely no idea what he is talking about. No one, not even Mr. Huckabee, knows the emotional reaction of Christ to the demise of DOMA. And whether it's intended to or not, this type of language is a wink and nod to those who want to weaponize scripture so that they can advance their crusade of hate and intolerance in the name of God.

Instead of trying to determine the indeterminable, like Christ's emotional reaction to marriage equality, it would behoove all of us to look at what he actually said about same-sex relationships. And what we find in the Gospels is nothing, nada. Christ is silent on the subject. And where he is silent, we have no right to speak for him or try to remake him in our image.

What we do know is that Christ was an incredibly controversial figure in his day. He was a man who embraced the marginalized and challenged the established customs and caused so much anxiety among the Pharisees, the religious leaders who valued traditions over people (sound familiar?), that they tried to exterminate him by nailing him to a cross. They failed, the same way I think the pharisaical rants from Mr. Huckabee and others will fail to turn the growing tide of support for marriage equality.

Christ gave us two commandments to live by. First, love God. Second, love your neighbor as yourself. And our neighbor is just that, someone we share this planet with. And sadly, what we see in Huckabee's reaction and in so many others in the religious right is a faith not of love but of fear.

Christianity and Gay Marriage The Right Has It Wrong Brad Kennington

Your grasp of reality is ludicrous-----Jesus was a Pharisee-----the major directive of Pharisees-----was LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF----and-----an extremely liberalized take on jurisprudence. See HILLEL
Where's ravi when you need her..she used to be the resident expert on racist slang before we tallied up the number of racial epithets that were used on the site, and it turned out that 99 percent of the time, it was ravi using them....

jesus hates it when you lie like that fyi...
So the topic of the OP was a call out with a quote from another thread.
Is that Flame zone?

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