Is this a fair representative of Christianity?

ravi---don't be crude----you have been a very nice boy so far------so COOL IT.....
I'm not a boy and how was that crude?

ravi ----I am a mother-----to me all males are "boys" It is not nice to accuse Christians of ----EASILY getting out of sin by simply "confessing" it is not true. Christians do not take sin lightly
Fundies do.

No, they do not. Not if they believe the Bible and are seeking to enter heaven one day. There will be no sinning Christians in heaven. If you sin like the world, you'll be judged like the world. One prayer at an altar does not make the difference. You either live the life or you don't.
then heaven is and always will be empty of humans.


hell is gunna need a waiting room

Wrong. When persecution comes? You'll be amazed at how serious people are going to get with God. For some that is what it takes. The Bible is clear that Jesus learned obedience by the things he suffered. We learn the same way. If a Christian is living in sin? They are backslidden.
I'm not a boy and how was that crude?

ravi ----I am a mother-----to me all males are "boys" It is not nice to accuse Christians of ----EASILY getting out of sin by simply "confessing" it is not true. Christians do not take sin lightly
Fundies do.

No, they do not. Not if they believe the Bible and are seeking to enter heaven one day. There will be no sinning Christians in heaven. If you sin like the world, you'll be judged like the world. One prayer at an altar does not make the difference. You either live the life or you don't.
then heaven is and always will be empty of humans.


hell is gunna need a waiting room

Wrong. When persecution comes? You'll be amazed at how serious people are going to get with God. For some that is what it takes. The Bible is clear that Jesus learned obedience by the things he suffered. We learn the same way. If a Christian is living in sin? They are backslidden.
good lord

you can't get through a day w/o sinning, it's impossible.

see ya in hell, try not to be shocked
No, it isn't. Do you think Jesus Christ would have told his followers be ye perfect as your heavenly father is perfect if it were not possible to come out of sin and walk as the LORD did? The bible says IF you sin you have an can confess your sins and be forgiven - it does not say WHEN because you shouldn't be doing it. If we could not discipline our own selves to keep ourselves from sin? It is written:

We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not, but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and the wicked one toucheth him not.
1 John 5:18

Is John a liar? No. This scripture is giving you the answer to Freedom from habitual sin.

God never told his followers to do penance. He said, REPENT.

To be clear your actions should not be sinful and neither should your words or your thoughts be sinful. Jesus said if you have lusted after a woman in your own heart you have committed adultery. We know that no adulterer is going to enter the kingdom of heaven so what must you do? You must be born again and ask the LORD to forgive you of your sins and cleanse you of all unrighteousness. Read Romans 10:9,10. You may need to walk away from companions that are tempting you to sin. You may need to stop going to places you used to go to. Stop watching television / movies that are full of sin and the world. Spend your time reading the Bible, praying, seeking the LORD sharing your faith with others. You can live and abide in Christ - it is most certainly possible - Paul did it, Timothy did it, John did it, James did it, millions of Christians since the Cross have done it - it is a choice. Life or death. Choose life.

Your friends won't do your time in hell for you.
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Do you see the word "church" in here:

"Full Definition of SACRAMENT
a : a Christian rite (as baptism or the Eucharist) that is believed to have been ordained by Christ and that is held to be a means of divine grace or to be a sign or symbol of a spiritual reality
b : a religious rite or observance comparable to a Christian sacrament "


Nope. You don't. Now go sit down, you piece of shit. You need to look up words before you presume to tell people what they mean.

You people do need to die.

Sacrament Definition of sacrament by Merriam-Webster

Of course not but consider who you are quoting. :lol:
You're trying to say a sacrament defines Christianity?

No. I was talking about this part:

"Nope. You don't. Now go sit down, you piece of shit. You need to look up words before you presume to tell people what they mean.

You people do need to die."

I included the entire post to include context.

Oh, so you're butt hurt. Carry on
Not at all. I'm curious to know if that is a fair representative of Christianity.
I believe it's a fair representative of the kind of christianity we see a lot of here.

I don't think so. Yeah there are some pretty hardcore religious nuts who post here and some of them have some very interesting ideas about what Christianity is all about....but Koshergrl...pfft. She's in a category all by herself
I've done them all but anointing the sick and holy orders.
well get off your ass or it's hell for you.

or is getting baptized your get out of hell free card?

been to so many different churches, it's hard to keep all that straight.
The only get out of jail card (for Catholics anyway) is penance. But you have to mean it.

For other Christian sects, as long as you accept Jesus as your savior you can pretty much do as you please.

ravi---don't be crude----you have been a very nice boy so far------so COOL IT.....
I'm not a boy and how was that crude?

ravi ----I am a mother-----to me all males are "boys" It is not nice to accuse Christians of ----EASILY getting out of sin by simply "confessing" it is not true. Christians do not take sin lightly

Ravi is female Rosie. :lmao:
ravi---don't be crude----you have been a very nice boy so far------so COOL IT.....
I'm not a boy and how was that crude?

ravi ----I am a mother-----to me all males are "boys" It is not nice to accuse Christians of ----EASILY getting out of sin by simply "confessing" it is not true. Christians do not take sin lightly
Hello? I'm not a male! Fuck a duck! Why do I get that label so often?
post some nekkid pics of yourself, that might help.

and keeping with the theme, wear a nuns hat and hold a rosary.
You are so going to hell.

God has a sense of humor. At least I hope...especially after last Easter when I served rabbit stew and hot cross buns for dinner
Here is what the LORD expects from his people - if our lives are not measuring up to this standard? Something is seriously wrong and we are in danger of hell - that is a warning to Christians. We cannot be telling people we hope they die. That is not something the LORD would ever say to a person. (ever) This man you see in the video - his name is John Mulinde - he is a missionary who lives in Kampala, Uganda. He thought his life was in order until he had an encounter in prayer with the LORD and found out that had he died? He would not have made heaven. This video is a must see for every person who is a Christian. And a must see for those who are not also - so that they will understand that God is not letting anyone get away with anything. He is watching everything - as you will learn in this video:

I'm not a boy and how was that crude?

ravi ----I am a mother-----to me all males are "boys" It is not nice to accuse Christians of ----EASILY getting out of sin by simply "confessing" it is not true. Christians do not take sin lightly
Hello? I'm not a male! Fuck a duck! Why do I get that label so often?
post some nekkid pics of yourself, that might help.

and keeping with the theme, wear a nuns hat and hold a rosary.
You are so going to hell.

God has a sense of humor. At least I hope...especially after last Easter when I served rabbit stew and hot cross buns for dinner

It's not one of his holy days - I doubt He cares what you served. For a list of the holy days see the Jewish feast days, Passover, etc. That is what the LORD recognizes.

Not this nonsense of Easter and the fertility bunny, Christmas and the Nicolatains Satanic celebration - Jesus wasn't even born that time of year - or any of the rest of what the RCC adapted from Pagan holy days.
ravi ----I am a mother-----to me all males are "boys" It is not nice to accuse Christians of ----EASILY getting out of sin by simply "confessing" it is not true. Christians do not take sin lightly
Hello? I'm not a male! Fuck a duck! Why do I get that label so often?
post some nekkid pics of yourself, that might help.

and keeping with the theme, wear a nuns hat and hold a rosary.
You are so going to hell.

God has a sense of humor. At least I hope...especially after last Easter when I served rabbit stew and hot cross buns for dinner

It's not one of his holy days - I doubt He cares what you served. For a list of the holy days see the Jewish feast days, Passover, etc. That is what the LORD recognizes.

Not this nonsense of Easter and the fertility bunny, Christmas and the Nicolatains Satanic celebration - Jesus wasn't even born that time of year - or any of the rest of what the RCC adapted from Pagan holy days.

I appreciate the sentiment but you completely missed the point. It's ok though. I am grateful for your tutelage. ;)
The only get out of jail card (for Catholics anyway) is penance. But you have to mean it.

For other Christian sects, as long as you accept Jesus as your savior you can pretty much do as you please.

ravi---don't be crude----you have been a very nice boy so far------so COOL IT.....
I'm not a boy and how was that crude?

ravi ----I am a mother-----to me all males are "boys" It is not nice to accuse Christians of ----EASILY getting out of sin by simply "confessing" it is not true. Christians do not take sin lightly
Fundies do.

No, they do not. Not if they believe the Bible and are seeking to enter heaven one day. There will be no sinning Christians in heaven. If you sin like the world, you'll be judged like the world. One prayer at an altar does not make the difference. You either live the life or you don't.
ALL of my sins have been paid for
Not just the ones before baptism and none of them after.
ALL have been paid for.

To say otherwise is to say His Blood isn't sufficient
ravi---don't be crude----you have been a very nice boy so far------so COOL IT.....
I'm not a boy and how was that crude?

ravi ----I am a mother-----to me all males are "boys" It is not nice to accuse Christians of ----EASILY getting out of sin by simply "confessing" it is not true. Christians do not take sin lightly
Fundies do.

No, they do not. Not if they believe the Bible and are seeking to enter heaven one day. There will be no sinning Christians in heaven. If you sin like the world, you'll be judged like the world. One prayer at an altar does not make the difference. You either live the life or you don't.
ALL of my sins have been paid for
Not just the ones before baptism and none of them after.
ALL have been paid for.

To say otherwise is to say His Blood isn't sufficient

No. It means that you have decided that "overcoming" is not something you are interested in doing. To him who overcomes.............. Remember that scripture in Revelation? You should.

It is written:

To him who overcometh will I give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God. Revelation 2:7

And if you do not overcome? You won't enter into the kingdom of heaven. Jesus made it very clear that he that endureth until the end the same shall be saved. (See Matthew Chapter 24)

The wedding has not taken place yet - Jesus isn't marrying a harlot. He is coming back for a Bride without spot or wrinkle. If that doesn't describe you and what you are striving for in your walk with Christ then watch the John Mulinde video and see what the LORD has to say to you about it.

Don't kill the messenger. I am just giving you the truth. I hope you will watch the video - it will make the message that much clearer to you.
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unkoshergrl thinks she speaks for all of Christianity

Christians view any marriage they participate in as a sacrament.

The problem with redefining marriage is that in redefining marriage, and then determining this new definition has civil rights attached to it, the state is forcing Christians to commit sacrilege, or be penalized under the law. Which is why we objected in the first place. And it's only been how many days???? And you see the screechers already calling for the heads of Christians if they don't participate and endorse.
To be fair, Hortysir, most Christians being told that it's all been done for them and that Jesus is even going to keep the commandments for us, he'll overcome for us, he'll deny himself once again so that we don't have to - and so's simply not true but understandable that if we would believe such a thing we would not be taking this as a message of life and death - as we should be - because truly - God isn't grading on a curve. We are going to have to strive to enter into the narrow gate - the narrow path - we are going to have to do this because it will be far too late to prepare once disaster is upon us. When persecution hits the church? I expect more than half to deny Christ and go home to their families rather than to tough it out. If they are told to take the mark or they won't have their homes, their jobs, their children, their food? And they believe this lie of once saved always saved? They may even take the mark - (RFID Chip manufactured by Lucent Technologies and already being tested) - it is very serious. We are going to have to take the scriptures as they were meant to be taken. Literally.

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